"Then I have hundreds of billions, and then I have to find an investment broker, right?"

"If there are hundreds of billions, there must be an investment team, and there are people who specialize in financial management for you, but I'm curious..." Xia Youshan looked at Liu Xu and said, "I caught a kind of conviction in your eyes, how much do you say?" When it is hundreds of billions, it is not that kind of yearning, but a kind of earnestness, as if you can really earn hundreds of billions, can you tell me, where does your confidence come from?"

"You!" Liu Xu said with a smirk, "If I kidnap you, do you think I can get back the ten billion ransom?"

"You can try it!" Xia Youshan said indifferently.

"Seriously, where can I find a trustworthy investment advisor?" Liu Xu looked at Xia You and said kindly.

"You want to find a trustworthy investment consultant. I can't do anything about it. However, there are many investment consulting companies in Beijing. You can go and ask them to find a qualified one with a good reputation in the industry." Xia Youshan suggested.

"Oh!" Liu Xu shook his head. He felt that it would be a little unreliable for him to take the initiative to find an investment company. There are a few that he can trust these days.

After the two chatted for a while in the garden, they went back to their rooms to rest.

However, what Liu Xu didn't expect was that after he fell asleep on the bed, Xia Youshan took He Ma and Linlin downstairs.

Liu Xu, who was in a drowsy sleep, heard someone coming downstairs, but he didn't get up to watch.

It wasn't until Liu Xu woke up the next morning and saw the note in the living room that Liu Xu knew that Xia Youshan, who had gone upstairs in the middle of the night, packed up his things and left directly.

That's right, Xia Youshan left as soon as he said he would. He didn't say why, but just left a message to Liu Xu: "I can't sleep, I'm leaving, and I suddenly want to walk around the world, so I'll look for it and see if I can find something better than you." Good character, a man with better morals than you, keep the kitten!"

Just these few jokes, and finally drew a smiling face.

After Liu Xu finished reading the note, he picked up his phone and called Xia Youshan.

However, the phone reminded Xia Youshan that the phone was turned off.

Liu Xu sighed softly in his heart, and edited a text message to her, telling her to be safe on the road, and to be careful.

Xia Youshan is a good girl, and it can be said that she is a very good girl. She has Zhang Yang's thoughts and personality, and has a changeable personality. A sense of closeness.

I can't find a reason to hate her, but I agreed to give Xia Youshan a gift until the next meeting.

Liu Xu washed his face, and in a rare sweep of the house, he helped the floor before driving to the hospital.

He still has a lot of things to do today. Although Huang Yijiang doesn't think he will be needed for the decoration of the new shop, he should buy the goods. That is, I have to go to Gulinaza and give a copy of her ID card to Fatty Ma.


Of course, when it came to the ID card, Liu Xu couldn't help but have sex with her all morning.

Liu Xu asked Gu Linaza to start a business by herself, and she also sorted out the plan and figured out a clue.

And the first helper Gulinazha found was Zhou Dongyu, who was also her best girlfriend.

It was also on this day that Zhou Dongyu came to Gulinaza's hut for the first time. Zhou Dongyu was shocked when he saw such a beautiful room.

Zhou Dongyu took Gu Li Nazha's hand into the small bedroom, and asked in a low voice, "Na Zha, this is the house your boyfriend rented for you, isn't it great!"

Gu Li Nazha smiled sweetly and said: "It's not rented. He heard that I was going to work in Yanjing, so he bought it for me. This is my own little nest. How about a nice layout? It's all not worth it for me."

Zhou Dongyu nodded enviously, thinking enviously: "Nazha's luck is so good, why is such a good boyfriend not mine."

After visiting all the rooms, the two women came to the small bedroom again. Liu Xu was lying in the big bedroom watching TV, but Gu Li Nazha didn't ask Zhou Dongyu to bother her.

Gu Li Nazha took Zhou Dongyu's hand and said, "Dongyu, my boyfriend plans to open a branch in Yanjing, and I will be the manager. I want you to help me."

Zhou Dongyu opened his mouth in surprise and said: "No way, your boyfriend wants to open a company for you, Nazha, I envy you to death, but what can I do for you?"

Gu Li Nazha said with a smile: "He opened an entertainment company in Hong Kong and plans to set up a Yanjing branch here, so you can help me, okay?"

After speaking, he took Zhou Dongyu's hand and shook it.

Zhou Dongyu said with some hesitation: "We are about to graduate, and I have been busy looking for a job during this time. It is okay to help you, but what is the salary? Nazha, you know that without a good job, I have no It is impossible to live in Yanjing for a long time."

Gu Li Nazha said with a smile: "Don't worry about Dongyu, I have already thought about it. If you become my assistant, I will give you a salary of [-]."


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Chapter 1137 You think it's too cheap, don't you?

Zhou Dongyu was a little moved when she heard the salary of [-] yuan. During this period of time, she found a lot of jobs, and the highest one was only a few thousand yuan. She was almost disappointed to death.

Hearing that Nazha offered [-], which was almost double the price, Zhou Dongyu knew whether it was a joke, and unconsciously wanted to agree.

Gulinazha looked at Zhou Dongyu's hesitant expression, knowing that she was tempted, and then said: "Dongyu, and there is still a commission for your work. If you do a good job, you can get tens of thousands of dollars a month." .”

When Zhou Dongyu heard the commission of tens of thousands of dollars, he knew that he didn't have the courage to refuse. If it wasn't for his good relationship with Gulinaza, how could it be his turn, so he didn't hesitate to agree down.

Hearing that Gulinazha hadn't found a good office yet, Zhou Dongyu decided to look for it with her. The earlier she goes to work, the earlier she can get her salary. Zhou Dongyu had to get nervous and offered to help.


