Putting his hands together and placing them on Liu Yifei's right Yuexiong mouth, Liu Xu began to press regularly with a dignified expression, and gave her another artificial respiration after every few presses.

For fifteen minutes, Liu Xu's movements remained unchanged, maintaining the original frequency like a precision instrument.

With a sound of "Wow", Liu Yifei spat out another puddle of sea water, and blood finally began to appear on her face again.

Liu Xu didn't dare to relax, and after another five minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Liu Yifei finally opened her eyes.

Seeing Liu Yifei finally opened his eyes, Liu Xu was completely relieved, but his feeling of relief did not last for two seconds before Liu Xu realized that something bad was going to happen.

After about half an hour of cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid, artificial respiration and heart compressions, after a lot of tossing, Liu Yifei was already disheveled, and what was more serious, his hands were still kept on the outside Cardiac posture...

Liu Xu withdrew his hands as quickly as an electric shock, sat upright, and looked aside without squinting, but his heart was extremely disturbed.

Out of the corner of his eye just now, he saw that Liu Yifei's few clothes were completely messed up!

Liu Xu really wanted to quickly help Liu Yifei reorganize and return to her original position, but she knew in her heart that this was of course unrealistic.

Every second counts in saving lives. During the first aid process, how could Liu Xu have the time to stop and help her tidy up her clothes?

She won't get mad, will she?

Liu Xu's heart beat a little.

I guess it was mysterious, being kissed, touched, and stared at... No one can bear to suffer such a big loss!

Then what will she do to me?

Liu Xu began to fantasize about his fate.

Ask me to be responsible? !

Uh, it shouldn't be so, I shouldn't be that attractive...

beat?scold?cold war?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Well, according to the development in the TV movie, you should come up and give me a slap, then scold me a few words, and finally have a cold war for a few days...

Alas, there are only two people on the island. If the cold war starts and there is no one to talk to, wouldn't it be more boring?

Liu Xu was not worried about beating and scolding, but was worried about his life in the Cold War in the future.

"Thank you."

While Liu Xu was still thinking wildly, Liu Yifei's voice came steadily from behind.

Uh... did I hear wrong?

Liu Xu thought he was hallucinating.

She didn't scold me?Don't hit me?That's not how it works on TV, right? !

... Do I really want to be beaten and scolded?

At this moment, Liu Xu felt that he was so cheap...

Turning his head secretly to glance at Liu Yifei, Liu Xu saw that she had sat up.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1167 Little Dragon Girl Should Be Good at Swimming

Liu Xianlu's long hair was very messy and stuck to his body, and the shifted bra had been put on again. Liu Xu couldn't see any angry expression on Liu Yifei's face.

Liu Yifei just sat there very calmly, neither looking at Liu Xu nor trying to avoid his gaze.

Her lips were still a little pale, but her face had returned to its original rosiness, and she coughed twice from time to time, because there was still some residual seawater in her lungs.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Liu Yifei's appearance, Liu Xu also began to ask in a natural manner.

"Yes." Liu Yifei said, "Thank you."

This time Liu Xu didn't think it was an auditory hallucination. He smiled naturally and said, "I told you a long time ago that saving people is an obligation and an instinct. You don't have to thank me."

Liu Yifei smiled slightly, but did not speak. Liu Xu could tell that she was still a little scared.

"What happened just now? You disappeared as soon as I didn't pay attention." Liu Xu said, he couldn't let this fear stay in Liu Yifei's heart for too long.

Liu Yifei smiled wryly: "I didn't pay attention when I was surfing just now. A wave was too strong. I didn't adjust it well. I was beaten all of a sudden and didn't react at all."

"I'll just say it!" Liu Xu nodded, Xiao Longnu must have good swimming skills.

Originally, he thought that Liu Yifei was exhausted or had a cramp, but it wouldn't be too late to call for help, right?

Liu Xu comforted: "It's okay, then you can take a rest first, I'll go get something to eat."

Liu Yifei nodded, Liu Xu brought the coat, put it on her body, and went to look for food.

Liu Yifei turned her head and silently watched Liu Xu's back disappearing into the jungle.

