Perhaps because she felt the warmth of the sun, Liu Yifei slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing Liu Yifei saw when she opened her eyes was the blue sky that was spotless.

She just watched quietly and recalled.

After a while, Liu Yifei sat up slowly.

She calmly looked around the boundless ocean, and finally her eyes rested on a black dress wrapped around her body.

Liu Yifei turned her gaze to Liu Xu who was still sleeping.

Obviously, he saved her, and this dress, of course, must belong to him.

Liu Yifei quietly looked at Liu Xu's face, which seemed to be about the same age as her own, wondering what she was thinking.

Did she recognize the man who had seen himself naked?

After a while, Liu Yifei slowly unfolded the dress and covered Liu Xu's body again.

In the end, Liu Xu woke up because of Liu Yifei's action.

Liu Yifei's hands haven't been retracted yet.

Liu Xu glanced at the coat on his body, and then looked at Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei and Liu Xu looked at each other, then withdrew their hands, pointed to the jacket calmly, and said softly: "Your."

Liu Xu didn't know if Liu Yifei recognized him, of course he wouldn't admit it, so he nodded calmly and said, "Well, I know it's mine."

The two fell silent again.

"Thank you."

After a while, Liu Yifei spoke again.

Liu Xu was taken aback, then smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a piece of clothing, you're a girl, you should."

"I'm not talking about clothes." Liu Yifei looked at Liu Xu and said, "Thank you for saving me."

"Then you don't have to thank me." Liu Xu smiled more naturally. In the face of a murderous wave, thousands of passengers and crew members on the cruise ship must have suffered countless casualties.

But Liu Xu has no psychological burden, because natural disasters are not man-made disasters, he can't save so many people.

In that situation, the most Liu Xu could do was to keep himself alive.

Then, when the wind calmed down, Liu Xu heard the whistle calling for help. He did not refuse such a kind act of saving lives.

As for whether the fresh water and food he brought were enough, that was out of Liu Xu's consideration. After all, it was not some kind of cruel "infinite horror" world.

Liu Xu took out a bottle of mineral water and a pack of biscuits, handed them to Liu Yifei and said, "Eat some biscuits to pad your belly. There isn't too much water, so save some water."

Liu Yifei didn't pick it up.

Although she was very thirsty and hungry, her beautiful eyes didn't look at the water and biscuits at all.

She just looked at Liu Xu calmly.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, still looked at each other with a smile on his face.

After a while, Liu Yifei stretched out her right hand, but still didn't pick up the water and biscuits.

She smiled, that beautiful smile, as if it could make people forgive all the mistakes in the world.

"Hi, my name is Liu Yifei."

Liu Xu looked at Liu Yifei's slender hands, her white and fat skin looked more pure under the sun.

He smiled, stretched out his right hand as well, and said, "My name is Liu... Si."

Liu Xu didn't say his real name, because if he really reported his family name, wouldn't he be exposed?

Huang Shengyi was going to introduce herself to Liu Yifei, but she accidentally saw a beautiful woman out of the bath, so Liu Xu mentioned a fake name here.

Why four?


Liu Da and Liu Er don't think about it, they are too similar to Xiong Da Xiong Er, Liu San... brother is not a mistress, so naturally it will be a fourth.

If you are ranked fourth, ahem, what do you think of fourth brother and fourth master?

Liu Yifei's hands don't know how to maintain them. After being soaked in sea water for so long, they are still silky. Fortunately, the two just shook hands lightly. Otherwise, Liu Xu was really worried that he would not be able to help but knead gently. .

"Liu Si?" Liu Yifei asked curiously after hearing Liu Xu's self-reported name.

"You can call me the fourth brother or the fourth brother." Liu Xu smiled helplessly. He knew what Liu Yifei was thinking just by looking at Liu Yifei's expression.

"Why do you call me the fourth child? Isn't it okay for me to call you the fourth child?" Liu Yifei smiled, but I don't know if Liu Xu is guilty, and I always feel that this smile is a bit half a smile.

Liu Xu said jokingly: "Although I'm not tall and mighty, I'm still a little taller than a Mercedes-Benz!"

Liu Yifei was taken aback for a moment before realizing it, covering her mouth with a smile and saying, "At any rate, he also helped me write the lyrics, you should show some love!"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1155 Neither Humble nor Overbearing, A Man's True Colors

"Is that the one you're talking about?" Liu Xu thought for a moment and said, "I've heard it, and the melody is nice, but I personally think that if the lyrics of this song are not written by him, but with Chinese style lyrics It might fit a little better."

