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Chapter 1111 Shoe Punch, Ghost Goes to Bed

"Yanyan? Qingqing? Our names are a match." Qingqing was a little happy, and it was a very common way to get closer to customers by name.

Yanyan took another puff of cigarette, and said calmly, "Maybe it's because of a predestined relationship in my previous life!"

Qingqing looked at the gorgeous clothes, admired them very much, and said with a smile, "What you are wearing is the style of the [-]s. It is very stylish. It is an antique, right? It looks well maintained!"

"In the past, the material was solid and the workmanship was fine." Yanyan replied flatly.

Qingqing nodded and said: "Then, what kind of ideas do you have for clothes? What kind of style do you want to design? I have some ready-made designs here. Of course, you must have some ideas of your own. I can also recreate them. Draw pictures, but it will take longer to remake the version, and the cost will be..."

Before she finished speaking, Yanyan took out several stacks of RMB from her bag, put them on the table, and said, "Let's make one first!"

Qingqing quickly shook her head and waved her hands, and said, "Just one piece, I'm not that expensive."

Yanyan insisted: "Just make one first, if what you make is not worth the price, then I won't wear it."

Saying that, Yanyan stood up and slowly observed in the studio for a while.

Yanyan's eyes stopped on Qingqing's model table.

Qingqing said with a smile: "Do you like these? These are the real old things that I took back from the countryside. Look at these old things, they are just different. Now, I don't have the skills to do so."

"Work is still secondary." Yanyan carefully touched the various materials on the table, "The mandarin ducks are embroidered for herself. This flower blooms wealth and prolongs life. It must be for parents, in-laws, and elders in the family. Look, these five sons are enthroned." Come alive, come around Fulu, it must be for your children and grandchildren, and a woman is in this stitch all her life."

Qingqing quickly said: "You are very kind. I want to incorporate these embroidery pieces into my design. Are you interested?"

Yanyan didn't say a word, and suddenly, she approached Qingqing.

"You smell so good!"

After smelling the smell of her hair, Yanyan backed away.

Qingqing shook her head with a smile, and said, "I never use perfume."

"Then you can make a little dress with old embroidery, and you can play it however you want." Yanyan finally answered Qingqing's question.

Qingqing said excitedly: "Wait a minute, I'll show you something!"

Qingqing walked to the room quickly, she was going to get the pair of little shoes she had just brought back, but when he went back again, he found that Yanyan was gone.

Qingqing put down her shoes, walked into the living room, and shouted, "Yanyan? Yanyan?"

When no one responded, she called again, "Husband? Husband?"

At this time, Su Yue came up from downstairs.

Qingqing felt strange and asked, "What are you doing down there? I've been calling you for a long time."

Su Yue smiled and said, "I'm packing up, what's wrong?"

"Have you seen my guest?"

"No!" Su Yue felt a little surprised.

Qingqing returned to the studio, picked up her mobile phone and dialed Yanyan, but an electronic female voice came out of the phone: "Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily out of service area, sorry..."

After hanging up the phone, Qingqing noticed the note on the table: Please send it to No. 74, Fenghuangshan Road, Yanyan when it's ready.

"What a strange person!" Qingqing thought to herself.

Now that Yanyan has left, she and Su Yue naturally want to carry out the unfinished business just now.

After some fierce ups and downs, Su Yue hugged Qingqing and said: "Qingqing, don't leave me, don't leave me."

Qingqing thought it was funny, and said, "What are you talking about? Who is leaving you?"

Su Yue sat up, touched Qingqing's fair and tender face, and said, "I love you so much, that's why I'm worried. This is from the bottom of my heart."

Qingqing said with a half-smile: "My mother told me since I was a child that I can't believe what a man says in bed."

Suddenly, Qingqing sat up and looked at everything in the room suspiciously, as if trying to find out something.

Seeing Qingqing's expression, Su Yue asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Qingqing asked with some fear: "Did you hear any sound?"

In the middle of the night, the room was silent, but at this moment, there were gusts of wind blowing in.

Qingqing's gaze was attracted by a faintly visible thing, and she asked, "What is that?"

She looked at the little red shoes on the ground behind the sheer curtain, and got out of bed quickly.

Su Yue got out of bed with her, picked up the shoes, and blamed him a little: "How can you put this thing in the bedroom!"

