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Chapter 1158 His scoop is a bit big

"It's already very good." Liu Yifei said in a somewhat depressed voice while eating the roasted bird slowly: "To be able to survive, to be roasted by fire, and to be able to eat, compared to other people, maybe we have I'm very lucky..."

This topic is indeed a bit heavy.

Liu Xu was also a little disappointed.

There are at least a thousand people on the cruise ship, and I don't know how many of them will survive under this murderous wave...

"Perhaps, the news about my 'death' is already on the headlines of the entertainment section!" Liu Yifei smiled wryly.

From a news point of view, Liu Yifei's life and death alone are of course not as influential as the "luxury cruise ship sinking", but if it is only in the entertainment sector, then with Liu Yifei's influence, the news that her life and death are unknown in a shipwreck will definitely be more important. Be the first to make headlines.

"It's always good to have someone who cares about you. You are much happier than me." Liu Xu smiled and deliberately said in a relaxed tone: "My relatives and friends...they can't care if they want to! Hey... "

For a person who inexplicably travels through parallel worlds at every turn and disappears for varying lengths of time, it is also difficult to care about him!

Liu Yifei was puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

Could it be that his relatives and friends are also on board?If this is the case, then it may be true as he said, no one will care about his life or death, because it is not certain how many people are still alive...

"Are all your relatives and friends on this ship?" Liu Yifei continued to ask.

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "No, I don't know anyone on this boat."

"Then you came out to play by yourself?" Liu Yifei couldn't help but become more curious.

"Playing?" Liu Xu smiled wryly, "If I told you that I didn't even buy a ticket at all, and that I was a ticket evader who sneaked into this cruise ship, would you believe it?"

This is a luxury cruise ship, and the security inspection procedures are extremely strict. If someone had told Liu Yifei that someone could get on the ship without buying a ticket, she would definitely not believe it. But now, Liu Yifei looked at Liu Xu with a shy smile on her face. She suddenly found herself trusting him.

If it is true as he said, he boarded the cruise ship secretly, then what he said just now...

No one knew he was on board, he wasn't listed on the passenger check-in list, nor was he on the crew list.

The ship sank, and of course no one knew there was a "ghost passenger" like him on board.

Even his parents may not have thought that their son was on this ship when they read the news...

Thinking about what Liu Xu said just now, Liu Yifei completely understood the helplessness and loss in his words at this time.

"You...why?" Liu Yifei felt a lot of puzzlement in her heart, but she didn't know how to speak. In the end, it only became the three words "why", but in fact, even she didn't know what she was asking for these three words. But Liu Xu seemed to understand.

He held a bird-piercing branch in his hand and stirred the bonfire from time to time. After a while, Liu Xu said softly, "To escape marriage."

Between the divorce and the forced marriage, Liu Xu chose to escape the marriage. After all, he couldn't say that the train tickets and plane tickets were all sold out, and the plane could not be used.

"What?!" Liu Yifei thought she heard it wrong, "Why did you run away from marriage? Isn't your fiancée pretty?"

"Of course not." Liu Xu looked up at Liu Yifei, and the smile she was used to appeared on her face again, "She is beautiful, very beautiful."

Liu Yifei was very upset, and thought: "It's fine if you're beautiful, why are you still staring at me while talking?"

"Is it prettier than me?"

Out of a girl's unique self-esteem, Liu Yifei really wanted to say this to Liu Xu.

But she also felt that these words were too ambiguous and intimate, so she could only ignore Liu Xu's eyes in a sullen manner, and asked perfunctorily, "Since you are very beautiful, why do you want to run away from marriage?"

Liu Xu gave Liu Yifei a strange look, and said, "Am I going to marry her just because she's pretty?"

Liu Yifei stopped talking, and asked after a long time: "Uh, then why did you run away from marriage?"

"I don't like her!" Liu Xu said naturally.

"Isn't she beautiful? Why don't you like her?" Liu Yifei became even more curious, but as soon as she asked the words, she began to regret it.

"Do I have to like her because she is beautiful?" Liu Xu looked at Liu Yifei with a strange face. No wonder so many people claimed to be Song Zhongji's wife.

Sure enough, this is the answer!

Liu Yifei was speechless.

Liu Xu then said with a smile, "If you're pretty according to what you said, do I have to like you?"

Why did it talk about me again, Liu Yifei was a little ashamed and angry.

"Don't you like beautiful women? I really don't believe there are men in the world who don't like beautiful women!" Liu Yifei said angrily.

"Like seeing beautiful women and liking a beautiful woman are two different things!" Liu Xu said with a serious face: "As a normal man, of course I like looking at beautiful women. And to like her, if I like her as long as she is beautiful, then there are so many beauties in the world, do I have to like every one of them?"

"No matter how weak the water is, I'll just take a scoop to drink?" Liu Yifei somewhat understood what Liu Xu meant.

These words originally came from the love words that Baoyu's elder brother said to Daiyu's younger sister when he confessed his love. Later, it was used by men and women in later generations, meaning that there are thousands of women in the world, but I love you alone.

