"Big brother bastard, where are you putting your hands!" Li Mochou couldn't help but said as soon as she got out of the water, "Don't take it away, you obscene demon!"

"You little girl dares to complain. If you didn't dare to jump into the water, why would you need me to hold you! If it weren't for me, you would have drowned long ago."

Liu Xu shot back, but he still didn't take away the thieves' hands that were placed on the little girl's newly developed mouth.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1177 Burning After Reading

After Liu Xu practiced without the cold jade bed, he went to the library of the ancient tomb under the leadership of Li Mochou to pick out a few good martial arts secret books. Naturally, he also got the Jade Heart Sutra and Ancient Tomb Lightness Kung Fu that he wanted the most.

Then Liu Xu, who had a guilty conscience, hurried out of the ancient tomb with Li Mochou.

"Little girl, I've already brought you out, are you going to play with me or by yourself?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm following you, a big whore. You've taken advantage of him, so you just want to pat your ass and leave?"

After leaving the ancient tomb and making sure that Liu Xu would not hurt him, the eldest brother descended into a big prostitute again.

"Huh? I dare to say that this little brat was fooling me by being so obedient just now." Liu Xu sized up Li Mochou and came to this conclusion.

After drying the wet clothes on his body with internal force, with a small oil bottle behind him, Liu Xu went to the inn at the foot of the mountain.

He planned to settle down that little girl Li Mochou after he went back, and then took the opportunity to sneak into Chongyang Palace to see if he could find Wang Chongyang's innate skills. stay here.

Or go to the site of the big eagle to see, the ruins of Dugu Qiubai must be visited, I wonder if such a big eagle is delicious?

As for Wang Chongyang's innate skills, Wang Chongyang has already stepped into the innate state before he has practiced it completely. It will not be worse than the so-called Nine Yin Scriptures.

Liu Xu even suspected that Wang Chongyang didn't practice after he got the Nine Yin Manual, more likely because he himself thought that the Nine Yin Manual was not as powerful as innate skills.

In the middle of the night, in Zhongnan Mountain, an unexpected visitor came to Wang Chongyang's former study.

After confirming that there was no one there, Liu Xu searched frantically, which can almost be described as rummaging through boxes and cabinets, completely forgetting that he came in secretly.

"Come out quickly, come out quickly with innate skills, come out quickly, come out with innate skills..."

"Damn it, why can't I find it?"

Cough cough, of course, if it is so easy to find, all the Seven Masters of Quanzhen who have been in this study for decades should all commit suicide.

Liu Xu almost turned Wang Chongyang's study upside down, but he still didn't find anything related to martial arts. The shelves were full of Taoist scriptures except for Taoist scriptures.

"Wang Chongyang can't be really practicing kung fu to become stupid!"

"He actually left nothing for his disciples and grandchildren?"

"What's the use of bringing all his martial arts into the coffin!"

After searching for a while, Liu Xu, who wanted to try his luck to get the innate skills in the study, finally gave up helplessly.

"Forget it, this is not the only good place to hide martial arts..."

Liu Xu kicked the bookshelf as if venting.

"Ouch, what hit me?"

He looked down and saw that it was a book that had fallen from the top of the shelf.

The bookshelf that Liu Xu kicked just now was shaking, so the book fell off.

The cover of this book is covered with dust, and there are three big characters written on it.

Liu Xu opened his eyes wide and his pupils shrank. It actually said...

Three Character Classic!

"Huh? Wang Chongyang's study actually has the Three Character Classic for Early Childhood Education. I don't know what he thinks."

He reached out to pick up the Three Character Classic and put it back. When Liu Xu’s hand touched the book, his heart skipped a beat. He turned to the first page and looked at it. He thought it was "at the beginning of human beings, nature is kind...", But upon closer inspection, that's not the case at all.

I saw the words on it: "If someone is destined to get this book, it must be God's will, and he is a disciple of my Wang Chongyang from another generation..."

Liu Xu squinted his eyes and turned to the second page, continuing to read ten lines at a glance.

"The seven disciples that Chongyang has accepted throughout his life are either not talented enough, or have too extreme personalities. Chongyang is really worried about passing on this skill to them, so as not to cause a big disaster unintentionally."

"This Wang Chongyang understands his own disciples. Although the Seven Masters of Quanzhen are not bad people, they may even be considered good people, but their personality is indeed not very good." Liu Xu moved his head and looked down, "Chongyang knows that the end is approaching. , and unwilling to have no successors for what he has learned all his life, he had to write this book and leave it to future generations."

Turning another page, the three words Xiantiangong appearing on it made Liu Xu feel refreshed all over.

Quickly memorizing the innate skill in his hand, the corners of Liu Xu's mouth turned up slightly, and he clasped his hands together and rubbed them vigorously.

The solitary copy of the innate skill disappeared.

"Burn after reading." Liu Xu patted the scraps of paper on his hands.

After obtaining the innate skills, he secretly went back to the inn again.

Back at the inn, Liu Xu was about to go to sleep when a cold and ethereal voice sounded outside.

"Mochou, are you hiding here, come out quickly."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of Liu Xu's room was kicked open.

