"Hey, I was beaten and fired." Xia Youshan sighed.

"Hmph, bullying others, if I were to change my father, I would have beaten these two little bastards out." Liu Xu said harshly.

"You think everyone is as fearless as you are!"

"Zizi" At this moment, suddenly, all the lights in the venue flickered, and after making a few buzzing sounds, they all went out instantly, and the venue suddenly became pitch black

"What's going on? Why is there a power outage?"

"Staff, go and see what's going on?"

"Everyone, don't panic, please stay where you are, and you'll be fine soon." Someone took the initiative to host.

Sure enough, after someone hosted, the venue did not fall into chaos, and everyone was waiting for the call.

"not good."

At this moment, Liu Xu suddenly realized that something was wrong. It can be said that he was aware of it the moment the power went out.

When everyone was waiting for the call, Liu Xu found that the waiter who was beaten just now came out from behind, holding a long knife with a cold light in his hand.

The knife was used by the back kitchen to cut the meat, and he rushed straight to the two young men who beat him.

Because of the darkness, no one saw him approaching the two young men with a knife.

Except for Liu Xu, of course.

"Xia Youshan, stay where you are and don't move, absolutely don't move! I'll go back as soon as I go." When Liu Xu's voice fell, the man had already ejaculated, and quickly rushed towards the waiter.

He didn't want to save the two young men, Liu Xu wanted to save the waiter, because he didn't want the waiter to lose his life because of two slaps.

Impulsive punishment is at the cost of life, which is stupid behavior.


Liu Xu was like a phantom in the dark night. When the waiter was about to reach the two young people, he rushed to the waiter and quickly grabbed the waiter's right hand holding the knife.

The waiter didn't expect anyone to see him holding a knife, let alone someone to stop him.

"Don't move, don't talk." With a force on Liu Xu's wrist, he snatched the sharp knife away. At the same time, he also dragged the waiter away, and retreated all the way to the entrance of the back hall.


At this moment, the lights came on, the switch was closed, and many people smiled.

The waiter saw Liu Xu and glared at him at the same time.

The sharp knife in Liu Xu's hand was gone, and he threw it into a large flower pot at the entrance of the back hall.

"Don't stare at me, I saved your life. You should know that your impulse today can only be enjoyed temporarily. After the impulse passes, your life will come to an end." Liu Xu looked at him and whispered : "Actually, you don't have to use force to take revenge on others. They are richer than you, but you just need to work hard. When you are richer than them in the future, you will use your money to smash them to death. That is the highest state." revenge. Believe me, young man, maybe one day you will time travel and become the hero."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the desperate waiter and turned back to Xia Youshan.

The waiter looked at his back, took a long time to let out a breath, and then walked out of the venue step by step.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1133 A Woman Pays Me To Sleep With Her, I Didn't Sleep

"What's going on?" Xia Youshan saw Liu Xu talking with the waiter in front of the back hall, so she frowned and asked what was going on.

Liu Xu just shook his head and sighed heavily in his heart.

Although the society pays attention to fairness and equality, is it really fair?Is it really equal?There is no equality between the poor and the rich.

In this world, what matters is strength.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you speak suddenly?" Xia Youshan could feel Liu Xu's strangeness, and lost the sunshine and optimism before.

"It's nothing, I did another good deed just now." Liu Xu smiled and said.

"What good deed?" Xia Youshan asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just now a woman asked me to sleep with her, and she gave me money. I didn't sleep, so this is equivalent to doing a good deed."

"Pfft bastard, three words and you're out of shape." Xia Youshan pinched Liu Xu angrily.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening everyone."

At this moment, a man with glasses in a suit and leather shoes came to the podium of the venue. After he finished speaking into the microphone, everyone looked at him with wine glasses.

"Thank you for taking part in today's charity auction in spite of your busy schedule. The Western Sichuan Chamber of Commerce has been established for eight years and holds two or three charity auctions every year. Thank you for your kindness and love. Please follow the staff to move to the auction Hall, proceed to the next charity auction session."

As the male voice in glasses fell, the staff also opened the two doors leading to the venue, where the auction site had been set up.

All the nobles followed the staff to enter slowly, and when entering, the staff also issued number plates, and the auction had to raise signs to bid.

Xia Youshan and Liu Xu also got up and walked in, and they received a number 18 sign.

The auction venue was very large, and there was no fixed number of seats, so Liu Xu and Xia Youshan sat in the back row selectively.

"Don't raise your signs indiscriminately later, there are many tricks here!" Xia Youshan reminded Liu Xu.

"Don't worry, even if I do charity, I won't do it here. If I want to do good deeds, I will directly send money to the poor's home instead of throwing the money here. Who knows if they will be corrupt!" Liu Xu shook shook his head.

