In the private room, sat a fat man in his forties, with a big belly, as if he was pregnant

"Come here, Ma, let me introduce you. This is Liu Xu." As soon as everyone entered the room, Gao Shaoxiong stood up and introduced Liu Xu, "Liu Xu, this is Boss Ma."

Liu Xu could naturally see that Gao Shaoxiong deliberately acted very close to him.

The fat man bowed and shook hands very respectfully, and handed out his business card with both hands. His name was Ma Xueyi, the general manager of a real estate company in Beijing.

"Lao Ma, Liu Xu and I have a very good relationship, so I want to save my face. If he takes a fancy to your villa, you can give me a discount."

"Mr. Liu, guarantee the cost price, no extra points"

"Then let's go! I'm fine today, so I'll go to see the house with Liu Xu, and help the staff by the way, okay Liu Xu?" Gao Shaoxiong said with a smile.

"Brother helps the staff, so it's naturally a wish. Come on, regardless of whether the house is completed or not, I will treat you tonight." Liu Xu said boldly.

"Please, please." Fatty Ma waved his hands again and again, and said: "Mr. Liu can go to my real estate, that is to give me face, now I will show you the words, little brother Liu, as long as you like my house , I buy one get one free."

This fat man is like a human being, he figured it out, if Gao Shaoxiong can personally follow Liu Xu to see the house, then their relationship is probably really unusual.

As for Gao Shaoxiong, he entrusted many relationships and contacted him countless times before he had any intersection with him.


The villa developed by Fatty Ma is called Green City Yuyuan, which is located in Haidian Township, Haidian District, in the suburbs of Beijing.

Since Fatty Arima, the big boss, led them personally, instead of going to the sales center, the group went directly to several unsold single-family villas.

The interior of the villa has been finely decorated, and it is also a ready-to-live type.

Liu Xu is a turtle, and he doesn't know anything about inner beauty. He saw that the environment outside is good, and the inside of the villa is elegant and elegant. bingo.

One set is 289 square meters, and the other is 360 square meters. The distance between the two villas is less than a kilometer, and they are not side-by-side. If you use Fatty Ma, you can buy the big and get the small one. The cost price of the two villas is four thousand and one He is in charge of handling all the formalities, such as one million yuan, housing permits, etc.

Forty million, two single-family villas, Liu Xu knew that this was a big deal, and Fatty Ma would at least lose half of his income.

"I want it for you, don't worry about owe me anything, I still owe you a favor! You saved my grandfather's life." Gao Shaoxiong pulled Liu Xu aside and whispered.

"I just feel, why did he give us such a big discount? It's like selling it at a loss!" Liu Xu also replied in a low voice.

"Fatty Ma is a smart person, how could he do business at a loss? He and I have other business dealings, so you can rest assured that you can keep the house."

There was Gao Shaoxiong acting as a guarantor in the middle, so Liu Xu paid the full amount and left the copy of Huang Yijiang's ID card to Fatty Ma.

Of course, the other building, Liu Xu, is to be written under the name of Gu Li Nazha, but her ID card will not be delivered until tomorrow.


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Chapter 1129 There is nothing I dare not do

Fatty Ma is only in charge of the formalities. Huang Yijiang and Gu Li Nazha have to sign for the final house property, but don't worry, it will take a few days to go through the formalities.

After being busy until after six o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xu proposed to go to dinner after taking the keys of the two villas, but Gao Shaoxiong refused because he had other things to do at night.

It just so happened that Liu Xu also had something to do at night, so the two parties agreed to make an appointment another day.

Huang Yijiang took the keys to the villa and took a taxi to leave, while Gao Shaoxiong and Fatty Ma left together.

Liu Xu also rushed back anxiously, and promised Xia Youshan, so he didn't want to break his promise.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, Liu Xu arrived home. When he got home, Liu Xu immediately saw Xia Youshan, who was dressed like a princess in a purple dress.

"I'll just wait for you, change clothes quickly." Xia Youshan complained, "You came back so late, and you're fooling around again?"

"Right away, right away." Liu Xu ran back to his room and took out his suit, put on his leather shoes again, and went to the bathroom to wash his face again.

"Well, it's okay, that's it, let's go!" Xia Youshan said lightly, and took the initiative to walk out with Liu Xu's arm.

There was a black Rolls-Royce Phantom parked in the park, and at this moment He Ma was already sitting in the cockpit, and Lin Ziyu opened the car door to welcome Xia Youshan.

"My dad gave me this car. It's bulletproof. I don't usually drive it. I only drive it on such formal occasions." Xia Youshan got into the car with Liu Xu while Lin Ziyu sat in the passenger seat. superior.

"You don't usually drive, do you? Then drive it for me." Liu Xu touched this and that, the roof configuration of this car probably exceeds ten million!

"No, this is a small car, so you can't drive it casually." Xia Youshan shook his head immediately.

"Cut, stingy." Liu Xu said contemptuously.

"I won't open it for you." Xia Youshan said tit for tat.

"I'll let you go after a while, do you believe it?" Liu Xu threatened her.

"How dare you!" Xia Youshan stared.

"Don't you know there is nothing I dare not do?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows.

"Why are you doing this? You know how to bully me. This car really can't be driven, a small car, if you drive out and cause trouble, it will hurt my dad." Xia Youshan said anxiously.

"Okay, I'm just kidding you, I have a car, why are you in a hurry!" When Liu Xu saw that the girl was really in a hurry, he stopped teasing her and became serious.

"Besides this one, there are five more in my garage. You can drive them as you please."

