"Okay, of course!" Liu Xu nodded subconsciously.

"I'll show you later." Zhao Liying smiled softly, turned around and entered the bedroom, and when she came out again, she had already changed into an ordinary skirt.

"Why don't you wear it for a while?" Liu Xu was a little disappointed.

"I'm going to cook first!" Zhao Liying smiled sweetly, but she murmured in her heart that if she had to wear it for a while, something might really happen.

Zhao Liying could feel Liu Xu's help in her business and love for her. Although she knew that he was very concerned, Zhao Liying didn't want to ask about those things, but she felt that she should thank Liu Xu, so she used the words just now. a special way.

It's just that she didn't want to be serious, she didn't want Liu Xu to think she was casual, she had heard people say that the easier it is for a man to get a woman, the less he will cherish it.

"The famous saying really makes sense." Liu Xu suddenly said with emotion.

"What famous quote?" Zhao Liying asked.

"Wang Likun fucked, will Zhao Liying be far away?" Liu Xu said seriously.

Of course, Liu Xu said the first half of the sentence in a voice that only he could hear.


The set, the crew.

"Hey, do you think something will happen to Liu Xu and Li Ying?" Li Pan was a little worried. It was already afternoon, and the two of them hadn't come back yet.

"What could happen?" Lin Zhiying disapproved, "I said Li Pan, don't worry about it."

"I can't get through the phone, don't you think there is a problem?" Li Pan said dissatisfied.

"Li Pan, do you know what love and adultery are?" Lin Zhiying's smile was a little lewd.

"I just know that's not a compliment!" Li Pan said angrily.

Liu Xu and Zhao Liying originally said they were going shopping, but after eating at home, they stopped shopping and just stayed in the house all afternoon.


Liu Xu entered the room with a smile, Zhou Dongyu ran over actively and brought him slippers.

Liu Xu was still in the state of intimacy with Zhao Liying just now, looking at the exposed Zhou Dongyu, he couldn't help pinching her upturned buttocks secretly.

Zhou Dongyu winked, went back to the living room, and brought Liu Xu a cup of tea.

Gu Li Nazha who heard the door rang, saw Zhou Dongyu running back and forth to serve Liu Xu, said nothing, sat beside him pretending not to care and asked, "Husband, are you done? "

Feeling Zhou Dongyu's threat, Gu Li Nazha intimately called Liu Xu her husband.

Liu Xu smiled and patted Gu Li Nazha's hand and said, "It went surprisingly smoothly. I planned to rent a place, but I didn't expect there was a suitable place to sell it, so I just bought it."

Fatty Ma called just now, saying that he bought a studio for Liu Xu to start a company. Xia Youshan helped introduce such a large project, so Fatty Ma would naturally report back to Liu Xu, and when he answered the phone, Liu Xu took advantage of the situation Left from Zhao Liying's house.

Zhou Dongyu snatched Liu Xu's mobile phone before Gulinazha, which contained a photo of the studio location sent by Fatty Ma, and said in surprise: "My God, such a good place, the rent for one year They are all sky-high prices. Liu Xu, you bought it and spent a lot of money, right?"

Liu Xu waved his hand nonchalantly, and said, "It's a small thing, let's celebrate, Nazha hasten to cook, let's have a good drink tonight."

Zhou Dongyu said before Gu Li Nazha again: "Yes, such a happy event must be celebrated. Nazha, let me help you, let's make some delicious food for Liu Xu."

Gulinaza snorted and said, "No need, you're just helping me honestly."

Zhou Dongyu pretended to be wronged and said, "Nazha, I want to help, why do you say that about me?"

Liu Xu watched the two women arguing there, his stomach hurt from laughing, and wondered if what he saw was the modern version of Gong Dou, it was so funny.

He pretended not to care and turned on the TV, not listening to the bickering between the two.


