"Then I don't pinch people, can I not pinch people?"

"I'm angry, you have to let me vent my anger."

"How do you vent your anger?"

"Let me take two bites!"

"You are a dog, and you can even bite people."

"You don't care, don't run away, obediently let me take two bites, and I will continue to let you treat after the bite."

"Really? Whatever I want to treat, as long as I don't pinch people?"

"...you let me take two bites first."

"Okay! You said it, don't play tricks!" Liu Xu took the opportunity to stop, "You bite!"

"Where to bite?" He Jing looked up and down around Liu Xu's arms and legs, and estimated that he was choosing a place with more flesh and bones.

"Come and bite this!" Liu Xu stretched his head over, pouted his mouth high, and pointed his hand to his mouth.

"Ah!" Liu Xu screamed, and was bitten hard by He Jing on the shoulder.

Liu Xu trembled in pain, and he didn't dare to struggle. The more he struggled, the more painful he was, so he had to point his fingers at the place where he was bitten.

"...Be careful, Gnat!"

"Pfft!" He Jing was amused, and all the momentum she had built up was let out.

She patted him hard twice, and then rubbed the place where the red teeth marks were bitten.

"Forget it! Treat Miss Ben's scar quickly, I don't want to face this ugly centipede for a day anymore."

"Let's say it first, no more! How can a patient beat a doctor, it's too disgraceful."

"I don't care, just treat it quickly."

"Then sit down!"

He Jing sat down obediently like a good girl, Liu Xu boldly leaned over, stretched out his hand to caress her forehead, and when his fingers touched the centipede-shaped scar, he sent a burst of true energy in.

After finishing chores, Liu Xu started to do business. He pretended to touch, touch and touch, and his hands began to be dishonest again.

His fingers lightly brushed the fleshy little face deliberately. He Jing didn't seem to respond. Liu Xu became more courageous. He covered the scar with one hand and gently rubbed it. The other hand was near the small face and earlobe. Hovering, the long eyelashes on He Jing's tightly closed eyes fluttered.

Seeing that He Jing didn't respond, Liu Xu became more courageous, and the range of rubbing with his fingers became wider and wider. He stroked the earlobe and auricle, and then slid along the almost translucent skin across the neck, reaching towards the sexy and playful collarbone.

Liu Xu found that the place where his palm touched was getting hotter and hotter, hey!The little girl has a fever!

I saw a burst of bright red coming out from behind He Jing's ears, climbing up her cheeks, flowing over her cheeks, penetrating into the depths of the crystal clear skin, extending through her neck, past her collarbone, and all the way to the bottom of her clothes.

Seemingly not expecting this kind of situation, He Jing closed her eyes, neither dared to make any movements, nor dared to open her eyes to face the situation, she froze there at a loss.

Liu Xu sighed in his heart, good shy girl!

As long as it is shy, the tiger will become a big cat in an instant.

Liu Xu pushed forward, and then he didn't even put on any pretense, and took off the hands that were touching the scars, and greedily wandered around the neck, earlobes and collarbone that were as fat as jade.

Liu Xu lowered his head slowly, and breathed heavily on He Jing's moist skin, starting from the forehead all the way down, He Jing's face turned even redder.

His breath sprayed on her face, slowly approaching her lips.

He Jing seemed to have been hit by the immobilization talisman, and his whole body was stiff and motionless.

Liu Xu was like a cat catching mice, slowly teasing the prey in his palm.

The lips of the two were already very close outside the window, and they were about to become one. Liu Xu enjoyed this feeling of slowly possessing.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Suddenly, a rush of car horns sounded outside the window!

As if awakened suddenly, He Jing opened Liu Xu's hand, lowered her head and slipped out of Liu Xu's embrace, and fled the room glowing red.

Liu Xu remained in the posture of bending over and asking for a kiss in astonishment, the warm temperature and fragrant body fragrance still remained on his hands.

Hearing the noisy cars and people's voices, Liu Xu was very regretful. He rushed out the door angrily, can the whistle be blown casually in the clubhouse?Who is so immoral?

He was about to find someone to settle the accounts, Yue Xiong was bred with an extraordinary aura, he opened the door aggressively, and saw a person blocking the door with a playful smile on his face.

All of Liu Xu's momentum suddenly disappeared without a trace.


"How did you come?"

"Want me to come?"

In front of the door, a beautiful woman in black had a half-smile expression on her face.

Which husband wants to be caught and raped by his wife in bed?

Liu Xu smiled and murmured, "Why don't you want to, we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Gu Qingqing glanced at him, then walked into Liu Xu's room on her own.

