Liu Xu got the phone number, happily waved to the general manager An Lingrong, and got out of the car with his "inflatable male doll".

However, Liu Xu was not stupid. After he got out of the car, he secretly memorized the license plate number of the car.

With the car number and the "mobile phone number", it is safe.

After getting out of the car, Liu Xu watched the car drive away, and couldn't help but wonder how An Lingrong's status changed.

Choose a servant from the seventh rank, a beauty from the sixth rank, Xiaoyuan from the fifth rank, a concubine from the fifth rank, Fenyi from the fourth rank, Ronghua from the fourth rank, noble concubine from the third rank, Zhaoyuan from the second rank, concubine from the second rank, and a gift of Oriole Concubine Yingui!

Hey, it's not easy to be a concubine.

Liu Xu walked into the convenience store holding the "inflatable boy doll".

He is really hungry.

After dinner, I have to think about where to stay tonight!

Of course, Liu Xu had already figured out the answer to this question before he ate the meal. His current identity is Yuan Shanshan, so he naturally lives in Yuan Shanshan's house!

Yuan Shanshan lives alone. It only takes three days to change her body, and then she will go back to her own house. Your mother has become my mother.


"General Manager, why is this woman so crazy!" In that car, Secretary Liang Baojuan muttered, "Is she out of her mind?"

An Lingrong didn't say a word. When she was quiet, she even made people feel scared.

Seeing that her leader had stopped talking, Liang Baojuan obediently kept her mouth shut.

In the car, it suddenly became quiet.

But before driving far, a roadblock appeared ahead, and a police car was parked beside the roadblock.

"Sorry, we are looking for a fugitive. We want to check your car. Please show your driving license." A policeman walked towards the car and saluted.

"Looking for a fugitive? How could this fugitive be in our car? Today is really unlucky. I met a bonny and a crazy woman, and now I am stopped by the police." A Yong shook his head, It is worth pulling out the driver's license and handing it to the police.

"Brother policeman, what fugitive are you arresting?" Liang Baojuan poked her head out and asked, "Don't be a murderer?"

"No, it's a woman." The policeman said, "She stole a male patient from the city's No. [-] Hospital."

"What? A woman?" Liang Baojuan was stunned, "Is it a crazy woman with a man in her arms?"

"Yeah, have you seen that woman?" The policeman was also taken aback for a moment.

"We didn't see any women." At this time, An Lingrong who had been silent until now said, "I'm sorry."

Liang Baojuan was taken aback for a moment, and looked back at An Lingrong, but the latter was unusually calm.

"Who is this lady?" The policeman also noticed her and walked to the back of the car, "Please open the window and show your ID for inspection."

The rear window was rolled down, An Lingrong seemed to be ready, took out a business card, and handed it to the policeman.

The policeman took the business card, and when he saw it, he was stunned.

"Ah? You, you are, you are Miss An! Oh, I'm so sorry. Let it go, let it go!" The policeman saluted immediately.

"Drive!" An Lingrong said expressionlessly.

"Okay!" Ah Yong stepped on the gas, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string.

An Lingrong's business card is more effective than an ID card. At least in Yanjing City, no policeman sees this business card and refuses to let him go.

"General manager, isn't the fugitive the police are looking for, that crazy woman? She is a fugitive, why didn't you tell the police that that woman is at a convenience store by the roadside?" Liang Baojuan asked suspiciously.

"We have already lost a lot of time on the road. To us, every minute is precious." An Lingrong said coldly: "Let the policemen deal with such boring matters by themselves! If they don't even If that woman can't be caught, it only proves that they are useless."

"Oh!" Liang Baojuan stopped talking.

"Miss is right, time is money, money is life, wasting other people's time is tantamount to seeking money and killing one's life." A Yong also flattered, "Miss, the master asked you to come back to the capital this time. Got a big project?"

"Don't call me Missy, you still call me General Manager."

"Oh, yes, I forgot again, general manager."

"This is not the question you should ask." An Lingrong still had a serious face, "Remember, if you shouldn't ask, don't ask too much, understand?"

"Understood, general manager." A Yong shut his mouth obediently.

My master is good at everything, he is beautiful, tall, well-educated, and capable, and he has an incomparably rich father as his backing, but it is this cold and arrogant personality that really makes people suffer. No!

Otherwise, why is she still not married at the age of 27!

You know, how many rich sons and dignitaries are surrounded by the eldest sister, but they all want to be the son-in-law of the An family!