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Chapter 1141 My Best Friend Just Let You Ruin

Zhou Dongyu smiled smugly. It seems that Gulina is not very important to Liu Xu's heart, otherwise he would not ignore the two of them.

Thinking of this, Zhou Dongyu's self-confidence increased, and she rolled her eyes at Gulinaza. She was so angry that she ran to the kitchen to cook.

Seeing Gu Li Nazha went to the kitchen, Zhou Dongyu showed a triumphant smile, moved to Liu Xu's side, and asked, "Brother Liu, Nazha asked me to work as her assistant in your company. I don't know if I can do it." I can't do it." Saying that, he turned to Ting Yuexiong.

The piece of white cypress dazzled Liu Xu's eyes, he straightened his body to let himself see more clearly, and said unhurriedly: "Dongyu, I can hear Nazha say about your ability Well, this special administrative assistant can be said to be tailor-made for you, if you can’t do it, who else can do it.”

Zhou Dongyu smiled charmingly, leaning Yuexiongbu on Liu Xu's arm and rubbing it back and forth, and said sweetly: "Brother Liu, I will listen to you, but I don't know many things. Teach me."

Liu Xu glanced at the kitchen, touched Zhou Dongyu's body secretly, and said, "After dinner, I'll give you a tutoring session, but it will be later, when Nazha falls asleep."

Zhou Dongyu took Liu Xu's hand and said, "Why do you have to wait so long, Brother Liu, you can teach me now, it will take a while for Nazha to cook." He blinked his eyes as he spoke.

Liu Xu couldn't help admiring in his heart, she is really a good thing, I don't know whose hands it fell into in the previous life, such a good woman can't be missed by herself, and the more she feels wise about her decision, as long as she is well trained, this is an art product!

Thinking of this, he became even less anxious, hugged Zhou Dongyu with his arms, and said, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time at night!"

Zhou Dongyu gave Liu Xu a charming look, and said in his heart: "Wait tonight to see how I deal with you, Nazha, don't think you are ahead, such a rich man should be mine."

Although Gulinaza was in the kitchen, she was listening to the movement in the living room with all her ears. Zhou Dongyu's voice was so small that she couldn't hear clearly, but Liu Xu's movements and voice fell in Gulinaza's ears, cursing inwardly. He said: "This woman is worthy of your attention tonight."

Quickly fried a few dishes in her hands, Gu Li Nazha already understood how shameless Zhou Dongyu was, and she was really worried about leaving the two of them in the living room.

Seeing the eight dishes on the table, Zhou Dongyu blinked her eyes in disdain. She has strong confidence in her cooking skills, but this house still belongs to Gulinaza, so Zhou Dongyu doesn't want to enter the kitchen.

Zhou Dongyu made up her mind that when she was here, she would cook a few dishes for Liu Xu to taste.

Liu Xu took out the red wine he had prepared, gestured to Gu Li Nazha and said, "Na Zha, Dong Yu, you all drink some too, and have a toast to my success today."

Gulina shook her head understandingly and said, "I won't drink anymore, my head hurts, you can do whatever you want."

Zhou Dongyu smiled sweetly and said, "Brother Liu, I'll drink with you. Although I'm not feeling well, today is for Brother Liu's celebration. No matter how uncomfortable it is, I will drink this cup."

Liu Xu laughed and said, "Nazha, you should learn from Dongyu and see how sincere Dongyu is. You are the only one who doesn't let me rest assured. After following me, the entertainment at the wine table will definitely be indispensable."

The two clinked a glass and saw Zhou Dongyu drink the red wine.

Liu Xu and Gu Li Nazha looked at each other silently. Only the two of them understood the smile in their eyes.

The glass of wine was dry, and soon a bottle of red wine was finished. Zhou Dongyu felt something was wrong. With her drinking capacity, two bottles were fine. What happened today? Why was she a little dizzy, and her body was still inexplicably hot.

Zhou Dongyu didn't expect Liu Xu to prescribe the medicine, because she didn't mean to imply but to say it explicitly, and let him pick it. She didn't expect Liu Xu to use other means.

