"Hello, Mr. Ma, my name is Xia Youshan, Liu Xu's girlfriend." Xia Youshan restrained her naughty and flamboyant personality, and became like a good kitten, gently stretching out her arms like a lady.

"Hi Miss Xia, Liu Xu is lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend like you." Boss Ma gave Xia Youshan a very polite hand.

Of course, at this time, although he was extremely calm on the surface, he was also extremely shocked in his heart.

The woman said her name was Xia Youshan, her surname was Xia, and the two executives in front belonged to Xia's Fuyou Group.

The Xia family has always been a mysterious big family. The chairman of the Fuyou Group, which is a wealthy side, is named Xia, and the Fuyou Group is like a giant elephant, which is a legend in the business circle, and it is also a legend.

Mr. Xia Dafu, chairman of Fuyou Group, is well-known all over the world. There are many legends about Xia Dafu. This person went out to work at the age of fourteen. Starting step by step, the business has spread all over the country. Many provinces and cities in mainland China have his industry, Hong Kong, Macau, Southeast Asia, even Africa, Europe, America, etc. Fuyou Group has entered the international market.

Of course, until now, Fuyou Group has not been listed on the Growth Enterprise Market, so Fuyou Group is also a private enterprise and a family-owned enterprise.

Someone once predicted that once Fuyou Group goes public, its market value may be comparable to Hong Kong's and Hong Kong's richest Chinese Cheung Kong.

There is also a rumor that Xia Dafu is at the helm of the Fuyou Group on the surface, but in fact there are many red people participating in the shares behind it.

So Fuyou is mysterious and magical.

Fatty Ma is a member of the circle, and he is also from western Sichuan. He is a fellow with Xia Dafu from the Fuyou Group, so he knows a little about Xia Dafu, and he also knows that Xia Dafu only married one wife and had one daughter in his life. As for his daughter How or what, no one knows, and even on the fast-developed Internet, there is no rumor about Xia Clan.

No matter whether it is Baidu or major portal websites, when you search for words such as Xia's daughter or Xia Dafu's daughter, it will show that it does not exist.

Xia Dafu's protection of his daughter is very strict, and there are rumors that even in Baidu or other big portal websites, Xia's capital is involved.

In other words, the Xia family may still be the shareholder behind a certain big website!

Just like Li Yanhong, the helm of Baidu, can you search for the detailed information of Li Yanhong's daughter?

Even if it can be searched, it was released on purpose, and they didn't want you to know, and you will never know.

Fatty Ma knew that today, he saw the true god, Liu Xu was the true god, and Xia Youshan was also the true god.

The villa was not given away for free this afternoon. I knew it would be right not to mention buy one get one free, buy one get two free, or even buy one get three back!

"President Ma, let's go together, I still have something to tell you!" Liu Xu invited.

"Okay, brother Liu please, miss Xia please." Fatty Ma made a gesture of please.


The venue was very large, with light music playing, all the men inside were in suits and leather shoes, and the women were either in evening gowns or professional suits.

When Xia Youshan entered, he handed over the box to be auctioned to the staff and quoted the reserve price, which the staff also recorded in detail.

Many people in the living room greeted them, and some even had a face-to-face kiss with Xia Youshan.

Many people know Xia Youshan, and Xia Youshan also calls those people uncles.

At the same time, Xia Youshan did not forget to introduce Liu Xu, and claimed to take care of him in the future.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1131 Then you didn't want to hug me back?

Another purpose of Xia Youshan bringing Liu Xu here today is to let him deal with these people. If Liu Xu can make one or two rich people here, then his trip will not be in vain. help.

There's no way, as Yang Ying's "husband", Xia Youshan doesn't want to see her best friend really marry a dick.

So pulling Liu Xu can be regarded as worthy of my best friend.

Xia Youshan has good intentions.

Liu Xu is not a fool either, of course he guessed what Xia Youshan was thinking, and even though he didn't need it, he was still grateful to her.

In the past, Liu Xu thought that Xia Youshan was not friendly at all, but after getting along with her, she found that the name Xia Youshan was not wrong at all. This is probably why Yang Ying and her became best friends!

Fatty Ma also knows people here, so he hummed and greeted the friends he knew.

There was another person in the crowd who attracted a lot of attention, a slim woman in her thirties.

This woman is wearing a mermaid-style evening dress, full of jewels, and she is very charming when she smiles, and her figure is uneven, especially in the ditch in front of the moon, almost two rabbits are almost squeezed out.

When Liu Xu glanced at the Fengyun woman vaguely, he was caught by Xia Youshan.

"You can't afford that woman." Xia Youshan whispered: "She is the initiator of today's reception, Xiao Qiang. This woman is exquisite and has a business of her own. She has opened several jewelry shops, which is about the same as you. She is in the circle Everyone in Zhonghe is on good terms with everyone, but her belt is loose. I heard that she is a natural gift. If you have hundreds of millions, you may be able to sleep with her for a few minutes, but after a few sleeps, you will be poor. Remember Stop, Xiao Qiang is a vampire."

"Hehe, she looks pretty and delicious, and she looks like a social butterfly!" Liu Xu said with a chuckle.

"It's just a high-level courtesan. She has become famous and knows too many people, so many people want to get acquainted with her, because she can get to know more people through her."

"Miss Xia!" Just as Xia Youshan and Liu Xu were talking about Sister Xiao, Xiao Qiang also confessed to the people around her, and walked towards Liu Xu and Xia Youshan with a wine glass.

"Hello, sister Xiao, let me introduce my boyfriend, Liu Xu, who also resells jewelry. You may have business contacts in the future." Xia Youshan said with a smile.

