"What does it mean?"

"You are not allowed to be alone with that little nurse in the future! If I am not on a business trip, then I must be present, and if I go to another place, other people must be present. Can it be done?"

"Okay!" Liu Xu looked at the tears that were still rolling in his eyes, nodded, and flicked away before talking.

"As I said just now, I will take a step back. I don't want to hurt your face, but I can't let her hang around under my nose. How about this, Yanjing Hospital can recruit trainees for Orientation Committee, and choose among these nurses Send some of them to further studies, including this Nurse Xiao He." After finishing speaking, Gu Qingqing stared into Liu Xu's eyes, seeing that he seemed to be still thinking, and added, "Your face, your friend's face, and even that I have taken care of Nurse Xiao He's face. I have given in so much, shouldn't you also give in and take care of my face? "

Liu Xu has no objection to sending He Jing to Yanjing Hospital for further studies, but Chen An'an seems to be there too. They are a doctor and a nurse, and they must be able to love each other!


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Chapter 1119 The Concubine Can't Do It

Gu Qingqing was summoned by his father to stand in front of the big army, but he didn't expect to break through Liu Xu's adulterous affair as soon as he arrived, so the bitterness in his heart was unavoidable.

However, she is no longer the kind of little girl who can get angry at will. Her past knowledge and experience tell her that losing her temper and getting angry will often lead to the worst results, making the development of the situation unpredictable and easily leading to the situation getting out of control.

After you play your hole cards, you can only passively wait for others to play their cards, and what cards others play is what card they are.

Since the adulterer was caught on the spot, why should he hand over the initiative and put himself in a passive position?

Gu Qingqing made perfect use of her own advantages, gave full play to her ingenuity, and lightly transformed a violent incident that was likely to cause great harm to each other's feelings into a harmonious scene that enhanced the relationship with business.

In a few or two sentences, he won the heart of his boyfriend and easily swept the third party into the sky.

A truly good woman should have the following basic qualities: she can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, work as a mistress, and beat a hooligan.

Gu Qingqing is completely satisfied with the first two sentences. At present, it seems that the third sentence is basically not a problem, but I don't know whether the fourth sentence can be satisfied.

However, the above is Gu Qingqing's own opinion. If she really walked into Liu Xu's life and knew how many women he had, she would probably express the same emotion as Cai Shaofen: "The concubine can't do it."


Now that the clubhouse is just being built, apart from the construction team, there are only Liu Xu and Gu Qingqing, Yuan Jie, Gao Jian, and He Jing and his party who have just arrived a few days ago.

Yuan Jie and Gao Jian, the two bodyguards, after solving Huang Qiang's incident, had nothing to do in the devil's capital. Seeing that they were doing nothing, Gu Qingqing brought them here along the way.

She thought that Liu Xu didn't have much use for a car here, so she even drove the two cars in the villa.

After Gu Qingqing had a good talk with Liu Xu, she walked around holding his arm almost whenever she had the opportunity, and even purposely sneaked into the sight of He Jing and his gang, constantly showing affection and declaring ownership.

Every time there is such a chance to take a walk, Gu Qingqing has to dress up meticulously, with a style and a dress every day, which makes Liu Xu amazed, and repeatedly laments that this woman is a natural clothes rack, she looks beautiful in everything she wears.

Not only that, Gu Qingqing deliberately created opportunities to show off her wealth in front of He Jing and her friends, such as sports cars, famous watches, jewelry, all kinds of expensive brand-name clothing, expensive cosmetics and so on.

When a woman meets a woman, especially when there is a man in the middle, this woman will be like Saint Seiya, the small universe will explode, and the sixth sense will be fully activated.

Almost no language and communication are needed, even just a few glances, a few encounters, Gu Qingqing's wordless demonstration was immediately analyzed accurately, compiled into executable files one by one, and turned into a girl among many girls. Gossip and condemnation.

"Look at her stinky face, I don't know how to be stinky." The little sisters around them condemned Gu Qingqing's vixen behavior with the same hatred.

"Yeah, wearing ten-centimeter-high heels and climbing up and down the stairs, why don't you sprain her feet!"

"That's right, change a set of clothes every day, change a bag every time, and carry a bag while walking in this yard, showing that she has a lot of money!"

"Yes, yes, I saw it too. She seems to change her jewelry every time. The necklace, earrings, bracelets, and anklets have not been the same until now."

"Did you see that she has worn her hair in a bun three times, she has changed several hairpins and hairpins, and she even wore pearl nets. She really has money to waste."

"Oh! Our poor Jingjing! Your opponent is too strong!"

"Although the famous grass has an owner, the hoe is even more ruthless. As long as the hoe dances well, there is no corner that cannot be dug!"

"Jingjing! We support you!"

"That's right, I get angry just looking at that vixen's appearance. No matter what, I can't make her feel at ease, Jingjing, you have to be brave!"

"You are so good-for-nothing!" He Jing looked at these girlfriends weakly.

"Jingjing! Could it be that you gave up?"

"When did I say I like that Liu Xu!" He Jing shouted angrily.

