"Ahem, of course there is a way, that is, if you become a ghost cultivator, your ghost body will last for a long time, and you..." Liu Xu pointed to Su Yue, "As long as you become a Taoist cultivator , if you master the mana, you will naturally be able to resist the erosion of ghost energy, so you can be together."

Liu Xu chuckled, and there was a faint thought in his heart. Although the final ending of the two people in the original play was not clearly stated, Liu Xu could also guess that when the rhinoceros horn incense burned out, it was naturally the two of them who parted. when.

If one of them becomes a sorcerer and a cultivator, and the other becomes a ghost cultivator, then the script will change again, and what will happen in the end...

Then Liu Xu won't care about it, anyway, he just thinks it's fun to change the plot.


"Husband, do you think Qingqing and Su Yue can really be together forever?"

Wang Xiaoya asked sadly, as a woman, she naturally felt very sad about what happened to Qingqing and Su Yue.

"I don't know. Sometimes people's obsession is terrible, even more terrifying than ghosts. It can do many things that even ghosts can't do. There is a legend about Hades in ancient Greece. It is said that there is a musician named E Erpus, her wife was bitten to death by a poisonous snake, but he chased him to Hades to find his wife back. Su Yue is Erpus, and what their final outcome depends on themselves hard work."

"I really hope they can be together forever." Wang Xiaoya's face was full of hope.

Liu Xu took Wang Xiaoya's hand and said, "Su Yue and Qingqing are enjoying the stolen time to the fullest, even though they know that this is not allowed, even though they know that they are separated forever, but what does it matter? If it is destined Falling in love will eventually be entangled and entangled for a lifetime. Whether you are a Buddha, a fairy, a ghost, or a human, whether you are alive or dead, hell or heaven, as long as I can spend one more second with you, I am willing."

"Xiaoya, we will be together forever in this lifetime, no one can separate us, not even the heavens."

Wang Xiaoya smiled, very softly.

On the bank of the River of Forgetfulness, rest with the king.

In the mud, entangled with Junfa.

Cunxin has nothing to show, only a wisp of soul.

A furnace of consonance is ignited, and a mandala is born from the dry bones.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1116 This is called night...

The next day, the barbecue that Liu Xu and Ran Jing had agreed upon did not take place because he went to Qinglong Lake and stayed for three days.

Since Yuan Qi Water is to be used as the main signature, Liu Xu must refine the water in Qinglong Lake. Of course, refining all of it is beyond his capabilities, and it is not necessary, but divert some of it to the clubhouse, and use formations to transform it. This small part is used by the clubhouse, and there is no problem.

Poplar has basically completed the formation of the service team of the clubhouse, and the main building has also been built in style.

On this day, He Jing led a dozen or so young doctors and nurses who were willing to venture out to join Liu Xu.

Knowing that He Jing was coming, Liu Xu personally went to the train station to meet them.

The crowd at Qinglong Station was not too big, and the gathering of a dozen or so young girls was still very eye-catching. They were spotted by Liu Xu as soon as they stepped out of the platform.

"Hi!" Liu Xu shouted loudly while waving his hands, "He Jing! This way!"

A group of gorgeous girls gathered together, all their curious eyes focused on Liu Xu.

"Hey! This is the Boss Liu I told you about, Big Boss Liu! Be careful, and ask him for an account when you pay your salary in the future."

With a relaxed smile on his face, Liu Xu said, "Welcome everyone to come to Qinglong Lake as guests. Since everyone trusts me so much and follows He Jing all the way to help, you and I will definitely not treat everyone badly, and we will definitely give you enough promotion." space, no matter the salary space or the job space.”

A group of girls were very supportive, "Papa... Papa..." They all applauded him.

"Boss Liu, you must mean what you say! Your business is booming, don't forget to give us a raise." A girl took the opportunity to make a request.

"Don't worry, I will never forget, when the time comes, we will grow together with the company."

"Boss Liu! Are there many handsome guys in the club?" A girl was very bold.

"Ah! We miss spring every month!"

"Damn girl! Who are you talking about! See if I don't strangle you to death." Several girls laughed and laughed.

"What handsome guy are you looking for? Didn't you see our boss Liu standing here? What a handsome guy!" He Jing took the opportunity to tease him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this was said, the girls molested her together.

"Oh! So it's the handsome Qianlitou!"

"Go! Go and be with your handsome boss!"

Several girls hurriedly pushed He Jing into Liu Xu's arms.

