Run the innate power at full power and inject it into the long sword in your hand. Although you can't use immortal skills to slay dragons, the sword's light shines again and again, keeping away the hungry wolves from all directions around you, and plunged into the east like a meat grinder. of wolves.

For a moment, the wolf howled miserably, intertwined with the wolf howling in pain, and Liu Xu's roar.

Every time Liu Xu took a step forward, the corpses of several wolves fell down, and many wounds appeared on his body.

After all, Liu Xu is surrounded by wolves in all directions, and he did not hesitate to hide his strength in order to win the heart of the fairy sister, deliberately hurting the wolves.

But Lin Yu in Liu Xu's arms was unscathed, because more than half of the wounds on his body were blocked by the immobile fairy sister.

Just when Liu Xu reached the bottom of the big tree, a white shadow suddenly appeared from the grass on his left, grabbed Lin Yu in Liu Xu's arms, and patted it.

good chance!

Liu Xu's eyes lit up, he was waiting for this opportunity.

Deliberately inserting the sword in his hand into another wolf's body and being unable to defend himself back, seeing that Lin Yubi was inevitable, Liu Xu used the method he had thought of long ago, turned his body and used his back to punch her hard. one strike.

With a "hiss", there was the sound of his back muscles being torn. The incomparable pain let Liu Xu know that this block had caused him serious injuries, even though it was only a superficial injury.

He killed the sneak attacking guy with a backhand sword, and then used an exquisite sword technique to temporarily force back the hungry wolves around him. Liu Xu jumped up and jumped onto the big tree.

Looking at the pack of wolves still unwilling to retreat under the tree, Liu Xu raised his head and smiled at Lin Yu: "Sister Fairy, it seems that we don't have to die today. Hey! Why are you looking at me with tears all over your face? Didn’t you get touched and fell in love with me? It’s okay, just say it if you like it! Don’t be embarrassed to say it.”

Seeing Liu Xu's pale face due to excessive blood loss, Lin Yu didn't care about his nonsense anymore.

With tears in her eyes, she said in a soft voice: "Why? Why did you suffer these injuries for me. Don't you know that doing so may kill you? Aren't you men always selfish? Leave Am I better for you?"

"Why do you have so many?" Liu Xu tapped some acupuncture points on his body to stop the bleeding from the wound, "I like you, of course I want to save you."

"I... I decided not to hunt you down anymore..." Lin Yu shook her head, and then smiled for the first time.

"Oh my god! Sister Fairy, you can laugh! Are you sure you're fine?"

Seeing that Lin Yu was talking to his great enemy with an incredible smile, Liu Xu was so excited that he almost fell off the tree after successfully saving the beauty.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1181

"Why, do you miss me very much?" Lin Yu pretended to be angry.

"No, no, why would I think something is wrong with such a beautiful fairy sister like you!" Liu Xu repeatedly waved his hands and said, "I just want to say, don't you hate me for molesting you?"

Lin Yu's pretty face blushed when she heard the word indecent, and she hurriedly turned her head away, not daring to look at Liu Xu's villainous face again, and murmured softly, "You little prostitute, didn't you just say that you were Are you studying anthropology? That's... a little thief like you."

At this moment, she thought of the picture of her master, Lin Chaoying talking to her before she died.

"Yu'er, I don't have much time! There is a sentence I must make clear to you. The last step of the Jade Heart Sutra must be practiced together by a man and a woman, turning ruthlessness into love. You must obey the master's words and wait for you." In the future, if you meet a man you like and practice together with him, you must not force yourself to practice alone, otherwise you will die of madness..."

"I don't want it, master, men don't have a good thing, and that Wang Chongyang treats you like this... Even if I live alone, I will never marry. I want to stay in the ancient tomb forever with the master, woo... master... You don't want to die!"

"Hehe, you silly child, there is no one who will not die, and it makes no difference if you die early or late. If you still think of me as your master, just remember my words. If one day, a man is willing to die If you risk your life for you, no matter what the reason is, even if it's just because of your appearance, you must treat him well, and don't live alone like me, only to die in this cold ancient tomb."

Thinking of this, Lin Yu's face no longer blushed, and she turned her head to look at Liu Xu drippingly with those wonderful eyes that could make any man crazy.

"My mother! How come the eyes of this fairy sister are so familiar? Haha! Fighting for a beautiful woman really pays off!" Liu Xu shouted excitedly in his heart.


The two chatted on the tree, and Liu Xu kept teasing Lin Yu.

Time passed quickly, and when it was daylight, the pack of wolves that had been lingering under the tree finally lost their patience and left the sight of the two of them.

Liu Xu hugged Lin Yu's legs, and put his other hand on her waist, holding her in front of his moon.

As soon as their bodies touched, Lin Yu shyly threw away her fairy appearance, and buried her head in Liu Xu's arms, like an ostrich, unwilling to show her head.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Xu burst out laughing happily.

He hugged Lin Yu and jumped off the big tree. She couldn't move her whole body now. Although she was shy, she could only let him do what she wanted.

Walk in the direction of the mountain top of Quanzhen Sect.

Quanzhen Sect is the only building on Zhongnan Mountain, and it is still very conspicuous.

Liu Xu just walked in the general direction, and soon he and Lin Yu left the back mountain which was already behind the ancient tomb.

He saw the Taoist Temple on the other side of Zhongnan Mountain. With this signpost, the ancient tomb would be easy to find.


"Grandma Sun, why haven't the master and the big bastard appeared yet? Where have they all gone?"

As soon as Liu Xu and Lin Yu approached the ancient tomb, they heard Little Lolita's clear voice with a slightly childish voice.

Then an old voice said: "Don't worry, Mo Chou, I've been with your master for so many years, I already knew that she is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and she won't really do anything to Mr. Liu."

