Going out during the day, flirting with He Jing under the noses of Chen Anan (who returned to Yanjing from Shanghai), and then went to the set to hook up with Zhao Liying under the banner of work, Yuan Shanshan did not forget, and asked Huang Shengyi to take Signed into the company.

When seeing Zhou Dongyu again, Liu Xu was taken aback. She was walking around the room in a tight-fitting nurse uniform.

Seeing Liu Xu's return, Zhou Dongyu hurried over to get Liu Xu's slippers.

If he hadn't been sure that this was his own house, Liu Xu would have thought that he had arrived in Japan and was facing role-playing.

Seeing Liu Xu's surprised look, Gu Li Nazha showed an excited smile, walked over and took his arm, and whispered in Liu Xu's ear, "Husband, how are you? I've trained you well!"

After speaking, an excited smile appeared on his face, as if he was looking forward to Liu Xu's compliment.

Liu Xu looked at Gu Li Nazha with a wry smile. The emotional trainer was addicted, and he was also in role-playing. He obviously set himself as the queen, while Zhou Dongyu was set as the female nurse.

Recalling that she seemed to have told Gu Li Nazha to put on a nurse's uniform, it seems that she remembered that she didn't want to experiment, so she prepared an experimental product for Liu Xu.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Nazha, I found that you may really have a talent for training."

Gulinazha smiled sweetly and said, "Husband, take a shower first! Here is another delicious dish waiting for you to taste!"

Liu Xu looked at Zhou Dongyu with satisfaction, feeling that his animal blood was indeed boiling, touched Gu Li Nazha's body, and walked into the bathroom.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1151 This is obviously the rhythm of opening another dungeon!

The next day, Liu Xu suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, may I ask who you are?" Liu Xu answered the call.

"Hi, Liu Xu, I'm Nuolan, Lisa gave me your phone number, she said that you promised me that you would be a guest on my show this Saturday, do you still remember?"

Nuo Lan's voice sounded softly from the phone, her voice was as gentle and beautiful as her own, and people would be secretly excited when they heard it.

"I remember, I remember, of course I remember! Nuolan, I didn't expect it to be you! I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and I'm going to be on the first sister of the radio station... How can I not remember?" Liu Xu cut off his voice on purpose, but his Be careful, Nuolan probably won't be able to hear it.

He didn't expect that Nuo Lan would take the initiative to contact him at this time. Liu Xu's mood was extremely excited when he thought of seeing Nuo Lan soon.

"Wonderful praise. It should be my honor to invite you, the mysterious author of the best-selling novel in China, as a guest. Liu Xu, the live broadcast will be at nine o'clock on Saturday. Let's meet in advance face?"

"I'll buy you a cup of tea, and then I'll talk to you about the show. I want to talk to you in advance. After all, our show is live. I want to talk to you about some procedures."

"Okay, of course, Nuolan, where shall we meet?" Liu Xu asked with a smile.

"How about the teahouse next to the TV station? I'll wait for you there on Saturday afternoon."

"Okay, I promise to be on time, and I won't let the beauty wait."

After finishing the phone call with Nuo Lan, Liu Xu saved Nuo Lan's mobile phone number, and when he thought of her, he lifted his spirits.

At this time, it was dawn, and it was already ten o'clock, but Gu Li Nazha and Zhou Dongyu didn't get up.

After being tossed so hard by Liu Xu last night, the two girls went into battle together. At this time, they have become good girlfriends again.

But in the end, he lost to the full firepower and was defeated.

Regardless of that, Liu Xu received a call from Nuo Lan. Although there were still two or three days before Saturday, he couldn't wait any longer. He had already made up his mind to buy a plane ticket to go back to Shanghai.

But before we go, hey...

As a result, Gulinazha and Zhou Dongyu's coquettish voices soon sounded in the room again!


Then, the plane tickets to Shanghai were sold out that day, and strangely, the train tickets were also sold out.

Spring Festival?

Liu Xu, who didn't buy a plane ticket or a train ticket, couldn't help complaining: "This is obviously the rhythm of opening another copy!"

So, Liu Xu, who didn't believe in evil, embarked on a cruise ship bound for Shanghai.


It was nearly midnight, and there was already a strong sea breeze blowing on the sea, making it chilly.

A brightly lit luxury cruise ship is slowly sailing in the vast and boundless ocean, reflecting each other with the stars and moon in the night sky.

On the open-air deck of the cruise ship, a slender woman in a long white dress is standing by the guardrail. The sea breeze blows her hair and skirt, and the moonlight shines on her soft cheeks, like a spotless fairy.

The sky is full of stars, the bright moon hanging high in the night sky, the boundless sea, and the faint sound of waves can be heard all around. This pleasant feeling makes Liu Yifei indulge in it, even ignoring the chill of the sea breeze blowing on her body.

Um! ?what is that! ?

There was a sudden change in the calm sea, Liu Yifei frowned and looked at it, her face instantly turned pale.


The captain has gone back to rest, and there are only the second officer on duty and a few drivers in the cockpit of the cruise ship.

"Oh God..."

The night vision binoculars in the hands of the second officer who was patrolling the sea suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes were dull, and he looked ahead in horror: "This... this is... a murderous wave!"