Ayong increased the horsepower, and the latest luxury car kicked up the dust on the road and sped forward.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1150 Nazha Has a Talent in Training

Yuan Shanshan's home.

Say it's home, something like that...

Because it is a rental house, and the conditions are not very good, in Yanjing, a place where every inch of land is expensive, the landlord can increase the rent three times a month.

The room Yuan Shanshan rented was a single room, and it was only about [-] square meters.

"Why do you call me little junior sister?" Yuan Shanshan's soul asked Liu Xu.

"Junior Sister? Did I call you?" Liu Xu lay on the sofa at Yuan Shanshan's house.

Why don't you go to bed?

The bed is of course reserved for my male body.

"Yes, when you talk to that evil spirit." Yuan Shanshan now knew that Liu Xu would not hurt herself, so she became more courageous.

"Oh, slip of the tongue!" Liu Xu said casually.

"What?" Yuan Shanshan frowned.

"Actually, I made a mistake." Liu Xu sighed.

"What do you mean?" Yuan Shanshan asked.

"I misremembered, you didn't play the role of Junior Junior Sister." Liu Xu said.

"The more you listen, the more confused you become." Yuan Shanshan was confused.

"You're playing the role of a demon saint." Liu Xu laughed.

"I don't understand at all." Yuan Shanshan shook her head.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep, don't disturb me." Liu Xu said.


"I have a hunch!" Liu Xu said suddenly.

"What premonition?" Yuan Shanshan asked.

"I'm going to time travel." Liu Xu said seriously.



As a result, of course nothing happened...

It would be no fun if Liu Xu guessed the time travel.

In short, Liu Xu stayed at Yuan Shanshan's house for three days.

It's been a long time since he stayed home like this.

It was so cool.

Of course, I also encountered some troubles, such as my aunt coming, going to the toilet, taking a bath...

This is a real feeling, really sour.


When Liu Xu came home, he saw a very harmonious picture.

Gu Linazha was sitting on the sofa watching TV, while Zhou Dongyu was waiting on the sidelines. He could clearly see the discomfort in his body, and his legs were shaking, but he stood there meticulously. Even Liu Xu just took a look when he came in. He bowed his head and waited for Gulinaza's order.

Gu Li Nazha picked up the training whip on the table, gave Zhou Dongyu a swipe, and said, "You have no eyesight, the master is back, hurry up and get the shoes."

Zhou Dongyu hurried over to put Liu Xu's slippers away, but the seductive actions of a few days ago were no longer there.

After Liu Xu finished taking off his shoes, he put them on the shoe rack, and then hurriedly stood beside Gu Li Nazha.

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, it seems that Gu Li Nazha trained well, Zhou Dongyu actually followed her orders honestly, it seems to be effective.

Liu Xu didn't respond to Zhou Dongyu's resentful eyes. Since he had been trained by Gu Li Nazha, he didn't care about it, as long as he had time to enjoy it.

Looking at Zhou Dongyu who had been ordered by Gu Li Nazha to cook, Liu Xu asked softly, "Nazha, how did you manage to make her obedient so quickly?"

Gulinazha laughed in a low voice, and told what happened.

After hearing this, Liu Xu couldn't help being dumbfounded, and sighed secretly: "Why are women bothering to be women?"

If Gu Li Nazha's approach is followed, Zhou Dongyu will definitely not even get her graduation certificate, and she will have nowhere to go. She may have to leave here far away. Even if that is the case, she will become someone else for a long time The laughing stock of you, you can't even pass this level!

When it was time to eat, seeing Liu Xu who didn't take himself seriously at all, Zhou Dongyu was really desperate. He thought that he would treat himself better because of the love that night, and then beg Liu Xu Xu, maybe Gu Li Nazha will let her go.

But Liu Xu's attitude let her know that those were just her own fantasies.

Zhou Dongyu was finally completely desperate, and she didn't dare to resist Gu Li Nazha's training, which made her very strange.

Although the training has been carried out for three days and the progress is obvious, Zhou Dongyu is not without resistance. In the afternoon, she was obviously perfunctory, but at night she became extremely obedient.

Gu Li Nazha didn't know that Zhou Dongyu had given up hope, accepted his fate, and was getting familiar with and adapting to his identity as soon as possible.

Naturally, Liu Xu didn't know this. After a series of fierce battles with Gu Li Nazha and Zhou Dongyu at night, he fell asleep.

In the next few days, Liu Xu's life was very comfortable.

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