Liu Xu stepped forward to chat with He Changxiong and Li Tao, Ran Jing couldn't help but followed behind Liu Xu, but didn't speak.

After seeing off Li Tao and his wife, He Changxiong turned around, instead of looking at Liu Xu, he looked at Ran Jing.

"Siblings?" He Changxiong said with a smile.

Ran Jing blushed slightly.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "You have mistaken the person, she is my tenant.

"Oh, hello brother and sister." He Changxiong wanted to shake hands with Ran Jing.

"I said no!" Ran Jingming knew that there was a big man in front of her, but Xiaojiao lost her temper and turned her head in displeasure, refusing to shake hands with him.

He Changxiong is older than Liu Xu, so naturally he doesn't care about Ran Jing, he chuckled and said, "Just kidding, beauty, don't be angry, you are the first woman Liu Xu brought to see me, which means you are in Liu Xu's heart The status is very important.”

Ran Jing immediately showed surprise, her face turned redder, her eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Changxiong, be careful to become a gossip woman!" Liu Xu naturally knew that He Changxiong had a bad intention.

"I surrender!" He Changxiong said.

Liu Xu instructed: "You sit here, I'll come out later."

"Yeah." Ran Jing nodded.

Liu Xu entered the ward to treat Mr. He, checked him, and then withdrew.

After coming out, Liu Xu found that He Changxiong and Ran Jing were not there. He heard that the two were alone in the family room, but he could not help but smile wryly when he heard the content of their conversation.

It turned out that He Changxiong praised Liu Xu and advised Ran Jing to seize the opportunity, don't let such a good man run away, and live like a matchmaker.

Liu Xu opened the door and saw that Ran Jing was dumbfounded.

Seeing Liu Xu coming, Ran Jing immediately felt relieved, and hurriedly stood up and said, "Landlord, let's go!"

"Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs, but in fact, brother and sister, you are also tempted!" He Changxiong said suddenly.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1108 You and Chen Meijia were taught by a math teacher!

"Landlord, why is your friend so annoying? Is he vilifying himself to show off your glorious image as landlord?" Ran Jing was very reluctant, but her eyes flickered, and she was a little afraid to look directly at Liu Xu.

"No, now is his most handsome and chic moment." Liu Xu took the opportunity to speak harshly.

He Changxiong immediately showed a look that you are not mean enough.

As he spoke, he casually picked out some of the best tobacco, wine and tea from a large pile of gifts, handed them over, and said, "There are too many things here to use. Your family has a big business, so you have to use them. Just now, my younger siblings said you were going to see me." Mother-in-law, to celebrate the demolition, you will definitely get extra points if you send these over."

Ran Jing was ashamed and annoyed.

"Too few!" Liu Xu took what He Changxiong handed over, picked a few more from it, handed it to Ran Jing and said, "Help me carry some, don't waste it."

"Yes!" Ran Jing felt a sense of revenge.

Just as Liu Xu was about to leave, he stopped and said, "My Qinglong Lake clubhouse is open, and I will give you a batch of gold cards when the time comes, and you can help me get out."

"When will you be able to open it?" He Changxiong frowned and said, "Didn't the land matter just be approved?"

Liu Xu said with a smile: "I have already found someone to start work before the land is approved. Now that the land is approved, the project is almost done."


He Changxiong.

"How many cards do you plan to distribute?" He Changxiong said.

"There can't be too many of these things, or they won't be worth much." Liu Xu thought for a while and said casually, "Limited to 999 pieces, 1000 million each."

Ran Jing did a mental calculation on the sidelines when she heard half of it: "999 pieces, one piece is 999 million, [-] pieces is [-] billion?"

He Changxiong nodded and said, "Well, it's good for you, you have easily entered the ranks of tens of billionaires."

Ran Jing was doing mental calculations, and almost bit off her tongue when she heard He Changxiong's words, thinking that it would not be so fast to rob a bank.

"What did you say?" Ran Jing asked in surprise, "How many billion?"

"Ten billion!" He Changxiong said: "It's a soft girl coin, not a beautiful knife."

"Ten million for a membership card? Why don't you grab it! Landlord, you big profiteer!" Ran Jing looked at Liu Xu in disbelief.

Liu Xu snorted coldly, and said, "All the guests in my clubhouse are worth hundreds of millions, or provincial and ministerial leaders... To them, [-] million is nothing... Besides, all the drinking water in my clubhouse is used' Shenshui' heals illnesses and strengthens the body without illnesses, do you think it's worth the price?"

"Shenshui, if I were a billionaire woman, I would definitely like it!" Ran Jing said, touching her face involuntarily. Since drinking Liu Xu's Shenshui, every part of her body has changed for the better.

"That's enough." Liu Xu snapped his fingers.

