"You're serious!" Liu Xu slapped her back, but unexpectedly...

I saw Lin Yu opened her mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her body couldn't stop falling towards the cliff.

Liu Xu was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat, and shouted: "What the hell are you doing! I didn't even use [-]% of my internal energy, and you vomited blood?"

Immediately, he also jumped off the cliff and hugged Lin Yu in the air.

"Hold me tight!"

It turns out that Lin Yu's heart is not so cold, it's just that those who practice the Jade Heart Sutra must let themselves have no emotional fluctuations, just like the little dragon girl in the sculpture of the gods, so that it fits the word "Jade Girl" in the Heart Sutra.

But today Lin Yu's mood was messed up by Liu Xu. Immediately afterwards, the inner energy of the heart meridian in his body ran around uncontrollably, causing the danger of madness, and he was knocked down by Liu Xu.

So Liu Xu wrongly blamed himself. Lin Yu vomiting blood was due to her own relationship, and he was at most the cause.


Ren Nalin Yu's indifferent attitude like a fairy, facing the fact that she fell from the high cliff, still screamed instinctively, and unconsciously hugged Liu Xu who was hugging her tightly with both hands.

Liu Xu is very happy now. When he hugged Lin Yu in his arms in a hurry, he didn't pay attention to the place where he hugged him.

Now feeling the softness of his hands, Liu Xu naturally knew where his two wolf claws were.

Pretending to be ignorant and moved his paw, Liu Xu said in his heart, "Hehe! The beauties of the Ancient Tomb School really deserve their reputation!"


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Chapter 1179

He sighed in his heart there, but he didn't realize that the original frozen face of Sister Fairy in his arms had thawed out.

Lin Yu's face was getting redder and redder, and her expressionless eyes were full of embarrassment and anger.

"You little pervert, let me go, let me go quickly."

Lin Yu's body twisted for a while, trying to break free from Liu Xu's embrace.

Hearing Lin Yu's shout, Liu Xu hugged him even tighter.

"Are you crazy?"

They are falling off a cliff now.

Feeling that her body, which had never been touched by the opposite sex for so many years, was being thinned by Liu Xu, Lin Yu became more and more disturbed, and the heat of her body became more and more obvious.

"Oops, my state of mind is broken, otherwise I won't be able to control the Jade Heart Sutra, and I'm afraid I'm going to go mad."

With a "bang", Liu Xu and Lin Yu fell to the bottom of the cliff without any accident, and then... slowly floated up again.

It turned out that there was a small pool at the bottom of the cliff, and Liu Xu and Lin Yu happened to land in the pool by luck.

Liu Xu even secretly used his innate skills to slow down the inertia of the fall, so that the two of them were not injured at all.

He hugged Lin Yu and headed to the shore not far away.

"Little thief, let me go!"

Once on the shore, the fairy sister in Liu Xu's arms became dishonest again and struggled to break free.

However, after going mad, Lin Yu suffered serious internal injuries, which made her body really weak.

"What are you doing, who am I working so hard for? Me! It's okay if you don't appreciate your ice cube face, and you keep making trouble for me." Liu Xu put Lin Yu on the ground and said, "Why are you so stupid?" You look weak, and you look like you've been hurt a lot!"

"You still have the face to say it." Lin Yu said angrily: "Hmph, if it weren't for you, a little bastard, how could I lose my mind and go mad, and now I have no energy in my whole body."

After hearing Lin Yu's words, and looking at her pretty face, which was obviously more popular than when they first met, Liu Xu couldn't help laughing.

It seems that the Ancient Tomb Sect is really a group of cute girls, and this fairy sister is really too simple, and has no defense at all.

Lin Yu told Liu Xu, a little bastard, that he had no strength in his whole body. Doesn't this mean that he can do whatever he wants now, and do whatever he wants?

"Hehe, do you really have no strength and can't move?" Liu Xu said to Sister Fairy with an evil smile on his face.

Lin Yu reacted when she saw Liu Xu's smile, her heart was ashamed and angry, and she scolded, "You, what are you going to do?"

She has a beautiful face and a refined temperament. Under the scolding, she has an extraordinary temperament.

"Sister, you look so pretty when you're angry!" Liu Xu giggled, "I'll touch it, don't you mind! If you mind, I'll treat it as if I can't see it!"

Naturally, Liu Xu would not let go of the opportunity to touch the fairy with his hand. He was a man of his word, and when he stretched out his hand, he touched Lin Yu's face that was as smooth as fat.

There is an incomparably beautiful feeling coming from the fingertips. Although it is only a light touch, the feeling is so beautiful that it feels like falling into a pile of honey.

If I could kiss you, hehe...

Liu Xu couldn't help but have the idea of ​​pushing an inch.

Sister Fairy was slapped on Liu Xu's face, and under the pain and grief, she spit out another mouthful of blood, breathed slightly and scolded coquettishly: "You bastard, dare to treat me lightly, even if I die and become a ghost, I won't let you go!" past you..."

