"Then what kind of reception do you attend tomorrow night and you still have to bring a male companion?" Liu Xu suddenly remembered that he had promised her that he would be her male companion tomorrow night.

"It's a regional charity reception held by business friends from western Sichuan. All the participants are well-known wealthy businessmen from western Sichuan. I represent my company! As you know, I'm a director in the company. Although those managers also attended, but the weight is not enough, so my dad let me go."

"As for why I bring a male companion, you are my shield! Every time this kind of reception, there will be a lot of the same second-generation ancestors pestering me. I am too lazy to deal with them, so tomorrow night if someone pesters me, you just Get rid of me directly."

"Oh, fine, no problem, I'll get rid of it for you," Liu Xu nodded briskly.

"That's good enough buddy." Xia You said kindly.

"It's agreed, I promised you, how can I go back on my word, right!" Liu Xu said with a chuckle.

"Well, dress more formally tomorrow, and there will be nothing else." Xia Youshan warned.

"Understood, I won't lose face to Miss Xia." Liu Xu laughed.

"Well, that's it for tonight. Auntie, I'm tired, so I'll go upstairs to sleep." Xia Youshan yawned, it was past eleven o'clock, and if Liu Xu hadn't come back, she would have gone to bed early today.

Liu Xu also went back to his room. The baby was not there, so he boldly entered her boudoir.

A familiar light fragrance enters the nostrils, the beauty is gone, the fragrance remains.

Liu Xu went to the bedroom, filled the bathtub, and prepared to take a bath.

After looking around, Liu Xu couldn't find the bath towel, so he went to Yang Ying's closet.

Opening one of the wardrobes, I saw that there were all kinds of skirts hanging inside, long skirts, short skirts, skirts, and dresses, each of which was neatly arranged, and at the same time, the styles were dazzling .

I didn't see any bath towels in this closet, so Liu Xu opened the second closet, but he saw that it was full of clothes, and there were no bath towels.

So Liu Xu opened the third wardrobe.

However, as soon as he opened the cabinet door, he was stunned.

But I saw that there was a closet full of personal clothes.

On the upper part of the cabinet, there are bras hanging, red, green, traditional, petal-shaped, conservative, sexy, etc. They are all available, which makes Liu Xu blush a little bit and heartbeat.

Among them, the one that made him unable to take his eyes off the most was the pink Loudi sexy style in the middle.

If Yang Ying wears this... Liu Xu couldn't help but stop immediately after thinking about it for a while.

Suppressing his emotions, Liu Xu looked under the cabinet again, but seeing the things below made him blush even more.

Needless to say, it was full of all kinds of underwear.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu suppressed all kinds of desires. If the baby is not here, he can't really call for door-to-door service!

Or go and rape Xia Youshan, and then force her to introduce her two younger sisters to him...

Liu Xu looked at the lower level of the closet, and saw a layer of bath towels placed there.

Taking out one at random, Liu Xu closed the closet door.

After taking a bath, I was lying on the bed alone in a daze. I suddenly remembered that I went back to Shanghai. It seemed that I had taken the ghost gourd, but why did I go back to Yanjing without taking the gourd?

Before he knew it, Liu Xu fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he found that it was already dawn outside, and there was the sound of petting while practicing boxing in the yard.

Liu Xu got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and went out.

He Ma and Lin Ziyu were practicing pushing hands in the yard, both of them were wearing training clothes.

When the two women saw Liu Xu coming out, they stopped at the same time, and Mama He laughed and said, "Mr. Liu also got up so early!"

"Well, I have something to do today and I have to go out, so you continue. Later, Xia Youshan woke up, and you told her that I will come back to pick her up at night, that's all."

Liu Xu got in the car and left. After buying breakfast outside, he went directly to the hospital.


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Chapter 1125 Gao Yuanyuan said she would agree to any conditions

Liu Xu rushed to Yanjing Hospital, but God seemed to be joking with him, Chen An'an went back to Shanghai on vacation, but finally met He Jing, although it was just a hasty one, but seeing him, Xiao Nizi's heart was finally landed.

"Liu Xu!"

Just as Liu Xu walked out of the hospital, he heard someone calling his name.

And this person was somewhat beyond his expectation, it was Gao Yuanyuan, the beautiful woman he met by chance in a car.

Gao Yuanyuan was still wearing a dark professional suit, she was mature and mysterious, but at this moment, her beautiful face was a bit haggard, and there was deep worry in her eyes.

"Sister Yuanyuan, why are you here?" Of course Liu Xu didn't think that Gao Yuanyuan stopped him, and finally decided to repay his life-saving grace, and promised him with his body, "Are you sick?"

"Liu Xu, you once said that you are a doctor, right?" Gao Yuanyuan asked eagerly.

"That's right, and you're an expert!" Liu Xu was a little puzzled, "Sister Yuanyuan, are you really sick? Although your complexion is not very good, according to my sight and smell, you are in good health! Of course, the specific situation , after I ask everything."

"I'm not sick, I want you to visit my grandpa!" Gao Yuanyuan said quickly.

Liu Xu couldn't help scratching his head, he was sure of his "medical skills", at worst he could keep people alive, but why Gao Yuanyuan believed in him so much?

Liu Xu didn't know that his identity had been exposed. Because of Yang Ying's intervention that day, he was let go by the police station. As a result, Gao Yuanyuan and his group rushed over to nothing, but they also learned about it from Tang Xinyi. Liu Xu is really Yang Ying's husband.

"Liu Xu, what's the problem?" Seeing that Liu Xu didn't speak, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "As long as you cure my grandpa, I will agree to any conditions!"

Agree to any conditions?

Looking at Gao Yuanyuan's pretty face, and then at her plump peaks and round buttocks, Liu Xu swallowed unconsciously. Could it be that Goddess Gao Yuanyuan can't escape his clutches this time? ?

