The two of them paddled forward in silence. When the sun was setting to the west, the life raft finally landed on this small island that didn't look very big.

Just after dragging the life raft onto the beach, Liu Yifei suddenly left Liu Xu and ran away.

Before Liu Xu could react, Liu Yifei ran back.

She pretended to be calm and whispered to Liu Xu: "Wait for me here for a while, I'll go to the bathroom..." After finishing speaking, she turned and ran away with her head down.

"I said why doesn't she drink water! It turns out..." Liu Xu couldn't help laughing secretly: "I'm full after drinking sea water!"


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Chapter 1156

Liu Xu glanced at the mineral water bottle beside him and said, "Water, fire, food, and accommodation, these are the four problems we must solve."

After Liu Yifei came back, she directly wiped out a bottle of water, and now the two of them only have one and a half bottles of mineral water left.

"In terms of accommodation, I don't have time tonight. I can only make a decision after inspecting the island's geographical environment after dawn tomorrow."

"Don't worry about food. There will definitely be edible fruits on this island. No matter how bad it is, I can catch fish. As for fresh water, it's rainy at sea. As long as there is a slightly larger pothole, it is estimated that a lot of fresh water will be accumulated. , this bottle and a half is enough for us to get through tonight."

"So the most urgent thing to solve now is only the problem of fire."

Liu Xu spoke in an orderly manner, and Liu Yifei listened calmly all the time. Only when he talked about fresh water, her cheeks were slightly red. Fortunately, the sun was already setting, and under the reflection of the setting sun, her face was already red. Liu Xu didn't notice this.

"Okay, it will be easier if we clear it up like this." Liu Xu stood up and said, "Wait here for a while, I'll find some dry firewood, and try to get the fire out before dark."

Liu Yifei hesitated for a moment, stood up and said, "I'll go with you!"

"No, just wait here." Liu Xu shook his head and said, "It's going to be dark soon, and I don't know what's on this island. If you go in with this clothes on, if you get bitten by something, I won't The medicine will heal you."

If the life jacket was not counted, Liu Yifei was only wearing a white gauze dress, which was beautiful, but it was really not suitable for shuttling through the forest, so she nodded and accepted Liu Xu's suggestion.

The style of the gauze skirt is light and opaque.

Everyone knows Liu Yifei's figure, appearance, body shape and temperament.

As for her appearance without clothes, imagine it!

The waves crashed against the beach, and the sea breeze picked up again, blowing the corners of Liu Yifei's skirt.

Seeing Liu Xu's back disappear into the jungle, Liu Yifei leaned against the life raft and sat down slowly.

The afterglow of the setting sun is reflected on the beach, which is golden.

Liu Yifei didn't look at the sunset, but just stared at the only bottle and a half of mineral water left.


"Hahahaha! Good luck!"

A burst of hearty laughter came, and Liu Yifei hurriedly looked back.

Liu Xu walked over with a smile on his face, holding two thicker branches in his left hand, a small pile of dry firewood in his arms, and two huge seabirds in his right hand.

"What kind of bird is this?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Ghost knows what kind of bird it is." Liu Xu walked over, threw the dry firewood aside casually, and said with a smile, "I ate a pack of biscuits a day, and I'm so hungry! How dare they bark in front of me, Let me directly smash it down with a stone, just wait, I will treat you to a roast bird tonight."

Liu Yifei was indeed hungry. Instead of wondering how Liu Xu was able to hit the bird with a stone, she wondered, "How should this bird eat?"

"I've never eaten a bird, and I haven't eaten a chicken!" Liu Xu laughed.

After speaking, Liu Xu casually took out two things from his pocket.

A knife, a fork.

Liu Yifei recognized it at a glance, it was a western food knife and fork, and she couldn't help being even more surprised: "Why do you have these things?"

