"Wow, what are these things?!" Liu Yifei's voice sounded.

Liu Xu turned around, looked at the clothes in Liu Yifei's arms, and asked, "I forgot to ask you yesterday, where do you put your clothes?"

Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Didn't you say to wash it and put it away? After I took it off, I washed it and dried it there."

"Then you don't need to go get it now!" Liu Xu said: "The rain is over anyway, wouldn't it be the same if you wait for the clothes to dry?"

"I went to wash the clothes again. You can't wear clothes that have been drenched in the rain, don't you know? Besides, don't we have a place to live here!" Liu Yifei said, and found a place at the bottom of the shed. The branches hung up the clothes.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, and said a little speechlessly: "It's okay to be exposed to the rain, but you can just wash it with sea water?"


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Chapter 1165 There is still a difference between underwear and swimsuit

Liu Yifei smiled playfully at Liu Xu, "I thought you knew everything! Haha, I finally caught something you don't understand."

"I'm not Baihe Quanshu, of course I can't know everything!" Liu Xu shrugged.

"Rainwater is weakly acidic. Clothes soaked by rainwater are prone to mold and more importantly, it is not good for the skin. Sea water is just the opposite. It neither corrodes the clothes nor is it harmful to the skin. Of course, you have to wash it again!"

This Liu Xu really didn't know, he smiled and said: "No wonder my mother always asked me to take off my clothes and wash them after I got wet in the rain when I was a child. I asked her and she couldn't tell why. Today you finally answered my questions. Confused."

Liu Yifei had a little complacency on her face, and then she said, "Let me ask you, what are you looking for? Food?"

Liu Xu nodded and said: "I wanted to catch fish and birds, but after I went in, I realized that I forgot to collect dry firewood last night. It rained all night, and there was basically no dry firewood in the jungle, so I had to find some firewood. eat these fruits."

"Uh... are you sure you can eat all these things?" Liu Yifei said suspiciously.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I'm not as professional as you in washing clothes, but you can trust me when eating. I'm definitely a master!"

As he said that, Liu Xu picked out one of them, handed it to Liu Yifei and said, "This is called 'Sapodrome', which is relatively rare. It stands to reason that the environment of this island is not suitable for the growth of sapodilla, but there seem to be quite a few of them on this island. You Try it, it’s not sweet and you don’t need money.”

Sapodilla, as its name suggests, looks like a human heart.

"Forget it." Liu Yifei said with a smile: "I'd better eat this!"

Among the many fruits that Liu Xu found, Liu Yifei managed to find one that she still knew.

Kiwi fruit, commonly known as kiwi fruit.

Liu Xu shrugged and said, "I wanted to use it to thank you for singing to me last night. Since you don't eat it, I can only blame you for not having good food."

Liu Yifei smiled lightly, and went to eat her own kiwi in peace.

Finally, she understood why Tang Seng didn't dare to eat ginseng fruit. Liu Yifei thought to herself while eating kiwi fruit, she couldn't eat it at all!

"Uh... I searched carefully and found that this kind of leaves is the only one that is not bad. You have no choice but to use it!" Liu Xu held a stack of leaves in his hand and handed them to Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei took it with a flushed face and ran away quickly, so shy that she almost wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.


Facts have proved that Liu Xu is not a god, and there are many things that he did not expect, such as the current incident.

When Liu Yifei came to her with a flushed face and coyly said that she "wanted to go to the toilet", Liu Xu hadn't reacted yet.

"Actually, there's no need for you to tell me about this kind of thing." Li Si said to Liu Yifei somewhat dumbfounded.

"I don't want to say it either!" Liu Yifei said with her head lowered, "But...but..."

Liu Yifei waited for a long time, but didn't come out with any real content, but Liu Xu suddenly seemed to understand something when he saw Liu Yifei's expression.

"There is food and drink, how could I forget this..." Liu Xu, who wanted to understand, smiled wryly for a moment, and then, he hurried to the jungle and carefully selected some leaves that seemed "more suitable".

Then there's the scene above.

"Looks like it's necessary to get a toilet!" Liu Xu rested his chin and began to think, "No, I have to think about it carefully. Is there anything else I haven't considered."


Sunrise, sunset.

Time just went by.

The temporary house the two initially built has new changes every day, and the roof has been further repaired by Liu Xu, so there is no longer any need to worry about rain leakage.

Every day, Liu Xu would go to the jungle to get some branches and large leaves. After Liu Yifei did some simple processing, it has gradually become the wall of the two people's "sea view room". Sea Breeze fell asleep.

