Anyway, Lin Yu didn't say anything against it.

During this period, bumps and bumps were unavoidable, touching her waist for a while, and her legs for a while, which made Lin Yu's face turn as red as a boiled crab, but there was nothing she could do, after all, she had already identified Liu Xu in her heart.

After the two of them took off, Liu Xu put Lin Yu into a cross-legged posture again. During the whole period, he recited "If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked" N times in his heart, he finally managed not to turn himself into a big gray wolf. He rushed towards Lin Yu, a bare sheep.

Sitting down, his hands stretched forward into palms, and Lin Yu's hands were pressed against each other's palms, exchanging skills.

Two hours later, the two received their exercises at the same time, and Lin Yu's injury had been completely healed under Liu Xu's internal force, and he had practiced the last stage of "Jade Heart Sutra" in one fell swoop.

Liu Xu opened his eyes and saw that there was no trace of coldness on her face, but instead a smile on her face, and she said, "Sister, you are more beautiful than before, and why are you younger?"

"Why am I really old?" Lin Yu snorted, and then said with an aggrieved look: "That's right, I'm already forty years old, of course I'm old."

Liu Xu quickly waved his hand and said, "No way, that bastard said that my sister is old, and I really don't want to live anymore. I mean, my sister used to look like she was in her twenties, but now she looks like she is in her teens at most."

Liu Xu didn't lie, it was indeed the case.

I don't know if the members of the Ancient Tomb Sect are practicing the Jade Heart Sutra. Everyone is not afraid of old age. This is the case with Lin Chaoying and Lin Yu, and the same is true for the little dragon girl in the sculpture.

Where is Grandma Sun?


Who said Grandma Sun, if you stand up, I promise not to beat you to death!

Seeing Liu Xu who was nervously explaining, Lin Yu happily tiptoed and kissed him on the face, then blushed and retreated quickly, saying, "Thank you, little pervert, you have helped me practice just now. The last level of the Jade Heart Sutra is the state of 'turning ruthless into sentient', and my sister will no longer have to be cold-faced every day."

"That's good, but Gao Leng's fairy sister is also very tempting to me!"


Seeing Lin Yu's more perfect face and demeanor than before, Liu Xu suddenly asked, "Sister, from what you feel, it seems that you have entered the innate realm, right?"

This seems to be the only reason that can make a person suddenly become younger and produce such a big change.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1183 The Light Source's Plan

Lin Yu smiled, took a few steps back, raised the powerful internal force in his body, and pressed Liu Xu with an aura, and there was an additional layer of protective shield composed of internal force around him.

"Hee hee, little thief, my sister has finally entered the innate realm like Master did back then."

Even if she didn't say Liu Xu, she was sure now, feeling the air around her, the feeling of instant thickening, coupled with the coercion from Lin Yu's body, locked herself tightly, making herself unable to move.

Although Lin Yu's aura seems to be a little weaker than his own, this does not prevent him from evaluating her innate realm.

However, in the same innate realm, there is still a difference between superior and inferior. The world of Tang Dynasty is obviously more powerful than the world of divine carvings.

"Okay, sister, stop pressing me with your arrogance." Liu Xu pretended to be pitiful and said to Lin Yu: "If you crush my body, who will give you happiness (sex) in the future?"

Lin Yu couldn't understand the meaning of his words. Although she was excited because she entered the Xiantian, but seeing Liu Xu's appearance, she felt that she was not bullying him anymore.

Withdrawing his momentum, he grabbed Liu Xu's arm, and Lin Yu said eagerly: "Little thief, can you stay in the ancient tomb, and I will teach you the martial arts in our ancient tomb."

Although Lin Yu and Liu Xu fought, but at that time he let her go, he didn't use all his strength at all, what kind of moves he used, naturally he didn't know that Liu Xu's strength had already surpassed her.

Of course, most importantly, Lin Yu still wanted Liu Xu to stay by her side, so she made this request.

Seeing Lin Yu's expectant face, how could Liu Xu say no?

Anyway, he really has the idea of ​​putting his home in the ancient tomb. In his opinion, the ancient tomb is much safer than other places. It just so happens that there are all women here who can be his harem in the golden house.

Hugging Lin Yu in his arms, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Sister, there is something I must tell you. In fact, besides you, I have..."

Before Liu Xu finished speaking, Lin Yu interjected, "Aside from me, there are other women, right?"

He looked at Lin Yu, surprised and said, "You, how did you know I was going to say this?"

"I'm not blind. Since you are stunned when you see a good-looking girl, and you have a mischievous, hands-on personality, I can be sure that you must have provoked other confidante besides me." Lin Yu flattened her mouth slightly aggrieved Son, said: "And you did it on purpose when facing the wolves, right?"

After some healing just now, Lin Yu naturally sensed that Liu Xu's inner strength was far stronger than her own. She is also an extremely intelligent woman, so she quickly figured out the cause and effect of the incident.

"Hey, I don't think my sister understands my younger brother's strengths so clearly!" Liu Xukuo smiled shamelessly.