"It's good if you think so, but corruption is not a problem. The Chamber of Commerce has an audit, and a copy of the audit report is sent to each member every year. If the members are idle, they can verify and investigate according to the audit report. If there is a discrepancy, the responsibility will be investigated, and if it is serious, it will be transferred to the judiciary."

"En." Liu Xu nodded. In fact, he also understood what Xia Youshan was referring to. For example, a big boss contributed calligraphy and paintings. , give this big boss enough face, and then it will be more enjoyable to find this big boss to do business.

Moreover, there are many conflicts of interests in the shopping malls. In their circle, all kinds of infighting are inevitable, so there are opinions about who will be photographed and not be photographed.

The first lot offered was Xiao Qiang from Yilong Jewelry. She was the organizer, so the first lot belonged to her. It was also a jade bead with a reserve price of [-] yuan. It was like a bracelet with [-] beads on it. Crystal clear shaved white jade beads.

According to Bai Yuzhu's introduction, the host boasted a lot. It was nothing more than good quality, good luck, and being consecrated by a monk in a certain temple.

Xiao Qiang is exquisite in appearance and has a wide range of contacts, so many people quoted prices for her face.

In the end, the beads were taken by one of the two young men, and the transaction price was [-] yuan.

Those two young people are going to talk about life with Xiao Qiang tonight, so they have to support Xiao Qiang no matter what.

Three hundred and fifty thousand, not too little, but definitely not too much.

After Xiao Qiang's auction was a calligraphy work by a wealthy businessman, the price was also more than a hundred thousand yuan, and the handwriting was not bad, and the final transaction price was more than two hundred thousand yuan.

After that, there are some calligraphy and paintings or strange things provided by the guests. For example, a rich woman even provided a flowered padded jacket she wore when she was young, and the host also talked about the bitterness of the flowered padded jacket with emotion. Wait.

However, the base price of the cotton-padded jacket is not expensive, only one yuan, but each increase in price must not be less than one thousand.

What Liu Xu and Xia Youshan didn't expect today was that the final transaction price of this padded jacket with a base price of one yuan was more than three million yuan.

That's right, the rich are really spending thousands of dollars to compete for the cotton-padded jacket.

"That rich woman doesn't have a serious business, but she is a lender, a usury lender. Many people will ask her to borrow money when their cash flow is in trouble."

"The next piece of beater is the most expensive one today. The base price is [-] million RMB. The provider is Ms. Xia Youshan, director of Fuyou Group. The price increase should not be less than [-] yuan each time." The host finally took it. The lot provided by Xia Youshan came out, and Xia Youshan's lot turned out to be the most expensive one.

"Ten million!" Contrary to Liu Xu's expectation, Fatty Ma directly raised his card and added [-] million before he raised the price.

He's not two hundred and five, but it's for this face, and it's a leverage.

Among the many rich people, Fatty Ma is at most average, but today he has made up his mind that he must take Xia Youshan's necklace.

At the auction site, there were a few others who had the same thoughts as Fatty Ma.

Of course, there are only a few, not many people.

After all, flattery is too obvious, which makes people laugh instead.

Another point is that it is Xia Dafu's daughter who came to Fuyou Group today, and as we all know, Xia Dafu's daughter is only a director, and she does not participate in anything in Fuyou Group.

So if you flatter her, she may not be able to help you.

Many old people of Xia Dafu's contemporaries did not participate at all, and some young people wanted to curry favor, but Xia Youshan's indifferent attitude before made them know that they could not gain much from Xia Youshan.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1134 My friend who is a fart!

Only a few people participated, and all of them had business dealings with Fuyou Group.

Fatty Ma actually has no business dealings with Fuyou Group, but it didn't happen before, but that doesn't mean it won't in the future.

Fatty Ma, who was as fine as a human being, knew that his opportunity, a chance to go further, was right in front of him, so Fatty Ma made a move without hesitation, and directly raised his placard to offer [-] million.

You know, each price increase must not be less than [-], that is to say, it can be increased by [-], but he didn't do that.

"Eleven million!"

"Twelve million!"

When everyone was surprised, the two bidders began to bid, and they had a limit of one million each.

"Twenty million!"

Fatty Ma raised the price again, this time even more ruthlessly. After raising the sign, he directly reported the number of [-] million.

"Fuck, what is Fatty Ma playing today?"

Many people don't understand that this is a charity auction, not a collection of antiques, so there is a limit to bidding.

"What does he have to do with you?"

The calm Xia Youshan finally asked in a low voice. She didn't have time to ask Liu Xu how he knew this person before, but now this person is obviously just for her, so Xia Youshan is very curious about Fatty Ma.

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "I met through a friend in the afternoon. I bought two villas and sold one to me at cost price."

"Damn it, why are you buying two villas for real estate speculation?" Xia Youshan said in surprise.

"Yeah! It's rare for him to buy one and get one free at the cost price. Why not buy it?" Liu Xu smiled and said.

Xia Youshan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said, "This guy is interesting, then he is the developer!"

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