"Sister, I misunderstood. I'm not a prostitute. The few touches on your face just now are very good touch techniques. I wouldn't easily use them on ordinary people. You can tell from your reaction, sister, really It's very effective... If it's effective, you'll think I'm a prostitute..."

Sister Fairy gritted her teeth, ignored Liu Xu's nonsense, and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

"Sister Fairy, don't look at me with a defensive expression!" Liu Xu said with a righteous expression.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw sister Fairy's eyes revealing that you are a good person.

"I saved your life, do you still think I'm a bad person?" Liu Xu didn't intend to get Lin Yu's consent at all, so he grabbed the fairy's jade hand and rubbed it on his face, "Sister, touch me Touch, if I'm a bad guy, how can I have such a righteous face?"

"You little pervert, you are not a good thing, don't touch me with your dirty hands, you men are not a good thing. Back then, Wang Chongyang was a bastard, and you are even more a bastard..."

Lin Yu followed Lin Chaoying since she was a child. As her personal maid, Lin Yu seldom went out of the ancient tomb. She was simple-minded, and she was not very good at talking.

Liu Xu noticed that when Lin Yujiao was scolding, his expression was really mysterious. He couldn't help but feel his head heat up, and he lowered his head and kissed her...

Lin Yu froze.

After Liu Xu's hands also became dishonest, Lin Yu came to his senses and screamed "Ah".

"do not want!"

Liu Xu was pushed away forcefully, looking at the elder sister Fairy who seemed to be planning to kill him with her eyes, with tears streaming down her face, and a look of grief and determination.

Feeling guilty for a while, Liu Xu secretly said: "Forget it, it's better to let go of her earlier, or look at her expression, maybe she will really kill me by biting her tongue."

Looking at Lin Yu with an embarrassing expression, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Uh, Sister Lin Yu, I'm so sorry! Actually, I didn't mean to you just now. As a person, I have a hobby, which is studying human body. I I just saw how good my sister's figure is, so I couldn't help but want to compare my sister's with my own, and the result is really different! Hey, look, my sister's body is indeed much prettier than mine..."

After listening to his nonsense, sister Fairy just said sternly: "I, Lin Yu, swear, as long as I live, I will always take your dog's life."


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Chapter 1180 If you like me, don't be embarrassed to say it

After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes and ignored Liu Xu any more, and she didn't care about her naked body, as if she didn't regard Liu Xu who was staring at her body as a man.

Liu Xu touched his head in embarrassment, and put his hand on Lin Yu's shoulder. Her body trembled, but she didn't open her eyes.

"I'm afraid you'll catch a cold if you wear flashy clothes, but I'm not taking advantage of her..."

As he said that, he used his innate skills silently to dry the clothes on the two of them with internal force.

Suddenly, Liu Xu inexplicably felt the hairs all over his body stand on end.

He turned around vigilantly and looked behind him.

At the same time Liu Xu turned around, Lin Yu seemed to feel something, quickly opened his closed eyes, and looked behind him.

As far as the eye can see, wildfires are floating in mid-air.

Liu Xu looked carefully, it was not a will-o'-the-wisp, but the eyes of wolves, and not one or two, they were all over the mountains and plains.

More and more wild wolves gathered around.

"Quanzhen taught you what to do. How could there be a pack of wolves in the back of your mountain? They are still so big." Liu Xu cursed, "You Taoist priests are too irresponsible, what to do if you scare the guests, just don't scare them. It's not good to scare the flowers and plants to the guests!

The situation seems to be a bit bad!

Ten wolves bully a tiger, which means that ten wolves dare to bully a ferocious tiger.

Now in front of Liu Xu, there are far more than ten!

Or go away quickly!

After running for a few steps, Liu Xu retreated back with Sister Fairy in his arms.

Because he found out that he didn't know when the wolves had surrounded them.

"Sun! Is this still a beast? It's so smart, and knows how to lurk around the prey first." Liu Xu deliberately teased: "Hehe, Sister Fairy, it seems that we are going to be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate! Why, happy Bar?"

Seeing that he was still joking at this time, Lin Yu couldn't keep silent anymore. Mei glared at Liu Xu, and said coldly, "If you are afraid, run for your life! I don't need you to worry about it. If it's you If you are alone, there is still hope to escape."

"My sister really likes to joke, if I throw you down, you won't be feeding the wolves."

While the two were talking, several wolves had already rushed towards them.

A light flashed in Liu Xu's hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

With the inner strength of innate skills, Zhu Xianjian split the wolves in half, who wanted to be early birds.

Wolf blood was scattered all over the place.


Several companions were easily killed by the prey, and the wolves did not show any signs of fear or confusion, but all raised their heads and howled.

Then, they launched a general attack on Liu Xu and sister Xianzi more neatly than the best army in the world.

Seven or eight black shadows soared into the sky, howling and rushing towards them.

Liu Xu raised his sword and chopped off the heads of the two leading ones. At the same time, he avoided the sharp claws and fangs of the other wolves, and turned around to kill the wolves to the east.

The best way now is to hold the immobile sister Fairy and take shelter on a big tree that is tall enough. The big tree closest to him in the east is the best choice.

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