After hearing what he said, little loli became even angrier, and her moves became more and more vicious, such as choking, kicking, and eye-plugging.

Seeing that she obviously wanted to destroy him, Liu Xu became furious. Just now, because he took advantage of the little girl, he blindly backed down. Otherwise, with his martial arts, he could have dealt with her with a few tricks.

But seeing that little Lolita was being rude to him now, Liu Xu decided to give this little girl some flair.

Liu Xu Yungong slapped the little loli with his palm. Of course, he also kept some strength, otherwise it would not be his style to beat such a stunning little girl into a serious injury.

Little Lolita saw that his palm was full of strength, and she didn't dare to underestimate it. She quickly withdrew her hands and feet that were attacking Liu Xu, and met his move with all her strength.

The palms meet.


Loli retreated again and again, and Yue Xiong's mouth was full of anger and blood after being shocked by Liu Xu's palm.

Seeing her retreating, Liu Xu chased after her, gathered internal energy in his fingers, and tapped on little loli Yuexiong's acupuncture points with one finger.

The acupoints were restrained, the whole body could not move, and he blamed his uncle again, with a wretched face and walked towards him with lewd smiles.

The self-righteous little Lolita was terrified, and secretly blamed herself for being so impulsive. If she had known that her uncle's martial arts skills were so high, she should have found a way to escape first, and then went to find her master.

"You, you, you... You stinky thief, what do you want to do to this girl? Let me tell you, you'd better not use your brains, or my master won't let you go."

As she spoke, she yelled outside the door: "Master, Granny Sun, help me! There are prostitutes! Help me!"

However, the rooms in the ancient tomb were separated by thick stone walls, so it was obviously useless for little Lolita to shout.

Liu Xu picked up little Lolita, sat down on a chair made of stone, and put her across his lap.

Seeing this, the little loli screamed even more joyfully.

Seeing this little girl's delicate appearance, Liu Xu thought of her being cruel and merciless at such a young age, with good martial arts skills.

He is going to educate this little witch in love.


Touch it first to find out where to start.

The little Lolita saw that her uncle was being obscene about her little ass, so she couldn't help yelling at Liu Xu: "Big villain, big bastard, you dare to treat me like this, I will definitely kill you in the future, wait for me!" Big bastard, villain, big bastard...

Liu Xu, a little girl, still dares to threaten him now.

No more mercy, Liu Xu raised his hand high and dropped it heavily.

With a "snap", the little Lolita's cute butt was hit.

The little Lolita was spanked, and felt the hot pain from the guy above, where has she ever been wronged like this since she was a child!

Feeling shy and uncomfortable at the same time, and thinking that she might be bullied by the strange uncle today, she would lose her life early, and couldn't take the blow anymore, little Loli pursed her mouth and burst into tears.

While crying, she cursed the strange uncle who was holding her and spanking her ass.

Liu Xu was annoyed by her crying, raised his eyebrows, stared at little Lolita with both eyes, pretended to be vicious and said, "Shut up, and be careful when you cry again, I'll slap you."

"Is it me... I won't cry for won't hit me?" Little Lolita had a pitiful appearance, and she couldn't see the ruthlessness that she was about to kill just now.

Liu Xu saw that she had softened, and couldn't help laughing: "Of course, as long as little sister is obedient, brother will not beat you, okay? Be good!"

He looked like the big bad wolf who lied to Little Red Riding Hood.

After listening to Liu Xu's words, little loli didn't think about him, and hurriedly said: "I'm good, I'm good, Mo Chou will be good."

"Mochou, what a good name..." Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, "Wait a minute... Mochou, Li Mochou..."

Although he had already guessed something in his heart, he was still a little surprised to hear little Lolita say it with his own ears.

Of course, in addition to being surprised, Liu Xu felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Li Mochou!

Wherever the Chilian fairy and the murderer witch of the later generations went, blood flowed like a river, and everyone was terrified.

But now he is hugged in his arms and patted his ass. My brother is really talented.

Liu Xu gave himself a thumbs up in his heart, and now that he has met him, he will definitely eliminate harm for the future martial arts. He will resolutely accept this witch in the eyes of others, and will not let her harm the martial arts again.

Don't thank me, I'm Lei Feng.

Liu Xu shamelessly made plans to accept Li Mochou.

"After hitting a big bang, I always have to give some carrots. How can I say that she is also a celebrity in the sculpture, plus the top-notch little lolita, shouldn't be too abused." Liu Xu laughed: "Little sister, I want to eat bang bang Candy? My brother treats you to it!"

That voice and expression were truly evil.

Seeing his lascivious appearance, Mo Chou's little girl was so frightened that she almost cried again, and hurriedly and timidly said: "Mo Chou will be very good, you can't lie."

You have bad intentions clearly written in her big eyes.

The future Chilian Fairy and the current Chilian Lolita are really not easy to fool around.

"Okay, I'm not lying. By the way, Mo Chou, do you have a bed called the Cold Jade Bed? Where is it?" Liu Xu obviously has malicious intentions, "You put the location of the Cold Jade Bed Tell me, brother will take you to eat candied haws..."

"Brother, is what you said true?"

Just now he called Liu Xu the strange uncle in his heart, but now he opened his mouth and called him brother.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1176 The cold jade bed is gone...

