Therefore, the best solution is to let Liu Yifei take the initiative to "take off" Liu Xu's clothes.

It's because you don't let me wear clothes, so you can't still say that I have evil intentions?

Fortunately, my brother is wearing big pants. If I wear small triangles, I won’t take off my pants for you even if I kill you...

"Life is hard! I am bullied by women everywhere!" Liu Xu sighed, but if it was this kind of fate, many people would probably say to him: "Life is hard for your whole family!"


If it is really necessary to build an invincible sea-view house facing the sea with bare hands, and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, Liu Xu is absolutely useless.

But if you just build a simple shelter that can shelter two people from wind, rain, and sun, that's fine.

Liu Xu cut down six trees that met his requirements in the jungle, but this time he only pulled out two trees, so he went back two more times and pulled out the remaining four trees.

When she came out on the third trip, Liu Yifei had already changed into Liu Xu's clothes, squatting beside the tree curiously studying something.

Due to the hot weather, Liu Xu didn't wear his coat all the time, and Liu Yifei only wore his pants and shirt. The baggy white shirt was worn on Liu Yifei's body. Although it covered her exquisite figure, it had a special flavor.

"Did you cut these trees?" Seeing Liu Xu coming back, Liu Yifei asked in surprise.

"Of course, did you cut it?" Liu Xu said angrily.

"What did you use to cut it?" Liu Yifei continued to ask.

"Of course it depends on it!" Liu Xu took out the table knife again.

Liu Yifei also thought of this answer at first, but she really couldn't believe that such a thick tree could be chopped off with a table knife.

That's why he kept squatting there to study the fracture of the tree, thinking that Liu Xu had found a tree that had been cut off by something else, but he didn't expect that he actually chopped off these arm-thick trees with a dining knife.

"How is it possible!? How did you do it?" Liu Yifei looked at Liu Xu in disbelief.

"Oh, what's so difficult about it? It's just a trivial matter. Don't ask about it now. Come and help me." Liu Xu changed the subject and said, "I don't think the weather is right, maybe it will rain tonight , we have to quickly build the house."

As soon as Liu Yifei heard that it was going to rain, Liu Yifei stopped worrying about how Liu Xu chopped down trees with a knife, and quickly followed his instructions to get busy. She didn't want to sleep in the rain.

Of course, Liu Yifei may not even realize that she is now slowly beginning to have a kind of blind trust in Liu Xu.

This led to Liu Yifei's eyes, as if nothing could trouble Liu Xu, and everything he did was justified.

It's just that this kind of blind trust can easily go bad.

The trust after deterioration is called dependence.

Although the house to be built is very simple, it is only compared to a normal house. It is actually very time-consuming and labor-intensive to actually start to build it.

Fortunately, when Liu Xu went to cut trees, he had already found a water source. As he expected, it was a natural depression with a lot of fresh water in it, so there was no need to worry about the fresh water problem for the time being.

Liu Xu filled the three mineral water bottles and took them back, and said to Liu Yifei with a smile, "Okay, now we can make babies with peace of mind!"

"What did you say?"

"Build a house!"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1164 Love Song Duet

During the period, the two ate two more meals, of course they still ate grilled fish, and finally built this "house" before dark.

But it is more appropriate to call it a pavilion than a house, because this house has only one roof and no walls...

Of the six tree trunks, four were relatively long and about three meters long, and they were used as pillars. They were buried in the deep pit dug out bit by bit by Liu Yifei with a dinner fork, and the other two shorter ones became "house beams."

Liu Xu left some relatively thick branches on the four trees used as pillars, and then put two beams on top of them. At the places where they touched, he first cut out holes of not too deep and not shallow with a table knife, and then Wooden wedges were whittled out to hold them firmly so that they would not fall apart.

In the end, the two evenly scattered the branches cut off from the six trees on it. Finally, Liu Xu found a lot of wide leaves from the jungle and spread them on the branches. The roof is considered complete.

"Well, not bad." Liu Xu said with satisfaction: "At least we don't have to be afraid of rain tonight."

Liu Yifei asked, "What if it's windy and rainy?"

"Uh...then you'd better start praying now, don't let it blow and rain." Liu Xu said: "Of course, it's better not to even rain, I'm afraid our simple temporary roof will leak .”

Hearing what Liu Xu said, of course Liu Yifei has no choice but to follow what Liu Xu said and pray that there will be no wind and rain!

Liu Xu said again: "Let's just make do with it. Anyway, we have plenty of time. Later, I will find more materials and slowly get the wall out."

Liu Yifei smiled lightly and said, "I am already very satisfied to have such a 'residence' now!"

Since living on this isolated island, Liu Xu has been taking care of everything, and she finally contributed to building the house today.

Although Liu Xu did most of the work, Liu Yifei did help a lot.

Sitting in this simple shed right now, apart from a sense of security, Liu Yifei feels more about a sense of accomplishment.


As soon as the sun disappeared from the sea level, it began to rain. Perhaps Liu Yifei's prayers had an effect. The rain was not too heavy, and more importantly, there was really no wind.

In this case, it is impossible to light a bonfire again, but the two of them have already had enough to eat, so they don't insist anymore.

Liu Xu and Liu Yifei were sitting in the life raft that had been placed under the shed. Neither of them spoke, they just listened quietly to the rain pattering on the roof of the shed.

The sound of rain at night is disturbing, but people's hearts are peaceful.

Liu Yifei's soft singing voice suddenly sounded in Liu Xu's ear.

"The flickering

long night

It seems that it started from that night

colors of the world

stay with you

Where is the eaves to shelter from the rain

to keep me safe in the dark


I give you my hand..."

In the darkness, listening to Liu Yifei's intoxicating singing, Liu Xu slowly raised the corners of his mouth...

"In the happy land of love

you are the only one

the only thing i love is you

I really love you

Only when you lose can you know how to cherish

but i cherish you

The more painful the wound, the deeper the love

I do not believe

You and I stop breathing at the same time

every time we get close

you make me forget the confusion

Forget about all your worries..."

Liu Yifei is not the only one who can sing. Although Liu Xu's singing voice is not very good, the tune and lyrics are superb...


Early the next morning, Liu Xu woke up early again.

After a night of rain, the air became very fresh and moist.

After helping Liu Yifei, who was still soundly asleep, cover her coat carefully, Liu Xu turned and went into the jungle again.

There is no way, men, they always have to take on the job of "supporting the family".

The jungle after the rain is wet everywhere, but it's not a big problem for Liu Xu, because he only wears a pair of big underpants...

Thinking of this, Liu Xu suddenly remembered something.

Where did that girl Liu Yifei put her changed dress?It seems that I didn't see her take it back!

While thinking about these messy things in his mind, Liu Xu carefully shuttled through the jungle, searching for edible ingredients.


Not long after Liu Xu left, Liu Yifei also woke up slowly.

Last night, she couldn't help singing because of the scene.

Liu Xu also sang along...

It was only after the two of them sang that Liu Yifei realized that something was wrong.

what is this?

Love song duet?


When Liu Xu came back, Liu Yifei was not at the bottom of the shed.

At first Liu Xu was a little worried, but then he relaxed again.

She didn't dare to go into the jungle, so what trouble could she have?

"I'll collect my clothes, don't worry."

At the bottom of the shed, a line of words written on the ground is very eye-catching.

Liu Xu smiled, feeling somewhat comfortable in his heart.

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