After Liu Xu's reminder, Liu Yifei seemed to have remembered something, she blushed and said, "Then you don't have to worry about it, I know it well."

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "What I mean is, you take it off now, wash it and put it away, and put it on again when someone really comes to rescue us. By then, you won't be naked."

"Then am I going to be naked in front of you?" Liu Yifei was obviously not satisfied with this statement.

"If you take it off now, at most I will see it alone. If you have no clothes to wear, I will not be the only one who will see it. There may even be a reporter on board. If your image is photographed and published Going out, I guess it will surprise many people, right?"

This is a problem... Liu Yifei was a little shaken.

Public figures always care more about their public image.

But do you really want to take it off?That's too cheap for him, right?

Thinking that she would not wear a skirt in front of Liu Xu in the future, Liu Yifei blushed again.

Liu Xu curled his lips and continued: "Besides, I just asked you to take off your skirt, and I didn't tell you to take off your clothes. I've seen a lot of beauties in bikinis on the beach, and you're not bad..."

"Bah!" Liu Yifei scolded coquettishly with a flushed face, "Then why don't you take it off?"

Liu Xu said indifferently: "Of course I will take it off too, but my clothes are a little more durable than yours. Let's go to investigate the geographical environment of the island. I don't care about it for the time being, but yours This skirt is too easy to break."

"It's okay!" Liu Yifei said with a blushing face, "Don't worry about it, let's talk about it later!"

Now that Liu Yifei had already said so, Liu Xu could only shrug his shoulders and stop insisting. Anyway, sooner or later he would have to take it off.

Liu Xu picked up a wooden stick prepared in advance and started to explore the island.

In fact, before landing on the island, the two had already observed the island from the sea, and they already had a general understanding of the size of the island.

Liu Xu also noticed that in the center of the island was a not too high hill.

His goal is to see if he can find a cave suitable for living on it.


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Chapter 1162 You Take Off Your Clothes

The island has never been uninhabited, and the jungle has maintained the most primitive state. Apart from various weeds of different heights, there are countless rotten leaves on the ground, and various strange animals appear from time to time, which scared Liu Yifei. At first glance.

Liu Xu walked in front and cleared a route with the stick in his hand. Liu Yifei followed closely behind him. The skirt on her body was a little dirtier than before entering the jungle, and some places had been withered. Branches of grass tore through the opening.

Liu Yifei picked up the skirt very carefully, now she regrets not listening to Liu Xu...


Liu Yifei suddenly screamed, and then quickly rushed to Liu Xu's side and hugged Liu Xu tightly.


"Snake! Where is it??!"

Liu Xu had no time to enjoy the softness of his body. It's not that he was afraid of snakes. The key point was that there was no medical treatment on this island. If he got poisoned by snakes, it would be no small trouble.

Liu Yifei secretly raised her little head that was huddled in Liu Xu's arms, and then quickly pointed in one direction.

Liu Xu looked over and found that it was a big round snake with a narrow head, yellow and white spots all over the body, and the scales on the snake's back had obvious luster.

"It's all right." Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and then comforted Liu Yifei and said, "This is a kind of king snake. It's not poisonous and basically doesn't bite people. Don't worry!"

"Are you sure it doesn't bite?" Liu Yifei was still a little scared.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "This kind of snake is a kind of snake with a relatively gentle temperament. It is usually kept as a pet. Don't worry!"

Only then did Liu Yifei feel relieved, but she still held Liu Xu tightly and said in shock, "Why don't we go in, it's not bad to live by the sea!"

Liu Xu also hesitated in his heart, whether to continue exploring.

According to the current situation, even if there is a cave to live in, it will be a problem for Liu Yifei to get in and out of the jungle!

After much consideration, Liu Xu had to make a choice. He said in a deep voice, "Okay, then let's go back now."

Liu Yifei's little head clicked wildly.

The two returned the same way, but there was one thing that was different from when they came in, that is, Liu Yifei was holding Liu Xu's arm tightly all the time, looking around vigilantly.

Feeling the softness from the rubbing on his arms, Liu Xu felt refreshed again.

The two returned to the starting point, and it was estimated that three hours had passed since they entered and exited.

The two of them didn't have anything to tell the time, so they could only estimate it roughly.

It wasn't until she got out of the jungle that the expression on Liu Yifei's face finally relaxed, and then she realized that she had been hugging Liu Xu's arm all the way, her cheeks quickly turned red as if on fire, and she quickly let go of her hands.

Liu Xu just pretended he didn't see it at all, just took advantage of it, and he must not act like a good boy.

He said to Liu Yifei: "Since we have decided not to live in it, we need to build a residence by ourselves. You can rest here first! I'll go get some 'building materials'."

Liu Yifei lowered her head and said "oh" in a low voice.

She knew that because of her own reasons, she would trouble Liu Xu again.