Although Li Mochou's little sister often sneaks out of the ancient tomb without telling her master, she goes outside to experience life in the novel world.

So her personality is not as pure as the little dragon girl later, but she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, and she doesn't know how precious her cold jade bed is.

In her current opinion, that broken bed that froze to death was worth less than a string of candied haws.

So when Liu Xu asked, Mo Chou said the location of the cold jade bed without even hesitating.

If the underground Lin Chaoying knew that Li Mochou replaced the little girl with a bed of cold jade that doubled the speed of internal strength, and Li Mochou still made a verbal promise, would she come back from the underworld angrily? to teach her a meal.

"Now tell brother, who is your master? Where is she now? Where is the place where your ancient tomb sect keeps the martial arts secret books?" After Liu Xu figured out the location of the cold jade bed, he thought for a while, but didn't immediately Action, but keep asking.

Little Lolita didn't say it boldly this time, but said resolutely with a small appearance: "No, I knew you were a bad person, and you wanted to use our martial arts cheats."

Liu Xu was not disappointed when she said that. He knew that this trick would be difficult to work, but the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect are just that, and it is suitable for women to practice, so it is not very tempting to Liu Xu.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be impossible. As long as the eldest brother takes me out of the ancient tomb to play when you leave, I will tell you."

Just when Liu Xu was about to give up the idea of ​​fighting the Ancient Tomb School of martial arts, Li Mochou's little sister rolled her eyes and continued.

"Hey, won't you come out of the ancient tomb yourself?"

This little girl actually asked me to take her out of the ancient tomb. Could it be that she wouldn't leave her own home?Liu Xu is strange?

After hearing what he said, little Mochou's eyes turned red, she flattened her mouth, and said aggrievedly: "Master won't let me go out to play, she closed the stone gate of the ancient tomb, people outside can't get in, and people inside can't get in." can not go out."

It turned out that little sister Mochou was playful and often ran out of the ancient tomb when she had nothing to do. After she was caught by her master for the nth time, her master finally couldn't stand this disobedient loli, so he simply sealed the exit of the ancient tomb with a huge stone That's right, someone whose skill has not reached the level of her master can't move the boulder at all.

"Then how are you sure that I can take you out?" Liu Xu laughed.

The little girl Mochou rolled her eyes immediately after hearing his words, and said with contempt: "Didn't you all come in?"

"Hehe..." Liu Xu also realized that he seemed to have asked a stupid question.

"Are you going to agree or not? If you don't agree, even if you fuck me...what did you say just now... I won't tell you where the ancient tomb sect's martial arts secrets are hidden In Xiao Mochou's heart, although she didn't understand what it meant to have sex, she guessed it must be more serious than spanking.

"Okay, deal!" Liu Xu nodded.

After the two discussed it, Liu Xu unlocked Li Mochou's acupuncture points.

As soon as the little girl opened her acupuncture points, she couldn't wait to get up from Liu Xu's lap.

"Let's go! Master and Grandma Sun are usually sleeping at this time, it's best to get what you want now." Li Mochou's childish face showed a charming and charming look.

"Hey, you're still so young, how can you still be so good at hooking people?" Liu Xu muttered in his heart.

He left the room with Mochou, the little spy, and Mochou led the way, and the two went back and forth.

Along the way, Mo Chou kept pressing the trigger switch in the hidden place to open the pre-determined stone door.

The tunnel of the ancient tomb twists and turns, spirals downward, and sometimes suddenly opens up, revealing a huge grotto. It can be seen that the tunnel of the ancient tomb was formed according to the natural cave in the mountainside.

After walking for a while, Mo Chou stretched out her hand to push away a rock on the left, stepped aside, and said, "Brother, go in, there is a stone room for the cold jade bed inside. Master is not here now!"

"Mochou, your Ancient Tomb Sect is really a labyrinth!"

With a sigh, Liu Xu entered the stone room.

As soon as he entered the stone room, he saw a large bed made of cold jade in the center of the room, emitting cold air continuously.

"This is the cold jade bed! The shape really has nb..."

Walking one meter away from the cold jade bed, Liu Xu couldn't help shivering.

"Hiss, it's really cold! Do you really not kill people if you practice on this?"

Liu Xu was deeply suspicious of this.

"Forget it, leave him alone!"

Liu Xu jumped onto the bed and sat cross-legged.

"He is strong, let him be strong, and the breeze blows the hills. He lets him do whatever he wants, and the bright moon shines on the river. He is self-ruthless, he is evil, and I am full of true spirit..."

"The way of heaven is to damage more than to make up for what is not enough. Therefore, the emptiness wins the real, and the insufficiency wins more. Its meaning is broad, its rationale is profound, and its interest is deep. The image of heaven and earth is divided, the yin and yang are strong, and the change is from the surface. Omen of Death and Life..."

Liu Xu actually practiced the Nine Eyes Kungfu and the Nine Yin Manual together, as I have already said before!

Nine yin and nine yang can only be handsome when they practice together.

When Liu Xu finished his work, his body no longer felt cold at all, because the cold jade bed he was sitting on had disappeared.

"The cold jade bed has been trained..."

In his heart, Liu Xu said sorry to everyone from the ancient tomb sect to the patriarch and mother-in-law to the woman in yellow shirt.


In a pool at the back of Zhongnan Mountain, two heads emerged from the water.

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