She didn't know Fatty Ma before, in fact, Fatty Ma is still a small person even in the western Sichuan circle, and in terms of wealth value, I'm afraid he can't be ranked in the middle.

"Well, there is a jade garden over there in Haidian, which he developed."

"Oh!" Xia Youshan nodded and said nothing more.

At this time, the host made a final decision, and the transaction was [-] million yuan, because several other people withdrew.

It's not that they can't afford the price, but because this fat man is obviously bound to win.

If they kept asking the price and finally raised the price, it would undoubtedly offend Fatty Ma to death.

In the business field, there are all fried dough sticks, each of them is very cunning, one more enemy is worse than one more friend.

Sure enough, after the deal was completed, Fatty Ma nodded gratefully to the two people who held up the placards, and didn't raise the price with him, which was to give him face!

"Let's go, that's it." Xia Youshan got up at this moment, carried her bag and walked out.

Liu Xu followed, puzzled and asked, "Is this the end?"

"Maybe there will be some dancing or something, and some small performances, but I'm not interested." Xia Youshan said with a curled lip.

"Brother Liu, Miss Xia, please wait a moment."

At this moment, Fatty Ma, who was shy with a big belly, chased up from behind the two of them.

Liu Xu and Xia Youshan turned their heads at the same time, and looked at the box in Fatty Ma's hand with great interest.

That box used to belong to Xia Youshan, but now it belongs to Fatty Ma.

"Brother Liu, in the afternoon, I said that I would treat guests to dinner. Do you have time now? How about we go for a late-night snack? I know a restaurant that is good for late-night snacks." Fatty Ma said, At the same time, he smiled vaguely at Xia Youshan.

"Which night snack shop, tell me?" Xia Youshan asked curiously.

Fatty Ma immediately said: "There is a porridge shop, and there are eighteen kinds of porridge in his house, which are very good."

"You Dao is boring. If you don't go, I'll go home." Xia Youshan pouted, turned and continued walking.

"What porridge are we having tonight! Let's have a barbecue and get some beer." Liu Xu said to Fatty Ma from behind.

"This Miss Xia..." Fatty Ma looked embarrassed. He mainly wanted to invite Xia Youshan, but he seemed unwilling to go!

At this moment, Xia Youshan turned around and said with a smile: "Barbecue is fine, Boss Ma will lead the way."

"Uh!" Fatty Ma was stunned for a moment, and at the same time he understood instantly that Miss Xia doesn't like to drink porridge, or rather, she doesn't like to go to those high-end occasions that are too formal.

"Okay, follow my car." Fatty Ma started to drive, and at the same time, he thought that Miss Xia's eclecticism.

Liu Xu and Xia Youshan also got into the car, and after instructing Mama He to keep up with Cayenne, Xia Youshan took out her phone and called a number.

After a while, hearty laughter came from the phone, and Liu Xu heard it clearly, he was a man, full of air.

"Dad, there is a man named Fatty Ma, what is his name, Liu Xu..." Xia Youshan asked Liu Xu while making a phone call.

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, Xia Youshan actually mentioned her own in front of her father's phone call.

"Ma Xueyi!" Liu Xu was just a little stunned for a second, and then called Fatty Ma's name.

"Well, Ma Xueyi, called Fatty Ma, he's a nice guy, you know that!"

"Why?" Xia Dafu on the phone muttered, "He just took a picture of your necklace!"

"Well, he was the one who took the picture, you know? The news is well-informed, and he met a friend of mine, and now he wants to invite us to dinner, and I also agreed to have dinner together, um, that's it."

Xia Dafu laughed, his daughter's phone number was obvious, he understood what it meant, so he murmured and said: "Give him your Uncle Gui's phone number, it's rare for my daughter to ask, so I have to help! There is a real estate development project in Australia, so bringing him is nothing."

"Okay, then I'll hang up!"

"Wait, don't hang up!" Xia Dafu suddenly stopped and said, "Liu Xu, when did the boyfriend you brought today get married, why don't I know?"

"You bastard friend! It's Yang Ying's boyfriend. I asked him to make a guest appearance temporarily, so he hung up."


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Chapter 1135 You are too underestimating me for only stepping on two boats

"Crack!", before Xia Dafu could speak again, Xia Youshan had already hung up the phone.

"Your father seems to be very concerned about your boyfriend!" Liu Xu smiled and said to Xia Youshan.

"My dad said, the person I'm looking for, as long as he has good character and good morals, I don't care if he has money or education. Because no matter how rich he is, he can't be richer than me, and no matter how educated he is, he will marry me. There is no need to struggle. So if you have a good character and virtue, you will win, and he doesn't care about my marriage, I will find it myself, he will not introduce it to me, and he will not make any marriage arrangements."

"Character and virtue are you talking about me? I have a good character and virtue!" Liu Xu said shamelessly.

Xia Youshan raised his eyebrows, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Yo ho, what you mean is that you want to step on two boats with one foot!"

"You underestimate me for only two boats." Liu Xu curled his lips and changed the subject, "Just because Fatty Ma took pictures of your necklace, you asked your father to cooperate with him, isn't that a bit of a joke? gone?"

"You still know!" Xia Youshan really didn't continue the previous topic, but gave Liu Xu a blank look and said, "I'm not doing this for you..."

"Why did it involve me? It seems that it has nothing to do with me!" Liu Xu said injustice.

