And she was the beautiful woman he knew, Tao Xinran!

However, how did she become a second-rank concubine when she was so beautiful!

Hey, even the concubine is a posthumous gift.

"You, you are the general manager?" Liu Xu was taken aback.

"What? I don't look like it?" The woman smiled slightly, "Then what do you think I look like?"

"What do you look like? Hehe, you don't look like a general manager, you look like a prime minister, hehe..."

The beautiful general manager laughed out loud when she heard this. This was the funniest compliment she had ever heard.

"Prime Minister? Can I be Prime Minister? Only men can be."

"Who can't? In The Legend of Zhen Huan, Sun Li is just as bold as the people and how rich the land is. Although in the end, the power is in the hands of the government and the people, and she listens to politics...Xin Ran, you are much worse than her, even Jiang Xin And Cai Shaofen are better than you, the only one you are better than is Shenmeizhuang..." Liu Xu saw that the general manager was about to be dazzled by himself, so he quickly changed his words: "I mean, there is nothing new about you being the prime minister, you know me What did you want to be before?"

"What are you doing?" The woman who didn't know whether it was Tao Xinran or An Lingrong asked subconsciously.

"I, I want to be president!" Liu Xu said boldly.

"Being the president, I think you're just as good as an idiot!" A Yong looked at this beautiful but brainless woman with disdain.

"Female president? Not bad!" Unexpectedly, the beautiful general manager smiled, "It's really ambitious."

"That's right, my name is Zhicun Gaoyuan." Liu Xu said proudly: "Manager Tao, you look so pretty when you smile."

"What Manager Tao? Our general manager's surname is An." Liang Baojuan blurted out.

Surname Ann?

Liu Xu's eyes lit up.

Liang Baojuan regretted it when she told the general manager's surname. This woman is a prodigy, and it's too late for her to hide, so why did she tell her the general manager's surname again!

An Lingrong didn't care, but said: "Okay, since there is nothing else, let's get in the car!"

"Sister An, what's your name?" Liu Xu hit the snake with a stick, although he was [-]% sure that Sister An was An Lingrong.

But An Lingrong didn't intend to talk to her, but turned around and walked towards the car.

Her back is also so mysterious that even Liu Xu couldn't help shedding tears.

Wow, how exciting it would be to have sex with An Lingrong!


Just as the beauty was about to open the car door and get in the car, Liu Xu suddenly yelled.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Liang Baojuan was furious now. She crossed her hips and stared at Liu Xu, "You woman, do you still want to blackmail us? Let me tell you, we are not afraid of you!"

"Sister Liang, you are so beautiful, why do you look like a hag when you are angry!" Liu Xu sighed and said, "Can't you be gentle?"

"I, am I pretty?" Liang Baojuan's face turned red immediately.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1148 Inflatable Male Doll

Liang Baojuan can also be regarded as a pretty beauty in the company, but because she is always by An Lingrong's side, she can't help being overshadowed a lot, because everyone's eyes can't pay attention to her at the first time .

"You are very beautiful, but..." Liu Xu narrowed his eyes and said, "However, your general manager is more beautiful than you."

"Hate!" Liang Baojuan pouted.

"Miss, I think you are beautiful too?"

"You are beautiful! What are you looking at? Pervert, I will castrate you!" Liu Xu gave him a hard look.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but... just a little crazy." A Yong frowned.

Good men don't fight with women. In front of these two beauties in the company, if I have the same knowledge as this crazy woman, I will lose face!

Now Liu Xu, from head to toe, is completely a daughter, and Yuan Shanshan who is possessed by him can be regarded as a beauty. Although many people say that she is not beautiful, Ah Yong obviously does not belong to that group of people. So it's inevitable that I'll take a closer look.

However, although Liu Xu's appearance has changed, his personality is still that of a man.

It's no wonder Liu Xu didn't blow up when the pure men were being looked at by men with malicious intentions.

However, in another three days, Liu Xu will be able to recover his energy and return to his original male body.

"Can I take your car?" Liu Xu asked politely.

"You want a ride?" An Ling Rongli stopped in his tracks.

"Yeah, me and him." Liu Xu pointed to his body on the ground, which is now sitting there quietly like an inflatable doll, "I want to take your car with him."

"Alright then!" Unexpectedly, An Lingrong agreed readily, "Then get in the car!"

