Sure enough, after discovering that Liu Xu couldn't stop looking at her figure, Zhou Dongyu took off her jacket and perfectly released her well-developed figure. The thin underwear couldn't cover her skinny figure.

While eating, Zhou Dongyu stretched out his feet to reach Liu Xu's legs while Gu Li Nazha didn't notice, and then kept stepping on Liu Xu's feet lightly with his feet.

Liu Xu understood Zhou Dongyu's thoughts at once, and naturally he would not miss such a good opportunity. He pretended not to know, and moved the seat to make it easier for Zhou Dongyu's little feet to move around.

The two of them ate quietly on the surface, but they were hooking up under the table.

Looking at Gu Li Nazha who was concentrating on picking up vegetables for him, Liu Xu felt a different feeling in his heart. It was so exciting to hook up with her best friend in front of his lover.


Zhou Dongyu, who was lying in the small bedroom, could hear Gulinaza's voice even though she was covered with bedding, which made her blush...

In addition to being shy, it is more of jealousy. Why can Guli Nazha climb to the top so quickly, but she can't?

Why does Guli Nazha have a house and a job in the same ordinary family, but she doesn't have one?

Zhou Dongyu's heart has been blinded by jealousy, that's why she tempted Liu Xu at the dinner table. Zhou Dongyu, who is good at taking advantage of her body, is also a famous figure in school.

She doesn't take the initiative to seduce men, it doesn't mean she won't seduce, it's just that she hasn't met anyone worth seducing.

The appearance of Liu Xu immediately stimulated Zhou Dongyu. She believed that as long as the hoe is well swung, there is no wall that cannot be dug down.


Gulina in the room was lying on the bed covered in sweat, and both of them had no strength left.

Gu Linazha thought of Zhou Dongyu's constant winking on the square table, or taking the initiative to pick up vegetables, and she felt a lump in her heart. She had always believed in this best friend, but Zhou Dongyu's performance today made her suspect that she was Not doing it wrong.

Seeing Gu Li Nazha in a trance, Liu Xu asked suspiciously, "Nazha, what's the matter? What are you thinking, so ecstatic?"

Gulina groaned, then came back to her senses and said, "It's nothing, Liu Xu, I was thinking, did I do something wrong by asking Dongyu to help me?"

Glancing at the hesitant Gulinazha, Liu Xu knew that Zhou Dongyu's behavior had aroused her suspicion, but he didn't intend to hide this from her.

Liu Xu confessed directly: "She seduced me at the dinner table just now, hehe, it seems that the relationship between you is not as good as you think."

Gu Li Nazha frowned and asked, "I'm also surprised, she wasn't like this before, why would she behave like this today?"

Then, she asked hesitantly, "Liu Xu, you're not interested in her, are you?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Why not? And she's still a virgin! Are you worried about the relationship between us?"

Gu Li Nazha shook her head and said, "I'm not worried about this, but I'm worried that if I use her to help me work, there will be problems in the future."

As she spoke, she gave Liu Xu a blank look, and continued: "You are so lustful, I never thought you could resist her temptation."

Liu Xu slapped Gulina and said, "Okay, you have no confidence in me."

Thinking of what Gulinazha said, Liu Xu also frowned. After all, this is a matter related to the company, so he can't be careless.

Looking at Gu Li Nazha's lazy face, Liu Xu suddenly had an idea.

Liu Xu said with a smirk: "Nazha, if you come to catch the rape one day, and then take some photos, she will be more honest when you have a handle in your hand. Otherwise, if you train her, I think she owes it to her." .”

Gu Li Nazha asked curiously: "Tuning, how to do it."

Liu Xu is not a ghost, so in fact, he doesn't know what training is, at least not proficient, but there is an island country in this world, and the action movies there are famous all over the world.

Laughing, Liu Xu described the methods of the island nation's training to Gu Li Nazha vividly, which made her blush, but there was a faint feeling of excitement in her heart.

Thinking of the original best friend, being called around by me, I somehow felt emotional.