"He knew me through you, and now, you are my boyfriend, so if I help him, it means that you are helping him, so in the end, no matter whether the cooperation with my father succeeds or not, he has to recognize this favor, and you also Just starting a business, it’s always good to know a few more people in the business field.”

"What's more, my dad won't help anyone just because of a word from me. The company has company rules and regulations and strategic deployment, so it's not a question of whether to help or not, so it can only be cooperation. When the time comes It's a win-win outcome, well, that's it!"

"I found out that you also have a talent for business. You are right, but thank you." Liu Xu thanked.

"No sincerity." Xia Youshan pouted.

"Then how can it be considered sincerity!" Liu Xu said with a headache.

"Give me a toe! This is sincerity." Xia Youshan raised his foot and said.

"I'll strangle you to death." Liu Xu strangled if he wanted to. This girl is a pervert.

Xia Youshan giggled and laughed while hiding, while He Ma and Lin Ziyu in front acted as if they hadn't heard it.

After a while, the food stall that Fatty Ma was looking for arrived, and it was very lively. It was on the side of the street, and there were many people eating seafood and drinking draft beer.

The three of them walked inside, so no one saw that all three of them came in high-end cars.

He Ma and Lin Ziyu didn't get out of the car.

Although Xia Youshan invited them to eat and drink together before getting out of the car, they were all declined by the two women.

Xia Youshan can eat fish and meat, but they can't. They are also women, they also love beauty and are afraid of getting fat, so don't eat meat, they don't have meat for dinner.

"Miss Xia, your necklace."

As soon as the three of them sat down, Fatty Ma pushed Xia Youshan's box to Xia Youshan before ordering food.

"Thank you." Xia Youshan shook his head. "I don't want this thing anymore. If you return it to me, I will accept it if you want, but I don't want it anymore."

"Keep it as a gift for others. To be honest, I don't need this thing." Fatty Ma was not reconciled, because he didn't know what to do if he didn't give it away.

Xia Youshan shook his head, looked at Fatty Ma with a smile on his face, and said, "Then you can throw it in the trash can, anyway, I don't want it."

"President Ma, don't force her, what is it if you give her a necklace! If you want to give it, I will give it to you."

"That's right, Liu Xu has to come and give it away, but Liu Xu, where is the necklace?" Xia Youshan stretched out his hand.

"Tomorrow's, I'll give you a good thing tomorrow." Liu Xu thought about it, and went shopping for a good thing for her tomorrow.

For him, Taobao is really just a matter of minutes.

Xia Youshan said curiously, "Okay, I'll wait for your good stuff tomorrow."

Fatty Ma knew that Miss Xia was determined not to want this necklace, or rather, in Xia Youshan's eyes, this necklace was just rubbish, so he didn't insist, but ordered food.

"President Ma, I heard from Liu Xu that you are in real estate?" While waiting for the dishes, Xia Youshan took the initiative to chat with Fatty Ma.

"Small trouble, small trouble, just developed a project with the help of a few friends." Fatty Ma said modestly.

"Then have you ever thought about building a house abroad? I heard that building a house abroad is very profitable."

"Of course I want to go abroad, but my company is too small to play well." Fatty Ma shook his head.

"Just now Liu Xu said that you are a nice person. Did you give him a villa before? If Mr. Ma wants to build a house abroad, he should call this number. His surname is Gui, and he will know what's going on if you call and give his name. It's gone." While talking, Xia Youshan took out a diary and wrote down a phone number, and tore it up to Fatty Ma.

"Gui...Mr. Gui!" Fatty Ma was taken aback. Mr. Gui is the vice chairman of Fuyou Group.

"Yes." Xia Youshan said with a forehead.

"Thank you, thank you." Fatty Ma put the note away excitedly.

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank you, thank him. Now I'll listen to him!" Xia Youshan pointed to Liu Xu.

"Ha." Fatty Ma laughed, looked at Liu Xu gratefully and said, "Brother, don't say anything."

Liu Xu smiled wryly and shook his head. Xia Youshan really knows how to do things. If she just listens to him now, Fatty Ma mistakenly thinks that he helped Fatty Ma by making friends with him.

Xia Youshan asked Fatty Ma to remember his favor.

Of course, Liu Xu didn't put it bluntly. After all, Xia Youshan was doing it for his own good.

The three of them didn't drink too much, but ate a lot. In less than an hour, Fatty Ma paid the bill, and then the three parted ways.

After returning to Yang Ying's villa, Liu Xu and Xia Youshan took a shower respectively and went to the yard. There was a swing set in the garden of the yard, and Xia Youshan in pajamas sat on it, swinging and swinging boredly. .


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1136

"Little cat, do you know investment consultants and investment brokers?" Liu Xu moved a chair and sat beside the swing.

He heard Yang Ying call Xia Youshan a kitten, so he followed suit.

"Of course I know!" Xia Youshan gave her a white look, "Investment consultants are people who are engaged in investment and financial management. They are professional and can give you investment advice to achieve your financial goals; investment managers are a group of people who are active in the financial market. You give him the money, and he can help you speculate, buy funds, and invest for you. However, many investment consultants also work part-time as investment brokers, and there are many of them! Do you want to find such a person?"

"I have this idea." Liu Xu nodded.

"Stop it! Your little money is a fart, and you still invest in economic people?" Xia Youshan sarcastically said.

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