"I'll ask you something." Liu Xu said to the waiter while taking out a jade tablet.

"So it's the young master!" The waiter in the shop said quickly after seeing Liu Xu's jade plaque, "I don't know if the young master has any questions to ask the younger one? If the younger one knows, he will know everything and talk endlessly."

But he still didn't dare to look at Liu Xu. It turned out that the jade plaque was the symbol of Liu Xu being the King of Rong, but it was stipulated in advance that everyone in Yuelai Inn would call him to avoid being recognized.

By the way, Yuelai Inn is an intelligence agency established by the Song court.

"Are there any strange snakes near Xiangyang?" Liu Xu asked.

"I don't know what kind of strange method the young master is talking about about the strange snake. There are hundreds of kinds of snakes near Xiangyang City." Hearing Liu Xu's question, the waiter said with a embarrassed face.

"It seems to be glittering all over the body, with horns on the head, coming and going without a trace, and the toxicity seems to be strong." Liu Xu said while recalling.

After so many years, Liu Xu still remembers the poisonous snake in The Legend of Condor Heroes so clearly, so he can only pick out some that he still remembers.

In the end, he really asked the right person.

Not only has Xiaoer Dian seen this kind of strange snake, but if he hadn't been rescued by a big eagle, he wouldn't be here now.

"You are a funny comparison specially arranged by monkeys to deliver messages!"

"Young master, what are you talking about?"

"It's alright, keep talking."

"The little one is finished!"


An hour later, Liu Xu and the waiter from yesterday's store left the west gate and walked along the avenue towards the southwest of Xiangyang City.

Liu Xu didn't take Xiaolongnv with him. Although he was confident that the poisonous snakes there wouldn't hurt him, it would be bad if he accidentally injured a baby with him, so he left Xiaolongnv in the inn and let the people in the inn take good care of him.

"Young Master, I'll take you here! You only need to walk about half a mile to the southwest, and you should be able to meet those strange snakes."

After Liu Xu and Dian Xiaoer walked for about an hour, he stopped and said to Liu Xu.

"Well, then you go back! This is yours."

Liu Xu took out the gold from his pocket and handed it to the waiter.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!" The waiter took the gold from Liu Xu and bowed happily to him.

After seeing that Xiaoer Dian had gone far away, Liu Xu used his lightness kung fu to sweep towards the southwest.

To the southwest of Xiangyang City, there is a figure moving rapidly in a forest tens of miles away from Xiangyang City.

The figure said while running: "My day, is this kid playing with me! If you can't find it today, let's see how I deal with you when I go back."

This figure was of course Liu Xu.

He has been wandering around this place for several hours, and has been finding the afternoon since the morning, but let alone the strange snake, he has not seen even a carved feather, so Liu Xu began to wonder if he was fooled by the waiter.

After searching for a while, Liu Xu sat down on the ground and thought, "Could it be that my luck is not as good as Yang Guo's? Forget it, let's talk about filling our stomachs first!"

Out of the corner of Liu Xu's eyes, he caught sight of a passing rabbit. He touched his belly and said, "Hey hey, come to brother's bowl obediently, and serve me as a snack."

Just when he was about to make a move, a golden light suddenly shot at the rabbit.

The golden light was fast and appeared very suddenly, and caught the rabbit right away.

When Liu Xu looked at it again, what kind of golden light was that? Is it a golden snake at all?

But that snake is thick and long, and it has a horn on its head. At first glance, it really looks like a dragon in a fairy tale. Isn't this the Pu Siqu snake in the divine sculpture?


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Chapter 1185 Yang Guo has a heavy taste, what does the carving language say?

"Haha, it's true that if you don't leave if there is a gate to heaven, you can break in if there is no gate to hell."

After seeing the snake clearly, Liu Xu couldn't help laughing out loud. It seemed that the kid didn't lie to himself. This was really the forest where Dugu Qiubai buried his bones.

Just when Liu Xu was happy to find this snake, Pu Si Qu Snake also found him, then abandoned the rabbit, roared wildly, and opened its mouth to bite Liu Xu.

Liu Xu dodged it sideways, but when Pu Siqu Snake missed a hit, he swiped at him again, but was still easily dodged by him.

"Hmph, young master, I have expected you to have this move a long time ago." After dodging the sudden attack of the Pu Si Qu Snake, Liu Xu said proudly: "If you want to sneak attack me, let alone the door, even the windows are open." No."

But Pu Si Qu Snake, who failed to attack, quickly retracted his body again, and then confronted Liu Xu with his body crossed.

"You don't pay attention to first-come, first-served meals, and bite people if you don't have enough seats?"

Using his innate skills, Liu Xu pointed the Zhuxian sword at the belly of the Pusi snake, where there was a very short red thin line.

That red line was the weakness of the bosi snake, and Liu Xu's sword pierced through the snake's belly without hindrance.

You must know that it is said in the book that the snake scales of the Pu Si Qu Snake are very hard, and it is hard to hurt with ordinary swords, although the Zhuxian Sword is not unusual.

"Hissing..." The Pusi snake, which was pierced by Liu Xu, roared loudly, and then returned to the west.

Seeing that the Pusi Qu snake died so easily, Liu Xu was stunned for a while, and then began to dissect the Pusi Qu snake. During the dissection, he found that behind the thin red line was the Pusi Qu snake. The heart of a snake, no wonder it dies so fast.

Liu Xu picked up the stinky snake gall that he had just obtained, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and suddenly a stench came into his nose. He was so disgusted that he almost threw it away, his face immediately became sad, and he shouted: "Oh my God, so this The food smells so bad, you still have to eat it in your stomach!"

