The floor indicator on the elevator showed that the elevator was still on the first floor.

At this moment, another female nurse walked out of the door of the ward.

This elderly female nurse is Sister Liu, the head nurse of the hospital.

"Hey, which district are you from? It's so late, where are you going to send the patient?" Sister Liu felt that something was wrong.

The female nurse wearing a mask said nothing, looking very nervous.

"Take off the mask for me, I don't think I've seen you before?" Sister Liu became more and more suspicious.

At the same time, the elevator door opened, and there was no one inside.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1146 Baojuan's surname is Liang?

Suddenly, the female nurse quickly pushed the stretcher, rushed into the elevator, and closed the elevator door.

"Don't go!" Sister Liu suddenly understood, "Stop!"

However, the elevator door was closed, and the elevator began to move downward.

"It's not good, some patients have been stolen, some patients have been stolen!" Sister Liu yelled.

Her cry alarmed the security guard who was dozing off.

The security guards rushed out, but they couldn't wait for the elevator to come up, so they had to rush down the stairs.

The female nurse, the stretcher cart she was pushing, and the male patient in the cart had already left the elevator and headed for the hospital entrance.


At night, on a road in Yanjing City.

With a "crack", a BMW came to an emergency brake and stopped.

"What are you doing? Are you looking for death?" A driver wearing sunglasses pushed the door angrily and rushed down.

With a height of [-] meters, a burly figure, and well-defined muscles on his shoulders, he looked like he was not easy to mess with.

However, when he walked in and took a look, he was surprised.

It turned out that the person who caused him to brake suddenly was a thin girl.

In the girl's arms, there was actually a young man with his head hanging down.

These two people suddenly appeared obliquely in front of the BMW. Fortunately, the driver had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he stopped the car. The distance between the car and the couple was less than ten meters.

Unexpectedly, this thin woman turned her face up, looked at him and said, "You were the one who accidentally drove, okay?"

"You jumped out suddenly, what's the matter with me?"

This time, the driver was also annoyed.

"Are you blind?" The woman looked her up and down and asked.

"Why am I blind?" The driver was taken aback.

"If you're not blind, what kind of sunglasses do you wear? Do you think it's cool to wear sunglasses? People who wear sunglasses without the sun, if they're not blind, they're hooligans!"

"What? How dare you call me a hooligan?" the driver said angrily.

"Ayong, why are you arguing with her?"

At this time, another woman in white came out from the rear door.

When the thin woman who was hit by a car saw the woman in white approaching, her eyes straightened.

Wow, this girl looks good!

It would be nice if you could be a maid for me!

Although my brother is married, and his wife is also the goddess of the whole people, Anglebaby, but she shouldn't object to accepting a maid!

It's not about marrying a concubine. As a public lover, the baby is so reasonable, so he definitely won't object, right?

Ahem, this nympho woman is none other than Liu Xu possessed by Yuan Shanshan.

He stole his male body from the hospital just now, but was discovered by the head nurse and security guards of the hospital.

He had no choice but to hug his body and run away all the way. He ran here in one breath, and was almost hit by a car.

"Secretary Liang, this woman jumped out suddenly by herself, and she is still messing around here, and calling me a hooligan!" The male driver named Ah Yong said indignantly.

"Forget it! Don't be as knowledgeable as her, we have to hurry!" The woman in white looked at Liu Xu.

At this time, Liu Xu had his head covered, his hair loose, and his clothes were not neat. No matter how he looked, he looked like a bad girl wandering the streets.

"Sister, what's your name?" Liu Xu asked.

"Me? My name is Liang Baojuan." The woman in white said, "Why do you ask my name? Oh, do you want to ask me for money?"

Liang Baojuan?

Isn't this the maid in The Legend of Zhen Huan?

Yes, Baojuan's surname is Liang?

No wonder my first reaction just now was to be a maid for myself, not a wife, so the reason is here!

Liu Xu nodded his head thoughtfully.

"Let me tell you, we have encountered this kind of thing about touching porcelain just now, so don't come here."

"Pengci? You really know how to joke! But your surname Liang should be correct, but Baojuan's maid, shouldn't it be Liang Yixin?" Liu Xu laughed, and his real name is matched with a pseudonym. What is this, "I How can you touch porcelain? Sister Liang, I want to ask you, can I give you a ride in your car?"

