
Liu Xu opened his eyes and felt dizzy. It took him a while to get used to this feeling, but the surrounding environment surprised him.

The room was furnished in an ancient style, and he was lying on the wooden bed by himself.

Liu Xu sat up, looked carefully into the room, the Eight Immortals table, literati ink paintings, blue and white porcelain vases, and then looked at the quilt covering his body and the curtain at the head of the bed, all carved with dragons and phoenixes, and said: "This is a What's the situation? My head is dizzy, is it because I crossed over from the boat, so I am seasick?"

Suppressing the headache, he got out of bed, took a black robe with gold trim from the hanger beside the bed, put it on his body, and walked slowly towards the door.

Opening the door, the dazzling sunlight shot over. Liu Xu subconsciously raised his hand to block the incoming sunlight, and squinted his eyes to look outside.

"See His Royal Highness Rong Wang, the prince is a thousand years old."

Just when Liu Xu was about to open his eyes wide, two sonorous and forceful voices came into his ears.

Liu Xu followed the sound and looked carefully at the two people kneeling in front of him on one knee. He saw that both of them were wearing black clothes, with a big knife hanging from a red belt around their waists.

"Could it be "Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince"?" Liu Xu was stunned for a moment and asked, "How many years is it now?"

The two guards looked at each other blankly, and then at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu immediately realized that the other party might not understand what he said, so he said, "What year is it now?"

"Reporting to the lord, it is now the Baoqing period." The guard on the left immediately replied.

"During the Baoqing period?" Liu Xu frowned. As an otaku, he told others responsibly that he knew nothing about history, so he knew a little about the Three Kingdoms, because there were many games in the Three Kingdoms.

Although Liu Xu didn't know when the Baoqing period was, what he was sure of was that he seemed to have become a big shot after this time travelling.

"Well, I'm a little confused, it's nothing, I'll go to sleep for a while." Liu Xu didn't ask his name, he decided to go back and calm down first.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went back into the house, and closed the door.

After closing the door, Liu Xu sat on a chair, poured himself a glass of water, and said to himself, "The two guards called me Lord Rong just now. Who were the people who were called King Rong in history?"

Closing his eyes, he drank a cup of tea and said, "Damn it, why didn't I study history well at that time? Now I don't even know who I am."


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Chapter 1172 God Carved World

Sighing helplessly, Liu Xu leaned back, limp on the chair, and said again: "If it is the prince who is suspected by the emperor, then it will be troublesome. Happy Jianghu is not bad. , but the intrigue in the court, just thinking about it, will make people's brain cells die piece by piece?"

But he quickly sat up straight again, with a thoughtful expression on his face and said: "I am a prince, as long as I don't get involved in political matters, there shouldn't be any trouble! By the way, what the hell is this?" world!"

After finishing speaking, the corner of his mouth was raised, and Liu Xu smiled meanly: "But I'm a prince now, why don't you try to rob civilian girls too?"

Speaking of this, Liu Xu's smile grew wider, and his eyes were like two crescent moons.

At this time, a memory that did not belong to him suddenly popped up in his mind.

Liu Xu had a splitting headache and fell into the darkness again, but he shouted in his heart: "Damn, I'm going to give me an afterthought!"

When he woke up again, he already had the memory of the original owner of this body.

This time, his surname is Zhao, and his first name is Yu Rui. He is 16 years old. He has the same mother and elder brother Zhao Yuju, and his father Zhao Xiguan, who belongs to the lineage of Yan Wang Zhao Dezhao.

Although he is a relative of the emperor, he has been buried for a long time, and now he is no different from ordinary people.

The elder brothers Zhao and Ju were the fifth emperors of the Southern Song Dynasty, known as Song Lizong in history.

In history, Song Lizong was just a puppet emperor.


With Liu Xu's intelligence and martial arts, he was quickly recognized by Song Lizong, and Liu Xu also smoothed out the context of history.

This is actually the world of the Condor Heroes, but the plot of the Condor Heroes has not yet unfolded, or it has not fully unfolded, because at this time, Guo Yang and Yang Kang are only thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys.

At the beginning of the third year of Baoqing, Liu Xu had just finished the ceremony and crowning ceremony, and the queen mother was leading the discussion on the establishment of the princess.

At this time, Yang Zhao sent a secret letter: Li Dewang, the emperor of Xixia, secretly entered Chengdu, hoping to ask Emperor Song to discuss the matter of jointly fighting against Mongolia.

At this time, under Temujin's conquests from south to north, Mongolia was already on the rise.

Since they entered Shu secretly, it seems that they are smuggled immigrants, and it was normal when they were caught by the Song army.

So Yang Zhao detained them temporarily, and wrote a secret letter to Lizong.

Lizong became very close to Liu Xu after Liu Xu's suggestion and deliberately showing weakness that he had no intention of political affairs.

Some important matters will also be discussed with Liu Xu.

Liu Xu fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said: "Brother Huang, let me go this time myself!"

One day later, Liu Xu secretly left Beijing and rushed to Sichuan with dozens of guards.