"I didn't put it!" Qingqing felt strange, she remembered that she had put the shoes in the studio, but why did they appear here now.

Su Yue sighed, and said, "It's either you or me, you little fool, you must have forgotten it, and I watched you take it before taking a bath."

After hearing Su Yue's words, Qingqing herself began to wonder if she had made a mistake in her memory.

Su Yue said softly again: "You still punch the toe of the shoe! Not good!"

Qingqing raised her head and asked, "What happened to the shoe punch?"

"Folk, there is an old saying - shoe punches, ghosts go to bed!"

Su Yue's words frightened Qingqing into a cold sweat, and said anxiously: "Oh, stop talking, hurry up, take it to the studio!"


Wang Xiaoya listened with relish, and asked: "Then what happened later?!"

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched, and his eyes were fixed on Qingqing. If there was something he overlooked before, he remembered it now.

This plot is clearly the plot of "ghosts go to bed" in "Soul Ferry"!

And the woman named Qingqing in front of her is not a normal person, she is a ghost.

Although she was dead, Qingqing herself didn't know it. She thought she was still alive, or she denied the fact that she was dead from the depths of her soul.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1112 Qingqing Tells Ghost Stories

Qingqing is deceiving herself with lies, so that her soul will not dissipate, and she can continue to stay in the world.

Although he already knew the follow-up plot, Liu Xu didn't say anything, but quietly listened to Qingqing's words.

This is also a miserable woman!

"A few weeks later, a particularly horrific thing happened." Qingqing's eyes drifted away, as if she had seen something horrific, "For individually customized clothes, you need to make a pattern first, make a sample, and the customer wears it." After uploading, adjustments and revisions are made, and the next step is the final production.”

"The clothes are already ready, but Yanyan's phone call has never been reached. She left so much money, I decided to go to her house with a responsible attitude. I have a habit of going to places I have never been to. I like to rely on navigation. It was noon, and along the way, I had a feeling in my heart, and the closer I got to the destination, the more obvious that feeling was. It was fear, a fear that came from the bottom of my heart."

Finally, the destination has arrived.

Qingqing's eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

No. 74, Fenghuangshan Road, is not a house at all!

That, is a cemetery!

Phoenix Cemetery!

Qingqing was terrified, and with her last will, she quickly turned the car around and drove home.

As soon as she got home, the neighbor's two dogs kept barking at her, making her inexplicably upset. After parking the car, she quickly ran into the house and put all the old things on the work desk into the trash inside the bag.

Suddenly, she remembered something and hurriedly opened the cabinet, but she didn't find what she was looking for.

She rushed out of the hall and shouted, "Husband! Husband!"

Su Yue ran up from downstairs and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why are you nestling down there every day!" Qingqing was a little dissatisfied.

Su Yue pulled her to the sofa and said, "Come on, sit down."

"Have you seen my [-] yuan?" Qingqing was very anxious.

"No, you know, I never go to your studio." Su Yue frowned and said, "Think about it, where did you put it?"

Qingqing thought for a while, Su Yue asked: "Remember?"

Qingqing came back to her senses and said: "Well, it's okay. Oh, yes, I drove back today, and Dongdong next door yelled at me, as if I went out of the door and didn't know me anymore."

Su Yue laughed and said, "Dog!"

Qingqing lowered her head and said to herself: "Yes, dogs are different from people, dogs can see..."

"What did you say?" Su Yue didn't hear clearly.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm tired these days." Qingqing shook her head.

"Husband, why are your eye circles dark? What are you doing?" Qingqing suddenly noticed Su Yue's appearance, and became much haggard.

"Honey, you love me well, it's better than anything else!" Su Yue sighed.

Qingqing looked at the coquettish Su Yue and finally smiled.

In the bedroom, there are boundless toon colors.

Rhino horn incense burns lightly.

Qingqing suddenly raised her head and looked towards the window, and there was a big red dress embroidered with gold patterns behind the curtain.

Her eyes were full of horror, and she walked forward was a woman's face.

Wei Wei was so frightened that her face turned pale, Qingqing found that the woman didn't seem to notice her, Qingqing turned around slowly, this is when she was surprised to find that the woman was riding on Su Yue's body half naked, instead of herself He and Su Yue are doing that kind of thing.

Her long and red nails drew four long bloodstains on Su Yue's arm...

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