Liu Yifei's suggestion of building a toilet by Liu Xu received strong support from Liu Yifei, but he encountered many problems during the construction process. Fortunately, these problems were solved by him one by one in the end. She saw these problems, and suddenly became Liu Xu's helplessness. Another proof of the impossibility.


Life on an isolated island is bound to be monotonous.

When all the survival problems were solved one by one, the two began to usher in a long boring time.

The fire was burning almost all day long, not for food, but for the thick smoke it produced to be noticed.

In his spare time, Liu Xu once thought about making a deck of playing cards, but considering the difficulty, he had to give up.

Liu Xu wanted to make a chess set again, but after telling Liu Yifei, she expressed no interest at all. The reason was that Liu Yifei knew nothing about all chess and card games, so he had to give up again.

In the end, Liu Xu spent more than a week making two surfboards out of trees in the jungle.

At the beginning, Liu Yifei was still very repulsed by surfing. The reason is very simple. If you want to go into the sea, you must take off your clothes.

It's definitely not that Liu Yifei is too traditional and conservative. If she is swimming and surfing normally in a swimsuit at the beach, of course she has no problem.

But the problem is that on this isolated island, Liu Yifei doesn't have a swimsuit to wear!

If she wants to surf, she can only go into the water in her underwear...

Although underwear and swimsuits are about the same size, the difference between them is definitely not one or two points.

In the simplest terms, one is purely private clothing that is worn next to the body, while the other is designed to be worn publicly.

Whether it's a swimming pool or a seaside beach, you can see countless people wearing swimsuits, but have you ever seen people swimming in the sea wearing underwear?


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1166 Beauty Surfing

In the end, Liu Yifei still did not resist the call of the sea and devoted herself to the great surfing sport.

Is it because the love has passed for a long time and no longer cares about Liu Xu?Or is it because of the irresistible charm of surfing?Or is it just plain boring?

Liu Yifei didn't want to think about it.

As for Liu Xu, he didn't even want to delve into the reason. For him, the current result is the most important.

Looking at the slender figure playing with the waves in the sea not far away, Liu Xu, who was lying comfortably on the shore basking in the sun, secretly wiped away his nosebleed...

Made, concentration is getting worse and worse.

But there is really no way!

The lively and beautiful beauty is surfing in front of her, and she is wearing...

You know, surfing must not wear clothes!

Damn, I can't, I have a nosebleed again...

Liu Xu hurriedly wiped it clean again.

According to this bleeding frequency, Liu Xu will become the first person in the world to die from excessive blood loss due to nosebleeds before anyone comes to rescue him!

Before Liu Yifei decided to go surfing, she made an agreement with Liu Xu that he would not allow her to go into the water while she was surfing.

Originally, Liu Xu felt a little regretful because of this agreement, but it was only later that he found out that he was still having sex!

No matter how cool surfing is, how cool is it to watch surfing beauties here! ?

Liu Xu was very sad.

How the hell is he such a good guy! !

If only I were a beast! !

The resentment in Liu Xu's heart couldn't be increased.


Liu Xu's face suddenly changed, where is Liu Yifei! ?

Just a distraction, Liu Yifei has disappeared on the sea, only the surfboard is left floating.

not good!

Liu Xu's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed out suddenly, his figure turned into a phantom, and rushed into the sea almost without touching the ground in an instant.

He dived into the sea, but fortunately Liu Xu found it quickly, and immediately found Liu Yifei who was sinking.

Liu Xu didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly dived, and carried Liu Yifei out of the water, only to find that her whole body was limp, without any strength.

"Don't let anything happen!"

Liu Xu felt a little nervous and swam ashore quickly.

Putting Liu Yifei flat on the ground, Liu Xu didn't have the time to appreciate her graceful figure at this time. His first reaction was to stretch out his fingers to sniff, and then touched Liu Yifei's neck.

Fortunately, although it is relatively weak, the breath and heartbeat are still there.

Drowning first aid, every second must not be slow.

Liu Xu knelt down on one knee, picked up Liu Yifei, put her lower abdomen on her bent knee, supported her head with her hand, made sure that her mouth was facing down, and then began to press Liu Yifei's back with the other hand.

After drowning, 95% of drowning people suffocate due to choking water, so if the water is not controlled in the first place, artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation are useless.

After Liu Yifei spit out a few large mouthfuls of sea water, Liu Xu put her flat on the ground again, turned Liu Yifei's head to one side, and began to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation actually includes two important steps, one of which is the well-known artificial respiration, and the other is the external heart compression.

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