He must be a liar!

But why do I seem to have no doubts?


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Chapter 1160 My Surname Is Not Long

Do I really believe what he said in my heart!

How could I really believe such absurd things?

Liu Yifei was extremely entangled, and she really wanted to say to Liu Xu in a very contemptuous tone: "That's your fantasy!"

But I don't know why, there will always be another voice in my heart telling me that what he said is true.

But this is really unbelievable! !

Believe it, don't believe it, believe it, don't believe it...

Liu Yifei was completely caught in an infinite loop.

But Liu Xu said lightly at this moment: "Now do you understand what I mean? With her status, does she still need to earn money to buy clothes, jewelry, shoes, and cosmetics?"

Liu Yifei was stunned, shook her head and said, "Uh...Of course I don't need it..."

As Yang Ying, these things are probably the most worrying things!

Hey?No, why do I believe what he said again?

But it seems that he has no reason to lie to me with such an unrealistic reason, right?

Then trust him?

No, I can't believe it!

Liu Yifei started the cycle again...

But Liu Xu couldn't care less, he looked at the bonfire that was almost burnt out, and said to Liu Yifei who was still confused: "Before it's too cold, go to sleep! Tomorrow we have to inspect the island What about the geography!"

Liu Yifei looked up at Liu Xu in a daze, then replied mechanically: "Oh!"

A blank expression that appears on the faces of ordinary people is called dullness, but it appears on the faces of beautiful women, it is called natural dullness, and it is called dullness.

Of course Liu Xu knew that Liu Yifei's silly expression was entirely caused by what he said, but he felt a sense of accomplishment and couldn't help but said, "I guess not many people have seen the expression of Miss Long. !"

Hearing Liu Xu's ridicule, Liu Yifei corrected with rolling eyes: "My surname is not Long!"

Liu Xu laughed and said, "What's the surname of Long, if the little dragon girl is not?"


The beach must not be able to sleep, so the two returned to the life raft.

Sleeping side by side is obviously unrealistic. Liu Xu consciously lay down on the other side, but before lying down, he took off his coat and handed it to Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei didn't refuse. Obviously, she also knew that the skirt on her body was too thin. If she caught a cold, it would probably be a big trouble.

Liu Yifei covered Liu Xu's coat and carefully curled up slightly, not only to avoid contact with Liu Xu as much as possible, but also to make herself sleep more comfortably.

The bonfire had gradually started to go out, and feeling the more and more thinning residual heat in the air, Liu Yifei looked down at the coat on her body again, and her thoughts slowly dissipated.

When the flames completely disappeared, the beach entered darkness again.

At night, the quietness was a little too much, Liu Yifei, who couldn't sleep for a while, suddenly became quiet in the night.

"Hey, who are you?" Liu Yifei asked softly.

no answer……

Liu Yifei thought that Liu Xu didn't want to answer, so she continued: "You are too strange, with such a beautiful and rich fiancée, how many people can't ask for it, and you still run away from marriage?"

Still no answer...

In addition to the sound of rushing waves, you can vaguely hear a burst of even breathing.

Liu Xu fell asleep...

"Are you a pig?" Liu Yifei couldn't help being a little annoyed when she discovered this, she cursed in a low voice, "You fell asleep so quickly!"

But she also understands that after a day and a night, Liu Xu is more often busy, and she is often taken care of by him, so his consumption must be much more than her own.

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei didn't make a sound anymore, for fear of disturbing Liu Xu's rest, but the quiet environment made her a little scared.

Liu Yifei involuntarily leaned her body towards Liu Xu, the night covered her blushing face, but feeling the body temperature from her side, Liu Yifei still felt a lot of security in her heart.

She moved again to make herself more comfortable, then closed her eyes.

In the night sky, the moon is bright and the stars are bright.

On a small isolated island in the vast ocean, a man and a woman quietly fell asleep in a life raft...

the next day.

Liu Yifei woke up lured by a burst of fragrance.

When she opened her eyes, the sun had already risen very high, but on the sleeping side of the life raft, a few branches were planted with some broad green leaves on them, forming a simple shade, so She didn't feel the glare of the sun.

Liu Yifei knew that Liu Xu must have helped her build it.