Lin Yufeng gave Liu Xu a blank look and said, "Forget it, anyway, as long as you have me in your heart, you are my little thief. How many women do you have to do with me?"

A wife who thinks like Lin Yu is simply a man's favorite!

Liu Xu stayed in the ancient tomb, married Lin Yu, and gave birth to a daughter named Xiaolongnv.

After Li Mochou was brought up, she married Liu Xu as a concubine and gave birth to a son, whom Liu Xu named Yang Guo.

May all lovers in the world become brothers and sisters.

The Condor World is over.

Cough cough, the above is of course impossible.


Liu Xu walked down the Zhongnan Mountain Road, thinking of the scene when he said goodbye to Lin Yu last night, his heart felt warm.

Lin Yu's sentence, "Go, I know you are a big shot, and you have your affairs to attend to. As long as you think about me once a day, I will be satisfied." Liu Xu was even more moved.

Hey, what more can a husband ask for if he has a wife like this!

Liu Xu has a reason to leave, because the plot of the Condor is about to unfold.

"I don't know when we meet next time..."

As he walked and thought, he suddenly heard a burst of crying.

It seemed to be the voice of a baby, not far away.

"Hey, what's going on, how can there be a baby's voice in this kind of place?"

Liu Xu followed the sound and found a small baby wrapped in layers inside a small wooden blue box.

Reaching out to pick up the baby, Liu Xu found that it was a baby girl, because even though she was still crying, her little face was still white and tender, like a crystal work of art.

Liu Xu moved his hands carefully, fearing that he might break her accidentally.


Being so cute at such a young age, won't it be a disaster for the country and people when he grows up?

Her parents are also really, their daughter who is so cute is willing to throw it away.

The surrounding area is desolate, if Liu Xu doesn't care about her, this little girl may die!

Liu Xu made the decision to adopt a baby girl. He really couldn't bear such a cute baby to die in this uninhabited wilderness.

Picking up the baby and leaving, by the way, he put the jade pendant engraved with the word "Long Er" from the baby's neck into his pocket. At this time, Liu Xu didn't think much about seeing the two words, and hugged the baby. After walking for a while, he suddenly thought of a very important thing.

Slapping himself hard, Liu Xu scolded: "You idiot! The baby girl at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, more than ten years ago in the World of Condors, with the jade pendant engraved with the word "Long Er" and the picture of the future The appearance that is destined to bring disaster to the country and the people, all of these add up, who else can I hold in my arms if it is not Xiaolongnv?"

This is arranged by the author!

Is the one in my arms Little Dragon Girl or Liu Yifei?

If it is Little Dragon Girl, where is Liu Yifei?

"Bring up a baby girl and see if she looks like Liu Yifei." Liu Xu rubbed his chin and asked himself, "Could it be that there is a Guangyuan's plan? Isn't this too evil!"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1184 The Bodhisattva Snake

A few days later, not far from Xiangyang.

"Drive, drive..."

A handsome and evil boy, with a baby girl on his back, gallops on horseback on the avenue.

Liu Xu is heading towards Xiangyang this trip, the target is naturally the snake guts of those strange snakes in the Dugu Qiubai territory, and by the way, see if he can find the Dugu Nine Swords.

Liu Xu missed those snake gallbladders that could improve his skills.

Although Liu Xu is already an innate master now, in this world where the top five masters are nothing more than innate realms, he basically doesn't need to improve any more, but who would think his martial arts are too high?

As for the little dragon girl, Liu Xu originally planned to send it back to the ancient tomb and hand it over to Lin Yu to raise him. Anyway, she was supposed to be her disciple, but then I thought about the cold appearance of the little dragon girl in the sculpture, should it be the same as the original book?

Liu Xu planned to raise her for a while, to help her use the Nine Yin Manual to sort out her tendons, lay a solid foundation, and then send her to the ancient tomb.

Xiangyang City.

Liu Xu wandered around the city. After all, he hadn't been to any big city since he came out of the ancient tomb!

But after walking around for a while, Liu Xu stopped in front of an inn because he was hungry.

It was already noon now, so it was only natural that Liu Xu was hungry, and he could also inquire about snake gallbladder from the inn.

Joy Inn.

"Master, I don't know if you want to stay in the hotel or eat?"

As soon as Liu Xu walked into the inn, a waiter came to him.

"Prepare a room for me first, and prepare a table of good food for me, as well as some baby products." Liu Xu said to the waiter who came to him.

"Understood, shopkeeper, go to a room, serve a table of good food and wine." After hearing Liu Xu's words, the waiter in the shop yelled loudly.

Sitting in his seat, Liu Xu began to look at the other people in the inn.

Because there is no war in Xiangyang now, there are still many people in Xiangyang city.

Two-thirds of the seats on the second floor of the inn were already occupied, which made Liu Xu frown slightly.

After a while, the waiter in the shop brought Liu Xu a table of delicious dishes, and Liu Xu, who was worried, ate some hastily and returned to his guest room.

After coaxing Xiao Longnv to sleep, Liu Xu called the waiter over.

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