Of course, Liu Xu didn't prescribe any complicated things, just sleeping pills.

Later, Zhou Dongyu's expression became a little unconscious, and he felt more and more hot, so he took off his clothes. He was wearing very little at first, but now he was barely naked.

Gu Li Nazha took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera, took pictures of Zhou Dongyu's movements, and cursed softly, "Huh, I'll show you later."

Liu Xu chuckled, put his arms around Gu Li Nazha and said, "What else did you add to the sleeping pill?"

Gu Lina rolled her eyes at Liu Xu, and said, "Okay, go and do your work! Hmph, I didn't do so much for you, that's all, don't cling to me anymore. Such a good cabbage, waiting for you Woolen cloth!"

Liu Xu didn't care, he took advantage of everything, so don't take advantage of words.

Besides, watching Zhou Dongyu laughing himself out there, Liu Xu couldn't help it anymore.

After laughing a few times, Liu Xu walked towards Zhou Dongyu.

Zhou Dongyu was already delirious at this time, seeing Liu Xu approaching, he entangled him like an octopus...


After finishing the work, looking at Liu Xu with a smug expression, Gu Li Nazha twisted his arm bitterly, and said, "I'm satisfied with this, my best friend just let you ruin it."

Liu Xu laughed and said, "Nazha, you are wrong. She ruined me. No, I am the victim. Your hand is the best evidence."

"Bah!" Gu Li Nazha blushed pretty and scolded, "Shameless."

"Don't you like my serious and shameless appearance the most?" Liu Xu said proudly instead of ashamed.

"..." Gu Li Nazha.

"Come on, girl and master go back to the room, it's only the first half, we still have the second half to do!"

Gu Linaza pushed Liu Xu with a blushing face, and said, "Go take a bath, you're dirty, don't touch me."

Liu Xu ignored Gulinaza's struggle, picked her up, and said, "Let's go, baby! Let's wash together later, so as not to waste water."

Saying that, regardless of Gulinaza's yelling, she also threw Gulinaza onto the bed.


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Chapter 1142 The Blackened Nazha

Zhou Dongyu felt that he had a dream, in which a man possessed her regardless of his will...

There was no pain in her body, and she had no strength at all.

Zhou Dongyu struggled to sit up and found himself lying on the bed with a clean body and no clothes.

When she looked over, her eyes went dark and she almost fainted. The bright red on the quilt reminded her what happened?

Zhou Dongyu looked at the situation in front of him in disbelief, what is going on, why is it different from what he planned?

Also, what happened, what happened to me?

The door was pushed open suddenly, Zhou Dongyu hurriedly pulled up the quilt to block in front of him, and it was Gulinaza who came in.

Seeing her disdainful smile, Zhou Dongyu felt bad.

Sure enough, seeing Zhou Dongyu's actions, Gu Li Nazha smiled and said, "What are you doing? bath."

Zhou Dongyu shouted hoarsely: "Gu Li Nazha, what happened?"

Gu Li Nazha walked to Zhou Dongyu's side, lowered her head and said in a strange way: "What's the matter? Don't you know? Don't you want to be Liu Xu's woman? Congratulations on your success. But it seems that the effect is not very good Well, after he got off your bed, he still wants to go to my side. You can't satisfy him, it's a failure for a woman to do what you do."

Thinking of Liu Xujiao's words, Gu Li Nazha kept prodding Zhou Dongyu, wanting to trample on her self-esteem.

Sure enough, after hearing what Gulinazha said, Zhou Dongyu's face turned pale, and he didn't know what to do. It took him a long time to react and shouted: "You guys are raped, I'm going to sue you."

Gu Li Nazha clapped her hands and said, "Okay, hurry up, I will keep all these evidences for you, by the way, I still have a video, do you want to watch it? This is more favorable evidence, It contains the whole process, which is very exciting, and I believe many people will like it."

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