"Brat, I want you to meddle in your own business, go to hell!" Yuan Shanshan who was possessed by the evil spirit rushed towards Liu Xu.

Her hands actually grew long, dirty, pointed nails, and they strangled Liu Xu's neck tightly.

"Wow, I'm dead, I'm dead!" Liu Xu rolled his eyes and leaned on Yuan Shanshan.

The position where his head rested was Yuan Shanshan's Yuexiong Department.

It's a pity that Yuan Shanshan's Yuexiong department is not particularly rich, and of course it has something to do with her young age.

After all, due to work reasons, there was such a commotion that she had to jump off a building. Liu Xu was pretty sure that she hadn't met Yu Zheng yet.

"Stinky boy, are you dead?" The evil ghost was startled.

But when the evil ghost was stunned, Liu Xu suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand, and punched Yuan Shanshan on the forehead.


Yuan Shanshan yelled loudly and fell backwards. Immediately afterwards, in Liu Xu's body, an invisible transparent soul, like a shooting star, rushed into Yuan Shanshan's forehead from the seal between Yuan Shanshan's eyebrows like a shooting star. brain.

In Yuan Shanshan's body, the ghost's soul screamed loudly: "What's rushing in? Get out of here!".

"You let me go, let me go!"

On the other side, Yuan Shanshan's own soul was also screaming.

However, her soul has been sealed in a corner by this evil spirit, unable to move.

"Be honest with me! Don't make me angry!" The ghost's soul turned around angrily.

"Hey, it's almost time for you to go out."

Suddenly, a whip kicked heavily on the ghost's soul.

There was only a sound of "嗤", and the ghost's soul was kicked out of Yuan Shanshan's body.

The ghost's soul was kicked out of the body and rolled on the ground a few times before it stabilized itself.

When it looked back, Yuan Shanshan suddenly stood up again, looking straight at him.

Her gaze was as bright as electricity.

"Ah?" The evil ghost suddenly felt the terrifying power behind those eyes.

"Get out of here immediately! Otherwise, I'll take you in!" Yuan Shanshan pointed at him and shouted.

"Not good!" The evil spirit finally got scared, and immediately jumped off the roof of the building.

As ghosts, evil spirits can't be beaten to death.

After falling to the ground, the evil spirit quickly slipped into the shadows and slipped away.

Just now, the person who rushed in suddenly was that nosy brat.

This stinky boy actually knows the art of seizing souls, it's really terrifying!

A guy who can directly rush into another person's body and drive away the soul living in it, his mana is definitely not low. I am just an evil ghost who wants to find a substitute for the dead ghost. How can I be that guy's opponent? The ghost felt frightened for a while.

Fortunately, that kid didn't use any spells to take him in, so he ran away, so as not to ask for trouble.

The evil spirit ran away, anyway, he was not afraid that he would not find someone who could act as a scapegoat, but at this moment, its body froze suddenly, and with a "bang", it exploded into black air and dissipated invisible.

After driving away the ghost's soul, that Yuan Shanshan suddenly limp and fell to the ground.

Hearing the sound of falling to the ground, the police and security guards rushed up.

They were surprised to find that Yuan Shanshan was not the only one who fell on the ground.

Next to her lay another person, that young man who suddenly broke into the scene.

Strange, how could these two people faint at the same time?


Liu Xu slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a beautiful and fair face.

"You're awake!" the pretty nurse smiled.

"Where is this?" Liu Xu rubbed his eyes.

But when he stretched out his hand, he immediately froze for a moment.

His pair of big men's hands turned into slender hands of a woman.

"Ah!" Liu Xu was startled, and immediately touched his Yuexiong, two meat buns stuck out of his clothes.

"Please, can you let me go of your hand? How annoying!"

In Liu Xu's body, no, strictly speaking, in Yuan Shanshan's body, a woman cried out in grievance.

That woman, of course, is the original owner of this body, Yuan Shanshan.

"This is your hand, and it's not mine? Besides, if I help you drive away the evil spirits, I can be regarded as your savior." The soul of Liu Xu in Yuan Shanshan's body said shamelessly: "Aren't you Do you want to thank me?"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1145 Playing Hooligans With Her Body

"Is there anyone who is so thankful? I hate it, you better leave quickly! I beg you, please leave!" Yuan Shanshan's soul muttered.

"Let me go? Is it that easy?" Liu Xu's soul said: "I used this soul-snatching secret technique to enter your body and drive away the evil spirits, but it consumed my skill. At least, I have to wait three months You can only recover after a few days. Want to leave? It’s okay, then wait another three days!”