Putting the snake gall in his hand to his mouth, Liu Xu felt an unstoppable bitterness pouring into his whole body and straight to his heart.

Pinching his nose, Liu Xu frowned and swallowed the snake gall. After a while, he felt a hot current rising from his abdomen, like a scalding fire dragon shuttled back and forth in his dantian. Wherever he went, it was scorching hot, but he I alone feel the icy feeling of summer swimming flowing into my heart instantly, and the meridians emit a touch of coolness after the heat has passed.

Liu Xu hurriedly sat down on the ground, cross-legged and exercised his kung fu, guiding the heat in the dantian to flow back and forth along the meridians, and where the true energy passed, he entered a mysterious artistic conception.

Vaguely, Liu Xu seemed to see a fiery red heat flowing up and down in his body. As the heat flow passed through more places, the heat flow gradually became smaller and thinner. When the heat disappeared, Liu Xu found that his dantian had indeed increased. A little internal strength.

Although it’s only a little bit, it’s still far from a breakthrough, but after all, I only ate one. Looking at how much Yang Guo in The Condor eats, it’s not easy for the human body to develop antibodies to this snake gall, so he keeps eating it. .

Otherwise, ghosts would be willing to eat this unpalatable food that can eat the dead!

Of course, unless Yang Guo has a strong taste.

After finishing his work and waking up, Liu Xu wandered around to see if he could find some more Pusi snakes.

A moment later, Liu Xu found another Boss snake on a tree, but at this moment, he heard a eagle chirping not far in front of him.

Liu Xu couldn't help looking forward with elation, and a big eagle appeared in front of him. The eagle was huge, taller than a human, and extremely ugly, with sparse feathers all over its body, as if it had been plucked out by someone. Most of them are similar, their fur is yellow and black, and they look very dirty.

This ugly eagle has a curved mouth and a large blood-red sarcoma on the top of its head. There are thousands of birds in the world. Such a simple and majestic bird of prey is really rare, but seeing this eagle striding back and forth, it has a majestic spirit.

Pu Si Qu Snake saw that the divine sculpture was still as arrogant as before, and was about to run away as soon as it turned around, but before it had time, the divine sculpture screamed, and rushed towards the golden snake at a speed that did not match his huge size.

The eagle's beak pecked a few times, and the divine eagle quickly killed the Pusi Qu snake. His movements were as fast as a first-rate master in the martial arts. Liu Xu was stunned and speechless.

In an instant, the previously despised funny heart because of its ugliness has turned into a sense of amazement and admiration. It is worthy of being an eagle that Dugu seeks to be defeated, and can teach an apprentice like Yang Guo.

I saw that divine sculpture opened its mouth wide and swallowed the Pusi snake into its belly.

After looking at the eagle for a while, Liu Xu frowned secretly, how could he get acquainted with the eagle and get its approval!

He is not Yang Guo.

As he was thinking about it, he saw that the big eagle seemed to have had enough to eat, and he croaked a few more times before heading towards the forest.

Liu Xu was shocked, he had finally seen this divine sculpture, so he couldn't run away from it, so he used lightness kung fu to quietly stay behind.

Until he came to a big cave and watched the divine sculpture enter the cave, Liu Xu didn't think of a way.

"Fuck, how can I fix this, I don't know how to speak Glyph Language!"

Suddenly, he had an idea, and it seemed that the divine sculpture said that this sculpture likes to eat and drink very much, especially drinking.

Soon, Liu Xu left and returned.

A bracket was erected not far from the entrance of the divine sculpture, and Liu Xu caught another deer, lit a fire, and roasted the venison on it.

After a while, the fragrance burst into the cave, and the big eagle croaked, its head came out of the cave, and looked at Liu Xu not far away.

Seeing that it reacted, Liu Xu took out two more jugs of wine, opened them with two "pops", and immediately a burst of wine fragrance wafted out quickly.

After pouring a few sips into his mouth, he said loudly on purpose: "Good wine, but it's a pity that it's a bit boring to drink alone."

The divine eagle swallowed, and finally couldn't bear the temptation anymore and jumped out. He quickly ran towards Liu Xu with a "thump, thud, thump", picked up another jug ​​of fine wine, and ran into the cave.


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Chapter 1186 Sword Tomb

Liu Xu was stunned, I'll fuck it, this is naked robbery!

This eagle evolved...


After a while, something flew out of the cave, Liu Xu reached out to catch it, it turned out to be an empty wine jar, and then saw the divine eagle staggering out of the cave, its eyes were blurred. He looked at the other jar of wine in his hand.

Liu Xu looked at it, and had no doubt that it might grab it.

At that moment, he shook the wine jar in his hand at it and said, "Brother Diao, do you still want the wine in my hand?"

Seeing Shendiao nodding desperately, Liu Xu smiled, and then said: "I know you can understand what we say, if you want my wine, how about a deal with me?"

The Divine Condor kept nodding again.

"I need the snake gall of a snake with horns on its head. I want you to exchange the snake gall with me for wine, and teach me about my martial arts, is that okay? If you can, you can drink as much wine as you want in the future."

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, the divine sculpture quickly ran towards the woods.

"Hey! This buddy is indeed an activist."

After a while, the divine eagle came back with some snake gall in its mouth.

After putting the snake gall beside Liu Xu, the divine eagle called out a few times, indicating that it was time to give it wine.

After the divine eagle drank the wine voraciously, the eagle bit Liu Xu's clothes and dragged him into the cave.

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