He Jing bared her teeth and claws to resist, while running around in circles.

A group of girls quarreled for a long time, and finally calmed down.

Liu Xu pointed to a black Mercedes-Benz bus in the distance, and said with a smile, "Hey! This is our club's own car, everyone get in the car, let's go home."

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"Boss Liu is really rich!"

In the car, He Jing purposely sat next to Liu Xu. As soon as she lifted her straw hat, she saw a huge centipede-shaped scar on her forehead extending from the hairline to the left brow bone.

He Jing pointed at the scar, frowned and said, "You see, it's so ugly, please find a way for me! I don't want to wear it for a day."

Liu Xu looked at it and said, "Don't worry, I'll get it for you when I get back. I guarantee that your scar will disappear within a week."

"So fast! Really?" He Jing's eyes lit up.

"Hmm!" Liu Xu could actually make the scar disappear instantly, but that was too ostentatious.

"Then treat them all too! They have scars on their bodies just like me." He Jing randomly pointed out a few people to him.

Taking a closer look at Liu Xu, he found that these girls were either wearing straw hats, long clothes and trousers, or scarves around their necks, all of which were actually covering up their scars.

Liu Xu's heart trembled. Just from the scars of these girls, he could imagine how tragic the incident must have been.

"No problem! I'll cure you all."


"Boss Liu is so nice!"

"The boss is a good guy!"

"Boss Liu is so kind to us, do you want us, He Jing, to agree with you?"

After hearing Liu Xu's words, the car suddenly became noisy again.

The clubhouse was still being renovated, so Liu Xu arranged them into a temporary dormitory in Qinglong Town.

Right now, he is leading He Jing to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Qinglong Lake.

"Small sales! This place is so beautiful!" He Jing said, looking at the sea of ​​clouds under her feet.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.

Although Qinglong Lake is famous for its lake, it is not without mountains around it.

"Of course, I don't care who chose this place. The mountains are not too high, and the water is not too deep. Just watch! When the clubhouse opens in the future, it will definitely be more famous than Chengde Mountain Resort."

"Hmm! So beautiful, so beautiful, everywhere is beautiful, the air is so good, so humid, living here often, it must be very beautiful." The scenery is beautiful, but He Jing has more concerns, "It's not about helping me get rid of my scars. Is it? When are you going to do it?"

"I don't think you just came to Qinglong Lake, so I'll take you on a tour first. What's the hurry, I'll get it for you when I go back tonight."

"Okay! It's a deal. You have to find a reason to shirk it. Be careful that I won't finish with you."

"Success! Success! It's a deal!"

"Hey! You said it." He Jing pointed to the clouds in the sky, "Look, the sun is gone, it's already night, let's go back and get rid of the scars!"

Liu Xu grinned, it's only 3 o'clock in the afternoon, okay?

This is called night...

Admire...God's logic!

Seeing He Jing's eagerness, Liu Xu had no choice but to go back together obediently under her pull and withdrawal.

Liu Xu's residence.

In the living room, He Jing sat obediently on the sofa, waiting for treatment.

Liu Xu's face was covered with malicious intentions, and he stretched out his hand and started blatantly mopping.

It feels good in the hand!

Liu Xu brushed He Jing's oval face lightly with his fingers, the fleshy little face was so cute, he couldn't help pinching it.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1117 Which husband wants to be caught and raped by his wife in bed?

"Oh! You pinch someone! You need to get medical treatment quickly! If you take this opportunity to take advantage of Miss Ben, be careful, I'll call someone!"

"Call someone?"

"Hmph! I brought a lot of sisters with me, now we are not alone, be careful, I will call someone to beat you together!"

Liu Xu is so sweaty!

This girl is tough enough, but she looks so cute!

Really like!

He couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his hand to pinch again.

This time, both hands are touching together, pinching one side, shaking back and forth non-stop.

"Ah!" He Jing was furious at that time, jumped up, brandished the Wang Ba Quan and started chasing and killing Liu Xu.

While running away, Liu Xu argued, "I'm a necessary procedure for treatment. If you want to get rid of the scars, just let me treat them obediently."

"You're not treating me, you're taking the opportunity to eat Miss Ben's tofu, what's more, you actually pinched someone, my father didn't even dare to pinch me like that."

After hearing this, Liu Xu couldn't understand. Did Comrade He Jing explode because of eating tofu, or because of pinching people? If it was because of pinching people... Could it be that she still encourages eating tofu?

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