"That's right, I said Yuanyuan, we are your aunt, you are too big and too young, aren't you?" The young woman also echoed, as if she was the rich woman's echo.

"Everyone knows what you think!" Gao Yuanyuan sneered, "Don't you just hope that Grandpa will die soon so that you can divide the family property?"

"Yuanyuan, don't talk nonsense!" A deep voice came from another middle-aged man.

Gao Yuanyuan snorted and didn't say anything else. This person was her father Gao Zhizhong. Although she didn't have a good relationship with him, it was her father after all, and she couldn't argue with him.

What's more, Gao Yuanyuan was not in the mood to quarrel at the moment. After venting her dissatisfaction, she looked at Liu Xu again, and asked a little unwillingly, "Liu Xu, is there really nothing you can do?"

"Sister Yuanyuan, I also want to cure your grandfather, but he is full of diseases, and strictly speaking, it is not a disease, but he is too old, both the meridians and bones are seriously aging. If you want to cure him, it means you want to rejuvenate him." Liu Xu looked depressed, Maoshan is not famous for alchemy, although he can, but there is no material, heaven and earth treasures are basically extinct now, "I can't cure him, I can only let him live for another half a year."

When Gao Yuanyuan heard Liu Xu say that grandpa could not be cured again, her mood had already hit rock bottom, but when she suddenly heard Liu Xu's next words, she had the feeling that she had heard it wrong.

"Liu Xu, you, what are you talking about? You said you can let grandpa live for another six months?" Gao Yuanyuan asked tremblingly.

"Yes, although it can't be cured, it's still possible to prolong your life for half a year." Liu Xu nodded.

"That's great, that's great..." Gao Yuanyuan instantly felt like he was going from hell to heaven, "Liu Xu, hurry up, help grandpa heal quickly, let grandpa wake up!"

"Oh, good." Seeing Gao Yuanyuan so happy, Liu Xu felt better, moved his wrist, and was ready to start the treatment.

"Wait a minute!" There was a deep shout, but it came from Gao Zhiyi's mouth.

"What are you doing?" Liu Xu glanced at Gao Zhiyi with dissatisfaction.

Gao Zhiyi ignored Liu Xu, just glanced at the others, and said slowly, "Brother, third brother, do you really want such a person of unknown origin to treat the old man?"

"Second Uncle, what do you mean?" Gao Yuanyuan was extremely angry, "Now someone is treating grandpa's illness, which can make grandpa live another six months, and you actually want to stop it?"

"Yuanyuan, your second uncle didn't say he wouldn't allow your grandfather to be treated. It's just that this person is young and he doesn't know why. He said he could let your grandfather live for another half a year. Who knows if it's true or not?" The rich woman continued, "Now that your grandfather is still alive, if this person tortures your grandfather to death instead, who will take the responsibility?"

"I invited Liu Xu here. If something goes wrong, I will naturally take responsibility!" Gao Yuanyuan said angrily.

"Yuanyuan, even if you are responsible, you can't let someone treat the old man casually." Gao Zhiyi snorted, "You said Liu Xu is a doctor, that's fine, you can ask him to show his medical certificate!"

"Second Uncle, are you so afraid of Grandpa being cured?" A sarcastic voice sounded, but it was Gao Shaoxiong who answered, "You have heard about Liu Xu and know his abilities, now listening to him can make Grandpa more Live for half a year, so you're scared, aren't you?"

"Shaoxiong, I don't know what you're talking about. This is Liu Xu. I just saw him for the first time. If he has a medical certificate, I would naturally let him treat the old man!" Gao Zhiyi snorted , "If not, then ask him to leave this ward!"

"Liu Xu is the doctor I invited, you have no right to drive him away!" Gao Yuanyuan said angrily.

"Yuanyuan, don't forget, I'm your second uncle!" Gao Zhiyi snorted coldly, "It's not your turn to be in charge of this family!"

"Hey, I said you're annoying! Say I'm practicing medicine without a license? Hmph!" Finally Liu Xu couldn't take it anymore, and he stared at Gao Zhiyi dissatisfied, "Do you know how difficult it is to get my expert account?"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1127 Oh, it was your dad who hit me just now!

"This is our family matter, and it's not your turn to talk to an outsider!" Gao Zhiyi snorted coldly. He had indeed heard that Liu Xu was Yang Ying's husband. He had some scruples about Liu Xu at first, but now When he learned that Liu Xu could actually make the old man live for half a year longer, he quickly put aside his scruples.