"What? It will take three days? So long?"

Liu Xu's soul suddenly stretched out its fingers, and moved a little towards Yuan Shanshan's soul.

Immediately, the mouth of Yuan Shanshan's soul opened wide, and her eyes became straight, like a wooden chicken.

"Junior sister, women who talk too much will be annoying to men. Senior brother is with you. Let me rest in your body for three days. Why are you still talking?" Liu Xu's soul shook his head, "Would you like me?" It wasn’t because the situation was critical, why would the senior brother not use the soul-snatching technique to enter your body? It’s just because I have great skill and mastered all the lethal Taoism. Once the seven killing orders of gods and ghosts are issued, even though the evil ghosts are gone, But your body will also be damaged... Hey, why are you still here with your aunt! You fainted, and you still want to buy sanitary napkins for you?"

"What's wrong with you?" The nurse looked at "Yuan Shanshan" in surprise, and said, "Why are you in a daze here?"

In fact, the conversation between the two souls Liu Xu and Yuan Shanshan just now, although Luo Li talked so much, it only lasted a second or two outside.

"It's nothing." Yuan Shanshan shook her head. In fact, this is Yuan Shanshan controlled by Liu Xu's soul, not the real Yuan Shanshan.

Now, he can completely control this woman's body.

This is all thanks to Liu Xu's unique skill - the Soul Seizing Technique.

This soul-snatching technique is a secret technique that Maoshan never spreads.

Through the soul-snatching technique, the caster can put his soul into the opponent's body, thereby controlling the opponent.

Liu Xu is also interested in it. There are many secret techniques in his head, but he has never used them before. Just now, he was playing with his mind, and then he used the Soul Seizure Technique to enter Yuan Shanshan's body and drive away the evil spirits. However, he did not expect the burden and restrictions of the Soul Seizure Technique. It was so big that it took three days to leave.

However, there are advantages to changing your body.

No, when Liu Xu saw this dewy nurse, he had evil thoughts.

"Ah? I'm so uncomfortable!"

Suddenly, Liu Xu yelled.

"What's wrong with you? Where are you feeling uncomfortable?" The nurse stepped forward and took a step closer to Liu Xu.

Of course, Liu Xu would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately stretched out the slender hand that did not belong to him, and immediately hugged this beautiful, generous, young and pretty nurse.

"I'm so cold, nurse, hold me tight!" Liu Xu hugged the nurse and refused to let go.

"Let go, let go!" The nurse blushed after being hugged by him like this.

Unexpectedly, this female patient named "Yuan Shanshan" would not let go even if she died.

Yuan Shanshan's soul was fixed by Liu Xu. Although she was very angry in her heart, she couldn't get angry at all.

You bloody rascal, you're using my hands for evil?

This, isn't this blatantly discrediting me?

This time, am I not a female hooligan?

"You, are you Lala?" The nurse looked at the beautiful woman who was hugging her in surprise.

"Lala? What is Lala?" Liu Xu pretended to be ignorant, "Oh, you want me to pull you? Okay, do you want to pull your top or your skirt?"

The nurse couldn't take it anymore, she pushed Liu Xu's hand away, and rushed out of the ward.


"What? That new female patient of yours is molesting you?" Sister Liu, the head nurse, opened her mouth wide open when she heard the nurse's report.

"Yeah, she hugged me tightly and wanted to pull my clothes. It's terrible, she doesn't look like a woman at all, but looks like a man?" The nurse complained aggrievedly.

"Hey, the world is getting worse!" The head nurse shook her head, it was nothing.

It is not uncommon for nurses like them to be harassed by patients.

However, being harassed by a female patient was the first time in their hospital.

"By the way, what happened to the man who was sent here with that woman? Isn't he in the next ward?" The head nurse asked casually.

"That man is quite honest. He has been in a coma all along." The nurse replied without thinking.

Uh, Miss Nurse, you have a brain!

Which man in a coma would be dishonest?

"Who is that man?" The head nurse said to herself, "Don't really become a vegetable in the future, right? It's a pity to become a vegetable at such a young age!"

At nightfall, in the First Hospital of Yanjing City.

A female nurse in a white coat and a white mask was pushing a car towards the elevator.

She looked tense, her eyes wandering about.

The person covered with a layer of white cloth on the car was a young man.

He was motionless, with his head hanging on one side, as if in a coma.

The nurse came to the elevator and pressed the elevator button.

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