Every day Liu Yifei would watch this figure leave, but today is a little different from usual.

Although she looked very calm, Liu Yifei was in a very complicated mood at the moment.

He saved himself again...


In fact, not long after Liu Xu started to perform CPR on Liu Yifei, she had already started to have some consciousness.

Liu Yifei could clearly feel that someone was giving her artificial respiration, and she could also clearly feel that a pair of hands were constantly pressing her breasts.

But it was just a physical perception, and she was still unconscious at that time.

It wasn't until Liu Yifei spat out that big mouthful of seawater that she slowly became conscious.

Then Liu Yifei realized that the one who gave her artificial respiration and heart compression could not be anyone else but Liu Xu.

Liu Xu performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Liu Yifei for another five minutes, and at this moment she finally had some strength and opened her eyes with effort.

When her vision was still blurred, Liu Yifei felt that those hands had left her body in an instant, and Liu Xu also turned around immediately.

Liu Yifei slowed down for a while, and finally gathered enough strength to sit up, and then saw that her bra had completely deviated from its proper position.

Liu Yifei's face was as if burned by fire, and quickly filled with blood. She redressed as quickly as possible, and then looked at Liu Xu, whose back was facing her.

How should I face him?

Liu Xu wouldn't know that when he was struggling with what Liu Yifei would do to him, she was also struggling with this issue.

hit him?Or scold him?

That's really unreasonable...

Liu Yifei is not the kind of woman who has no brains and only knows how to make trouble for no reason.

She knew that what Liu Xu did was neither kissing nor touching, but artificial respiration and heart compression.

Although he was gone during the process, it wasn't that Liu Xu was invading and blaspheming her, on the contrary, he was seizing every second to save his own life.

suffer?Being taken advantage of?

Maybe the one who really took advantage of it was me...

And more importantly, Liu Yifei found that she did not reject Liu Xu's intimate contact with her from the bottom of her heart.

As for the reason, Liu Yifei didn't dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about it...

He has a fiancee, and his fiancee is Yang Ying...

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei felt an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

In the end, Liu Yifei was worthy of being in the entertainment industry. Her excellent emotional control ability allowed her to calm down her emotions in a very short period of time, and then softly said thank you to Liu Xu, who had her back turned to her.

The moment Liu Xu turned his head, Liu Yifei almost couldn't hold on, she could almost imagine how flushed she was.

After all, Liu Yifei is only wearing underwear now, and the person in front of her has already seen and even touched her body...

Liu Yifei didn't know that her blushing was in Liu Xu's eyes, but she thought it was a sign of recovery.

After that, Liu Yifei's mood gradually calmed down completely. She began to secretly observe Liu Xu's reaction, and then secretly smiled inwardly.

This person is actually shyer than himself, he doesn't even dare to look at him straight in the eye, he doesn't squint, and looks serious, it's really fun!

Humph, do you really think I don't know about your sneaky nosebleed while watching me surf?

I don't know if it's Liu Xu's illusion, but he always feels that Liu Yifei has changed a lot since he drowned that day.

The most obvious thing is that she can now appear in front of Liu Xu in her underwear without changing her face, talking and laughing freely, without the slightest restraint like before.

On the contrary, Liu Xu was a little unnatural by Liu Yifei's sudden change. It took him a long time to get used to it, and then he began to feast on his eyes openly.

Liu Yifei didn't take it seriously, she just teased Liu Xu from time to time and made some innocuous jokes.

Liu Xu's clothes were washed and put away by Liu Yifei. Normally, he only wore a shirt, and his trousers were basically unworn.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1168 Moon Cloth

"I always leave one for you." Liu Yifei said jokingly: "When someone comes to rescue us, you can't just wear your big underpants to see people?"

Hehe, since she doesn't care anymore, Liu Xu naturally takes this opportunity to appreciate it, and doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with her thinking this way.

Because he is a man, and a very normal man at that.

Everyone loves beauty, loves beauty and hates ugliness. This is a natural reaction, and there is no moral doubt at all.


Liu Xu and Liu Yifei continued to live a leisurely life on the island, and during this time, the real society was also undergoing various changes that they could not yet know about.

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