In the past ten days, although Liu Yifei didn't go deep into the jungle with Liu Xu, he has probably gotten acquainted with the entire isolated island.

The isolated island was in an irregular oval shape, about five kilometers long, and the widest part was only about three kilometers. Liu Xu and Liu Yifei were located on the beach facing the sun.

Liu Xu scanned the entire sea but found no trace of the ship, which could only explain one problem, the ship came from another direction.

According to the impression of the sound source left by the sound of the siren, Liu Xu ran in one direction of the isolated island, his eyes fixed on every inch of the sea.


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Chapter 1170 Rescue

Finally, after turning a large angle, Liu Xu saw the still quite blurry shadow of the ship in the distance.

He stopped and observed carefully for a while, and confirmed that the ship was indeed coming towards him.

"Beep! Beep!"

Liu Xu blew his whistle loudly, and the sound of the whistle resounded throughout the sea, and then he ran back to his residence again.

At this time, Liu Yifei had already changed her clothes.

She put on the washed white gauze dress again, as beautiful as before.

"Is it... a boat?" Liu Yifei asked a little nervously.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "On the other side of the island, a rescue boat will probably be dispatched in a little while."

The ship has a deep draft, so naturally it cannot get too close to the isolated island, so it can only send a small boat to land.

Did someone really come to the rescue?

Liu Yifei had imagined the situation when she was rescued countless times. She thought she would cheer wildly, jump for joy, and even cry...

But when this moment really came, Liu Yifei found that although she was really excited, she didn't feel the way she thought.

Is it because of him?

Liu Yifei asked herself deep in her heart.

In the end, Liu Yifei just pointed at the clothes she had folded with some embarrassment and said, "Then you should change quickly!"

Liu Xu's clothes have always been worn by Liu Yifei. Of course, it is impossible to keep them clean and tidy like her gauze skirt. Apart from some dust, the trousers and shirt are even a little damaged.

Liu Xu didn't say anything, and quickly put on his clothes, but Liu Yifei was a little confused about what he did next.

He added new dry wood to the smoking bonfire, let the fire rekindle the fire, and then threw things like "moon cloth" into it.

Liu Yifei frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Liu Xu didn't speak, he just stirred up the bonfire to make things burn faster.

A puff of black smoke rose, more striking than the thick smoke from the previous campfire.

Liu Yifei understood, she thought Liu Xu was doing it to help the people on the ship find their targets better.

"Have you packed all your things?" Liu Xu asked Liu Yifei.

"Well, it's all here." Liu Yifei nodded.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up, it's just the pile of wooden boards engraved with melodies, and Liu Yifei is carefully wrapping them in life jackets at this time.

Liu Xu nodded, walked to the residence where the two lived for ten days, dragged the life raft out, and then dismantled it without hesitation.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yifei exclaimed.

But Liu Xu didn't explain. After tearing down the house, he walked up to Liu Yifei, took the pack of wooden planks from her arms, and said, "Let's go!"

Although Liu Yifei was puzzled, she didn't continue to ask.

Because anyway, they're coming back soon.

After walking a certain distance, Liu Xu said to Liu Yifei with a serious face: "After you go back, do you still want to continue to be a star and act in movies?"

Liu Yifei wondered, "Of course! What's wrong?"

Liu Xu said: "Then you remember what I said now. No matter what you ask in the future, don't tell me everything I did on the isolated island. Remember, you are the only one living on the isolated island. I am You just came here from the sea this morning... and you just woke up... All the actions to survive on this isolated island were done by yourself. No matter how the outside world questions you, you must insist on this statement."

Liu Yifei froze for a moment, and asked, "Why?"

"You are a star, a public figure exposed to the media all the time." Liu Xu said in a deep voice, "Haven't you ever thought that if you let everyone know that you once lived alone on an isolated island with a strange man?" How much damage will it do to your image after so many days?"

"But...but nothing happened to us!?" Liu Yifei argued.

"It's a pity that you know this matter, God knows it, but no one else knows." Liu Xu sighed and continued: "I'm not prejudiced against media people, but you must not have the intention to harm others. It is imperative to be defensive, I just want to eliminate as much as possible the bad influence that will be caused to you in the future."

Liu Yifei understood.

Being in the entertainment industry, she knows all too well those reporters' ability to catch wind and make wild guesses. What is black can be written as white, let alone such things that are getting darker and darker...