There was a hint of surprise in Liu Yifei's eyes, but she didn't continue the topic. She glanced at the mineral water and biscuits that Liu Xu had put in the life raft, and asked, "You brought this with you?"

Liu Xu nodded: "I don't bring much, only three bottles of water and two packs of biscuits. If we save a little, we can probably survive for three days. I hope someone will come to rescue us during these three days!"

After saying this, the two fell into silence again.

After a while, Liu Yifei suddenly asked Liu Xu, "Have you watched "Life of Pi"?"

Liu Xu nodded, he understood what Liu Yifei meant when he asked him this question.

In the novel, the protagonist drifts on the ocean for 227 full days.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I'm much luckier than him. His boatmate is a tiger, while mine is a beautiful star."

Liu Yifei didn't smile, she looked at the only three bottles of water and two packs of biscuits, and asked lightly: "Do you really think his shipmate is a tiger?"

Liu Xu stopped talking.

If that movie was just something as superficial as "Humans and Animals in Suffering", even if the special effects were done beautifully, it would not have won the Oscar for Best Picture.

Survive, bestiality.

The cruel reality hidden behind the film's gorgeous special effects is the true meaning of the film.

Liu Xu understood what Liu Yifei was worried about, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

Suddenly, Liu Xu's eyes lit up.

"Maybe... we don't have to worry about being a boy pie." Liu Xu said loudly in surprise.

Liu Yifei looked at Liu Xu incomprehensibly, but saw Liu Xu pointing at her back with surprise on his face.

Turning around, Liu Yifei looked intently.

In the very far front, a small dot could be vaguely seen, thanks to Liu Xu's good eyesight, if he hadn't pointed out the direction, Liu Yifei felt that she would not have noticed it at all.

"That's... an island?!" Liu Yifei also suddenly became excited.

"Although there are many islands on the sea, but the sea is so big, we can find a path that is endless." Liu Xu opened a bag of biscuits, handed it to Liu Yifei, and then opened another bag of biscuits himself, laughing Said: "Now I can feel at ease and eat. I didn't eat anything on the boat last night. I was really hungry and had no energy. You should eat some too! Then let's row over as soon as possible!"

Liu Yifei didn't hold back at this time, the two quickly wiped out the two packs of biscuits, drank some water, and after making some adjustments, they started paddling towards the small spot with the life raft.

The so-called Wangshan running dead horse is not much worse in this boundless ocean. In addition, the two can only paddle with their hands, and the speed of travel is very slow.

The two rowed hard for nearly two hours, and they could vaguely confirm that it was indeed a small island.

Only then did Liu Xu and Liu Yifei feel completely relieved.

"Take a break first and drink some water!" Liu Xu looked at Liu Yifei's already dry lips, and said kindly, "Look at this, it's still a long way off, take your time before continuing!"

Liu Yifeixiang was full of sweat and was really tired. She glanced at the mineral water and seemed to want to drink it, but she still didn't drink it. She just stroked her sweat-wet hair and said, "Well, you should take a rest too. Bar!"

Liu Xu shook his head and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm physically strong!"

Liu Yifei glanced at Liu Xu, reached out to wipe the sweat off her forehead, and started rowing again without saying a word.

Liu Xu froze for a moment, then laughed, but didn't stop him.


The night of saving people was pitch black. Before saving people, Liu Xu only knew that he rescued a young woman, but he didn't pay attention to her appearance.

It wasn't until Liu Yifei was rescued on board that Liu Xu realized that it was Liu Yifei, the little dragon girl, who he rescued.

He didn't know that Liu Yifei was on that cruise ship.

Encountered a murderous wave, but inadvertently saved the little dragon girl. I really don't know if the joke about the Dragon King recruiting a son-in-law is true.

However, Liu Xu could clearly feel that although he saved her, she still had a lot of guard and rejection towards him.

Liu Xu didn't think there was anything wrong with the other party's attitude.

A star, even a beautiful star, faced a strange opposite sex alone in a vast ocean.

It is estimated that no one will really feel safe in this situation!

Then, Liu Yifei stretched out her hand to herself.

Liu Yifei's expression was very indifferent, but when Liu Xu held that jade hand, he still felt a slight tremor in the other's palm.

Obviously, although Liu Yifei has begun to persuade herself to try to communicate with herself normally, she must still feel very insecure in her heart!

A sense of security doesn't come from Liu Xu saying "Don't worry, I'm a good person".

Liu Xu can only act as normal as possible, so that Liu Yifei will not have too much pressure.

Well, neither humble nor overbearing, the true nature of a man.

Liu Xu couldn't help but praise his performance.

Uh, Zeng Xiaoxian seems to have said this to Lisa Rong.

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