Gao Yuanyuan soon felt Liu Xu's burning eyes, and a blush flashed across her pretty face, then she gritted her teeth and said firmly, "Liu Xu, I keep my word, as long as I can cure grandpa, I will give you any conditions." I promise you all."

"Then let me go and see how your grandfather is doing!" Liu Xu quickly agreed. How could he not agree to such a good thing?

"Well, then let's go!" Gao Yuanyuan was in a hurry, pulling Liu Xu and running outside.

She came to Yanjing Hospital today to find a doctor. Although the Sacred Heart Hospital gathers experts, Gao Yuanyuan will not go to other big hospitals from time to time to find some doctors and consult some problems in the so-called brainstorming.

In the hospital parking lot, there was still that low-key black Audi, which was the car that Liu Xu was in when he carpooled forcibly.

Gao Yuanyuan dragged Liu Xu into the car, then quickly started the car and drove away.

After dozens of minutes, Gao Yuanyuan took Liu Xu to the Sacred Heart Hospital, stopped the car in a hurry, pulled Liu Xu inside, and only walked a few steps before meeting Gao Shaoxiong coming towards him.

"Little sister, this is... you really found Liu Xu?" Gao Shaoxiong showed a strange smile. He had never seen Liu Xu in person, but he had seen his photo.

Although he only glanced at the surveillance video of the police station, as Yang Ying's husband, it would be difficult for Gao Shaoxiong to forget him.

"Brother, I'll take Liu Xu to see grandpa first, and we'll talk about other things later!" Gao Yuanyuan spoke very fast, and her feet were even faster, almost running in.

Gao Shaoxiong also rushed a few steps and followed in.

Walking into the ward, Liu Xu found that there were so many people in the ward, at least a dozen men and women, and they all surrounded the bed, making the bed so tight that he couldn't even see who was lying on the bed. .

"Liu Xu, take a look at my grandfather's condition!" Gao Yuanyuan squeezed the two of them away, and pulled Liu Xu to the bedside.

At this moment, Liu Xu finally saw clearly the patient lying on the bed, with white beard and hair, sunken eye sockets, extremely thin, he was really skinny and skinny.

The old man lay there quietly, his eyes seemed to be open, but he didn't respond to everything around him, but he was already unconscious.

"Yuanyuan, what are you doing? Where did you find such a person?" A man in his fifties asked dissatisfiedly.

"Second Uncle, this is Liu Xu, the miraculous doctor I found." Gao Yuanyuan didn't raise his head, "Since the doctors at Sacred Heart Hospital can't cure Grandpa's illness, I can only go outside to find other doctors."

"It's just this little boy, or a genius doctor?" The man was a little annoyed, "Yuanyuan, when did you become so confused?"

"You're just a little boy!" Liu Xu raised his head and gave the man a hard look. He is a man now. If the other party is a beautiful woman, he would definitely ask her to verify it on the spot.

"Boy, how did you talk?" The man was furious, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know!" Liu Xu pouted, "Don't bother me, or I'll beat you!"

"Beat me?" The man laughed angrily, "I, Gao Zhiyi, have never tasted the feeling of being beaten, I don't believe it..."

"Second Uncle, I advise you to stop talking." Gao Shaoxiong interrupted Gao Zhiyi, "Otherwise, I believe you will be beaten for the first time in your life."

"Gao Shaoxiong, do you ever talk to elders like this?" Gao Zhiyi shouted angrily.

"Second uncle, I just hope you read Liu Xu's name carefully twice, and then you may know who he is." Gao Shaoxiong said lightly.

"Isn't it just Liu Xu? I..." Gao Zhiyi sneered, but suddenly thought of something, his expression changed, "What did you say? He is Liu Xu? That Liu Xu?"

"Second Uncle, it's good to think about it." Gao Shaoxiong smiled faintly, "Liu Xu is seeing grandpa, so it's better for Second Uncle not to disturb you for the time being."


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Chapter 1126 Do you know how difficult it is to hang up my expert account?

Gao Zhiyi looked at Liu Xu, hesitant to speak, but there was a look of suspicion in his eyes.

As for the others, they didn't speak at the moment, they just looked like they were watching a good show. As for what they were thinking, only they knew.

The surroundings became quiet, and Liu Xu caught the old man's skinny wrist and began to feel his pulse.

Liu Xu was very happy at first, he felt that today was his lucky day, and the goddess Gao Yuanyuan even delivered it to his door, but with such a pulse, he couldn't be happier.

"Liu Xu, how's the situation? Can you cure my grandfather's illness?" Gao Yuanyuan saw that something was wrong with Liu Xu's expression, and couldn't help feeling something bad in his heart, so he hurriedly asked.

Liu Xu looked dejected, and shook his head sullenly: "I can't."

If the old man's illness could not be cured, Gao Yuanyuan would not agree with him. This made Liu Xu very upset, but he was the same, he really couldn't cure the old man.

Hearing this, Gao Yuanyuan suddenly felt that her last hope had disappeared. She stared blankly at her grandfather, and two tears flowed out unconsciously.

"I thought it was a miracle doctor, isn't it the same?" A soft snort came from the side, but the person who spoke was a middle-aged woman who looked very rich. Looking at her figure, she weighed at least two hundred catties.

"That's right. The doctors in our Sacred Heart Hospital are all the best. If they can't do anything, what can others do?" Someone beside him agreed, but she was also a woman. She looked only in her thirties, quite Somewhat pretty.

"Second Aunt, Third Aunt, are you just looking forward to Grandpa's death?" Gao Yuanyuan suddenly raised her head and looked at the two women angrily.

"Yuanyuan, what are you talking about? I said, don't spout blood!" the rich woman said displeased.

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