Liu Xu's hands and feet were numb from the look, and he didn't dare to make any excessive moves in a well-behaved manner.

With Gu Qingqing watching from the side, Liu Xu and He Jing didn't even talk to each other, which was really awkward.

Liu Xu really couldn't bear this kind of suffering, so he speeded up, and it took only two days to restore the skin on He Jing's forehead to its original state, without even a trace of injury.

Surprised, Gu Qingqing once again strengthened her guarding heart. In her heart, Liu Xu is the goal, and she is the goalkeeper. She is determined to keep all attacks out of the goal.

If Liu Xu knew that Gu Qingqing had such an idea, he would definitely sneer at it. One goalkeeper is not enough. My brother's goal is a sea of ​​stars...

After He Jing was cured, Gu Qingqing took Liu Xu's method of removing scars as a reward and threat, and beat and dragged He Jing's group of girlfriends and nurses, and dismantled the self-contained nurse team. In disarray, the originally harmonious and friendly nurse group, under Gu Qingqing's deliberate instigation, quickly split into small groups of sisters who were wary of each other in twos and threes.

Then, she took advantage of her position to disperse this person in different departments according to the distance of their relationship, and even the dormitory where they stayed were deliberately separated.

Taking the opportunity of the staff meeting, Gu Qingqing announced that the clubhouse needs to take a professional and high-quality road, and select key personnel from each business department for further training.

The first to bear the brunt was the medical team, and He Jing then appeared in the list of trainees...

It is said that the most poisonous woman's heart is that Gu Qingqing still has to maintain her positive image in front of Liu Xu. She has a lot of scruples and a lot of concessions, but in the corner where Liu Xu can't see or hear, Gu Qingqing is definitely not afraid to use it. some powerful means.

Whether it is private or public affairs, people with more resources have more means and methods.

From the current point of view, He Jing and Gu Qingqing are not rivals on the same level at all, and Chen Anan from Yanjing Hospital is almost the same.

However, Gu Qingqing's many calculations are doomed to fail, because Liu Xu also went to Yanjing.

He even left earlier than He Jing.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1121 On Nolan's show, go to the room in broad daylight

After chatting with He Jing for a short time, Liu Xu found out that his mobile phone was calling. He took out the phone and saw that it was Lisa's call.

He didn't want He Jing to think wildly, so he didn't plan to make any surprises, but told her directly that he would also go to Yanjing.

"Hey, Lisa, what can I do for you?"

"Hmph, I can't find you if I have nothing to do, you heartless."

"Ha, of course not, it's just that you just became the leader of the radio station, so there must be a lot of things..." Liu Xu greeted He Changxiong, and then Lisa was naturally promoted and raised, reaching the peak of her life.

"Forget it! Although I don't know how you did it, I still want to thank you."

"Well, I'm an old husband and wife, thank you for what!" Liu Xu said eloquently.

"Bah." Lisa took a light bite.

"Lisa, you are such a good woman, whoever marries you in the future will be really happy." Liu Xu praised Lisa.

"Why don't you marry me?" Lisa asked with a smile on the phone.

"Oh? Okay, hehe." Liu Xu responded with a smile.

"Hee hee, um, sweet talk, you know how to make me happy, okay, let's get down to business, I have another meeting to have later." Lisa smiled softly with a blushing face.

"It's Nuolan's business. She has come back and asked me to contact you."

"Nolan is back?"

"Yes, Nolanto, let me tell you, she wants to invite you to be a guest on her show, and I have already agreed for you."

"Nuo Lan? Be her guest on the show? Why don't you ask my opinion?" Liu Xu looked surprised, his heart was full of surprises, he had never seen Nuo Lan before so many people entered "Love Apartment" Lan!

"Then will you refuse?"


"Heck, I knew you wouldn't."

"Okay, I agree. When will I start appearing on her show?" Liu Xu was secretly delighted. Of course he was very willing to agree. After all, then he would be able to meet Nuo Lan, whom he had always dreamed of.

"Just promise, that's it. How about I be on her show next Saturday night at [-] o'clock? Then I will arrange an exclusive interview with "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"."

"Well, yes, then next Saturday." Liu Xu smiled. Although he was very anxious to see Nuo Lan, he knew that this matter should not be rushed. This is the reason why Shi Mo insisted.

"Okay, then it's settled. Nuolan will be very happy when he hears the news." Lisa smiled with satisfaction.

"Well, well, it's settled, Lisa."

After chatting with Lisa for a few more words, he hung up the phone. All in all, Liu Xu is still in a good mood today.

Just after hanging up Lisa's call, Li Tao's call came, even if he didn't answer the call, he still knew what she was going to say...

Sure enough, when the phone was picked up, Li Tao said that a meeting between Liu Xu and Nuo Lan would be arranged in the near future.


When they arrived in Yanjing, at [-]:[-] p.m., Liu Xu and Huang Yijiang entered the Seven Days Hotel not far from Panjiayuan as if they were thieves.

That's right, in broad daylight, Liu Xu went to open the room and dragged Huang Yijiang over.

It is true that Huang Yijiang had her period a few days ago, but her period has been gone for several days, and the two of them have not been intimate since they separated, so when they first met, Liu Xu was thinking about it. Just do it, and go straight to the room.

Huang Yijiang couldn't resist him, and couldn't bear to refuse directly, so he followed him halfway.