In the afternoon, Liu Xu went to the set. Hua Qiangu was almost finished filming, and now he was in a hurry.

As a result, on the set, Liu Xu met someone he never expected.

Huang Haitao.

Taking off the official uniform of the police chief, Huang Haitao, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, came to the film crew, saying that he was here to visit Liu Xu, and he was also very polite to Zhao Liying.

Huang Haitao was also quite capable, and he was able to find out the relationship between Liu Xu and the crew, so he went directly to him to find the set.

"Mr. Liu, you are here!"

Seeing Liu Xu, Huang Haitao hurriedly got up to greet him. His respectful look was completely different from the way he was furious at Liu Xu in the interrogation room.

"It's you, do you have anything to do with me?" Liu Xu didn't have a good impression of this guy, and he didn't even remember him very much. If it was a little longer, he would really forget it.

"Mr. Liu, I came here this time to apologize. I had a bad attitude in the bureau that day. Please don't mind Mr. Liu. I had no choice but to..." Huang Haitao explained humbly.

"It's fine to apologize, if the apology is useful, what do you want the police to do?" Liu Xu waved his hand, "I am very vengeful, but don't worry, I don't have the mood to care about you, I usually don't care about little people of."

Huang Haitao was panicking in his heart, and he was just barely blocked. He was the head of the city's public security bureau, but he didn't dare to refute at the moment. The other party was Yang Ying's man, so what was he, the head of the police station?

"Mr. Liu, in fact, there is one more thing I want to ask Mr. Liu to help me this time, which is my son..." Huang Haitao felt very aggrieved, but for his son, there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't trust Liu very much before. Xu's "nonsense stories", but now, he believed it.

After all, Yang Ying's identity is there, Huang Haitao doesn't believe that she will marry a liar.

"Oh, you want me to exorcise your son, right?" Liu Xu suddenly understood.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Liu really knows everything!" Huang Haitao nodded hastily, and then looked at Liu Xu expectantly, "May I ask Mr. Liu to help?"

"No problem." Liu Xu readily agreed, "However, you have to pay."

"Thank you, Master Liu!" Huang Haitao was overjoyed, and his title changed, "As long as Master Liu is willing to help, we will naturally pay for the treatment!"

After a short pause, Huang Haitao asked again: "Master Liu, how much is the exorcism fee?"

"Oh, not much, one million." Liu Xu said lightly.

one million?

Huang Haitao was stunned for a moment, although he had expected that Liu Xu would charge more expensive, but this, this is too expensive, right?

Seeing that Huang Haitao didn't speak, Liu Xu said again: "You think it's too cheap, don't you? Actually, I think so too. I'm considering whether to raise it to [-] million in the future."

Huang Haitao was almost choked to death by his words, and then became anxious. Although one million is more, he can still bear it, but ten million is really not something he can bear. Although he really wants to cure his son's illness, But I don't want to ruin my family because of it.

"Master Liu, I can give you one million tomorrow at the latest. Can you go and help Xiaoan get rid of evil spirits now?" Huang Haitao said hastily. He didn't want Liu Xu to change his mind and accept ten million.

"Okay, I also want to cure his Guitoujiang quickly, so as not to hurt my heart." Liu Xu said casually.

He wanted to exorcise Huang Anping from the beginning, but he didn't seem to believe himself. If Huang Haitao really asked Liu Xu to take action at that time, he would not accept money.

But now, it was Huang Haitao who took the initiative to come to beg him for medical treatment, and he was also very unhappy with Huang Haitao now, so the money would naturally be collected.

Guitoujiang is very dangerous, and the policeman who got hit by Guitouxiang is even more dangerous, so Liu Xu feels that although he is unhappy with Huang Haitao, his son's Guitoujiang must be cured, and he cannot be allowed to harm others, especially Don't let him harm Tang Xinyi.

"Thank you Master Liu, then, Master Liu, let's go to the hospital now!" Huang Haitao couldn't wait. It's getting worse.

Today, he finally got back to normal. Huang Haitao brought his son to the hospital. He wanted to have an examination, but after the examination, he had another seizure. As a last resort, the doctor had to give him a sedative.

It was about Tang Xinyi, so Liu Xu went to the hospital with Huang Haitao immediately without delay.

Originally, he thought there would be a battle to catch ghosts and exorcise demons, but Liu Xu nodded his finger. The whole process didn't take more than [-] seconds, so he said it was done.

Huang Haitao really couldn't see that there was anything special about this.

"Remember to pay me quickly!" Liu Xu didn't bother to care what Huang Haitao thought, and was ready to leave after finishing his work.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1138 Zhou Dongyu's Training Plan

"Master Liu, please wait a moment!" Huang Haitao said urgently.

"What?" Liu Xu frowned, "Do you think I didn't cure your son?"

"Master Liu misunderstood, I just want to ask about your bank account number so that I can transfer the money to you." Huang Haitao said quickly.

He was naturally skeptical in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out.

"Bank account number?" Liu Xu nodded, and then reported a series of numbers.

"..." Huang Haitao was stunned, "Can you say it again?"

"You might as well give cash."

"One million cash?"

"That's right, give them all in cash, and send them to the crew tomorrow." Liu Xu said casually, "I'll go first, your son will wake up in about half an hour, remember to tell him, don't rob Tang Xinyi from me, or I will let you go." He's pretty."

Liu Xu left quickly, but he had an idea in his heart. He will send a big red envelope to the crew tomorrow with the one million yuan.


At dinner, Zhou Dongyu saw Liu Xu for the second time. She thought Liu Xu was good-looking. Now that she knew his net worth, she felt that Liu Xu was the perfect boyfriend. She couldn't help but envy Gulinaza hate it.

When Liu Xu saw Zhou Dongyu last time, he thought she was a careful and thoughtful woman.

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