As soon as Liu Xu heard this old voice, she knew that she must be the disgusting and kind-faced Granny Sun in the sculpture.

When he got closer, he saw an ugly old woman with scars comforting Li Mochou's little girl.

The first one to spot Liu Xu was the energetic little girl Li Mochou, with her big cute bright eyes goofing around.

She jumped up all of a sudden, and shouted: "Ah! Look quickly! It's the big prostitute and the master."

"You think big brother, I was slaughtered by fairy sister, right? With a little loli like you caring about me, how can I be willing to let something happen to me?"

As he spoke, Liu Xu kissed little sister Mochou on the forehead.

"Ah! What are you doing, you big bastard? Who cares about you!" Little Lolita's shy eyes rolled around, and then she noticed Lin Yu in Liu Xu's arms, "Master, why are you sleeping in the big bastard's arms?" what?"

At the same time, Grandma Sun also anxiously said: "Yu'er, what's wrong with you, you seem to be injured."

Grandma Sun is Lin Chaoying's maid, and Lin Yu is Lin Chaoying's direct disciple, and has always been taken care of by Grandma Sun, so she called Lin Yu "Yu'er".

Lin Yu turned her head and said to Liu Xu in a soft tone, "It's okay. Little thief, take me to the ancient tomb. Can you heal my wound?"

Liu Xu explained Lin Yu's injury to Granny Sun and Li Mochou. The longer her injury was delayed, the greater the damage to her body.

The four entered the ancient tomb.

Liu Xu asked Grandma Sun and Little Lolita to wait in a stone room, but he carried Lin Yu into another stone room.

After coming to the stone room, he said to Lin Yu: "Sister, you said that I can heal your wounds, what exactly are you going to do?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing Liu Xu's question, Lin Yu's pretty mature face was suddenly flushed, and her bright eyes flickered.

She said with a trembling voice: "As long as, as long as... and I practice the last step of the Jade Heart Sutra with me... that's fine."

In the end, the voice became lower and lower, and what was said could no longer be heard.

When Liu Xu first heard this, he was slightly taken aback. Aren't they just practicing together? What's there to be shy about?

But suddenly he remembered that it was introduced in the Divine Sculpture that the last step of practicing the Jade Heart Sutra seems to require a man and a woman to practice together.And both of them have to be naked, and they can't wear clothes.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu became excited.

He thought extremely evil in his heart: "Could it be... Sister Fairy... She shouldn't be so cheap to me! Hehe..."


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1182 Turn Ruthless into Love

Liu Xu pretended not to know how to practice the last step of the Jade Heart Sutra, and asked Lin Yu anxiously, "Sister, what can I do to cure you!"

But he found that Lin Yu was looking at him blankly, but his pupils had no focus, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hey, sister, sister, why are you in a daze? Tell me how to heal your wound!"

Lin Yu suddenly came back to his senses, his face was bright, and he turned his beautiful eyes in a panic, at a loss.

Why does this look a bit like the shy scene where the bride refuses but welcomes before the bridal chamber?

"Little thief, do you like me? If not, I would rather you not heal my wounds and let me be a useless person for the rest of my life."

When Liu Xu heard this, he thought to himself: "Come on, you must perform well this time, otherwise the previous injuries will be in vain, and there is probably no hope for Lin Yu in this life."

He hurriedly patted Yue Xiong's chest excitedly and said: "Sister Fairy, I like you, I really like you so much. How can I be willing to let you be a useless person for the rest of my life?"

Lin Yu seemed very happy to hear what he said, smiled slightly, and said, "Then, that little thief, would you like to die for me?"

"I don't want to!" After Liu Xu said this, he looked at Lin Yu, whose face turned pale all of a sudden, and quickly continued: "I just want to live with my sister. If I must die, let me die in the In front of my sister!"

After hearing Liu Xu's modern confession, Lin Yuhong looked at Liu Xu with narrowed eyes and said, "You bad little thief, you only make fun of my sister."

After a pause, she said again: "Forget it, you have passed the test. The Jade Heart Sutra is in a hidden compartment on the west wall. Go and take a good look at it, and you will understand how it healed me."

"Hey, no need for sister, I also have the Jade Heart Sutra here."

As he spoke, he stretched his hand into his bosom, and took out the image of the Heart Sutra that Liu Xu copied along the way when he kidnapped Li Mochou last time.

Lin Yu looked at the Heart Sutra map that Liu Xu took out, and his face turned red, and he thought to himself: "Why does this little thief also have the Jade Heart Sutra, so he knew long ago that he would have to take both of their clothes to heal their wounds." ...Damn the bad guys still dare to lie to me."

Under shame and annoyance.She said fiercely: "It really is a thief, a bad thief who steals people's things."

Seeing Lin Yu like this, Liu Xu was very happy. He found that he really likes to see the shy and red face of the formerly cold fairy sister.

Liu Xu said with a rascal face: "My sister's body has already been seen anyway, so it's okay to look at it again? If my sister feels bad, I'll let my sister see it too!"

As he said that, he stripped off all his clothes.

Lin Yu didn't expect how shameless he would be, so he quickly turned his eyes aside, and said angrily: "Little thief, little thief..."

"Hehe, big sister! Did you take off yours too, little bastard?" Liu Xu said and went to do it.

But Lin Yu just turned his shy little head aside, not daring to look at it, and let him grope for his soft and boneless body.

Soon Liu Xu untied Lin Yu's belt smoothly, and groped to help her take off her coat, underwear, and even obscene clothes one by one.

In fact, the last step of practicing the "Jade Heart Sutra" is to take off the upper body and dissipate the heat in time. There is no need to be honest and honest, but Liu Xu doesn't care about it at all.

As far as he is concerned, if he does not take advantage of the advantage, isn't he an idiot?

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