Liu Xu is a mad bull, while Huang Yijiang is a man with sweet dew after a long drought. After the two of them had a good meal in the hotel, the moon is high and the lights have just come on.

"I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I won't come again..." The one who surrendered was Huang Yijiang. She lay on Liu Xu's body with pink cheeks and a rare sense of happiness.

"Then continue tomorrow. We have to check out later. It's not that I don't want to accompany you! My dad is still living in the hospital, so I have to go to accompany him at night." Liu Xu explained.

"Well, can I go there?" Huang Yijiang asked expectantly.

"No, I don't want other people to know about my dad's hospitalization, and my dad is not a serious illness, he will be embarrassed if you go there." Liu Xu did not explain in detail, it is really his dad's illness, the less people know the better.

"Well, then you cook something delicious for uncle." Huang Yijiang thought for a while.

"I know, but there is one more thing." Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "I want to buy a villa and put it under your name..."

"Ah!" Huang Yijiang was stunned for a moment. She was surprised, but her sense of happiness was even stronger. Although Liu Xu was more concerned, was Liu Xu not mean enough to her?

First, he bought her a car, and even put tens of millions of money on her. Now, he bought her a villa and wrote it in her name.

Even if the big money had a mistress, Huang Yijiang could feel that Liu Xu was serious about her, not just playing around.

"It's better not to let it go. Now is the stage of starting a business. I will live in the store in the future. There must be no one living in the store. Besides, I also have a house in Shijiazhuang, and the house over there has not been dealt with yet!"

"Hehe, if I say buy it for you, I will buy it for you, so it's useless if you refuse, let's rent out the house in Shijiazhuang, and what's more, in the future, you can't put valuables in the shop, and you have to put valuables in the store. home."

"Oh!" Huang Yijiang nodded, "However, if you don't have tens of millions to buy a villa in the capital, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it. Although we have some liquidity, we still have to wait for next year's stone gambling, so we're still waiting."

"Don't wait, use the bank deposit first, and then I will send the money to you." Liu Xu smiled and said, "Buy early and save worry. It will not be too late to make money from Panshi in the spring of next year. There are more than half a year left!"

"Xu, thank you." Huang Yijiang took the initiative to kiss Liu Xu's lips, and the two were entangled like a snake again.

This time she took the initiative.

Huang Yijiang is also a normal woman, and she also hopes that her man treats her well, but now that Liu Xu treats her so well, why is she still struggling with what she likes, as long as he doesn't abandon her, then she will follow him.

Chapter 1122 This Woman Can Be Treated

At nine o'clock in the evening, the two walked out of the hotel and went directly to the old capital's fried noodles.

After the two had eaten their fill, Liu Xu sent her back to Hao Yuan's shop, and at the same time he rushed to Yang Ying's villa.

Although there is Gu Li Nazha, a foster lover who has not met, let's meet Yang Ying first!

After all, she is his wife!

Back at the villa, the villa is lit.

At the same time, when the person in the villa saw a vehicle about to enter the courtyard, two people walked out at the same time.

Two women stood at the gate.

One woman is about forty years old, with short hair, and looks very capable, while the other is in her twenties, also has short hair, wears leather boots, and looks like a western cowboy.

Liu Xu drove the car into the yard. When the car stopped and stopped, the phone rang without losing the opportunity. It was Xia Youshan's call.

He picked it up and looked at the sofa inside the French window.

Xia Youshan was curled up on the sofa, wearing a nightgown, and drinking fruit juice. She also seemed to see Liu Xu looking at her, so she waved her arms to greet Liu Xu.

When the phone was connected, Liu Xu asked, "What are you doing?"

"Fuck the two of them. The bodyguard my sister-in-law hired for me hasn't been tested yet. You can test it for me. If I can fight you without losing, I'll stay. If it's like the bodyguard last time, then leave. Of course, It’s not free to help with the inspection, there are surprises, about the baby, if you don’t help, then forget it, oh, I’m dead!”

Without giving Liu Xu another chance to speak, this chick knew that Liu Xu would only help her if she mentioned Yang Ying, so she threw out the bait.

Liu Xu stared blankly at the phone, and at the same time gritted his teeth, this woman needs treatment!

Ever since Liu Xu left Yanjing without saying hello, Yang Ying has been refusing to answer his calls.

And Liu Xu wanted to know Yang Ying's recent situation, so he could only turn to Xia Youshan for help.

Xia Youshan is now the bridge between them. Liu Xu knew that he could not resist.

Of course, Xia Youshan is also his friend, so it's nothing for him to help Xia Youshan.

Liu Xu sat in the car in silence for about a minute, and then slowly got out of the car.

After the two women standing in the foyer got off the car, they showed sharp auras at the same time, locking him in an instant like a sword about to be unsheathed.

"Are you Mr. Liu?" The older woman spoke first.

"Yes." Liu Xu nodded.

"Miss Xia said that you can go in if you want, but you need to defeat us, otherwise you will not be allowed to live here in the future." The woman continued.


"That's an offence." After the older woman winked at the young girl in leather boots, the girl in leather boots suddenly rushed towards Liu Xu at a very fast speed, like a phantom. the wind.

Liu Xu saw a leg that jumped up and swept towards him like a stick, kicking him in the head.

This young woman plays with her legs, her legs are very good, she is very fast, and she has extremely strong explosive power.

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