Then, under the leadership of the people from Yuelai Inn, they touched the back door of Wang's house.

Liu Xu knocked on the door twice, paused for a while, and knocked three more times.

Sure enough, someone inside asked, "Who is it?"

Liu Xu said, "There is someone above me."

The person inside immediately answered: "It is better to deal with violations or enter the house, I will take you in!"

Liu Xu said: "Miss, I will give you an amulet for free."

These "signs" were all made up by Liu Xu.

The back door was opened, and a servant in Tsing Yi signaled the four of them to go in quickly, and then stretched his head to observe the outside of the door, making sure that no one saw it before closing the door.

The servant led Liu Xu and the others into the backyard, avoiding the other servants all the way.

Walked along the path to a room, and said to Liu Xu, "May I ask if your lord was sent by the 'family'?" The so-called "home" is Lin'an.

Liu Xu showed him the seal letter, and then gave some instructions in his ear, the servant nodded in response, and said: "Please rest here for a while, the old servant will go to prepare."

Liu Xu nodded to indicate that he could go.


A group of more than a dozen people came all the way to the gate of Shaolin Mountain, but they saw that these dozen people were all dressed as servants, there were men and women.

The men and women were handsome, their clothes were neat, and even a few of the maids were equipped with a little gold and silver ornaments, which looked extremely dignified, and people could tell at a glance that they were servants from an official family or a noble family.

Seeing this scene, the Zhike monks who came out of the mountain gate couldn't help feeling hopeful in their hearts.

In recent years, the incense in Shaolin Temple has declined day by day, and the life of the monks in the temple has become much more difficult than before. I hope that more pilgrims will come to offer incense and pray for blessings, and more incense money will be given, so that their lives can be improved.

The sedan chair was lowered, and a young man dressed in brocade clothes and luxurious attire walked out of the sedan chair.

I saw that this young man was only fifteen or sixteen years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, he looked like he was not waiting for other people's children, which made people dare not underestimate him.

Seeing this scene, Zhike Monk nodded secretly, it seems that this young son is not a prince and grandson, but also from an official family, he is definitely not an ordinary person, so he did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly went forward with a respectful face.

The handsome young man who came was none other than Liu Xu, and he planned to cheat the Nine Suns Scripture into his hands under the guise of copying Buddhist scriptures.

Things went smoothly. Liu Xu memorized the Nine Suns Mantra hidden in the original cracks of the "Langa Sutra". As for the Buddhist scriptures, there are some copies. I'm sorry for the audience. The calligraphy is the pain of all the protagonists who have traveled through ancient times.

It is said that after Liu Xu learned the Nine-Yin Manual, Liu Xu came up with the idea of ​​Wang Chongyang engraving the Nine-Yin Manual in the secret room of the Ancient Tomb School.

In fact, after having the Nine-Yang Magical Art, the Nine-Yin Manual is also dispensable, but isn’t it cool to practice the Nine-Yin and Nine-Yang together?

Afterwards, Liu Xu bought a healthy horse to travel, and traveled northward for thousands of miles to reach the boundary of Zhongnan Mountain.

Following the instructions of the locals, Liu Xu headed towards Mount Zhongnan, all the way to the foot of Mount Zhongnan where Quanzhen Sect is located.

It is known from the local population that some important passes to Mount Zhongnan are guarded by disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

In order to avoid trouble, he didn't go up the mountain directly, but first found an inn in the town at the foot of the mountain to rest temporarily, and planned to wait until night and then go up the mountain quietly.

There are two ways to enter the ancient tomb. The first one is to enter through the gate in a fair manner, which is naturally unrealistic.

The Tomb of the Living Dead is now occupied by the Ancient Tomb Sect passed down by Lin Chaoying. Although the Ancient Tomb Sect is only two or three big cats and kittens, there are some beautiful beauties inside!

Although Liu Xu, who has practiced the Nine Suns Divine Art, is not afraid of them, it would be bad to break in openly and leave a bad impression.

Another way is naturally to dive in from the underwater secret passage.

According to the memory of the plot of the original book, Liu Xu came to the forbidden area behind the Quanzhen Sect to search carefully. Fortunately, it happened to be the night of the full moon, and the moonlight illuminated it, so Liu Xu could not see the path clearly.

It's just that Zhongnan Mountain is so big, how can it be so simple to find a place that you haven't been to?

It took most of the night until Liu Xu finally found the ancient tomb at dawn.

But then Liu Xu encountered another difficulty, because although he found the location of the ancient tomb, he couldn't find the entrance to the secret underwater passage, so he had to look for it again.


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Chapter 1174 There is nothing to see anyway

This search took another half a day. From dawn to dusk, Liu Xu walked around the entire ancient tomb, making his stomach growl with hunger, and finally found it on the back mountain of Zhongnan Mountain. A puddle.

Standing by the pool, Liu Xu took a deep breath, jumped into the water with a "plop", and then swam to the bottom of the water. After Liu Xu dived down for about ten meters, he finally saw a cave.

"His grandma's, it's just a back door. Is it necessary to make it so long?" Liu Xu complained to the dead Wang Chongyang in his heart while swimming.


Without noticing for a moment, he bumped into a wall.