"Well, yes, that's what it means." Liu Xu nodded in agreement. Of course, his ladle is a bit big, and one ladle can hold three thousand weak water.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1159 My fiancee is Yang Ying

"Since your fiancée is not your 'pourful of water', why are you still getting married?" Liu Yifei was even more surprised.

Liu Xu said helplessly: "I don't want to either, but this is a baby kiss arranged by the elders in the family. To be honest, my so-called fiancée and I have only met a few times!"

"Baby kiss!?" Liu Yifei was taken aback: "Is there such a thing now?"

"That's right!" Liu Xu also said very annoyed: "Their decadent ideas of the older generation insist on imposing on us young people. I am a young man in the new era, okay! What we advocate now is free love! Not arranged marriages !!"

"That fiancée of yours actually agreed?" Liu Yifei asked again. Generally speaking, it seems that the woman should be more repulsive about such things, right?Why do you feel that something is wrong now?

"The ghost knows what she thinks." Liu Xu said unhappily: "I even talked to her specifically, thinking that she must be on my side, but I didn't expect her to agree. If it wasn't because of her and my father Mom tipped off the news, and I couldn't even escape marriage and run away from home."

So weird!

Liu Yifei stared dumbfounded at Liu Xu's indignant expression, her brain was working rapidly, and she began to organize effective words to answer.

"Actually... you just said that you have only met a few times, so why don't you try to get in touch with her more? Didn't you say that she is a beautiful woman?" Liu Yifei asked her doubts again, "Many people Feelings are all cultivated, aren't they?"

"Impossible!" Unexpectedly, Liu Xu said with certainty: "Although I have only met a few times, I can be sure that I am absolutely not suitable for her."

Liu Yifei's curiosity-seeking psychology prompted her to continue asking: "Why?"

"Three views are different! She has a cold face all day long, as if she just came back from Antarctica. The few times I have seen her, I have never seen her smile once! Not even a polite smile! Stay all day In the office, I only know how to work, but I don’t know how to enjoy life at all! If I really marry her, I think the rest of my life will be ruined!” Liu Xu said with lingering fear.

Liu Yifei was very unhappy after hearing this.

The entertainment industry is a complex vanity fair.

But because of her love for music and talent in the field of music, Liu Yifei resolutely stepped into this circle.

Due to her family background, Liu Yifei avoided a lot of unspoken rules, but she knew that many people were not as lucky as herself, and they had to rely on another way to get opportunities.

But Liu Yifei never felt that she was superior to others, nor did she look down on other artists with her own identity, because she was just lucky to have a good family.

She respects those who work hard, especially women.

So when Liu Xu showed a disdainful expression to her fiancée who only knew how to make money but not how to live, Liu Yifei became angry. She felt that she had to speak out for the female compatriots.

"What you said is too much!" Liu Yifei said mercilessly, "Maybe she is just naturally introverted, and you also said that you have only met a few times, so why should she smile at you! Besides, What’s wrong with only knowing about work? That’s called independence! You still say you are a young man in the new era, and women in the new era are all independent women!”

Liu Xu said: "Of course I know this, but the question is whether the money is enough to spend! As for working so hard?"

Liu Yifei looked at Liu Xu jokingly, and asked, "Fancy enough? Is there any girl who doesn't want to have endless new clothes and endless jewelry? Also, beauty depends on maintenance, and cosmetics are definitely needed." Right? Even if you don’t buy the best, would you buy low-quality cosmetics for your future wife? These are all things that can cost a lot of money. They work hard to make money by themselves. It’s fine if you don’t encourage them. Why do you despise them? People?"

Liu Xu was completely speechless. He looked at Liu Yifei, who had an expression of acting for the sky, and asked tentatively, "Do you know who my fiancee is?"

Liu Yifei said angrily: "You didn't tell me, how would I know."

"My fiancée is Yang Ying." Liu Xu turned his wife into a fiancée.

"Oh, so what?" Liu Yifei didn't care.

Liu Xu didn't speak, but just stared at Liu Yifei.

After a while, the expression on Liu Yifei's face changed, and she looked at Liu Xu in astonishment: "You mean Yang Ying?"

Liu Xu nodded.

"...that Yang Ying?" Liu Yifei asked tentatively.

Liu Xu nodded again.

Liu Yifei said in disbelief, "No way! How is it possible!?"

Yang Ying, the chief executive officer of the Yang Group, also known as the CEO.

The Yang Group is a luxury company that has risen suddenly in the past [-] years. It owns many brands such as clothing, shoes, jewelry, and cosmetics. Liu Yifei is the spokesperson for this company's jewelry.

It was also because of this that Liu Yifei had several brief encounters with Yang Ying, a woman who was so outstanding that even Liu Yifei felt inferior to herself.

Young and beautiful, with a strong aura, calm and cautious, and unsmiling, this is the deepest impression Yang Ying left on Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei stared at Liu Xu blankly.

This guy...is actually Yang Ying's fiance! ?

This is too unbelievable for her...

Liu Yifei suddenly felt that her worldview collapsed.

The bonfire was still crackling.

Liu Xu ignored Liu Yifei's reaction at all, and sat there with a calm expression, just stirring the fire from time to time.

Liu Yifei's brain has been in a state of shutdown.

how is this possible! ?

Simply incredible!

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