Liu Xu said with a smile: "I came from the dining table by chance. Fortunately, I decided to eat steak for my last meal. If I go to eat Chinese food, I guess I can only take two chopsticks. Okay, you go and get the chopsticks first. Let’s pile up these firewood, you should have seen a roasted whole lamb, right? Just pile it up like that.”

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he took the table knife and walked into the sea with the bird, while Liu Yifei piled firewood in an orderly manner while looking at Liu Xu from time to time.

Although the bird was relatively big, it was still much smaller than a chicken, about half the size of a chicken, so Liu Xu chopped off the bird's head with a knife.

The blade of a western food knife is serrated. Although it is convenient for cutting food, it may not be as sharp as a fruit knife. However, in Liu Xu's hand, this knife is as sharp as a knife Generally, chopping off the bird's head and chopping off the bird's feet is as effortless as cutting tofu.

After Liu Xu chopped off the bird's head, he began to bleed and pluck the hair.

Since there is no hot water, hair removal becomes a little more troublesome.

By the time Liu Xu plucked the feathers of the two birds and cleaned out the internal organs, the sun had completely set, and the world was plunged into darkness again.

Back on the shore, Liu Yifei was hugging her knees, sitting quietly beside the woodpile.

Seeing Liu Xu's return, she couldn't help asking excitedly, "Are you ready?"

Liu Xu nodded, then took the two specially prepared thick branches, threaded the two birds, and handed them to Liu Yifei, "Hold it first, and wait until I light the fire."

Liu Yifei hummed, took it, and continued to stare at Liu Xu with her beautiful eyes.

Everyone knows that you can make fire by drilling wood, but if you have to say that you have actually seen it, there are probably not a few, so Liu Yifei is very curious about how Liu Xu will make fire.

There are many ways to make fire by drilling wood, but Liu Xu can only choose the simplest one because he has no other materials at hand.

He picked out two pieces of dead wood from the pile of firewood that Liu Yifei had piled up, planed a groove in the middle of the softer one with a table knife, and carefully put away the scraped wood, and then put the other piece of dead wood in the groove. The width of the slot, whittled into a stick.

After preparing these, Liu Xu squeezed a little sawdust and put it at one end of the groove, then took out a handful of soft withered grass from his pocket and piled it with the sawdust, and then, Liu Xu took the chipped wood , began to rub back and forth quickly in the groove.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1157 Filming the reality show "Adventure with Bell"

During this period, Liu Yifei held two "bird skewers" and didn't say a word, just quietly watched Liu Xu busy.

"Have you participated in field survival training?" Liu Yifei couldn't help asking curiously, looking at the wooden block that was gradually starting to smoke in Liu Xu's hand.

"Well, no, but I plan to shoot a reality show called "Adventure with Bell"." Liu Xu replied, not only did he not slow down at all, but gradually accelerated, "These things actually It's very simple, anyone can do it. If you are the only one living on this island now, I believe you can do it yourself, but the two of us are on this island now, and I am a man. Of course it has to be me."

As Liu Xu spoke, he blew rhythmically on the dry grass from time to time.

"Haha, it's done!"

Finally, with Liu Xu's unremitting efforts, the withered grass turned from a little spark to a flame full of warmth.

Liu Yifei was looking at the flame in Liu Xu's hand, and couldn't restrain her excitement.

At this moment, she finally realized the significance of flames to human beings.

That doesn't just mean eating cooked food, it means driving away darkness, cold, and inner fears.

Liu Xu carefully put the dry grass fire ball in his hand under the firewood pile, then added some dry grass little by little, and carefully blew air towards the flame. Slowly, the fire ball finally ignited the whole firewood pile.

This may be the first time this uninhabited island welcomes the light after sunset.

Liu Xu looked at Liu Yifei, and she also looked at him at this moment.

Liu Yifei's soft and beautiful face was flushed red under the reflection of the constantly beating bonfire.

"You are so beautiful!" Liu Xu couldn't help but said softly.

His sudden compliment of "You are so beautiful" made the two of them fall silent again.

