After entering the cave, Liu Xu was a little unbelievable, how much work he thought it would take to get rid of the divine sculpture so easily!

In fact, how did Liu Xu know that this Divine Condor was not only an alcoholic, but also a super alcoholic, but since Dugu Qiubai died, no one bought him alcohol anymore.

There has been a wine shortage for decades, but now when it sees the fine wine Liu Xu gave it, its eyes shine!

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Xu is willing to do anything as long as he gives him a drink.

Liu Xu entered the cave only to find that the cave is actually very shallow, less than three feet away, and has reached the end. There is nothing in the cave except a stone table and a stone bench.

At the corner of the cave, there is a pile of rocks rising up, which looks like a tomb.

Looking at the tomb, it is in a mess, and it seems to be the work of the divine sculpture.

Liu Xu knew that this was the burial place of a generation of sword masters.

The divine eagle walked up to the pile of rocks and kept screaming, nodding three times as if to salute.

Seeing that it seemed to be saluting to the stone pile, Liu Xu thought to himself: "There lives the sword demon Dugu Qiubai in the cave, and he also tamed this giant sculpture, but etiquette is indispensable."

"Disciple Liu Xu kowtowed to senior, please forgive the crime of trespassing." He also walked up to the tomb and bowed three times to show his respect for the deceased.

After waiting for a while, Liu Xu stood up and looked at the sculpture.

Shendiao seemed very happy to see him, and kept nodding, looking at Liu Xu, it was clearly written that you are really good.

Looking up to the top of the stone pile, sure enough, a few lines of text can be vaguely seen on the wall, but it is covered with dust and covered with lichen.

Liu Xu erased it with a wave of his hand, revealing a few lines of bold and vertical characters that were about an inch deep.

"Across the rivers and lakes for more than [-] years, killing all enemies and defeating all heroes, there is no one in the world to fight against, and there is nothing to do, but live in seclusion in the deep valleys, and take eagles as friends. Woohoo, I can't find an opponent in my life, I am so lonely and embarrassing!"

The next pen is "Sword Demon Dugu Seeking Defeat".

Liu Xu was a little impulsive and wanted to dig open the pile of stone graves to see if there was any secret book of Dugu Nine Swords, but when he thought about picking up people's graves, it was a bit too wicked, and Dugu Qiu had always been his idol!

Although I am shameless, I am not so unconscionable, besides, the Divine Condor will definitely not allow it, it would be strange if I didn't fight him desperately.

At this time Liu Xu walked to the side, sat down cross-legged, picked up the stinky snake gall that he had just obtained, ate it with a bitter face, and refined it.

Half an hour later, Liu Xu woke up after finishing his work, only to find that the divine eagle was looking around, warning the surroundings, obviously protecting him.

Liu Xu thought to himself: "This divine sculpture is really good, I just invited him to drink some wine, just thinking of myself."

Seeing Liu Xu waking up, the divine eagle immediately relaxed, screamed happily, pulled his clothes and turned back to go out of the valley, and Liu Xu also happened to take advantage of the slope to get down the donkey, and hurriedly greeted him, followed the divine sculpture out of the cave, and came to the outside of the valley. in the valley.

Shen Diao led Liu Xu to go deeper into the valley, and saw the green trees behind the cave and the mountain air was clear. After walking about half a mile, a cliff appeared in front of him.

The cliff is like a huge screen, soaring to the sky. In the middle of the cliff, about twenty feet above the ground, there is a big stone of three or four feet square, which looks like a platform. There are faintly carved words on the stone.

Liu Xu looked up from afar and saw two large characters engraved on the top of the cliff.

Sword Mound!

Liu Xu was overjoyed, knowing that he had come to a good place.

At this time, the big eagle uttered a long cry, and saw that the divine eagle stretched out its claws to grab a small hole dug by a person on the cliff, and even climbed up the cliff.

I don't know what type and species this divine sculpture is, but it's so miraculous.

Its speed of climbing the cliff is definitely much faster than Qiu Chuji and other Houtian peak masters, and it is not much different from Liu Xu.

It only took a while to climb to the top of the cliff, and called a few times to Liu Xu below.

Liu Xu didn't show weakness, and without any hesitation, he tightened his belt, took a breath, performed lightness kung fu, jumped a few feet up, and jumped to the platform after a few steps.

Standing beside the divine sculpture, there was a square stone platform on the cliff, Liu Xu knew that this must be the Sword Tomb.

I saw a line of small characters engraved on the stone platform: "Sword Demon Dugu seeks defeat and is invincible in the world. He buried his sword here! Woohoo, all the heroes are tied, and the long sword is empty. It's not too sad!"