Seeing Gu Li Nazha's appearance, Liu Xu smiled and lifted the quilt...

The so-called precepts and deeds, Liu Xu intends to train Gu Linaza first, let her experience it for herself, so that Gu Linaza can follow suit and repeat the old tricks on Zhou Dongyu.

Zhou Dongyu's training plan, Liu Xu is looking forward to the day when Gulinaza's results will be tested.


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Chapter 1139 Exploration of unknown beautiful things between men and women

After the cloud collected the rain, Gu Li Nazha's eyes were red from crying, and she patted Liu Xu's chest lightly, angrily said: "You pervert, you have learned so many tricks, it tortured me to death."

How is this abnormal?

This is a normal exploration of unknown beautiful things between men and women, okay?

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Hey, I've learned it for a long time, but I just had the chance to put it into practice. Nazha, you have to be obedient, or I will teach you well."

Gu Li Nazha blushed and said, "Liu Xu, please let me go! In this way, she dares to seduce you after training Zhou Dongyu. This shameless woman owes her training."

Liu Xu lifted Gu Li Nazha's chin and said, "Nazha, it's up to you to train her. I'll wait for you to finish training her and send it to me. Don't let me down!"

Gu Li Nazha didn't say anything, she gritted her teeth and hated Zhou Dongyu in her heart, if she hadn't appeared suddenly and caused so many things, how could she have endured such a great torture, she must find it back.

At this time, all kinds of relationships, such as classmates, roommates, and girlfriends, were all forgotten, and the rest was how to deal with Zhou Dongyu's heart.

But the crucial thing, Gu Li Nazha seems to have forgotten that she was the one who recruited Zhou Dongyu to her side.

In the other bedroom, Zhou Dongyu, who was still thinking about how to seduce Liu Xu, had no idea that her nightmare was about to come. Before her bad intentions could be implemented, she was aborted, and she even got involved in it. .

When Liu Xu woke up in the morning, he was not shy when he saw Zhou Dongyu walking around the room in his underwear.

Seeing Liu Xu coming out of the bedroom, he deliberately kissed Ting Yuexiong, as if he was afraid that Liu Xu would not see him.

Liu Xu ate ice cream even more, not paying attention to Gulinaza's angry eyes.

Seeing Zhou Dongyu like this, Gu Li Nazha made up her mind that she must find a chance to train Zhou Dongyu well, and see if she dares to seduce her man.

After the meal, Liu Xu drove away, planning to find Fatty Ma and help Zhang Luo find an office.

As for buying a villa for Gu Li Nazha, I will press it for the time being. If she can train Zhou Dongyu and send it to her, then the villa will be a reward for her.

After Liu Xu left, Gulinazha and Zhou Dongyu remained relatively silent.

Looking at Zhou Dongyu's expressionless face, Gu Li Nazha had already escaped from her anger. She made the last effort just now, hoping that Zhou Dongyu could face up to her identity and not intervene between herself and Liu Xu. Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu He refused in one gulp.

Gulinaza wished she could grab Zhou Dongyu's head and give her a few good punches now. Thinking of what Liu Xu said, she suppressed her anger and thought, "I'll give you the last chance. If you give up, if you want to hate me in the future!" Don't hate me either."

With a knife in her heart, Gu Lina said with a smile on her mouth: "Dongyu, I have said everything I can. If you really want to do this, you forget that we are best friends."

Zhou Dongyu bowed his head and said: "Liu Xu is such a good man, don't say that you are just living together and not married, even if you are married, I will fight for it. If I miss such a good man, I will regret it half my life."

Gulina was furious, what was all this about, she kindly offered her a job, but she even wanted to snatch her man.

She suddenly remembered the Qiong Yao novels she had read before, and she understood why there were so many third parties in it.

Gu Li Nazha gave Zhou Dongyu a bitter look, and said: "Okay, okay, we will not be friends in the future, please go out now, you are not welcome here."