"Really? Hello, Mr. Liu, just call me Xiao Qiang. This is my business card. I will ask Mr. Liu to take care of my sister's business in the future!" Xiao Qiang is very good at talking, and handed her business card when she came up.

Liu Xu joined hands with him, took the business card as well, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't have a business card yet, sorry."

"Hehe, then Mr. Liu can call me!" Xiao Qiang smiled lightly, then turned to look at Xia Youshan and said, "Miss Xia, you are a rare noble person, many people asked me if you would come or not! "

"Boring, ask me why I'm so full. Sister Xiao, you're busy, I'll show Liu Xu around." Xia Youshan pulled Liu Xu away after finishing speaking.

Xiao Qiang smiled faintly, she didn't seem to care about Xia's friendly reaction. At the same time, when she turned and walked in another direction, she also gently pointed the foreheads of the two young men in the corner, as if she was sending some signals.

After receiving her signal, the two young men in the corner got up with a smile and walked towards Liu Xu and Xia Youshan, talking and laughing.

Liu Xu and Xia Youshan sat in the lower corner of the reception table. He held a glass of red wine and drank it with gusto, while Xia Youshan drank fruit juice. She never drank alcohol when she was outside, and no one would persuade her to drink. will drink.

And just after the two sat down, the two young men who had given the sign to Xiao Qiang also came over.

"Stephy, when did you arrive?" The two young men actually knew Xia Youshan.

Xia Youshan rolled his eyelids, and didn't mean to get up to introduce, but said lightly: "Today, I have a friend who is also talking about things. Let's talk about it another day, thank you."

She is politely seeing off the guests and doesn't want to talk to these two people.

"Hehe, Stephy, you misunderstood, we have no other intentions, just want to get to know this friend next to you, you also know us, we are starting a business, many friends have multiple paths!"

"Sorry, I'm his bodyguard." Liu Xu said with a chuckle.

"Okay, Stephy, you guys talk slowly." The two young men turned and left angrily, feeling bored.

"Annoying, please help me block people coming later." Xia Youshan said distressedly: "When it comes to this kind of occasion, all kinds of cats and dogs will come to make friends with me. I think I can't see the dirty thoughts in my heart."

"They may be doting on you. You are everyone's daughter, the princess, and the future heir of the Xia family. Getting to know you may be useful to them in the future. A big help."

"Hey, you're very good at repaying the family. What about you, what do you want to do when you get close to me? Are you also like them, wanting to embrace a beautiful woman?"

"Grandma, you forced me here, okay?" Liu Xu couldn't help but cry.

"Then you didn't want to take me home?" Xia Youshan asked curiously.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Liu Xu looked at Xia Youshan with a smirk and said.

"Well, don't tell me if it's true or not. I don't want to hear it. It's boring." Xia Youshan immediately stopped Liu Xu from continuing, because some words would be bad. This is a smart woman.

After the two young men left, someone came over to say hello, and there were even a few ladies, but Xia Youshan let Liu Xu block them all.

She came here for charity, and the business of communication was handed over to the company's executives and to her father.

In Xia Youshan's life, she will not follow her father's path, do business, and control the company, so she has no need to socialize with people in the business field.

Friends, acquaintances and acquaintances are enough, not too many.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1132 Maybe Someday You Will Be the Leading Actor

After Xiao Qiang turned around, she turned to the corner of the two young men and sat between them at the same time.

Although Xiao Qiang is in her thirties, her allure is stronger than that of beauties in her twenties, so as soon as she sat between two men, the two men's hearts fluttered.

Smelling the fragrance of her body, the two even felt a sense of embarrassment and impulse.

"What, are you deflated?" Xiao Qiang whispered.

"Uh huh!" Hearing Xiao Qiang's voice, the two young men froze for a moment before reacting. One of them said in a low voice: "That woman is sick, and I seriously suspect that she is Lily."

"Hehe, I brought a male companion today, and the sun is coming out from the west." The other person also sneered.

"Actually, I have a way to make your relationship with her go further." Xiao Qiang thought for a while.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm not interested anymore, instead of going further with her, I might as well flatter you, Sister Xiao." One of the young people took a deep look at Xiao Qiang's groove.

Xiao Qiang was taken aback, then covered her mouth and giggled happily.

"You are a big kid." Xiao Qiang pointed at the young man beside him and said.

"Hey, Sister Xiao, we all admire you." Another young man also had a smirk on his face.

"Okay, let's talk about life that night." Xiao Qiang gave the two young men a winking look and said, "Your sister and I haven't eaten tender melon for a long time."

"Not only is it tender, but it's still fresh!" The two young men said with a smirk.

"Okay, okay, don't leave after the reception, look for me in the office upstairs." Xiao Qiang never refuses anyone who comes, the two tender children are not afraid of death, and she is afraid that they will not be harmed, so she doesn't call Xiao Qiang is gone.

And just when Xiao Qiang finished speaking and was about to get up, a waiter happened to bow with a tray and was about to put the wine on the tea machine in front of her.

Xiao Qiang stood up and the server bowed, so the two of them collided with each other, and the waiter's tray was knocked over, and then, two glasses of red wine were spilled on Xiao Qiang.

"Damn, you are blind!"

"Papa..." The two young men stood up angrily, one cursed, the other directly slapped the waiter on the face.

The waiter was almost knocked down, and he took two steps back unsteadily. At the same time, many people in the venue looked towards this side.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go ahead, I'll go change clothes first." Xiao Qiang signaled the people who came over to continue, and she went to the waiter and whispered: "Pack up and leave."

The waiter looked lonely, and suddenly smiled wryly, shook his head, then turned and left.

Liu Xu and Xia Youshan also noticed the situation here, but neither of them got up. Everyone watched the waiter turn and leave, as if he had gone to the back hall to change clothes.

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