Liu Yifei was also a little embarrassed, but she was really a little scared to go into this jungle.

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he turned around and entered the jungle again.

Liu Yifei looked at the extinguished fire on the shore, and the grilled fish and roasted bird that the two of them hadn't finished eating in the morning, feeling more and more guilty.

What a nuisance I am!

Lost Liu Yifei kept blaming herself.

With her head down, Liu Yifei looked at the dirty skirts that had become much dirtier than before due to going in and out of the jungle, and had begun to have obviously damaged skirts. She clenched her hands secretly and made a decision in her heart.

"I thought about it carefully, and what you said really makes sense, so I decided to agree with your suggestion and take off the skirt."

When Liu Xu came out of the jungle dragging two arm-thick tree trunks, Liu Yifei said to him with a serious face.

"Of course that's the best." Liu Xu's expression didn't change, his expression should have been like this a long time ago, but his heart was already turned upside down.

She actually agreed! ?

Wow, what a blessing this time.

Little Dragon Girl Liu Yifei walks around in front of her every day in underwear...

No, no, this picture is really too sinful.

Before the nosebleed, Liu Xu hurriedly mosaiced the imaginary picture in his mind.

"But I have a request!" Liu Yifei stared at Liu Xu and said.

All right!I knew she would not compromise so easily.

"What request?" Liu Xu asked.

"You took off your clothes."

"What did you say?" Liu Xu thought he heard it wrong.

"Take off your clothes!" Liu Yifei said again solemnly.

"Don't worry! I understand!" Liu Xu said with a smile on his face: "You take off and I take off, and everyone takes off to really take off, right? Be honest with each other! I understand!"

"Bah! What are you thinking about!" Liu Yifei blushed and spat: "I took off my skirt, you took off your coat, and then I will wear your clothes!"

Liu Xu was stunned, and asked, "Then what should I wear?"

Liu Yifei looked up at the sky at a [-]-degree angle, and muttered softly: "You can't just wear a coat and no underwear, right?"

Liu Xu shouted: "Why? It's not fair! If you wear my clothes and I wear underwear, then you will see all of me!"

"Cut!" Liu Yifei blushed and said disdainfully: "With your small body, I won't even look at it if you show it to me!"

Liu Xu was angry.

"You can say I'm skinny! But you can't insult me ​​that I don't have muscles!" He took off his clothes, even his pants, as if doing a bodybuilding gesture in demonstration, "Know what is called a standard What a figure! This is it!"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1163

I have to say that Liu Xu's figure is really good. Although he can't compare with those professional bodybuilders, his clear muscle lines are very natural and well-proportioned, not as extreme as muscular men.

Originally, Liu Yifei was worried that Liu Xu would not take off his trousers, but the result was beyond her expectations. The guy actually took off all of a sudden, which made Liu Yifei blush all of a sudden.

This dead man, how did he take off his clothes so quickly...

"Tsk tsk, I didn't see that, you still have some capital!"

Although blushing, Liu Yifei still held back her shyness, and looked at Liu Xu who was only wearing a pair of big underpants with an admiring expression.

Hold on, don't show timidity, Liu Yifei keeps cheering herself up in her heart.

Liu Yifei has also figured it out now, anyway, there are only two people on this island, so she can't keep up her posture, can she?

Moreover, after getting along these two days, Liu Yifei felt that Liu Xu was a good person, not as bad as she worried about, but instead took care of herself everywhere, if she always had a cold face, it would be too unhuman.

"This is the perfect body that is said to look thinner when dressed, but fleshy when undressed! Absolutely perfect!" Liu Xu continued to say infinitely narcissistic.

Liu Yifei took the opportunity to snatch Liu Xu's clothes off the ground, and said with a smile: "Yes, you have a perfect body, but if you tan your skin to a wheat color, it will be more perfect, right? So for this goal, you still put your clothes on Just lend me to wear it! But as you said, girls should look whiter and look more pleasing to the eye, and I'm doing it for your own good, right?"

"Heroine, do I need to be so terrific?" Liu Xu had a black line on his forehead, "Is it because I am a man that I have to take off my clothes!? Men also have dignity, okay!!"

"I know, I know." Liu Yifei smiled and waved her hands and said, "I just want your clothes, who wants your dignity, I'll go and change them, you are not allowed to peek."

Looking at Liu Yifei, who was holding her own clothes and snickering all the way to change, Liu Xu first smiled helplessly, and then couldn't help but secretly said: "Women are really troublesome!"

In fact, Liu Xu originally planned to wear his own clothes for Liu Yifei after she took off her skirt. He originally planned to say so, but then thought that if that was the case, he would inevitably have to show his breasts.

Based on Liu Xu's understanding of Liu Yifei, she suddenly faced a naked man all day long.

Of course, even if the lower body is still a man who must be protected, Liu Yifei absolutely cannot accept it.

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