At that moment just now, Liu Xu just expressed his feelings, and he didn't realize that he was a little abrupt until the words came out of his mouth.

And Liu Yifei has heard a lot of compliments in the past, and she should have been extremely immune to those beautiful words, but now Liu Xu just said "You are so beautiful", which made her a little flustered, and she didn't know how to answer .

Why did he say this suddenly?What does he want to do?

This was the first thought that popped into Liu Yifei's mind. She lowered her head in a state of bewilderment, not daring to look at Liu Xu, her hands holding the branches were clenched tightly.

Liu Xu walked to Liu Yifei's side, she was startled suddenly, and blurted out: "What are you doing?"

"Uh..." Liu Xu pointed to the branch in Liu Yifei's hand, "Roasted bird!"

Liu Yifei blushed slightly, and quickly handed the "bird string" to Liu Xu.

Of course Liu Xu understood why Liu Yifei had such a big reaction, but he didn't care too much. After all, his behavior just now was indeed a bit abrupt, which inevitably made her think wildly.

So Liu Xu decided to ease the atmosphere, and by the way, correct Liu Yifei's "uglified imagination" of herself.

"Aren't you a star?" Liu Xu pretended to be indifferent and smiled while roasting the bird, "Why did I become so shy after I praised you for being beautiful? This doesn't seem like the aura that a star should have!"

Liu Yifei lowered her head, glanced at Liu Xu, and found that his face was roasting the bird normally, and there was no change that she was worried about. Then she controlled her voice, trying to behave as normal as possible, and said: "I was just now I was thinking about something, and my mind was distracted."

"Oh, that's it!" Of course Liu Xu wouldn't tell the truth, he said jokingly: "Let me just say, how can you public figures be so thin-skinned."

When Liu Yifei heard this, she felt a little reluctant again, and said, "Then you mean that we should all be thick-skinned?"

Liu Xu said speechlessly: "I'll just say this casually, you can't be so serious!"

Just say it casually?

Liu Yifei thought to herself: "Could it be that he just said it casually just now? Did he think too much? That's right, it's been so long, and there is no one else here. If he really had any bad thoughts, he probably would have done it long ago. It's impossible. It's so deep in disguise."

Liu Yifei, who felt that she might have wrongly blamed a good person, was a little embarrassed, but she still refused to admit defeat, and said, "I just said it casually, why are you so serious."

"Okay, okay, I just said it casually." Liu Xu said perfunctorily.

It seems that the effect is not bad, at least the crisis of trust has passed temporarily, and Liu Xu secretly gave himself a thumbs up again.

"This bird is so roasted, is it delicious?" Liu Yifei ate a pack of biscuits all day long, and she was already hungry, but she just kept restraining herself. At this time, she smelled the smell of meat in the air, unconscious He started to swallow his saliva.

"No oil, no seasoning, the taste is definitely not as good as a normal barbecue, but I just soaked it in sea water a little bit, at least it will be a little salty. By the way, speaking of this, tomorrow we will not only solve the problem of fresh water and The housing problem and the salt problem should be solved as soon as possible, otherwise people will lose all strength if they don’t eat salt for a few days.” Liu Xu took out one of the bird skewers, cut it twice with a dining knife, and saw After the inside was cooked through, I handed it to Liu Yifei, "Eat it first, be careful, it's a little hot."

Liu Xu didn't need to remind her of this, even though she was already very hungry, the natural reserve of a beautiful woman made Liu Yifei pay special attention to eating.

Liu Xu couldn't care less. He took another roasted bird, regardless of whether it was hot or not, and just tore and bit it.

Liu Yifei had just eaten half of it, and Liu Xu had already started picking his teeth with a thin bird bone.

"Well, it's okay, the taste is not bad." Liu Xu said contentedly: "It's a little too small, but I've been hungry for too long, so I can't eat too much. You can fill your belly first. I'll get some fish tomorrow." Come up, then let's have a good meal of sea fish."

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