"Thank you." Liu Yifei walked to Liu Xu and said, handing back the coat to Liu Xu by the way, "I didn't expect you to be so careful."

Liu Xu smiled naturally: "You girls, it's better to look whiter, so you don't have to thank me, I'm doing it for myself. Okay, you woke up just in time, these two fish have just been roasted, you first Let's eat!" As he said, he handed over two grilled fishes that had already been grilled.

Liu Yifei was already a little hungry, otherwise she wouldn't have woken up because of the smell of grilled fish, so she didn't refuse.

While eating, she looked in surprise at Liu Xu's uncooked fish and birds, and asked, "Did you get these?"

"It's not me. Are there other people on this island?" Liu Xu asked with a smile.

"Did you wake up early?" Liu Yifei asked while eating grilled fish carefully.

It takes a lot of time to catch birds, catch fish, gather firewood and make a fire.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I went to bed early last night, and my sleep quality was good, so I got up earlier."

As soon as Liu Yifei heard this, she remembered what happened last night again, and she couldn't help saying angrily: "I wanted to talk to you last night, who knew you fell asleep all of a sudden, do you need to be so exaggerated?"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1161 Gold Cloth

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "I'm really tired, there's nothing I can do."

He was always embarrassed and said, "Should I tell you that I was not asleep when you talked to me?"

Thinking of the woman who was slowly approaching him in the dark, Liu Xu secretly laughed in his heart.

Of course, this must never be said.

"Don't just patronize eating! Dear, at least give me a good review!"

In order to prevent Liu Yifei from continuing to ask questions, Liu Xu made a decisive attack and started the topic first.

"It tastes good, much better than yesterday's bird meat." Liu Yifei said, "And it seems that the salt taste is stronger. How did you make it?"

She was indeed curious.

"It's nothing, I just took some time to get some sea salt." Liu Xu smiled indifferently: "If I have time later, I will try to make some seaweed soup, so I can make it fresher! But there is a problem without a pot, and I will have to wait until later. Find a way to solve it."

Now Liu Yifei won't find it strange what Liu Xu says or does. A man who can refuse to marry Yang Ying, what else can't he do?

After eating the meal with gusto and not knowing whether it should be breakfast or lunch, the two dragged the life raft to the woods and put it away, and began to prepare to explore this unknown island.

This is a job that will definitely not be completed in a short period of time. Even if Liu Xu can go by himself, Liu Yifei doesn't want to wait here alone.

Liu Xu also knew that Liu Yifei was afraid of being alone, so he agreed to go with them.

But when Liu Xu glanced at Liu Yifei, he shook his head and said, "I have a suggestion, I don't know if you will listen to it."

Liu Yifei asked suspiciously, "What suggestion?"

"Take off your skirt!" Liu Xu said.

Liu Yifei was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, she took two steps back in an instant and distanced herself from Liu Xu.

"What do you want!" She was ashamed and angry.

Looking at Liu Yifei who looked like a frightened deer, Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry.

He pointed at Liu Yifei helplessly, and said, "Look at your skirt."

"What's wrong with my skirt?" Liu Yifei frowned.

"Are you going to keep wearing this skirt like this?" Liu Xu asked.

"I..." Of course Liu Yifei knew what was going on with her dress. First it was soaked in water in the sea, and then she slept with her clothes on for two days. Very wrinkled.

She also wants to change clothes, but the question is where can I change clothes now?

"It's okay, isn't it just a little dirty?" Liu Yifei said, "I don't care!"

"You didn't understand what I meant." Liu Xu shook his head and continued, "Or maybe you still don't understand our current situation."

"We are on an isolated island now, and the two of us only have one suit to wear." Liu Xu sighed, "You should have read "Robinson Crusoe", right? Do you know how long Robinson survived on the isolated island?" For a long time? Twenty-eight years! What clothes do you think can last twenty-eight years?"

"Golden Holy Cloth!"


Liu Yifei understood Liu Xu's meaning, but said stubbornly: "Now that the level of technology is so advanced, and the search and rescue facilities are much better than at that time, I don't believe that we will spend [-] years on this island!"

"That's true." Liu Xu nodded, expressing his acknowledgment of Liu Yifei's statement, but then said: "But even if it hasn't been that long, even if it's only a few months, don't you think it's a few months? Just wear this outfit all the time?"

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