The seawater drowned Liu Xu half to death, but his mind was still clear, relying on the buoyancy brought by the life jacket, he swam desperately upwards.

With Liu Xu's ability, it is not difficult to hold his breath for more than ten minutes, but under the raging waves, countless undercurrents are constantly tearing at his body, consuming too much physical strength, and he has died without holding his breath for two minutes. Feeling out of breath.

At this moment, Liu Xu suddenly felt that his hand had stretched out of the water, he quickly stretched his head upwards, and finally surfaced.

Although it was only a few seconds, Liu Xu was finally able to breathe again, greatly reducing the pain, but then, another undercurrent hit, and Liu Xu was pulled into the sea again.

Fortunately, it didn't take long this time. Liu Xu spun around in the water before resurfaced, panting heavily.

However, at this moment, another huge wave hit.

Liu Xu was caught off guard and was directly drawn into the depths of the sea.

Liu Xu, who was completely uncontrollable by the huge waves, completely understood what is meant by "a drop in the ocean", and he was simply powerless to resist it.

The strong water pressure under the sea and the turbulent undercurrent made Liu Xu almost breathless, but he knew very well that once he gave up, he would really have to be the son-in-law of the Dragon King.

He forgot the fatigue of his body, and struggled frantically, floating and sinking from time to time with the raging waves.

Every second he persisted, Liu Xu would secretly tell himself that he was one step further away from the daughter of the Dragon King who didn't know beauty and ugliness.

In this way, when the sea finally returned to calm, it was already two hours later.

"Huh, even if you are the Dragon King, but you want me to be your son-in-law, there is no way."

Liu Xu, who was completely exhausted, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He slowly relaxed his body, and only relied on the buoyancy of his life jacket to float on the sea, in order to recover his strength as soon as possible.

With the help of the moonlight, Liu Xu looked around the entire sea, and he could hardly see anything within his field of vision.

Being caught in the huge waves and drifting for more than two hours, he knew that he must be very far away from the place where the cruise ship first encountered the murderous waves.

Suddenly, about a hundred meters in front of Liu Xu, there was a burst of spray, and it seemed that something had surfaced.


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Chapter 1153 Dragon King's Daughter

Liu Xu looked intently and was overjoyed. Relying on his newly recovered physical strength, he paddled the water and slowly swam towards that thing.

It really is a life raft!

Liu Xu was ecstatic in his heart.

On all large ships, in addition to the necessary lifeboats, according to international maritime safety regulations, life rafts are also necessary life-saving facilities.

Unlike lifeboats that can accommodate dozens of people, life rafts are very narrow and made of artificial synthetic materials, with a total weight of no more than 185kg.

It is usually placed in a storage bucket made of fiberglass and placed on a special raft frame on the ship's side. If necessary, the life raft can be taken out and directly thrown into the water to automatically inflate and form.

If the ship in distress sinks too fast, it doesn't matter if there is no time to take it out. When the life raft sank to a certain depth underwater, the hydrostatic pressure release device on the life raft will automatically unhook and release the life raft.

Compared with the lifeboat that stores a large amount of life-saving food, fresh water and medical supplies at any time, the life raft is much simpler. It is just a raft that can carry people afloat, but for Liu Xu, this is already a gift from heaven.

Climbing onto the life raft with the last bit of strength, Liu Xu's body finally relaxed completely. He lay on the life raft, and a strong sense of emptiness surged up. He closed his eyes and slowly calmed down his breathing. .

He needs a good rest now.


Liu Xu, who just lay down for a while, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and sat up suddenly: "There is a living person!"

On the nautical lifejacket, there is a special pocket, which contains an emergency whistle.

On the wide ocean, the spread of shouts is obviously not as easy to detect as the clear and loud whistle sound, and it is obviously more labor-saving to whistle for help.

In the Titanic movie, when the heroine Rose was exhausted, her voice was hoarse, and she couldn't make a sound at all, she was rescued by whistling to let the search and rescue personnel find her.

And just now, although the voice was a little weak, Liu Xu was sure that it was a whistle.

Liu Xu quickly took out his whistle and blew it fiercely.

The sound of the whistle spread across the dark ocean, Liu Xu put down his whistle and waited attentively.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"


As soon as Liu Xu's whistle was over, there were three more whistles that were slightly louder than before and rushed.

Liu Xu looked at the source of the whistle, and saw nothing in sight, but he firmly believed in the direction of the source of the whistle.