Li Mochou's little girl rushed in in a hurry, shouting while running: "Big bastard, it's terrible, Mochou's master is here, he must be here to arrest Mochou."

At the same time, that cold and pleasant voice had already arrived at the door.

"Mochou, the teacher has already come, why don't you come out?"

"It's over! Why can the master find me every time?" Little Loli squeezed her little head behind Liu Xu and murmured.

"Mochou, come out!" Hearing the shouts from the yard, Liu Xu opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Liu Xu looked up.

I saw a woman dressed in white standing in the middle of the yard. Under the moonlight, this woman had phoenix eyebrows, light eyes, snow-skinned lips, flawless cheeks that were as crystal clear as jade, elegant and vulgar temperament, and long skirt fluttering like nine heavens. The one above is as holy and noble as a fairy, without a trace of fireworks, as if it is a sin for anyone to take a look at it.

Liu Xu was shocked, really shocked, looking at the woman in the courtyard with fascination and dumbfounded.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1178

Bright eyes, bright wrists, slender feet, everything is beautiful.

Wiping the saliva that was not present at the corner of his mouth, Liu Xu opened his mouth and said, "This woman should only exist in the sky, but why did she fall into the world? Uh, I made a mistake and read it accidentally. Such a familiar look must be Is it Elder Sister Fairy? I don’t know why Elder Sister is here with my little brother? If you need anything, just say it..."

At this moment, Liu Xu seemed to be possessed by Duan Yu, as soon as he saw a beautiful girl, he would call out his sister and sister first.

The beautiful and mysterious fairy sister, ignored this guy who was so shocked by her beauty and talked nonsense, but directly cast those bright eyes that seemed to be icy and emotionless into the room behind Liu Xu, and said in a calm voice : "If you keep hiding, the master will be really angry."

That's what she said, but looking at her expression, there was no sign of anger, she still looked deserted.

Seeing that she couldn't escape, the little loli who was hiding her head came out from behind Liu Xu with a sad face, walked out of the room timidly, and said softly: "Master, why are you here! Mochou missed you just now , was about to go back! Hee hee hee..."

Ignoring Li Mochou's flattering words, Sister Fairy stretched out her jade hands with silver silk gloves to her, and said, "Where's the cold jade bed?"

"Master, that broken bed, oh, no, it's the cold jade bed..." After being caught by the beautiful eyes of the fairy sister, the little Lolita quickly changed her words: "It's at the place of the big lewd thief."

"Who is the big whore?"

Li Mochou pointed at Liu Xu without hesitation, betraying him thoroughly.

"Damn, you little girl really has no loyalty!" Liu Xu looked at the fairy sister who was looking at him, and his heart was full of contempt for Xiao Luo.

"The cold jade bed is something left by the master, return it to me."

"Cold jade bed, what kind of cold jade bed? I don't understand, I didn't take it!"

Liu Xu pretended to be stupid and turned his head around. There are other things to talk about, but the cold jade bed has already been melted away by practicing the nine yang and nine yin...

"Great prostitute, you are so bad! I really don't understand why you want that cold, broken bed. You should return it to my master!"

Hearing what the apprentice said, for the first time an angry look appeared on Sister Fairy's beautiful face.

"Is the cold jade bed really with you? Return it to me quickly, otherwise, I will not be polite for the master's relic."

"You big whore, you should listen to Master!" Little Lolita didn't know what was going on, she seemed to be very afraid of her master, "Master seems to be really angry."

"Even if I want to pay it back now, it's impossible for me to get it back!" Liu Xu simply said stubbornly, "If you don't take it, you don't take it. If you don't believe me, I will suffer a bit. Let Sister Fairy search me. Come on. Come on!"

As he spoke, he opened his two big hands with a bold look.

"Full of nonsense, hum!" Sister Xianzi snorted coquettishly, and with a movement, she suddenly floated towards Liu Xu like a ghost.

"Oh! Wait..." Liu Xu was taken aback, but she didn't expect her to do it without saying anything.

Seeing the opponent's palm waved lightly, it seemed like a fairy scattered flowers, but in fact it contained an extremely strong internal force, which locked him firmly.

In desperation, Liu Xu had no choice but to mobilize the internal force in his body, break free from the lock of her internal force, and push out with both hands.

After forcing her back, Liu Xu used his lightness kung fu and ran away. He didn't want to fight her.

Such a beautiful woman, what if she accidentally hurt her?

Who will pay for it!

Sister Fairy was taken to a cliff in Zhongnan Mountain by Liu Xu. She turned her head and said coldly to him, "Tell me where you put Master's cold jade bed, or I will throw you down."

"Uh, Sister Fairy..."

"Don't call me sister fairy, I have my own name, my name is Lin Yu!" Lin Yu interrupted Liu Xu before he could speak.

"Okay, it's just sister Lin Yu. Let me say it again. If you want a cold jade bed, there is one for a beautiful boy."

As he spoke, Liu Xu tilted his head, looking as if he was going to die at any time.

Seeing his look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, Lin Yu found that since he practiced the Jade Heart Sutra, his heart, which had never been very angry, was churning again.

"You, you..." Lin Yu was so angry with Liu Xu that he stretched out his jade hand and patted him with all his strength.

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