"What? Take a ride?" Liang Baojuan looked at Liu Xu warily.

Don't tell me that this woman is not good at touching porcelain, but she wants to come up with other tricks, right?

"Good sister, just let me take a ride! Okay?" Seeing Liang Baojuan hesitate, Liu Xu hurriedly applied for her hand, and even took Liang Baojuan's hand, coquettishly.

But as soon as he stretched out his hands, the body that Liu Xu was holding had no support, and with a rubbing sound, he fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah? Terrible!" Liu Xu immediately turned around again, squatted down, and helped his own body that fell to the ground to stand up.

"Wow! Why is my face torn? Is it still so big? Oh, it's over, I'm disfigured now. I'm so careless, Nima, I'm so excited when I see a maid, if I see her master... ..." Seeing that a piece of skin was broken on his face and blood was flowing out, Liu Xu slapped the forehead of "Yuan Shanshan" who was now attached to him.

Anyway, the body I'm occupying now is not my own, it's just a temporary rented house!

Just hit it casually, and if it breaks, just return it to the original owner——Yuan Shanshan.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why did you hit yourself so hard? You're not afraid to beat yourself into a concussion! Who is he? Is it your husband? Why is he motionless?" Liang Baojuan was startled, and Shen shot , and probed the nostrils of Liu Xu's unconscious body, "Ah, it's so cold!"

"Secretary Liang, he seems to be dead, let's go!" Ah Yong finally saw the "mystery".


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1147 How can she be a second-rank concubine when she is so beautiful!

This woman who touched porcelain actually brought her husband's body to crash the car?

At that time, so as to ask for compensation from others?

Dare to feel that the technology of touching porcelain has evolved to this level now?

"Ah, I'm sorry, we have something to go, so let's go first!" Liang Baojuan was also scared, and immediately turned around and ran away.

"Hey, did any of you do this? Don't save yourself!" Liu Xu yelled.

However, Liang Baojuan and Ah Yong ignored it and ran to the car.

"Stop! Don't run, why don't you people in big cities learn from Lei Feng and do good deeds? I'm really not a fan of porcelain, dear, I just want a ride!" Liu Xu was depressed, and she was still a girl from the second dimension Goodness!

Touch porcelain?

Liu Xu wished he could nod Liang Baojuan's forehead and ask her, what exactly does my brother look like a Porcelain?

It's just that Yuan Shanshan's thin body can't bear Liu Xu's own body, so she hopes to take a ride!

"What are you running for?"

Suddenly, a crisp voice came, it was a woman's voice.

"Huh? General manager."

Liang Baojuan immediately stopped and lowered her head timidly.

"General Manager, it's too bad, that woman is hugging her dead husband and trying to blackmail us!" Ah Yong also became nervous, don't look at him as a rough guy, but he also panicked when he encountered this situation.

"Really? Then you can't run away! Hmph, there's no way if you want to touch porcelain! Didn't the guy who touched porcelain just now be sent to the police station by us? Why is there another one? Are people in the capital so dishonest? Let me take a look." The woman whom Liang Baojuan referred to as the general manager walked over here.

"General Manager?" Liu Xu was taken aback, "Good guy, he is still a great leader!"

He put his body down gently, and stood up with a "crack".

"Are you the general manager, right? Comrade general manager, I just want to take your car, but your driver actually said that I touch porcelain, so you don't care about it? Ah, no, such a beautiful... or not, are you It's you..." Liu Xu instantly became a petrified man, with his mouth wide open and his eyes straight.

Wow, right!This is the fairy descending to earth!

I saw that the woman walking towards Liu Xu had an oval face, willow-leaf curved eyebrows and a cherry mouth, and a pair of black and shiny eyes were as clear as autumn water and as peaceful as a deep pool.

Looking at her figure, she is definitely the kind that a man can't help but want to commit a crime.

Under the dress, a pair of black stockings wrapped the pair of slender beautiful legs in a curvaceous shape, and a pair of red high-heeled shoes under the feet, like flames, kept beating in the dark night, burning the crazy prairie in Liu Xu's heart .

Isn't this woman Tao Xinran?

How did she become the general manager?

Liu Xu originally thought that this "general manager" must be a fat elder sister, or an ugly middle-aged woman, but unexpectedly, she turned out to be a beautiful woman in her twenties?

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