However, although her speed is fast, her explosive power is strong, and even her tricks and routines may be superior to others, but Liu Xu is stronger.

His mind can clearly capture the trajectory of the woman's legs, and he can even slow down the speed of the woman's legs, as if slowing down like a disc.

That feeling is very strange, as if... as if everything is under his control, and all living beings are within his mind.

This trick can be called "bullet time"!

Maybe Liu Xu, who has been sealed with most of his abilities, is not the strongest, maybe he doesn't have any peerless moves or martial arts, but once the idea comes out, no matter how fast the speed is, no matter how strong the moves are, they are all chickens and dogs. .

Because when the opponent is making a move, he can see the opponent's gaps in several places, even many times, even if he doesn't know kung fu, he can still handle it, let alone he can kung fu.

"Bang!" With a sound, Liu Xu squatted on his knees, and when he avoided the girl's sweeping leg, he also quickly counterattacked, punching and closing quickly, and punched the inside of the woman's thigh.

This inner side is not far from the woman's hidden location.

And here is her weak point.

Liu Xu's angle was tricky and his shots were quick.

Although she didn't use all her strength, when the woman's big legs swept over her, she also bent her knees and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

But as soon as she fell to the ground, the woman jumped up quickly. Of course, she jumped up, but one of her legs was shaking, and she kept retreating.

Xia Youshan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window at some point, holding the juice, watching with great joy.

The older woman was surprised, her face became serious, and she took two steps forward, standing next to the woman watching Qing.

"Mr. Liu is very skillful." The older woman praised lightly.

"I'm sorry, this little sister will accept it." Liu Xu clasped his fists and said.

"Don't be complacent, come again!" The young woman seemed dissatisfied. Although her legs were still shaking, it aroused her anger. She rushed towards Liu Xu again without waiting for the old woman to speak.

This time, she didn't use her legs, because now one of his legs was numb and couldn't use his legs to attack, so she used her fists.

But the speed of the fist is obviously slower than the speed of the legs. She plays with the legs, and the speed of the legs is faster than the speed of the fists, and she is not good at boxing.


Although the speed of the punch was not fast, it was powerful enough to stun an adult.

Liu Xu attacked this time, almost before the young woman had fully swung her fist, his body squatted, and the whole person swooped forward, and even hugged the young woman's waist directly, and then quickly completed a big back fall .


Liu Xu is more measured, it can be said that he is very well-measured.

When the woman fell to the ground and hit the ground, she happened to cross the bluestone road in the middle and smashed into the soil of the flower bed.

Otherwise, if she hit the bluestone road, she might vomit blood and cause internal injuries.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1123 Beautiful Girl Bodyguard


A loud shout sounded at this moment.

Almost as soon as the young woman fell to the ground, the older woman kicked towards Liu Xu's temple.

And the reason why Liu Xu quickly dealt with the young one was because she felt that the older woman was very strong and had a strong aura.

This old man has a mass of qi in his body.

Although the qi is very weak, even faintly visible, as long as there is qi in the body, it is probably the legendary inner boxer.

Liu Xu knows that there is a distinction between inside and outside. Internal fighters practice breath, while external fighters practice bone skin.

A young man with no energy is an outside boxer, and an old man with energy is an inside boxer, so he dare not underestimate an inside boxer.

Liu Xu has been secretly observing the movement of the older woman. When she kicked at his temple at the right time, Liu Xu quickly rolled on the ground, then bounced up and retreated.

After the older woman lost her foot, she did not intend to let Liu Xu go, but continued forward with a weird footwork.

Liu Xu suddenly discovered that when this woman moved forward with this kind of footwork, there were very few flaws.

However, this elderly woman is probably at most an entry-level one, not a strong one among internal boxers, let alone the strongest.


The older woman punches fiercely.

Liu Xu dodged his head sideways, and punched towards the opening, but the woman reacted very quickly, when she saw Liu Xu's fist hit, she immediately dodged.

Liu Xu's fist missed, and the two were completely entangled.

At the same time, Liu Xu also felt that older women were more powerful.

The strength of the fist was [-]% of his own strength, and it was obvious that the older woman did not use her full strength.

After fighting for about six or seven moves, the older woman punched Liu Xu in the ribs, but he also counterattacked on her neck at the same time, and the older woman was almost knocked to the ground by Liu Xu's huge force .


The two hit the move at the same time, and then made the move at the same time, but this time Liu Xu was half a beat faster. Before the older woman straightened her arm completely, one of his hands blocked her arm, and his whole body collided. on older women.


The older woman flew nearly half a meter into the air, but was also hit with a muffled groan.

When she landed, she almost sat down on the ground, but she was still able to beat, so she quickly jumped up and continued to rush forward.

"Let's stop here, you are not my opponent!"

Liu Xu retreated quickly. After more than a dozen moves, he had counted them. Although the older woman couldn't beat him, it should be enough to protect Qi Wei.