The central hall is bustling with people, which is the busiest time for the night banquet of the cruise ship.

Liu Xu stared openly at the beauties in the banquet hall. He smiled and said to the dinner waiter, "Filix steak, medium rare, I don't need anything else, thank you."

"Okay sir, please wait a moment." The waiter turned and left.

After ordering the meal, Liu Xu savored the exquisite desserts on the table, while feeling secretly refreshed: "Who says you can't leave if you can't buy a plane ticket or train ticket?"

"Jingle Bell!"

A piercing sound of the fine bell broke Liu Xu's thoughts, and also made all the people immersed in the atmosphere of the banquet startled.

The broadcast announcement also sounded at this time: "A murderous wave is found in front of the cruise ship! All passengers please put on life jackets as soon as possible! Gather at the lifeboat area!"

"Murder wave? What murder wave? Isn't the cruise ship very stable?" Some passengers were a little puzzled.

However, Liu Xu's expression changed suddenly after hearing the word "killing wave".

The so-called murderous wave is an adjective in the nautical industry for a super wave beyond the scope of scientific explanation.

There are many reasons for the formation of waves, but according to the current scientific theory, in the depths of the endless ocean, even under the worst environmental conditions, the height of the waves will not exceed 10 meters, but the "killing wave" completely violates the law. the law.

Even in calm seas, murderous waves may appear mysteriously. No one knows why it is formed, but so far, with its devastating destructive power, no ship in the world can escape from the murderous waves!

Because almost all the murderous waves are more than [-] meters high!

This can no longer be called a sea wave, it is almost a huge sea wall!

According to the data of the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization, at least one seagoing vessel mysteriously sinks and disappears every month in the world. !

Some passengers who didn't understand the meaning of the word "killing wave" were still cursing and yelling to ruin their banquet atmosphere. Liu Xu couldn't hear it, and roared angrily: "What a dawdle! If you don't want to die, hurry up!" Go change into life jackets!"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1152 Even if the Dragon King wants me to be a son-in-law, it is impossible

After yelling this sentence, Liu Xu felt that he had done his best, and there was no need for him to stop some people who wanted to die.

If the cruise ship does hit a murderous wave, staying inside the ship is almost tantamount to death.

Liu Xu's roar still had some effect. The passengers who were still dawdling started to put on their life jackets in a hurry and ran out.

Liu Xu also put on the life jacket as quickly as possible, but he didn't run to the lifeboat area.

Because he knew that even in the lifeboat area, according to international conventions, children and women must be allowed on board first. What's more, Liu Xu didn't think lifeboats would be of much use in the face of murderous waves.

He pushed aside the chaotic crowd, ran to the commodity area of ​​the cruise ship, stuffed several bottles of mineral water and food into his clothes at an unimaginable speed, and then firmly tied the mineral water with the strap of the life jacket. Water and food are bound.

Seeing Liu Xu's behavior, some other passengers suddenly figured out what to do, and started fighting frantically, and the scene suddenly became even more chaotic.

But Liu Xu can't control so much anymore. He is not a saint. In this situation, the most important thing is that he can survive.

Murder waves, like earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, and thunder and lightning, belong to Tianwei. Although it is not a catastrophe, that power is definitely not something a cultivator in the doomed age can resist.

Liu Xu was like a slippery fish, quickly shuttled through the crowd, and the crowded crowd seemed to be completely non-existent in front of him.

After squeezed out of the crowd, Liu Xu took a deep breath, and his figure became a little faster, and he swept out of the central hall like a phantom.

As soon as he rushed to the deck, Liu Xu suddenly felt his body shake.

There were even more screams on the deck!

When Liu Xu looked up, his face was shocked.

A continuous sea wall with a height of almost forty meters has already rushed towards him.

His life was hanging by a thread, but Liu Xu calmed down instead. His mind was clear, and he stared at the murderous wave close at hand.

Almost instantly, Liu Xu had made a decision, he gritted his teeth suddenly, and jumped into the sea.

And the moment Liu Xu jumped into the sea, the murderous wave slammed into the cruise ship with a "boom"! !

This ocean cruise ship is one of the largest luxury cruise ships in the world, with a body length of more than [-] meters and a water surface height of nearly [-] meters. With one blow, the cruise ship was instantly overturned.

Unable to resist, more powerless to resist.

The real power of nature, how can human beings be able to contend with it.

Liu Xu, who had already sunk in the sea, was even more upset at this moment, it was hard to express it, and he didn't know who was tricked this time.

Liu Xuping doesn't know how to swim and dive, relying on his Taoism, avoiding water and subduing demons, but that is in the river, and this is the sea in front of him, with magnificent waves, although human beings have already begun to explore. Alien civilization but never really conquered the sea.

As soon as he got out of the water, Liu Xu's face changed, because he found that he couldn't use his magical powers at all. Could it be that the way to open it was wrong?

I didn't hook up with the Dragon Lord's daughter, so why did he lose his mana in the sea?

Liu Xu didn't have time to think about it. In this turbulent sea that was almost like a miracle, his body was pulled by the turbulent undercurrent force, and it was very difficult to even surface for a breath.

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