No man can resist the allure of this painting.

Even Liu Xu was enraged by Ran Jing at this moment.

Ran Jing felt Liu Xu's hot gaze, blushed, and put her arms in front of Yue Xiong to block it.

As a result, the nightdress was lifted.

"That's it, the second round of the waist-length skirt." Liu Xu said maliciously.

"Tch, anyway, you're always peeking, you've seen everything from top to bottom, I don't care!" Ran Jing said with a strong mouth, but she still ran to the second floor quickly, scolding herself for being too careless, and eating a lot of food. deficit.

After walking a few steps on the stairs, Ran Jing turned her head and asked, "If you have time tomorrow, the community barbecue will be tomorrow! What are you looking at!"

Ran Jing put out a hand to cover her buttocks in embarrassment, and ran up quickly.

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow! By the way, Ran Jing, I want to ask you something. When my clubhouse opens, if I make a promotional video, would you like to act in it?" Liu Xu asked.

"Ah? You want me to act in a promotional video?" Ran Jing poked her head out of the stairs excitedly, her face flushed slightly.

For Ran Jing, a super smug woman, being on TV is something she can only wish for.

"I've already thought up the words for the advertisement, Qinglong Lake Clubhouse, a place where I want to be quiet." Liu Xu said solemnly.

"You rascal! I'm so mad!" Ran Jing ran up to the second floor angrily.

Liu Xu rushed upstairs and shouted: "You were right that day, your place has indeed grown bigger."

"Stinky rascal! I hate you!" Ran Jing yelled loudly.

After molesting Ran Jing successfully, Liu Xu laughed happily.

Liu Xu walked to the back of the living room, and through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he could see the nearby lawn and trees, the road ahead, and another villa ahead.

"If possible, I might as well buy the villa in the back, and then surround the middle into a large yard and dig out a swimming pool. It must be very comfortable to swim in when it's hot," Liu Xu thought.

At this time, it was already past the meal time, so Liu Xu casually made something for Ran Jing to eat.

After eating, it started to rain outside, Ran Jing continued to go upstairs to catch up on sleep, Liu Xu answered a phone call and went out.


Many people don't like rain very much, but because of the rain, many people, or things, have gathered together by chance.

Then, many things happened under such circumstances.

Like Ya Cafe.

A group of people sat together, they all gathered together because of the heavy rain, among them were Liu Xu and Wang Xiaoya.

The two of them had been walking in the rain, but of course they were holding umbrellas.

"Let's go grab a cup of coffee!"

"Didn't you just drink pearl milk tea?"

"But it's raining!"


It was as if the rain had just fallen, and it had started to fall before the two of them met, but since Wang Xiaoya spoke, Liu Xu naturally had no reason to refuse.

In the cafe, Wang Xiaoya twitched her nose, sniffed the air, and asked the young woman sitting opposite her: "You smell so good! What perfume do you use?"

The young woman opposite shook her head and said, "I never use perfume, does it smell?"

Wang Xiaoya nodded: "Yes! Super fragrant!"

Liu Xu couldn't help but nodded, he also smelled it, but the fragrance was a bit strange, he didn't think it smelled like perfume, but rather...

Liu Xu couldn't remember for a while.

Glancing at this young woman, Liu Xu suddenly found that this young woman was also a little strange, as if she was different from normal people, but he couldn't tell exactly what was different.

This made Liu Xu couldn't help but become interested in this young woman.

"Oh, that's right." The young woman looked up, "My husband likes to play with incense, so the house is always fragrant."

Wang Xiaoya asked curiously, "Is it Chenxiang?"

"It's not Chen Xiang." The young woman shook her head, "My husband studies the history of celebrities, and he is very fond of these things. I used to love them too. Let's talk about these things. They are rare and precious, but think about it now. , I always feel that it is too cloudy and unlucky."

Suddenly, the young woman stared at Xiaoya and asked in a low voice, "Do you think there are ghosts in this world?"

"This... not sure!" Wang Xiaoya said in an uncertain tone.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1110 Qingqing and Yanyan

She glanced at Liu Xu, Wang Xiaoya understood that Liu Xu didn't want ordinary people to know their abilities, and special people didn't care, but there was no need to say that he was a member of the Taoist sect if he met anyone!

The young woman ignored Wang Xiaoya, and asked as if talking to herself: "Who have you ever seen a ghost?"

"I've seen it before." The young woman said lightly, and Liu Xu looked at her in surprise.

The young woman said to herself: "I have one at home, a female ghost, and it was raised by my husband."

It was raining non-stop outside the coffee shop, and thunder still sounded from time to time. Although it was daytime, the whole atmosphere gave off an unspeakably eerie feeling.