"Stop it, that's it!" When Liu Xu shouted to stop, Xia Youshan also came out of the living room, and seeing Xia Youshan coming out, the older woman and the muddy young woman who wanted to make a move immediately went to In front of Xia Youshan, she saluted slightly, but the two of them didn't say anything.

"You guys are very good. You have been able to fight so many tricks with Liu Xu. The previous one was KO'd by Liu Xu! Well, let me introduce you too. His name is Liu Xu, my friend." Xia Youshan didn't do it this time. Playing petty temper, on the contrary also encouraged a few words.

Although she told Liu Xu on the phone that she would be dismissed if she couldn't beat her, that was still a joke. She couldn't have found a bodyguard and fired her if she couldn't beat Liu Xu.

"Liu Xu, this is Mother He, and she is Lin Ziyu." Xia Youshan continued to introduce.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu, for your mercy." Mama He and Lin Ziyu also bowed to Liu Xu at the same time, which was a sign of respect for the strong.

Although Lin Ziyu was covered in mud, she didn't blame Liu Xu, because she had no reason to blame. Although she was also a woman, she was also a bodyguard. Like, she has her professionalism.

Moreover, although Lin Ziyu was arrogant, she was not arrogant.

Lin Ziyu, a Taiwanese, professional bodyguard, graduated from the Central Police University, once protected Lu Xiulian, Liu Zhaoxuan and other political figures, served as Ma Ying-jeou's personal bodyguard in 2010, known as "beautiful girl bodyguard".

Xia Youshan's introduction was mainly to Lin Ziyu. Her father opened a taekwondo gym in Taiwan.

Because of family reasons, Lin Ziyu has longed for police work since she was a child, so she gave up the chance to be admitted to a sports school and chose to enter the "Central Police University" in Taiwan.

"Sorry, the shot was a bit heavy just now. You two are the strongest opponents I have ever met, so I have to go all out." Liu Xu immediately melted away after the two were defeated. The embarrassment is like giving them a step down.

"Okay, let's go in and talk about it!" Xia Youshan turned around and complained as he walked, "It doesn't matter if you leave, what does it mean to leave a baby in a runaway state?"

"I went back to the magic capital." Liu Xu followed behind.

"Oh? You went to Shanghai, why didn't you call me? I haven't been to Shanghai for a long time." Back in the living room, Xia Youshan curled up on the sofa, and Mama He and Linlin said goodbye Sit on a chair in the lobby.

Liu Xu sat across from Xia Youshan and smiled, "I'm going back to do business."

"Business?" Xia Youshan exaggerated: "Isn't it going back to pick up girls?"

"Don't say it's useless, where is my wife?" Liu Xu asked casually.

"Baby, you're on a business trip!" Xia Youshan said with a smirk.

"Where did you go on a business trip?" Liu Xu knew that Yang Ying was a workaholic, so a business trip was not impossible, it should be said that it was very possible.

"Benefits!" Xia Youshan stretched out his hand and said, "You have to bribe me first and give me benefits before I tell you."

"What benefits do you want?" Liu Xu couldn't help but cry: "What do you want? What benefits do you still want from me?"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1124 It's okay to sleep with you

"Hey, it's not really a good thing. If you promise me one thing, I'll call her." Xia Youshan laughed.

"If you don't kill or break the law, if you don't steal or rob, everything else is fine, and it's fine to sleep with you!"

"Pfft!" Hearing Liu Xu's words, Xia Youshan almost vomited blood. This Liu Xu didn't even look at him. There were outsiders around, so he dared to say anything.

"Don't talk nonsense." After Xia Youshan glared at Liu Xu with a blushing face, she also looked at He Ma and Lin Ziyu and said, "He Ma, Ziyu, you go upstairs to rest, I will talk to Liu Xu!"

"Yes." Mother He smiled. Lin Ziyu actually wanted to go upstairs to take a shower, but because of her duty, her employer didn't go upstairs, so what was she going upstairs to take a shower?

Of course, she also took a weird look at Liu Xu and Xia Youshan, and at the same time, she could tell that the relationship between Xia Youshan and Liu Xu was really extraordinary.

After watching the two go upstairs, Xia Youshan looked at Liu Xu reproachfully and said, "Be careful when you talk in the future."

"Okay, okay, I forgot just now." Liu Xu nodded again and again. It's okay to joke with Xia Youshan, but there are outsiders around and make some excessive jokes. You may gossip, you may not say anything on your lips, but you may not know what to think in your heart!

"I'm going to a reception tomorrow night, you will be my boyfriend, come with me, this little request is okay!"

"No problem, it's not a big deal." Liu Xu readily agreed, "Quickly tell me where did the baby go on a business trip?"

"South Korea!"

"Didn't you go for plastic surgery?"

Xia Youshan gave Liu Xu an angry look, and said, "You don't know what your company does, do you?"

"Real estate?" Liu Xu froze for a moment, he really didn't know.

In exchange for his expression, Xia Youshan rolled her eyes again. She stretched out her hand to caress her forehead, and said in a hopeless tone, "Cosmetics! Baby's family makes cosmetics. Of course, the company has grown bigger, and real estate is also involved."

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