"I believe." Wang Xiaoya said without hesitation.

She is a goddess, although Qingqing's situation is very special, but now Wang Xiaoya can also see it.

In fact, Qingqing is a ghost, and the female ghost in red in that story is actually herself.

It's just that she doesn't want to admit it.

"I am leaving."

At this moment, Liu Xu said, "Where are you going?"

Qingqing turned around and said: "Go back, my husband must have been bewitched by the ghost wife, the husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, I can't just care about myself, I'm going to save him!"

Liu Xu asked: "How to save?"

"I don't know." Qingqing said blankly: "But I must save him, he must be haunted by a female ghost, he must be bewitched."

"Perhaps, I can help you." Liu Xu paused and said.

"You?" Qingqing didn't believe it, it was a female ghost, could this ordinary-looking man help her subdue that female ghost?

"Have you ever wondered, in such a big world, there are so many coffee shops, why you just walked into this one, and you told your own story in this shop on this rainy day."

Qingqing looked at Liu Xu and Wang Xiaoya in front of her, and fell silent.


In the dark living room, Su Yue sighed in frustration, lying helplessly on the sofa.

Suddenly, the wedding photos on the table fell down with a "bang", and Su Yue was taken aback.

He picked up the photo and found that the glass of the photo frame had been broken.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Su Yue rushed to open the door and hugged her.

"Qingqing, it's great that you're back, I'm so scared, I'm afraid you won't come back."

Qingqing smiled and said, "I'm fine."

"Aren't you drenched?" Su Yue asked with concern.

Qingqing shook her head and said, "I brought two friends back."

Only then did Su Yue realize that Qingqing was followed by two people, a man and a woman, Liu Xu and Wang Xiaoya.

After entering the house, Liu Xu carefully walked around the hall and observed the surrounding environment.

Su Yue put down the tea and said, "You two, my wife has not been in a good spirit recently, and she is very tired. I hope she can rest early. Let's talk about it some other day!"

Qingqing quickly stood up and said, "Don't do this, they are here to help us."

Su Yue sat down, looked at Qingqing and asked, "Us? What's wrong with us?"

He paused for a moment, then continued: "Okay, let's go after drinking tea, both of you!"

Liu Xu said, "It's very simple, it doesn't take a cup of tea."

"I'll take you to see the mourning hall." Qingqing walked downstairs.

"No!" Su Yue was shocked.

Qingqing stopped in her tracks and said seriously: "Su Yue, if you love me, please accept my help."

"There's nothing to see in the mourning hall. It's not in the mourning hall, ghost." Liu Xu said casually, "It's upstairs."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xu walked upstairs quickly.

Su Yue followed closely: "What are you doing?"

Walking into the bedroom, Liu Xu was already standing in front of the incense burner. He took a deep breath, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"This is really a good thing!"

Qingqing asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

"Censer." Liu Xu replied: "But the important thing is that the incense made of rhino horn in the incense burner is a very rare treasure. One kilogram of rhino horn can only be used to make incense."

Wang Xiaoya was puzzled, "Isn't rhino horn a national protected animal?"

"But now, it's an old thing. Such a big piece is priceless." Liu Xu turned around and talked about the allusion, "There is a record in Jin Shu that Qiao was in Wuchang, reaching Niuzhuji, the depth of the water Unfathomable, Shi Yun, there are many monsters under his banner, so Qiao burns the horn of the rhinoceros to shine on them, and in a short while, the aquatic tribe reappears, with strange shapes."

"I can see ghostly things." Qingqing continued.

Liu Xu continued: "The ancients also said that you dare not burn a rhinoceros when it is raw, because it has a strange fragrance when it is burned, and if it sticks to your clothes, people can communicate with ghosts."

"People can communicate with ghosts..." Qingqing repeated.

She suddenly turned around and looked at the rhinoceros horn, and said: "I know, if I throw this thing away, you will never be able to meet that female ghost again, and you will never be bewitched by her again! "

Qingqing picked up the rhino horn and walked towards the window, Liu Xu said with regret: "It's a pity to throw it away, give it to me!"

Qingqing was extremely firm, and said: "I don't care what it is worth, I only want my husband."

Su Yue was shocked and shouted: "Qingqing, don't! Never!"