The young woman took a sip of coffee and said softly: "I'm a fashion designer, but I don't like to design mass-market models. After I got married, I quit my job and opened my own studio at home to make some small boutiques, mainly Regular customer. Influenced by my husband, I noticed folk crafts. I collected these things and put them into my designs. A month ago, I just came back from Shanxi. I didn’t get much from this trip. I only got a pair of shoes , a pair of shoes worn by young women with small feet, three-inch golden lotus..."

Qingqing told her own story.

A month ago, Qingqing went to Shanxi, and Qingqing felt extremely tired after returning home.

However, fortunately, her husband is very kind to her, and loves her very much.

No, she is sitting comfortably on the bed now, soaking her feet in hot water, holding an iPad in her hand, and watching what she likes to watch on it.

At this time, Su Yue walked into the bedroom.

Qingqing raised her head and smiled at Su Yue. Su Yue held a band-aid in her hand and stuck it to the wound on her forehead.

Qingqing couldn't help letting out a soft cry, and said coquettishly: "Ah, it hurts, it hurts..." The eyes looking at Su Yue were particularly sad.

Su Yue sat down beside her, touched Qingqing's head distressedly, and said: "My wife, be careful, you bump into your carelessness, I won't let you go out from now on .”

Qingqing looked at Su Yue very aggrieved, and then her mind returned to the iPad.

Su Yue frowned, and said, "Look, you're still absent-minded, you said you'll just look at this thing as soon as you come back, what's so good about it?"

"Oh, I haven't read this all the time!"

Su Yue snatched the iPad, put it on the bed, and hugged Xiaoqing: "Don't look at me, look at me."

Qingqing was amused by Su Yue's almost childish behavior, and said with a smile: "Well, look at you, but you are not as good as the movie, and my husband's water is cold."

Su Yue immediately squatted down in front of the water basin, held Qingqing's feet and began to massage, Qingqing smiled sweetly.

"Husband, my legs have been so sore these past two days, it's like wearing small shoes all day...It's so comfortable, husband, you're so kind."

After hearing Qingqing's words, Su Yue smiled happily, and said dotingly: "If I'm not good, how can you look bad!"

"Haha, hubby, let me tell you, I didn't gain anything else from this trip, so I took away a pair of old shoes. They are pointed and narrow, and they are very beautiful, just like the pointed bamboo shoots, and the bird on them is embroidered like that." It’s like living. I was thinking, you said, what kind of beauties can wear these shoes in the past, anyway, my feet are big, three-inch golden lotus, I can’t wear them anymore. Hey, you can help me take a look later , see if it's okay."

Qingqing said a lot of things, Su Yue just smiled and asked, "How much did you charge?"

After hearing this, Qingqing suddenly narrowed her eyes and said, "Do you men like young women with small feet?"

After saying that, she withdrew her feet and said with a smile: "I won't show it to you. After you see the three-inch golden lotus, you don't love my feet anymore. What should I do?"

Qingqing put her feet in front of Su Yue's Yuexiong, and Su Yue quickly said: "Stop making trouble, the clothes are all showing off."

Even though he said this, his hand couldn't help touching Qingqing's foot.

"It's good to show off, it's good to show off..." Qingqing said slowly, with seductive eyes, and put the other leg in front of Su Yue's Yuexiong.

Su Yue's breathing immediately became rapid, his eyes were full of desire, and in the next second, they both fell on the bed.

Then the two quickly took off their clothes, and when they were about to carry out the next action, Qingqing's cell phone rang inappropriately.

Qingqing was a little annoyed and picked up the phone.


"Is it Miss Qingqing?" A crisp female voice came from the phone.

"I am, may I ask you?" Qingqing frowned and asked.

"I have an appointment with you today."

"You made an appointment with me today? I didn't receive any calls!" Qingqing was a little confused.

"I'm at your door, and no one listens when you ring the doorbell." The woman on the other end of the phone said.

"Oh, I didn't hear it just now, so I'll come out now... well, goodbye." Qingqing quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yue complained a little, Qingqing had no choice but to comfort Su Yue non-stop.

A few minutes later, Qingqing entered her studio with tea.

"Please use it."

"Is smoking allowed here?"

The visitor was a woman dressed in a rather retro style.

"Oh, of course, Mrs. Zhang introduced you! I'm so sorry. I just left the house and didn't have time to clean up. It's a mess. You'll laugh at me!" Qingqing said embarrassingly. .

The woman took out a golden cigarette case, lit it gracefully, and took a puff of cigarette.

Qingqing sat down opposite her, and after looking at her for a while, asked doubtfully, "We...have met somewhere?"

"Impossible." The woman shook her head.

"How to call you?" Qingqing didn't continue to struggle with this.

The woman exhaled a smoke ring and said, "Call me Yanyan!"


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