The woman seemed to have discovered Qingqing, she turned her head slowly and smiled at Qingqing.


Qingqing woke up from her dream screaming.

At this time, Qingqing found that her husband Su Yue was not on the bed for no reason. She remembered the dream just now, which was so real.

She got out of bed and walked to the hall. As soon as she got to the living room, Qingqing heard some strange sounds, that was, a woman's laughter.

Qingqing walked to the stairs lightly, walked along the stairs, walked slowly to the basement floor, and came to the storage room.

The closer the room was, the clearer the woman's laughter became.

Qingqing put her hand on the door handle, thinking about opening the door, when the other hand grabbed her.

Qingqing was shocked, but when she saw Su Yue, she felt a little calmer.

Su Yue asked nervously, "What are you doing?"

"I, I can't see you when I get up." Qingqing calmed down, stammering a little in her tone.

Su Yue smiled and said, "I'm in the bathroom!"

"Oh, I thought you were here." There was something in Qingqing's words, "Haven't you been nesting here all this time?"

The expression on Su Yue's face couldn't help but change, Qingqing saw the expression on Su Yue's face, and then continued to ask: "By the way, what's in this room?"

"What can there be in the storage room? I rummaged through the materials in it before, and it's full of dirt, go back to sleep!" Su Yue calmed down, calmed down, he hugged Qingqing and comforted him: "Come on, be good. "

At this time, Qingqing noticed the scars on Su Yue's arm, which were clearly the four bloodstains left on his arm when the female ghost rode on him, which made the shadow in Qingqing's heart even heavier.

Su Yue pulled Qingqing and said softly: "Come on, go back to sleep!"

Qingqing looked back at the storage room again, feeling even more puzzled.

She always felt that there was something in it.

Su Yue went to work early the next morning, and the opportunity Qingqing had been waiting for finally came.

She walked downstairs quickly. She wanted to push open the door of the storage room, but found that the door was locked.

She ran back to the bedroom to get the keys, but found none of them worked.

Qingqing was very frustrated, she returned to the bedroom listlessly, just squatted down to put the keys away, but suddenly she seemed to feel something.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1113 Raising a ghost as a concubine

She looked back abruptly, and was frightened out of her wits. Standing by the door was the female ghost in the red dress from last night, smiling at her sinisterly.

Qingqing was so frightened that she picked up a box of things and threw it outside the door. She walked outside, looked at the empty corridor, and finally believed that she was really haunted by ghosts.

Rushing to her studio, Qingqing looked flustered, she picked up the pair of red shoes and rushed out of the house.

Qingqing felt that the most important thing for her now was to burn these shoes, but was stopped by Su Yue nervously: "This can't be burned!"

"Su Yue!" Qingqing yelled, "I want to burn, these shoes are not clean!"

"Can't burn it, it's not good to burn it, I'll throw it away for you!" Su Yue said eagerly.

"Then you throw it as far away as possible!" Qing Qing yelled at the barking dogs, "It's so noisy!"

A table of meals has been prepared, Su Yue finally came back, Qingqing stood up and asked, "Did you lose it?"

"Yes." Su Yue nodded.

"Let's eat then!"

Qingqing looked out the window, and couldn't help complaining: "You said that the dog barked non-stop all day, and it made people upset."

"After dinner, I'll talk to them. If the dog barks again, I really have to complain to them." Su Yue said.

Qingqing whispered: "Maybe that dog saw something..."

Su Yue didn't hear clearly, raised his head and asked, "What did you say?"

"The shoes are not clean, there is a ghost in the shoes, it has entangled me!" Qingqing finally couldn't help shouting.

Su Yue sighed, and comforted: "Honey, I've lost my shoes, and I have nothing left, so stop thinking about it, come, let's eat."

In the evening, Su Yue cut out a small piece of rhino horn as usual and put it in the incense burner, and the fragrance wafted out faintly.

At this time, Qingqing looked at his back suspiciously, and said, "Have you noticed that you have lost a lot of weight recently?"

"I told you, the subject I have recently is very difficult, so stop being paranoid!"

Su Yue went to bed and sat beside Qingqing, and said, "Have you experienced hallucinations? Since you came back from Shanxi, have you been tired and in a trance?"