With that said, he ran over to stand in front of Qingqing.

"Are you reluctant?" Qing Qing asked: "You keep saying you love me, you say you love me every day, and you won't let me leave you!"

Su Yue looked at Qingqing and couldn't say a word. He turned to look at Liu Xu and Wang Xiaoya, burning with anger, and shouted: "Get out! You two leave my house!"

Liu Xu frowned: "Don't yell at me, we are here to help you."

"Xiaoya, tell them." He no longer looked at them, but turned around and walked towards the incense burner.

Wang Xiaoya walked towards Su Yue and Qingqing, and said, "Qingqing, there is indeed a ghost in your house, and that ghost is you."

Qingqing was completely stunned. She shook her head and shouted in disbelief: "Impossible, impossible, impossible!"

"There has never been a female ghost with a three-inch golden lotus." Liu Xu explained: "You just refused to admit that you were a ghost and lived with your husband. Your guilt created an unnecessary ghost. .”

Qingqing's head began to ache, and she suddenly recalled the day when she drove to the Phoenix Cemetery, the person who delivered the spirit, the back of the person holding the photo...

That was her husband, Su Yue, and what he was holding was her spiritual photo.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1115 Love You Even When You Die

"Let me help you recall how you died." Liu Xu's voice sounded again, "That day, you held these shoes in your hand."

On the day she came back from Shanxi, Qingqing was holding small red shoes in her hand. Just as she was looking at the scenery outside happily, the bus suddenly braked suddenly.

At that moment, the whole car overturned, and all the passengers were killed, and none of them survived, including Qingqing.

Qingqing finally remembered that the tape Su Yue put on her forehead when she first came back was the wound caused by the car accident.

"Do you know why your husband won't let you burn those shoes? Because you came home in those shoes, and if you burn them, you'll never find your way home again."

No wonder her feet felt so sore. When Su Yue washed her feet that day, she said to Su Yue, "My husband, my legs are so sore these two days, it's like wearing small shoes for a day."

Warm water washes my feet, and paper-cutting calls my soul.

Su Yue not only washed her feet with warm water, but also cut the paper into small figures and offered them in the mourning hall.

"Dare not to burn a raw rhinoceros, because it has a strange fragrance when it burns, and if it sticks to your clothes, people can communicate with ghosts."

So Wang Xiaoya said to her: "You smell so good!"

So Yanyan approached her and said, "You smell so sweet."

So every night Su Yue would cut off a piece of rhino horn and put it in the incense burner and burn it.

Qingqing finally understood everything and remembered everything. When the rhinoceros horn fell to the ground, she cried bitterly: "I am a ghost..."

Su Yue hugged her and cried, "You are my wife."

"I'm already dead." Qingqing turned around in pain.

"I don't care!" Su Yue cried, "Qingqing, you are my wife and I love you. Never leave me. As long as we are together, what does life and death matter? You go, you will go to the eighteenth floor of hell, and I will go with you! You want to be reincarnated, but I do not agree. I am afraid that you will forget me in the next life, and we will never see each other again."


"Since you can't live, I can't die." Su Yue hugged Qingqing tightly, "Can we never separate?"

"Oh, that's right." Su Yue bent down and picked up the rhino horn, "We still have rhino horns, enough for us to burn for a long, long time."

Qingqing looked at Su Yue imploringly, at her husband who loved her desperately, Qingqing couldn't bear it anymore, and hugged Su Yue.

"Since neither of us can leave the other, let's sink together! Heaven and hell, let's go together."

Liu Xu couldn't help sighing at the side, and it was still the case, Qingqing and Su Yue still chose this path.

Humans and ghosts have different paths, the love between one person and one ghost is doomed to be fruitless.

However, what if you do it yourself!

From ancient times to the present, humans and demons can fall in love, and humans and immortals can fall in love, so why can't humans and ghosts fall in love and stay together!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help showing a wicked smile.

"Actually, although you are humans and ghosts, it doesn't mean you can't be together." Liu Xu said.

"What? You said you can make us together?!" Qingqing was very pleasantly surprised, but at the same time felt a little unbelievable.

The same is true for Su Yue, if they can be together normally, how could they use this method!

"Of course, haven't you heard a word?"


"Love until death!"



Liu Xu was pinched by Wang Xiaoya.

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