"I'm not interested in taking care of your family's affairs." Liu Xu put his hand on the old man's body, "Sister Yuanyuan invited me to treat the illness, and I'll leave after the illness is cured, don't bother me!"

"Stop it!" Gao Zhiyi became anxious immediately, and stepped forward to prevent Liu Xu from treating his illness.

Liu Xu's right hand was full of breath, and without turning his head, he pushed his left hand casually, which happened to be on Gao Zhiyi's Yuexiong mouth.

Gao Zhiyi suddenly felt a huge force coming, pushing him back again and again, and even took away a few people around the bed, which made the bed less crowded .

"You, you dare to hit someone?" Gao Zhiyi was furious, and shouted loudly, "Security, where is the security?"

Even if he yelled loudly there, Liu Xu didn't bother to pay attention. In a few minutes, the incoming zhenqi traveled around the big holes in the old man's body.

"Mr. Gao, what's the matter?" The security came soon.

"It's okay!" Gao Shaoxiong blocked the door, "Go back to me!"

"Who said it's all right?" Gao Zhiyi was furious, "You all come in, arrest this liar pretending to be a genius doctor, and send him to the Public Security Bureau!"

The security guard was immediately depressed, one said it was fine, and the other had something to do, but these two people, he, the security guard, couldn't afford to offend them.

"I want to see, who dares to disturb Liu Xu's treatment of grandpa!" Gao Shaoxiong glanced at everyone with a cold look.

"Gao Shaoxiong, you, do you still take my second uncle seriously?" Gao Zhiyi was furious.

"Slap!" A loud slap in the face made everyone dumbfounded.

Seeing the bright red slap marks on Gao Zhiyi's face, everyone in the Gao family felt a little unbelievable. Gao Zhiyi touched his burning cheeks, but didn't react for a while.

"Gao Shaoxiong, how dare you hit me?" Gao Zhiyi finally came to his senses and yelled at Gao Shaoxiong, how unreasonable, really unreasonable, for decades, no one dared to hit Gao Zhiyi!

"Idiot, I hit you." Liu Xu said lazily, "You don't even know who hit you, you are really an idiot."

"You..." Gao Zhiyi turned his head and glared at Liu Xu angrily.

"Sister Yuanyuan, the old man will wake up in a quarter of an hour, I'll go first!" Liu Xu ignored Gao Zhiyi, greeted Gao Yuanyuan, and walked outside the ward.

"Stop!" Gao Zhiyi yelled angrily, "You hit someone, and you want to leave like this? Let me tell you, it's not that easy!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Liu Xu continued walking without looking back.

"What? Does the second uncle want to catch up and be beaten by him?" Gao Shaoxiong's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Gao Shaoxiong, you!" Gao Zhiyi only felt Yuexiong's mouth was stuffy for a while, and he almost passed out. It has been decades, and he has never been so angry!

"Little sister, you are here looking at grandpa, I'll take Liu Xu home!" Gao Shaoxiong ignored Gao Zhiyi, "Call me if you have anything to do."

"Okay, big brother." Gao Yuanyuan nodded, her beautiful eyes stared at the old man on the bed without blinking, but there was already a look of joy on her face.

Because she could already clearly see that the old man's muddy eyes brightened a lot, and the original dry skin also obviously had some vitality, and his face was becoming rosy.

Although she is not a doctor, she can feel that grandpa's health has improved a lot. She believes that Liu Xu will not lie to him, and grandpa will wake up soon.

The old man's complexion is getting better and better, while the expressions of Gao Zhiyi and others are becoming more and more ugly.

Because, they began to realize that the situation they least wanted to see was about to happen.


Liu Xu walked out of the hospital unhurriedly, thinking in his heart, if he hadn't been cured, would Gao Yuanyuan agree to the conditions he proposed?

"Liu Xu!" A man wearing a famous brand appeared in front of Liu Xu, blocking his way. "Let me introduce formally. I am Gao Shaojie and my father is Gao Zhiyi."

"Oh, the one who hit me just now was your father!" Liu Xu had no intention of shaking hands with this man, although this man was not his rival in love, but he was very upset with this man.