Su Yueping lay down, but Qingqing suddenly tore off his quilt and cursed: "I hate what you say."

Qingqing's eyes suddenly stared at Su Yue closely, and said, "Do you remember Hitchcock's Under the Gaslight? This is a movie we watched together, and that movie was about a husband who made a murder for his wife. Hallucinations, say she is schizophrenic!"

Su Yue sat up slowly, and said, "I hurt you? I just said it casually, and you still take it to heart?"

Qingqing suddenly became gentle again, and asked: "Then you won't leave me...Okay, stop talking, go to sleep!"

As she said that, she lay down on Su Yueyue's mouth, and suddenly she sat up again. After finding that there was nothing behind the curtain, she lay down again with peace of mind.

The next morning, Qingqing slept very late and didn't wake up. After taking a long bath, Qingqing felt much more comfortable.

She dried her body and combed her hair standing in front of the mirror, but saw a red figure passing by in front of the mirror.

Qingqing turned her head quickly, but found no one.

Probably another hallucination, Qingqing thought, turning her head...


Qingqing screamed because she saw two people standing in the mirror.

The red female ghost was standing behind her.

She ran out of the bathroom screaming, rushed to the bed and covered herself with the comforter.

Qingqing kept screaming until the quilt was uncovered, it was Su Yue!

She threw herself into his arms and burst into tears.

Su Yue asked anxiously: "Qingqing, what's wrong with you?"

"There's a ghost, there's a ghost in this room! She hasn't left, she's still here!" Qing Qing shouted.

"There is nothing, look at me, there is really nothing!" Su Yue tried to comfort her.

"I want to move! I can't take it anymore! Why is she pestering me!" Qingqing lost control of her emotions and continued to yell. She pulled Su Yue away and asked, "Didn't you throw away your shoes?! Why did she still want to haunt me?!"

"Don't be afraid, I will accompany you." Su Yue said softly.

Qingqing couldn't listen at all, she almost screamed and pulled Su Yue and kept asking: "Why is she pestering me?! Why is she pestering me?! Why is she pestering me?!"

"Calm down." Su Yue yelled, "Take a deep breath, take a deep breath."

After being yelled at by him, Qingqing seemed to wake up a little bit. She tried to calm down and sat down on the side of the bed.

"I'll get you a cup of hot beef." Su Yue also returned to his soft voice.

"Don't go!" Qingqing pulled him back in horror.

Su Yue comforted: "I'm just going to pour you a cup of hot beef, and I'll be right back."

Qingqing lowered her head and saw something out of the corner of her eye.

"Okay, then you go pour it, you go!" She suddenly let go of Su Yue's hand.

"I'll be right back!"

After Su Yue left, Qingqing pulled up the corner of the quilt and took out a key from it.

She walked downstairs gently, avoiding Su Yue's sight.

When she ran downstairs, Su Yue just saw her, and his expression changed drastically.

"Qingqing! Qingqing!"

Qingqing took the key and opened the door of the storage room. As soon as she opened the door, the scene inside made Qingqing collapse.

Inside the storage room was actually a mourning hall.

The mourning hall is covered with white cloths, and the woman in the photo is the female ghost haunting her, and what is enshrined in front of the altar is actually the pair of red shoes that Su Yue had thrown away.

Qingqing completely collapsed, she fell to the ground, crying bitterly, she never thought it would be like this.

Su Yue was looked at Qingqing, and he didn't hold the cow girl in his hand.

He rushed to Qingqing, hugged Qingqing and shouted her name.

Qingqing frantically pushed Su Yue away, and said loudly, "Don't touch me! She was raised by you! She was raised by you!"

Su Yue rushed over to hug her, but she pushed her away again.

Qingqing pointed at the mourning hall and roared: "She is your ghost concubine!"

Su Yue looked at Qingqing who was out of control, the expression on his face changed, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

Chapter 1114

Like Ya Cafe.

Rain stopped.

Qingqing stood up and said, "I should go too."

Wang Xiaoya quickly asked, "Is the story you told true?"

"Do you believe it?" Qingqing asked back.

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