While holding the whistle in his mouth and blowing it continuously, while desperately paddling the sea water with his hands, Liu Xu ran towards the direction of the whistle.


Because she was wearing a life jacket, Liu Yifei, whose consciousness had already fallen into a semi-comatose state, had only one head floating on the sea.

Every time when she was about to fall asleep, she always reminded herself that she couldn't rest, it was the god of death calling her.

The strong desire to win made her almost unconsciously take out the whistle from the whistle bag of the life jacket and blow the whistle.

"Doo doo! Doo doo! Doo doo!"

Not long after he blew it, a whistle that was much louder than his whistle suddenly broke into his ears.

Liu Yifei, who was just doing her best and obeying the fate, felt as if she had been given a shot in the arm when she heard the response of the whistle. She opened her eyes suddenly, her brilliance reappeared, and she blew the whistle desperately again with all her strength.

The whistling continued, and Liu Yifei finally confirmed that it was not her hallucination.

Liu Yifei can swear that even though she has seen many kinds of musical instruments in the world, but at this moment, in Liu Yifei's heart, there is no musical instrument that can sound more beautiful, more pleasant, and more exciting than this whistle.

The whistle was getting closer and closer, and Liu Yifei kept blowing the whistle to position herself.

Finally, Liu Yifei saw a black shadow that was continuously enlarged in front of her.

It's a life raft.

At this moment, Liu Yifei seemed to see an angel.

Her weary arms were lifted out of the water for the first time, and she continued to whistle, flailing them desperately.

The life raft finally came to him.

A hand reached out from the raft and firmly grasped his hand.

Before she could feel the temperature of this palm, Liu Yifei felt her completely exhausted body being pulled out of the water.

The person on the raft immediately stretched out his other hand and hugged himself onto the life raft.

Then she discovered that there was only one person on this life raft that could carry seven people.

But she no longer has the energy to care about who saved her.

Liu Yifei was really too tired, physically tired and nervous because she had been hovering on the death line, at this moment, she completely relaxed.


Liu Xu paddled the life raft, and after paddling nearly [-] meters, he finally saw Liu Yifei, who was already a bit blurred.

Already exhausted, Liu Xu was almost exhausted after scribbling more than [-] meters with his bare hands, but when he looked at those arms that kept waving, he still gritted his teeth and exhausted his last strength , dragged Liu Yifei onto the life raft.

how is she?

Liu Yifei!

Little Dragon Girl?

"Is she really the daughter of the Dragon King?"

Liu Xu recognized Liu Yifei at a glance, and his expression became strange.

But he didn't have time to think about it, just after dragging Liu Yifei onto the life raft, Liu Xu discovered that she had closed her eyes!

This startled Liu Xu, he quickly stretched out his fingers to detect Liu Yifei's breath.

The current Liu Xu can't cast mana, but he can't summon his soul or enter the underworld to bring Liu Yifei back to life.

"Fortunately, still breathing..."

Liu Xu looked at Liu Yifei, who had fallen into a deep sleep, with a relieved smile on his tired face.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1154 Fourth Brother and Fourth Master Who Are The Bulls?

Although the life raft was small, it was designed to accommodate seven people. Liu Xu adjusted Liu Yifei's sleeping position before he lay down again and began to rest.

Several times, Liu Xu seemed to hear the whistle again. He blew his own whistle every time, but the only response was the constant sound of sea water.

After repeating this several times, Liu Xu finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell into a deep sleep.


A chill hit, and Liu Xu opened his eyes again.

The sea was still pitch black, even darker and colder than before.

Liu Xu knew that it was because it was about to dawn.

He glanced at Liu Yifei, who had curled up into a ball due to the cold and shivered slightly, hesitated for a moment, then untied his life jacket, took off his somewhat damp coat, and gently covered it on her.

It seemed that Liu Yifei felt warm because of the trace of Liu Xu's body temperature remaining on the jacket. Liu Yifei shrank her neck, wrapped the jacket tightly around her body, and her body gradually stopped shivering.

Then, Liu Xu put on the life jacket again, lay down again, and fell asleep.

He must minimize the energy consumption of his body, and sleep is undoubtedly the behavior that consumes the least energy.


The sun dispelled the sea fog, pierced through the clouds, and shone on Liu Yifei's cheeks.

Although it was in a dream, a trace of fatigue could still be seen on this delicate face.

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