What Liu Xu said was not too much.


Liu Xu and Liu Yifei were waiting on the coast, and the speeding rescue boat was already clearly identifiable.

But Liu Yifei found that the excitement of being rescued in her heart was far replaced by another feeling. She watched the rescue boat approaching her little by little in a daze, but she clearly felt that another thing was slowly approaching her. Slowly being pulled out of my heart...

Zhang Wei, Cai Jian, and Liu Yunchang are the three search and rescue personnel on the No. 3524 search and rescue ship.

Since the sinking of the luxury cruise ship "Epic", they have been searching the boundless ocean non-stop.

In the past ten days, they have searched and rescued nearly a hundred passengers who survived.

Among them, some have been drifting in the sea for several days in lifeboats, some are clinging to the floating objects, and some are lucky enough to drift to an isolated island.

There are many uninhabited deserted islands in the sea. Of course, they can't explore all of them, but they really didn't let go of any isolated islands in a certain area.

This morning, according to the instructions of their superiors, they expanded the search and rescue area, and then they saw a smoke trail that had been particularly dispersed.

"Sail at full speed in the direction of the smoke!" The captain immediately issued an order, "Also, sound the whistle every ten minutes! The seventh rescue team is on standby!"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1171 Could it be "Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince"?

Zhang Wei, the leader of the seventh team, quickly assembled his team members—in fact, including himself, the seventh team only had three people.

In order to avoid running aground, the rescue boat stopped some distance away from the island. Zhang Wei and his two team members quickly drove the rescue boat to the isolated island.

"Team leader, I saw it!" Cai Jian shouted: "Two people, one male and one female."

Zhang Wei had also seen it clearly, and immediately said to the driver Liu Yunchang: "Yunchang, speed up."

Under the control of Liu Yunchang, the rescue boat speeded up again. After a while, the three successfully landed, and then they saw Liu Yifei who was calmly welcoming them on the shore.

"You are..." Zhang Wei said in shock, "You are Ms. Liu?"

The sinking of a cruise ship is an event that has had a huge international impact, and all countries have dispatched search and rescue personnel one after another.

However, in China, especially in the entertainment industry, apart from praying for the passengers on the cruise ship, the biggest news is that the internationally renowned artist Liu Yifei is also on board, and her life and death are still uncertain.

"Call the captain! Call the captain!" Zhang Wei quickly reported to the captain through the radio, "The survivors have been found! The survivors have been found! It's Liu Yifei! It's Liu Yifei!"

Almost momentarily stunned, the captain immediately said loudly in an obviously excited tone: "That's great, that's great."

Liu Yifei's rescue made everyone very excited, as for Liu Xu, no one cared at all.

Liu Yifei's attitude.

Too calm, too peaceful.

It's not like how a person who has survived on an isolated island for more than a month should behave when he is rescued.

The many survivors they rescued, when they saw them, some cried, some laughed, some cheered, and some fell into a coma from exhaustion.

However, Liu Yifei, she just looked at the three of them calmly, without too much surprise on her face, nor the fear of escaping from death...

Is it because of this man?

Zhang Wei finally looked at Liu Xu for the first time.

Liu Yifei, who was rescued on board, was quickly arranged by the captain into a separate, quiet room.

The search and rescue ship was speeding rapidly across the sea.

Liu Yifei stood at the window, still holding the pile of wooden boards in her arms.

After a long time, Liu Yifei lay on the bed with the pile of wooden boards in her arms.

The bed is very soft, and the white quilt is also very comfortable, much more comfortable than sleeping in a life raft.

The room has water, food, clothes sent by the captain, and even a computer connected to the Internet, which is much more complete than that simple wooden house.

But Liu Yifei still feels insecure.

She could only continue to hold the pile of wooden boards tightly and close her eyes fiercely.

Even if she can't sleep at all...


Liu Yifei opened her eyes, she knew that the people on the boat would definitely not come to "disturb" her rest, so the person knocking on the door...

"Liu Xu!"

Liu Yifei sat up suddenly from the bed and ran to open the door for him.

The moment the door opened, Liu Xu and Liu Yifei didn't see each other, but were filled with dazzling light.

"I'll just say it! Calculate the time and it's almost time to travel..."

This was the last sentence Liu Yifei heard Liu Xu say before losing consciousness.

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