And because of the sudden collision, Liu Xu habitually yelled.

As a result, Liu Xu got several saliva in his mouth.

After drinking a few sips of water, Liu Xu reflexively began to swim upstream desperately.

After he swam up, he realized that he had already entered the secret room, and the reason why he bumped into it just now was because the wall was already at the end.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Liu Xu, who came ashore, coughed and looked around.

On the wall above the head, "Nine Yin Scriptures" are engraved!

"The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking...what is lacking is more than what is lacking...

Nine Yin White Bone Claws, Nine Yin Bone Forging Chapter, Soul Shifting Dafa, White Claw Whip, Heart Breaking Palm, Nine Yin Healing Chapter, Acupuncture Chapter and so on.

After writing down the Nine Yin Scriptures, Liu Xu did not leave immediately, but appeared in the ancient tomb like a ghost.

"Wang Chongyang is not a good bird. It's fine to spend money and people to create such a large underground project..." Liu Xu added in his heart, "What's more important is that this place is like a maze, so young master and I Almost lost."

Liu Xu, who was complaining in his heart, passed by a room that was the same as countless rooms in the ancient tomb. At first he didn't care about anything and continued to move forward, but when he was about to walk away, he heard a burst of noise coming from this room. sound of water.

"Is there someone in this room?"

Pushing open the door of the room, Liu Xu walked in, and a burst of fragrance came over his face.

Liu Xu is very familiar with this fragrance, it is the body fragrance of his daughter's house.

Looking at the room, Liu Xu was sure that there was someone living here, but it was a woman who went to live there.

In the middle of the room was a large bathtub full of water. As soon as Liu Xu approached, the water in the bathtub shot up into the sky, and something came out, scaring him to look at it, and then...

"Ah..." There was a scream that almost pierced Liu Xu's eardrum.

"Go out, don't look at..." A tender cry sounded.

There is only one thought in Liu Xu's mind now: "I didn't expect that in the big bathtub, there is a loli practicing the magical skill of holding one's breath! Sweat!"

"Bastard, hooligan, big wolf, you stinky man, why are you still in a daze, get out! You big bastard, big hooligan, big wolf, you will die, you..."

The loli in the big bathtub yelled at Liu Xu with a face full of shame and anger.

Although her voice was clear and sweet, her tone was full of disdain.

Liu Xu was in her mouth in a short while, from a big cesium wolf to an evil character who destroys world peace and everyone can be punished.

"You little one, you just go out if you tell me?" Liu Xu unceremoniously looked at the little loli in the bathtub.

Little Lolita saw that the big wolf ignored her and still looked at her in her own way, and quickly shrank her small body into the water.

I saw little loli's face was full of anger, but she couldn't hide her beauty. This little girl was about thirteen or fourteen years old, with curved eyebrows, big eyes, small cherry mouth, and pink face, showing a The stock is unruly.

Although she is not very old, there is a hint of charm in her eyes, and the skin on her body is even more flawless, as if it would break instantly.

One of the best little lolitas.

Liu Xu stared at him, almost drooling, and the urge to blame the uncle in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"No, no, this little girl is still a yellow-haired girl... But in ancient times, if it was normal for such an old man to marry and have children..."

Thinking like this, Liu Xu, already possessed by evil heart, walked slowly towards little Lolita.

"Go away, go away, don't come here."

Seeing that her uncle was approaching her, little Luoli seemed to know that it was useless to yell like just now, so she immediately poured water from the bathtub on Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was splashed with water on his face, and finally regained consciousness a little bit. Seeing the little sister in the tub, looking at him pitifully with big eyes, coughed, turned around and said, "Okay, little sister , I don’t want to read it, you hurry up and put on your clothes! I have something to ask you later.”

"You really don't want to watch?" Little Lolita asked.

"It's nothing to see anyway." Liu Xu said jokingly.

"You..." The sister-in-law was furious, and then climbed out of the bathtub with a vigilant expression, quickly dried her body, and put on her clothes.

Hearing the sound of getting dressed behind him, Liu Xu felt itchy in his heart.

At this moment, there was a "swoosh", and Liu Xu heard a sound of breaking through the air behind him.

"What a cruel little girl, didn't she just look at you a few times! She even sneaked up and wanted to kill me."

Feeling that the strength behind him was almost reaching his back, it was absolutely too late to turn around now, Liu Xu let out a low cry, and just had time to flow the strength to his back.

With a "bang", Liu Xu was knocked into the air, hit the wall of the room, and then fell to the ground, feeling dizzy for a while.

"I didn't expect this little girl to be so ruthless at such a young age." Liu Xu could be regarded as capsized in the gutter.

Little Loli stood at the place where Liu Xu had just flown out with a face full of frost. Seeing that Liu Xu was being hit by her palm with all her strength, she slowly got up again. She didn't care about being surprised, and immediately rushed over with a murderous look. I want to give this stinky man who has seen his whole body a few more times.


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Chapter 1175

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Little Lolita's martial arts are not weak, despite her young age, her internal strength is quite good.

But if you are facing Liu Xu, you are far from being an opponent.

"Damn, you stinky girl, didn't you just look at you a few times! Other than you, I like to look at your mediocre Yuexiong, who is also a thief. Where is my young master? "

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