At this time, the big eagle walked over and moved the stone platform away with its steel claws, revealing three long swords juxtaposed. Between the first and second swords, there was another long piece of stone, the three swords and the The stone flakes are juxtaposed on a large bluestone.


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Chapter 1187 Dugu Nine Swords

Liu Xu stepped forward to lift the first sword on the right, and saw two lines of small characters engraved on the stone under the sword: "Strong and fierce, invincible, use it to compete with Heshuo heroes before the weak crown."

When I looked at the sword again, I saw that it was about four feet long, with a blue light shining, and it was a sharp weapon at the end.

He put the sword back to its original place, picked up the long piece of stone, and saw that there were also two lines of small characters engraved on the blue stone under the stone piece: "Ziwei Ruanjian, used before the age of thirty, accidental injury is unlucky, so it is abandoned in the deep valley."

And the legendary dark iron epee is naturally also in it.

"The epee has no sharp edge, and great skill does not work. Before the age of forty, rely on it to run rampant in the world."

This line of super awesome words also appeared in front of Liu Xu.

I saw the dark iron epee, about three feet long, without a blade, like a large sword with blunt edges on both sides, and the rounder tip of the sword looks like a hemisphere.

With a sound of "Hey", he raised the black iron sword.

"My dear, this sword is really heavy. What is seventy or eighty catties? Will Yang Guo weigh two catties? This sword is at least one hundred catties..."

Putting down the epee, he picked up the wooden sword again, but due to the passage of time, the body and hilt of the sword have rotted away, but the stone engraving under the sword said: "After the age of forty, don't stick to things, plants, trees, bamboo and stones can all be used as swords. Since then, I have been intensively cultivating and gradually progressing to the realm where no sword is better than sword."

There was nothing else to look at, so Liu Xu put it back again, and then looked back at the sharp sword up and down.

Suddenly, he saw the hilt of the sharp sword, and a light flashed in his mind, and then the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber appeared in Liu Xu's mind.

"Perhaps the secret book of Dugu Nine Swords is not hidden in the tomb of Dugu Qiubai. Since Yitian and Tulongjian can hide secret books, what about the sharp sword?"

Thinking of this, Liu Xu looked carefully at the bottom of the hilt of the sharp sword.

There is a round copper rivet at the bottom of the hilt, but it is very fine, without any hard wear marks.

The thread at the bottom of the round rivet and the hilt can be discerned, which is exactly what Liu Xu guessed, and there is something in it.

Yun Jinshi pointed in the middle, Liu Xu grasped the copper rivet, and turned it slightly to the left. There was a slight karaoke sound, and he was overjoyed, as expected.

Liu Xu speeded up the rotation, but seeing that there were more and more threads under the copper rivet, he made a soft "Bo" sound, and he took the copper rivet off from the bottom of the sword hilt, and there was faintly a faint yellow streak inside.

Liu Xu hurriedly took out the light yellow thing from the hollow hilt, but it turned out to be a thin roll of parchment paper, about the thickness of a little finger, and felt like sheepskin. When it was spread out little by little, it stretched out to be about half a foot long and three feet wide. Inch-sized, densely packed with petite characters, the parchment paper is so thin that the writing marks can be seen clearly when facing the sun.

Focusing his attention on the parchment, Liu Xu concentrated his eyes on it, and the first line of characters was impressively the four characters of Dugu Nine Swords.

Looking at it again, starting from the beginning, it is the general formula of Dugu Nine Swords, the broken sword style, broken knife style, broken whip style, broken rope style, broken arrow style, broken spear style, broken palm style, broken air style together with There are nine formulas in total.

Liu Xu held the secret book of Dugu Nine Swords with trembling hands, and couldn't help but exult in his heart: "Hahahaha... I said that good people are rewarded with good rewards, and it's true that they didn't dig their graves..."

From then on, Liu Xu built a wooden house in this valley, went to the Yuelai Inn in Xiangyang City, brought Xiaolongnv to live here together, and began to learn swordsmanship.

However, because the Dugu Nine Swords do not rely too much on internal strength, although Liu Xu can exert its full power, what does Dugu Qiubai mean by "there is no trick to win with a trick" and "there is no sword to win with a sword"? Still don't quite understand.

Liu Xu stood quietly by a lake, he thought of Dugu Nine Swords in Swordsman.

Dugu Nine Swords is the pinnacle of swordsmanship, but since Dugu Nine Swords is a swordsmanship, it is still a trick, otherwise what is it called a swordsmanship?