Throwing the bag in her hand onto the sofa, she pulled off the gauze around her neck and threw it far away to cover the bag.

Gu Qingqing gracefully turned around and threw herself onto the sofa.

Liu Xu is like a little follower, accompanying and carefully following behind.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1118 Doing Beauty Makes Her Face Full of Spring

Gu Qingqing lay lazily on the sofa, looked at Liu Xu with a smile and said, "That little girl looks very familiar!"

Liu Xuli felt guilty and murmured that he didn't know how to explain it.

"It seems that the girl had a meal with you a few months ago, at the Liu's old shop on Shancha Street, or I drove you there, I remember correctly?"

"I remember I met her once when I went to pick you up in the neighborhood where you live, right?"

Liu Xu's head was dripping with cold sweat.

"She is a little nurse in the inpatient department of the Shanghai Central Clubhouse. Her surname seems to be He. Am I right?"

"But I'm curious, why did she come here? Is our Comrade Liu Xu going to explain?"

Liu Xu was very depressed to find that finding a smart woman to be his girlfriend is sometimes very tragic. For example, like him now, he can remember clearly the trivial things that were just a face-to-face a few months ago. Alive?

"You know, this is a clubhouse I run. Apart from entertaining handsome men and beautiful women, there must be officials, businessmen and celebrities. Those people are quite old, so it is inevitable that there is nothing wrong with their health. Therefore, a group of doctors and nurses are needed in the clubhouse, and they happen to be resigned by the clubhouse. , I still know them more or less, so I recruited them."

"Hmm..." Gu Qingqing's voice almost snorted out of her nose.

"Well... you know, didn't the demons make a big fuss a while ago? That Gao Chuan was their colleague, so they were all implicated in it. After the government suppressed it, almost all of them were injured, and they were left with some indelible wounds. The scars that fell off, and they were all fired..."

"Then you showed kindness and brought all these flower girls home?"

"...Didn't I think that the club needs nurses anyway, besides, the scars on their bodies are difficult to remove, I can help them remove the scars..."

"Can you get rid of scars?" Gu Qingqing grasped the point very keenly.

"Yes." Liu Xu nodded, "Actually, it's the same principle as treating cancer. It's nothing more than eliminating some unruly cells."

"Then freckle removal and whitening are also good?"

It seems that women are all the same, the first association is beauty, Liu Xu secretly slanders.

He nodded and said, "That's right, beauty, beauty, weight loss, and body sculpting should all be possible."

"Do you want me to give you a beauty treatment as well?" Liu Xu took the opportunity to lean over and make friends.

"Stand up!" Gu Qingqing's phoenix eyes stared.

Liu Xu hurried back and stood in the middle of the room in a well-mannered manner.

"Be clear about your own problems first!"

"What are you going to tell me?" Liu Xu denied it.

"What were you doing with that little nurse in the house just now?"

"No reason!" This is absolutely unacceptable, even if everyone knows it, you can't say it clearly, and it is easy to make a wrong line.

"Don't pretend to me, you know it in your heart, so let me describe it to you again?"

Liu Xu bared his teeth, gasped through his teeth, and explained bravely, "...that...she has a big scar on her head, and I'll help her get rid of the scar."

"Yeah, the face is full of spring after the beauty treatment!" Gu Qingqing's voice was full of jealousy.

"..." Liu Xu's face has been cultivated to the point where it can't be shaken, and he has the ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense, but the object of the explanation is Gu Qingqing's words. He feels that the more he explains, the more he covers up, so he just bites the bullet and insists.

"Say it yourself, are you doing the right thing or not?"

These words, this feeling, are so familiar!

A very strong sense of sight is coming, why does it feel like a teacher training students!

Do you want to change into your business attire?

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't speak, Gu Qingqing frowned slightly, and said, "The solution is very simple, pay them a few months' salary, dismiss them, and send them back wherever they came from."

"As soon as I recruited them, I turned around and turned them back. That's not ridiculous!"

"Okay, you want to save face, okay, then I will give in one more step, you send this nurse Xiao He away alone, is it okay?"

Looking at this posture, Gu Qingqing almost regarded the solution to her boyfriend's cheating as a business negotiation.

However, Liu Xu really wanted to tell her that if you want to deal with things with this attitude, you will definitely be exhausted, and not everyone in his harem is so easy to "handle".

"Those nurses and doctors were brought here by her, and they all came for her face. Sending her away alone, wouldn't it have the same effect as driving them all out?"

"Your face! Your friend's face! Your little lover's face! What about my face?" Gu Qingqing's eyes were red, and she almost yelled these words.

"Then what do you say?"

"To take care of your face, okay, I can take a step back, but you can't show nothing at all."

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