"General Manager, how could you let him get into the car?" Liang Baojuan became anxious, and leaned into An Lingrong's ear, and said softly, "This woman is crazy, she doesn't look like a good person, maybe she is playing some tricks? "

"Let her get in the car, what are you afraid of?" An Lingrong said calmly.

Just like that, Liu Xu and his own man's body got into the car.


"I, my name is Liu... Yuan Shanshan, what's your name? Which company are you working for now?"

As soon as he got in the car, the chatty Liu Xu asked questions in a hurry.

But An Lingrong didn't say a word, but turned his head out of the window.

Liu Xu stuck out his tongue and head, and took a peek at the beautiful woman sitting on his left.

He, An Lingrong, and his "inflatable doll" sat in the back row, while the driver A Yong and secretary Liang Baojuan sat in the front.

Because his "inflatable male doll" occupies the seat on the right, Liu Xu, who is sitting in the middle, can look at An Lingrong up close and wantonly.

An Lingrong's side profile was also quite perfect. The two plump peaks trembled and rose with the vibration of the car, which made Liu Xu look away.

Liu Xu shifted his gaze down again and stared at the beauty's beautiful legs. The slender legs wrapped in black stockings seemed to be like a pair of works of art, so beautiful, so touching the heartstrings of men.

Liu Xu's gaze turned from top to bottom to the middle, and along her stockings, she saw above her knees...

Looking at this perfect woman like a sculpture, Liu Xu's mouth slowly opened wide, and some unsightly images flashed in his mind.

Suddenly, a pair of sharp eyes swept over coldly.

An Lingrong had already turned his head, looking directly at Liu Xu with a kind of majesty and sternness, as if he wanted to see through his mind.

Liu Xu was taken aback, but turned his head again and pretended to cough.

"Ahem... ah, where are you now?"

"Can't you look out by yourself?" Liang Baojuan said angrily.

"Let me see, let me see." Liu Xu turned his face again, he wanted to appreciate the beautiful "scenery" that made him fascinated just now.

But this time, An Lingrong didn't look away, he was still looking at him, but didn't say a word.

Liu Xu smiled awkwardly, and had to turn his head again, looking out the window.

"Ah, there, there, stop, stop!" Liu Xu suddenly yelled loudly.

"Is there a mistake? How long have you only gotten in the car!" The driver A Yong was annoyed, "Why did you get off the car so quickly?"

"There's a convenience store over there. I'll go buy some bread to fill my stomach." Liu Xu shouted.

"What's wrong! You still have to take a car for such a short distance? Wouldn't it be better if you walked a few steps by yourself?" Ah Yong was really angry.

What happened, how did you meet such a silly big sister tonight?

"Didn't you see that I'm carrying a big living person with me? I'm a... woman, how can I walk?" Liu Xu said cheekily, "Miss An, thank you for letting me take your car. By the way, you Can you leave me a contact number?"

"What? You still want to touch porcelain!" Liang Baojuan turned her head and gave Liu Xu a hard look, "You dare to ask for our general manager's phone number?"

"I'm the future president, what's the point of asking for your general manager's phone number!" Liu Xu coaxed.

"President? You are dreaming!" Liang Baojuan couldn't stand it anymore, "You go, go!"

Liu Xu ignored her, but said to An Lingrong with a smile: "Miss An, it's fate to meet each other once, can't you give me a phone number?"

An Lingrong looked at Liu Xu strangely, and thought: "This woman is really strange, why does she have to ask for her mobile phone number?"

"Well, my cell phone number is 19*****."

Under Liu Xu's stalking, An Lingrong finally reported a number.

"General manager, you?" Liang Baojuan was taken aback.

She knows how she behaves as the general manager, and she will never give a stranger her mobile phone number casually.

But this time, the sun came out from the west?


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1149 Going back to each house, your mother becomes my mother

Liang Baojuan originally wanted to prevent An Lingrong from giving out her phone number, which was her job as a secretary, but after carefully listening to the phone number, Liang Baojuan secretly smiled.

It turned out that his general manager actually changed the last digit of the number.

She even gave this crazy woman a fake number!

General manager, you are really ruthless!

However, it was impossible to be cruel to this crazy woman. Liang Baojuan couldn't help admiring her leader.

An Lingrong, you are indeed your father's good daughter, you don't even bat an eyelid when you're lying.

High, really high!

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