"Oh, that's not expensive." Ran Jing nodded confusedly, thinking that what Liu Xu said was all right, she knew too well the efficacy of Shenshui, and no cosmetics could compare to it.

Then, Ran Jing felt that her brain was not enough, so she counted how much money Liu Xu could earn in a year with her fingers.

"I'm leaving."

Seeing Ran Jing standing there stupidly counting with her fingers, Liu Xu stretched out his hand to lightly support her waist, and led her out.

"Let's go! Are you still counting? You and Chen Meijia are taught by a math teacher!"

"Oh!" Ran Jing walked forward with Liu Xu holding her waist in a daze, and she didn't recover until she got into the car downstairs.

The two got into the car.

Ran Jing looked at Liu Xu enviously, and said, "Landlord, as soon as your clubhouse opens, you can become a billionaire in no time?"

"To a certain extent, yes." Liu Xu said.

This account is all on the surface, and you can know it by doing any calculations. In fact, he doesn't need to wait for the club to open. He is also a tens of billionaire now.

"Tch, I just praised you, and my jaw went up to the sky!" Ran Jing turned her head and ignored Liu Xu.

Liu Xu smiled and didn't care.

"Then if you have a higher status, more money, and more women, are you still willing to treat me to dinner and drink the magic water?" Ran Jing asked Liu Xu with her back turned.

"As long as you are my tenant, our agreement will always be valid." Liu Xu said.

Ran Jing immediately turned her head, showing anticipation, and asked: "You will soon be a billionaire, can you waive my rent? Can our food date be shortened from once a week to twice a week?"

"As long as you are willing to do all the housework, no problem!"

"Stinky landlord, I hate you so much!" Ran Jing angrily swung her small pink fist and hit Liu Xu on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't be angry, if I have time in the future, I will eat it twice a week." Liu Xu said.

Ran Jing immediately tossed her hair, put her hands on her hips, and said triumphantly: "So what about a billionaire, why don't he fall under the beauty of this stewardess!"

"Believe it or not, I'll throw you down?" Liu Xu threatened.

"Landlord, are you willing? I didn't sleep all night in the hospital." Ran Jing gently put her hair in her mouth, biting her hair, showing a sad look.

Liu Xu shook his head, put his hand on Ran Jing's head, and put it on his left shoulder, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, get a good sleep, and have dinner together at noon."

"Well, I fell asleep." Ran Jing said, leaning on Liu Xu, and fell asleep after a while.

Because of being too tired, he occasionally snored a few times, and his cute appearance and voice made Liu Xu laugh lightly.

When the car arrived at the gate of the villa, Ran Jing was still asleep.

After parking the car, Liu Xu carefully picked her up and gently sent her upstairs.

Liu Xu gently put Ran Jing on the bed, covered her with a quilt, sat by the bed, looked at her beautiful face, and thought, "It's just like Sleeping Beauty."

He couldn't help but move his hand and brushed her messy hair aside.

Ran Jing seemed to be aware of it, and frowned slightly, but as if she knew it was Liu Xu, she was relieved, showing a comfortable expression, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Taking another look at Ran Jing's sleeping and smiling face, Liu Xu walked out with firm steps, even if it was only for Ran Jing to sleep peacefully in the future, he must continue to show his strength and deter all villains who tried to hurt him and those close to him!


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1109 The Second Round of the Waist-length Skirt

Ran Jing fell asleep, and Liu Xu didn't call her, and waited for her to wake up after eating.

Taking out the Jade Immortal Sword, Liu Xu drew the sword in his hand, but he did not show any domineering, because the Jade Immortal Sword has no celestial power, and in the doomed world, he can't show his might.

Liu Xu's consciousness penetrated in, the war between Jin Ping'er and Yuan Ziyi is over, but the relationship is not good at all, of course they are sleeping now, because the body of the Blue Mountain Excalibur came to the world of Jade Immortals, exhausting its source Power, so as sword spirits, they are all asleep.

"It's a long way to go to return to the original world!"

"What world is next?"

"Fantasy? Magic? Science fiction?"


A beautiful figure came down from upstairs barefoot.

Ran Jing wiped her hair with one hand, held on to the handrail of the stairs with the other, and asked, "Landlord, who were you talking to just now?"

"I'm talking in my sleep." Liu Xu said casually.

"You haven't slept yet." Ran Jing went downstairs and looked at Liu Xu, her eyes sparkling.

Liu Xu glanced at Ran Jing who was standing on the stairs, and said helplessly, "Can you get dressed before coming down? Every time you wear that little skirt."

After Ran Jing woke up, she took a shower, and now she was wearing a pink nightdress and black lace panties.

"Landlord, where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen."

She walked down the stairs and walked to the kitchen, as if separating the bright upstairs from the dark indoors. The door was a picture frame, and she stood sideways in front of Liu Xu. Her delicate side face and tall figure were like a flawless painting.

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