Zhou Dongyu gave Gu Li Nazha a white look, and said: "Go out, who is going out? This is not your house, I am waiting for Liu Xu to come back. Do whatever you want! Cook your meals well and be a good you Huanglian Po, maybe tomorrow this house will be named Zhou."

Gulina was so angry that she almost didn't hold her breath. She knew before that Zhou Dongyu's mouth could turn black into white and unreasonable into reason, so she was always able to get along in school, but she never Intuitive impression, I finally learned today.

Gu Li Nazha took a deep breath and said: "Okay, very good, Zhou Dongyu, you wait, I will make you regret it."

Zhou Dongyu ignored Gu Li Nazha, took out a nail clipper, and trimmed her fingernails.

Seeing Zhou Dongyu putting on make-up, she wants to dress up beautifully, and when Liu Xu comes back, she will start her seductive plan.

Gulina couldn't stand the anger and went back to the room.


After receiving a call from Gu Li Nazha, Liu Xu was also taken aback when she heard her vividly describe Zhou Dongyu's shamelessness. How could he be so lucky? Zhou Dongyu's personality is so superb. Is it true or not, but this is not important anymore.

The point is, no matter in the previous life or in the present life, Zhou Dongyu is so beautiful and handsome, with a responsible appearance, and her figure is even more outstanding and perfect than the thin girl in Liu Xu's impression.

Hearing Gu Li Nazha's angry voice, Liu Xu said with a smile: "It's okay, Nazha, I'll teach her a good lesson in the evening. Isn't Ting interesting? In this way, Nazha prepares to order more dishes at night, and she and I Have a drink or two and see what this woman is capable of."

Putting down the phone, Liu Xu said to Fatty Ma who was sitting opposite: "I'm sorry, my girlfriend called and I have to go back to eat tonight, we will make an appointment later."

Fatty Ma nodded and said, "Understood, young man, I don't want to be apart for a while, so I will ask you out later. Don't worry about the office location, I will contact you right away."

Liu Xu nodded, and didn't explain that his girlfriend wasn't the Xia Youshan that Fatty Ma had in mind.

Because he was afraid that telling the truth would scare Fatty Ma.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1140 China's Good Boss

Liu Xu went to the crew, and Huang Haitao had already sent the money.

After giving the money, Huang Haitao didn't stay too long, and Liu Xu didn't have the time to entertain him. Instead, he asked Li Pan to gather the heads of the crew, and then took out [-] yuan, and asked them to add up how to distribute it to everyone.

Not long after, the crew became a sea of ​​joy, and Liu Xu was named "China's Good Boss".

While no one was paying attention, Liu Xu took Zhao Liying and ran away.

The two of them didn't go anywhere, but first went back to the famous school where Zhao Liying was renting.

Zhao Liying filmed the scene in the morning, and felt very sticky and uncomfortable, so she yelled to go home and take a shower.

As soon as she entered the house, Zhao Liying went into the bathroom first, but because Liu Xu basically didn't sweat, even in this kind of weather, it didn't matter if she didn't take a bath.

Of course, this non-sweating refers to the normal situation in life. If there is sex, Liu Xu's sweat can make the sheets and quilts all show.

Liu Xu turned on the TV, but he was not interested in the programs on the TV.

After about twenty minutes, the door of the bathroom opened. Liu Xu looked over it naturally, and his eyes widened immediately.

Zhao Liying stood at the door like a lotus in water, with her wet hair scattered on her fragrant shoulders, carrying a different kind of charm.

What Liu Xu looked straight at was not this, but Zhao Liying's nightgown, and she was wearing that very thin and transparent nightgown again!

Feeling Liu Xu's burning eyes, Zhao Liying's pretty face turned red, but instead of running into the bedroom to hide, she took a few steps closer to him and asked in a soft voice, "Does it look good? "

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful!" Liu Xu swallowed, it was so beautiful.

"Then I'll show you how to wear it often in the future, okay?" When Zhao Liying said this, her pretty face was as red as a blooming begonia, almost dripping water.

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