"Damn, there are five more!" Liu Xu thought ten thousand galloping horses galloped, this girl's family must have too much money!

But he also owns a lot of cars, Audi, Land Rover, Maybach s600...

"Well, two belong to my dad, and the other three belong to me."

"What kind of car does your father own?" Liu Xu asked casually.

"One QQ, one BYD f0." Xia Youshan said seriously.

"Pfft, you're kidding!" Liu Xu said with his eyes widened.

"Are you kidding? My old man is the most low-key person in the world. And he is very stingy. You will know it when you meet him. He will wear a piece of clothing for ten years, and he won't change his shoes if he doesn't wear his toes. , My mother and I have corrected his problem for the rest of our lives but have not corrected it.”

"I see, your level is too high." Liu Xu suddenly sighed, and muttered, "It's too pretentious."

"Yeah, he is poor for himself and rich for us. He will buy whatever we want. I have been afraid of him for so many years. When I go out to play, I dare not buy anything for him. If he buys ones that are too expensive, he will only want ones that are ordinary and practical, otherwise he won’t. You don’t even know that the watch my dad wears is from old Shanghai. I bought it in the [-]s and haven’t changed it for so many years.”

"You should be proud of your father." Liu Xu praised.

"You think so too, that's right, I'm indeed proud of him." Xia You said complacently.

"Well, although it's not the first time for me to participate in this kind of reception, hehe... so you have to remind me next to it!" Liu Xu suddenly changed the subject.

"Actually, it's nothing. This kind of reception is generally a social reception in the circle. Of course, it's also in the name of charity. At the end of the reception, there will be a charity auction. To put it bluntly, it is a group of rich people who get together in the name of charity." , when the time comes, I will spend money to shoot some impractical things, and the money will be donated to the disaster-stricken areas in the name of the chamber of commerce, poor students and so on."

"Where did the lot come from?" Liu Xu asked curiously.

"Some are arty people's own works, such as writing calligraphy and painting, and some are treasures from their collection. I also have a lot. Do you want to see it?" Xia Youshan said from the bag He took out an exquisite small box from his pocket, and after opening it, a gemstone necklace like a cat's eye appeared in front of Liu Xu's eyes.

"Good thing, this stone is not bad." Liu Xu could tell at a glance that this cat's eye gemstone was definitely a priceless good thing.

"I bought it at an auction abroad a few years ago, and it cost [-] euros! This time my dad asked me to prepare one, so I took it out. I don't wear it anyway. I will take a picture of it when the time comes." The price is high, and donating to those in need is considered a good deed, and my dad is happy to hear it.”

"Then when the auction comes, the reserve price will be more than seven million yuan?" Liu Xu smacked his lips. The Xia family donated seven million yuan casually.

"That's right! Anyway, when the reserve price comes out, if no one increases the price, you have to increase the price. This is a matter of face, understand?"

"Understood!" Liu Xu nodded and smiled, "Anyway, if I really buy it, you will have to pay for it."

"Of course I'm here. You're not richer than me." Xia Youshan gave Liu Xu a white look.

Liu Xu resisted not telling Xia Youshan that what she said was actually wrong. He might not be as rich as Xia's family, but he definitely wasn't as rich as Xia Youshan.


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Chapter 1130 Buy one get two free, no, buy one get three

The Changshan Club is the venue for this reception, and this Changshan Club is also a private club, which is not open to the public, and only members can enter.

Changshan Club is located in the western suburbs of the capital, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

When Liu Xu and Xia Youshan arrived, various luxury cars had gathered in the parking lot.

Some women dressed as ladies and noble ladies also entered the club one after another with their male companions, and the security outside the club was very strict, with dozens of men in suits patrolling nearby.

This is private security. In a place like this where wealthy businessmen gather, security is also the top priority. Moreover, some wealthy businessmen also bring their own security personnel.

When Xia Youshan and Liu Xu got out of the car, a man and a woman ran over. They were both in their forties, and they were well-dressed.

"People from the company." Xia Youshan said in a low voice.

"Miss Stephy, you are here."

After the two greeted each other respectfully, they led the way ahead. As for Liu Xu, who Xia Youshan was carrying on his shoulders, they didn't even ask.

Xia Youshan is the director of the company and the second shareholder after the chairman, so Xia Youshan's private life is taboo by all the senior management of the company.

Boss Xia's protection of his daughter is comprehensive. Although their Xia family has a big business, Xia Youshan has never been exposed because he doesn't want his daughter to live under the spotlight.

Keeping a low profile is the kingly way of the Xia family.

"Hi, Brother Liu, is that you?"

Just as Liu Xu and Xia Youshan were walking inside, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Liu Xu and Xia Youshan also turned their heads in surprise.

"Mr. Ma!" Liu Xu was delighted all of a sudden, they had only been separated for less than an hour, and the two met again here

"Ah, it's really you. I didn't expect you to come to the reception today!" Fatty Ma looked at Liu Xu, Xia Youshan, and the two senior executives of Xia's company strangely.

He didn't know Xia Youshan, but he knew the two high-level Xia family leaders who were leading the way.

These two people are also well-known in the business circle.

But now, such two famous figures are acting as guides for Liu Xu and her female companion.

"Mr. Ma, hello."

When Liu Xu greeted Fatty Ma, the two executives leading the way also shook hands with Fatty Ma at the same time and said hello, obviously they knew each other.

"Liu Xu, why don't you introduce this beautiful lady to my brother?" Fatty Ma was like a human being, so he naturally saw that Liu Xu's female companion was good.

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