The matter of Liu Xu's departure from the court did not alarm anyone, but it was announced to the outside world that King Rong had a sudden illness and needed to be raised for several months, and the matter of the princess was postponed.

Liu Xu had also considered the matter of going to Sichuan in person.

Although there is still some time before the story of Shooting the Condors unfolds, you can go and find some hidden treasures first.

And if Liu Xu's memory is correct, Guo Jing at this time should be still in the desert grassland being trained by the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, while Yang Kang is his little prince in the Prince Zhao's mansion in the capital of the Kingdom of Jin. more than a year.

It is best to intervene in the plot at that time, follow the development of the plot and naturally be able to meet all the beauties in the world one by one.

Nearly half a month had passed by the time we hurried to Sichuan.

As soon as Yang Zhao heard that the secret envoy of the imperial court was coming, he immediately came out to greet him. After seeing who was coming, he was so shocked that he almost knelt down. Nowadays, everyone knows that the emperor and Rong Wang have a very deep relationship, and Rong Wangde is second only to the emperor in power.

Fortunately, Liu Xu had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he stopped him.

Yang Zhao was not a stupid person either, he immediately understood and respectfully led the group into the mansion.

Yang Zhao welcomed Liu Xu into the secret room, and discussed the matter of asking for help from Xixia.

"Minister Yang Zhao sees King Rong, a thousand years ago!"

"Get up." Liu Xu asked, "Master Yang, what did the secret envoy of Xixia say?"

Yang Zhao got up, stood upright with hands down, and replied: "The secret envoy of Western Xia requested to form a brotherly state with Song Dynasty and fight against Mongolia together."

"What price can they pay?"

"In the future when Mongolia attacks the Song Dynasty, Xixia will definitely help."

Liu Xu sneered and said, "They can say this kind of nonsense? I am stronger than Xixia by countless times, and I will definitely become stronger in the future. At that time, I will need his help? He has a good plan!"

After taking a sip of tea, Liu Xu said again: "Xixia was originally the land of the Great Song Dynasty. Li Yuanhao stole it to establish a country back then. Now it's time for my Great Song Dynasty to take it back! Tell the secret envoy that there are only two conditions for the Great Song Dynasty."

Putting up two fingers, Liu Xu continued: "First, when our Song Dynasty merchants go to Xixia to do business, they must be given the most preferential treatment, and they are not allowed to be blocked by any name; second, and most importantly, let the whole of Xixia learn Confucianism. , there must be no omissions. Tell them, don’t try to break the contract in vain, since Da Song can help them defeat Mongolia, he can naturally destroy Xixia.”

Although destroying Xixia is the fastest and most direct method in history, there is a golden country between Xixia and Song Dynasty, and it is not the time to defeat Xixia now.

It is better for Xixia to restrain Mongolian forces than to let its own army fight.

After all, the Xixia people at this time were not considered citizens of the Great Song Dynasty, so it didn't matter how many people died.

In the end, the secret envoy of Xixia still palely agreed to Liu Xu's three conditions.

Could it be that Song Jun was too tough when Yang Zhao arrested him?

It's too tragic to scare people like this.

After the secret envoy of Xixia left, Liu Xu wrote a letter and asked his attendants to send him back to Lin'an first and inform Lizong.

Yang Zhao has been using "reporting to the court" as an excuse to block Xixia's urging to join the war several times.

After Liu Xu lived in Chengdu for more than ten days, the so-called "opportunity" finally came.


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Chapter 1173 Isn't it cool to practice together with nine yin and nine yang?

Mongolia has almost reached the capital of the Xixia Kingdom. Seeing that the Xixia Emperor Li Dewang was about to pack up and run away, the Song Dynasty finally sent troops.

For Liu Xu who came to the battlefield in person, Yang Zhao really had a hard time.

He has been praying that nothing will happen to King Rong...

Playing ping-pong on the battlefield is very visually shocking.

Liu Xu couldn't help feeling his blood boil, and wanted to pick up a machete and go up and kill it.

Yang Zhao seemed to have seen what Liu Xu was thinking, and followed him closely, watching him not to do anything impulsive.

Regarding this, Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry: "General Yang, do you think I seem to be such a ignorant person?"

Liu Xu's external identity is a court official.

Surname Liu, first name Xu.

"Lord Liu, you just need to stay here..." Yang Zhao didn't say the words "I don't know the severity", which was to save some face for King Rong.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, it's okay to run if you can't win with my martial arts..."

Yang Zhao choked suddenly.

"General Yang, go and command the battle! I will stay in the camp and will not come out."

Although he really wanted to go to the battlefield in person, Liu Xu understood that if he went up by himself, it would be more troublesome.

"Since this is the case, please move Master Liu to the camp." Liu Xu's "understanding" made Yang Zhao heave a sigh of relief.

Liu Xu returned to the big tent and looked at the military map.


After several days of fighting, the Song army finally repelled the Mongolian army. Liu Xu also took the opportunity to leave the barracks and rush to Beijing, the central capital. After traveling for more than half a month, he arrived in Beijing, the central capital.

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