But Dugu Qiubai finally reached the state of "no sword wins with a sword", no moves wins with moves, and the level of martial arts has already surpassed the scope of swordsmanship.

This should be a kind of sword intent, a kind of realm.

It can be seen that Dugu Nine Swords was only created by Dugu Qiubai in his early years, and after he came to the valley, his martial arts must have improved again.

And Liu Xu can only understand his sword moves now, as for the subsequent "nothing" realm, it is not something Liu Xu can understand now.

Shaking his head, if he can't understand it now, it means that his realm opportunity has not yet arrived, so he can't force it, put down the sharp sword in his hand, and pick up the black iron epee.

Now that Dugu Nine Swords has been initially learned, the next step is to learn the epee.

While Liu Xu was thinking, the weather suddenly changed, the sky was full of dark clouds, and heavy rain poured down.

Seeing this, he hurriedly ran to the sword mound to get the black iron epee, returned to the cave and said to the god carving: "Brother Diao, it's raining so hard, can you lead me to the mountain gorge to practice sword?"

After hearing this, the divine eagle yelled twice, bit his lapel, and pulled him a few steps towards the northeast, then took a big stride and leaped forward.

"Could it be that the mountain gorge is in the northeast?" Liu Xu didn't think about it anymore, and hurriedly carried the epee and followed in the rain.

After walking for several miles, I could faintly hear the sound of booming, which was endless, and the sound became louder as I walked, it was obviously a huge sound of water.

Liu Xu thought in his heart: "After this heavy rain and flash floods, it's a good time to test your sword skills!"

Turning around a gorge, the sound of the water was deafening, and I saw a waterfall like a big white dragon rushing down from the mountain peaks, rushing into a stream, rushing to beat thunder, and the turbulence was abnormal.

At this time, the rain was getting heavier, Liu Xu's clothes and shoes were all exposed, looking around the misty water, it was a spectacle, but seeing that the mountain torrent was too strong, his heart suddenly felt proud.

Liu Xu knew that the sword demon Dugu Qiubai used to go to this mountain torrent to practice his sword whenever there was heavy rain. Thinking of this, he hurriedly carried the black iron epee, walked to the stream, raised his head and roared, jumped into the stream, and made a " "Thousand catty falling" movement method, standing firmly on a boulder in the middle of the stream.


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Chapter 1188 No Sword, No Moves, The Transformation of the Divine Condor

Swinging the epee forward, Liu Xu knocked back a rock that came down from the upper stream, and when the rock rushed down the river again, he swung his sword back again. After five or six hits, the rock still couldn't flow past him.

When he rushed down the water for the seventh time, Liu Xu struck with his sword vigorously, and the rock flew out of the stream and fell on the stone bank. Liu Xu immediately jumped back to the side of the sculpture.

Liu Xu sat quietly by the stream for a while, thinking silently: "Epee sword level swordsmanship is light, but it is not easy to work. I don't know how wooden sword level is?"

Thinking of this, Liu Xu put down the dark iron epee, picked up a branch about the size of an ordinary long sword, and jumped into the stream. Just like before, whenever he saw a rock rushing down, he would use the branch to swing the rock away.

However, seeing that Liu Xu's sword's strength and speed are the same as when he used the epee before, it can be seen that his swordsmanship has reached the state of balance of light and heavy, and the combination of hardness and softness.

"I don't know if I have the state of being without a sword?" Liu Xu let go of the branch in his hand while thinking, and pointed at it as a sword, facing the force of the flood, it was a sword energy.

After a while, Liu Xu gradually realized the method of fighting with condensed energy and force, but the mountain torrent was getting bigger and bigger, until it soaked up to his waist, making him sway left and right, making it difficult to stand still.

After a while, the mountain torrent reached the mouth of Yuexiong, and gradually rose to the mouth. Liu Xu sighed in his heart, and said to himself: "It seems that I can't reach the realm of Wujian-level swordsmanship after all. Wujian doesn't just mean not using a sword! It is too difficult to win with no moves, and this is just a torrent from top to bottom. If it is the power of the tide coming from all directions, I am afraid it will be even more irresistible. The swordsmanship realm of Sword Demon is really terrifying! Do you know who Dugu Qiubai is?"


In a deep mountain, there is a small lake with surging torrents. There is a shirtless man standing in the water of the small lake practicing martial arts. He keeps waving a big sword in his hand. The wind and energy of the sword can make Xiao The water in the lake produced undercurrents.

Although those undercurrents will disappear in a short while, if these are seen by ordinary martial arts practitioners, they will definitely be astonished.

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