"Yo! Why are you still talking hard to us? The old lady has bullied her to the door, so why have you been enduring like this?"

"Go! Ignore you, a bunch of rotten girls who grew up watching Gongdouju and Qiongyao dramas." He Jing jumped up and ran away by herself, leaving behind a bunch of girlfriends who looked at each other in dismay.

"Jingjing, don't go!"

"He's a girlfriend, and they're all living together, so why are you messing around?"

"The two of them actually live together?!"

For He Jing's girlfriends, this is a huge blow, and some people are even lamenting to He Jing.

"Jingjing, it seems that you, the mistress, are really going to live up to your name. I'm afraid all the places in the principal room have been reserved, so hurry up! If someone gets the certificate first, you, the mistress, will officially start working!"

"I said! Jingjing, you have to take the initiative. Why have you stayed away since that vixen came and never saw Liu Xu again? You can't do it, you have to be enterprising!"

A group of girlfriends, the emperor, and the eunuchs were not in a hurry, and kept urging He Jing to take the initiative to fight for his love.

It's such a big club, it's just a brain problem if you're not active.

Could it be that the two classmates in the school are playing ambiguously and romantically?

This kind of rich man in front of him is still a rich man with an ambiguous relationship, it is simply great luck!

"You don't fight, but there are people who fight. I didn't see that everyone is coming in and out. If you don't work hard, the great opportunity will slip away."

The girlfriends are all anxious for He Jing, wishing they could snatch it up by themselves.


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Chapter 1120 One goalkeeper is not enough

It's a pity that Liu Xu's time is taken up by that vixen, and he doesn't even leave a gap to get in, especially her pair of fox eyes. Tricky look.

A group of girlfriends slandered endlessly.

Finally, I do not know who thought of a way.

"Jingjing, didn't you tell Liu Xu to treat the scar? Why didn't it cure?"

"That's right, you seem to have gone for treatment once and then came back, but it didn't work! You can find him to cure it for you quickly, and then let him treat it for us too!"

Someone mentioned this topic, and everyone almost unanimously agreed, encouraging He Jing to go to Liu Xu to treat the scar.

"People don't want to go to him now!"

"Then what about this scar? It's so big, I'm afraid it can't be cured anywhere else, so it will last forever?" A girlfriend gestured at the centipede scar on He Jing's forehead.

He Jing is also very hesitant, constantly swinging between the scar and not wanting to go.

"Jingjing, why don't you give him a call. If he thinks about you, he will come to help you treat him naturally." A best friend provoked her.

"Okay!" He Jing finally found a reason for herself to compromise, and she hung up on Liu Xu.

On the other side of the phone, Liu Xu was with Gu Qingqing. When the phone rang, Gu Qingqing glanced at it and asked, "Whose phone is it?"

"He Jing's."

"That little nurse! I can't stop, let's arrange for her to go to study next week!"

"Will you accept it?"

"Pick it up! Why don't you pick it up! I'll pick it up!"

Liu Xu had a chill, the two of them wouldn't be pinching each other on the phone, would they?It seems that the person next to her is angry right now, as for He Jing's fiery temper, she is definitely ready to tease her.

"Liu Xu!"

"Liu Xu is taking a bath!"

"who are you?"

"Can't you guess?"

"I see, you are that Gu Qingqing!"

"What are you looking for with Liu Xu?"

"It's nothing, just ask him how the next work will be carried out."

"Oh, then you asked the right person. Liu Xu hired my dad to be the CEO of the clubhouse. As for the work arrangement of the clubhouse, I plan to hold a general meeting. I will naturally convey the specific work arrangements at that time. The meeting will be held in the big conference room this weekend. , everyone is present, remember not to be absent.”

After finishing speaking, Gu Qingqing hung up the phone directly, and she sat in Liu Xu's arms, waving the phone one after another.

"How about it? It's a face for you. I didn't make things difficult for your little lover at all."

"She should have something to do, but she didn't make it through when you interrupted her."

"What can happen now, most likely because I want you to continue to help her remove the scar."

"Then what should I do? Her scar is really ugly, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to get rid of it by other methods."

"You said that if you think about it differently, if you are in my position, will you agree to help your rival's beauty?"

"Then what should we do? We can't let her have such a disfigured scar on purpose since we can cure it?"

"But you took care of her, where do you plan to put me?"

"Then what are you going to do?" Liu Xu understood, guessing that Gu Qingqing wanted to take the opportunity to talk about some conditions.

"It's very simple. I will appoint the leader of the medical team!"

"Okay! Then I'll go and remove her scar later, do you want to go together?" Thinking that He Jing will be sent to further study next week, Liu Xu is a little anxious and wants to solve it as soon as possible.

"It's safe! It's safe!" Gu Qingqing's voice couldn't help but rise, "Don't worry, I won't let your little lover go away with scars."

Gu Qingqing absolutely kept her word. Since she said that Liu Xu was not allowed to meet He Jing alone, she would definitely do it.

During the next treatment process for He Jing, Gu Qingqing accompanied him throughout the whole process. He put on the posture of a doctor watching the mistress, and watched Liu Xu treat him with covetous eyes.

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