A flash of anger flashed in Gao Shaojie's eyes, but he quickly returned to normal. He withdrew his hand and smiled lightly: "I heard that you came to treat my grandfather. No matter what, I have to thank you."

"Gao Shaojie, do you really thank him?" A sneer came, but Gao Shaoxiong had already come out.

"Brother, no matter who comes to treat grandpa, I will thank him." Gao Shaojie smiled slightly, "Could it be that brother doesn't thank Liu Xu?"

"Of course I thank him." Gao Shaoxiong stared at Gao Shaojie coldly, "If it weren't for Liu Xu, my little sister would have been harmed by something worse than a beast."

Gao Shaojie didn't change his expression, he still had a smile on his face: "Brother is right, we should all thank Liu Xu."

"Really?" Gao Shaoxiong smiled coldly, "Then I'll tell you another piece of good news, Grandpa will wake up soon."

Gao Shaojie's complexion changed, and then he laughed: "Really? That's really good news, brother, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go see grandpa."

"Liu Xu, let's have a meal together when you're free!" Gao Shaojie greeted Liu Xu again, and then hurried towards the hospital.

Looking at Gao Shaojie's back, Gao Shaoxiong's eyes were very cold, until Gao Shaojie completely disappeared from his sight, Gao Shaoxiong turned around: "Liu Xu, let me take you back first!"

"it is good."

"Send you where you live?"

"Brother Gao, it's like this. I want to buy two villas, but I don't know much about the capital, so please help me to recommend two villas."

"Okay, this is no problem, you have found the right person, but do you have any requirements such as the price, area, size and geographical location?" Ye Shaoxiong readily agreed.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1128 The baby doesn't like to eat sour...

"The location in the outskirts of Beijing is fine too. There are fewer cars and it will be quieter. The area should be at least [-] square meters. The price of the garden with a garage is between [-] million and [-] million!" Although Liu Xu has many women, But it's not about arranging them to live together, so two or three hundred square meters is about the same.

"Okay, I have a friend who is in the real estate business, and they have the apartment type you mentioned. If it's convenient for you now, I can take you to him."

"Okay, I'm free now." Liu Xu thought for a while, then called Huang Yijiang and asked her to come over with him.

After all, if it was bought for her to live in, Huang Yijiang, the hostess, should be satisfied.

After Liu Xu hung up the phone, Gao Shaoxiong said half-jokingly: "I said Liu Xu, that woman just now wasn't Yang Ying, right? Are you not afraid that she will be jealous?"

The Yang family has a big business, so naturally they wouldn't buy a villa of two to three hundred square meters.

"Baby doesn't like sour food..." Liu Xu said nonsense seriously: "So she won't be jealous."

Gao Shaoxiong was a little speechless by Liu Xu's answer, shook his head, and changed the subject: "Liu Xu, do you still remember the tiger?"

"Tiger?" Liu Xu thought for a while, "Is that the guy who wanted to molest Miss Yuanyuan and then I turned him into a eunuch?"

"That's right, it's him." Gao Shaoxiong nodded, "I found him, and I asked him something."

I wanted to wait for Liu Xu to ask questions, but Gao Shaoxiong waited for a long time, but found that he didn't mean to ask questions at all, so he had to speak again: "Liu Xu, the tiger just took other people's money to do things, and the person who really wants to deal with my little sister , it's not him, and this person is likely to attack my little sister in the future."

"Really?" Liu Xu became a little interested this time, "Whoever dares to deal with Sister Yuanyuan, I will kill him!"

Gao Shaoxiong was very satisfied with Liu Xu's words, he smiled lightly, and said, "Liu Xu, with your words, I feel relieved. Although I have sent someone to protect my little sister, but the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, I can't Guaranteed to be safe. I only hope that if there is something wrong with the little sister, you can immediately rescue her."

"Brother Gao, don't worry! With me here, sister Yuanyuan will be fine." Liu Xu said confidently.

Gao Shaoxiong didn't say much, because the relationship between him and Liu Xu is not enough to say too deeply.

However, he did believe in Liu Xu's guarantee, and with this guarantee, the little girl's safety would be guaranteed again, and for him, this was enough.

Really found the right person, Gao Shaoxiong is a man with great powers, knowing the real estate owner is nothing.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xu picked up Huang Yijiang, the three of them had dinner together, and then followed Gao Shaoxiong to meet his friend.

Beijing Tianfeng Tea House.

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