And there is a small fire on the bank of the small lake, on which there is a mud dumpling - beggar's chicken, and a pot of goat's milk is heating.

There is also a little baby girl with pink make-up and jade carvings on the shore, and a big eagle circles around the beggar chicken that is exuding fragrance.

That man was of course Liu Xu, who had been practicing the epee technique in this small lake every day three months ago.

Another sword cut the water in the small lake in half. After a long time, Liu Xu jumped onto the shore and said to the sculpture, "Little bird, don't be too busy eating that beggar chicken. You haven't done it yet." Well, let's fight again first."

The big eagle has been very familiar with Liu Xu and Xiao Longnu for more than four months, seeing him jumping ashore and challenging himself, he jumped to his side with a croak, and was about to fight him.

Liu Xu moved his dantian with energy, pierced his arms with force, and slowly stabbed out with the sword.

The big eagle didn't turn around, its left wing swept back, and touched the epee.

Liu Xu only felt a very heavy and fierce force coming from the sword, and hurriedly used his strength to fight back. With a sound of "Hey", he turned around and swung the sword to strike at each other, but the big eagle's wings turned and hit the sword again.

One person, one carving, ping-pong-pong, fought for a long time.

Soon Liu Xu, who had exhausted a lot of energy in the small lake, was exhausted. He dropped his epee and collapsed to the ground.

The big eagle croaked a few times, then went to the layman.

After a while, the big eagle returned to the valley with a dark purple snake gall in its mouth. Liu Xu reached out to catch the snake gall and put it in his mouth.

This scenario has been happening every day for the past three months.

After eating the snake gall, Liu Xu regained some strength and grabbed the epee and shouted: "Little bird, fight again!"

The name of this little bird was Liu Xu's nickname for Shendiao, so he kept calling it down. Shendiao was very dissatisfied with calling this handsome and talented bird like this at first, but protested many times They were all invalidated and rejected, and finally followed him.


But the little dragon girl was hungry.

Liu Xu ran back immediately, and said while running: "You little bird, don't compete with me for beggar chickens anymore."

The Divine Condor croaked in response to him a few times.The meaning is probably the same as what Liu Xu said!

In the past few months, it has been used to eating cooked food, so it doesn't want to eat raw meat anymore.

After eating and resting for a while, Liu Xu jumped into the small lake to practice sword again.

During this period, Liu Xu tried his best to practice every day until his internal energy was exhausted. After that, he took the snake gall that Da Diao picked from nowhere every day, and his internal energy steadily increased.

It's a pity that the snake gallbladder has no effect on his internal strength since a month ago, and the rest of the way still depends on himself!

"Staying here is of little use to me, it's time to go out."

The next day, Liu Xu didn't delay any longer. After finishing his breakfast, he patted the eagle's wings in front of the sword mound and said, "Brother Bird, Xiaolongnv and I are leaving. Thank you for taking care of me for more than half a year. Are you really not going with us?"

At this time he was not called a silly bird or a little bird.

Knowing that parting was imminent, Da Diao wailed a few times and shook his head.

At this time, Liu Xu suddenly thought, in the world of Gu Long's Seven Weapons "Farewell Hook", since old wine can become a sword spirit and be taken away by him, what about the divine sculpture?

A drunken horse and a drunken eagle would be good companions.

Just as he thought, Liu Xu called out the Zhuxian Sword, but he didn't expect that a burst of energy from the Zhuxian Sword would suddenly inject into the body of the sculpture, causing all the feathers on the sculpture's body to fall off, and blood continuously seeped from the pores. Stained red with blood, his mouth kept screaming.

Shen Diao's whole body was trembling constantly, and now all the hair on his body had fallen out, and his whole body was stained red with blood, if he didn't save Shen Diao's life, he might not be able to save his life.

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the divine sculpture, and after a while, a golden light shot out from the divine sculpture, and instantly drowned the divine sculpture.


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Chapter 1189 Unruly girl, prefect daughter

After a while, the golden light surrounded the sculpture, and gradually the golden light formed a huge golden egg.

At this time, the Zhuxian sword produced a suction force, sucking the golden egg into the sword, and everything returned to calm.

Liu Xu stared dumbfounded at what happened in front of him, and frowned, "What the hell are you doing?"

However, at this moment, an idea came from his mind, which was sent by the divine eagle. From that message, Liu Xu finally understood something.

It turns out that the divine sculpture was originally a descendant of the ancient Jinpeng, but the blood was impure due to the inheritance from generation to generation, but the real blood was silent in the body; Inspired the blood of the golden eagle in its body to successfully evolve into Jinpeng, and its potential is not lower than that of its ancestor, the great winged Jinpeng.

Only then did Liu Xu sneak into the Zhuxian sword with his spiritual sense, and saw a huge golden egg in the endless void.

Looking at the egg that was more than twice as tall as his own, Liu Xu couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I didn't expect this little bird to be a divine bird! And look at how comfortable this big eagle is, without any pain, it turned into a golden egg. When it comes out of the golden egg, it might become younger."

At this time, if Shen Diao knew what Liu Xu was thinking, he would immediately pounce on him and peck him to death. Shen Diao was wronged, he lost all his hair, and said he didn't experience any pain.

Six days passed in a blink of an eye, and Liu Xu was drinking and eating meat all day long, basking in the sun, coaxing the little loli, but the golden egg still didn't move.

Finally, Liu Xu couldn't wait any longer.

"It seems that I don't know how long it will take for the little bird to come out, and the plot of shooting the eagles is about to begin. Don't worry, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu picked up Xiaolongnv and walked out of the valley.


"Drive, drive..."

Liu Xu was riding a horse on the avenue towards Shangjing with Xiaolongnv on his back.

When passing by a small town called Ganshui City, Liu Xu got off his horse, planning to take a rest there today and then go on his way tomorrow.

Step into the largest hotel here, take Xiaolongnv into the guest room and settle down first, then come down and sit down by the window.

After casually ordering two dishes and a jug of wine, he slowly poured himself a drink. Seeing that the hotel was full of customers and there were no seats left, a young girl about fifteen or sixteen years old walked in. , followed by four sturdy men.

All of a sudden, the hustle and bustle of the hall fell into silence. Some men had food in their mouths but opened their mouths wide, and the food flowed down the corners of their mouths without knowing it.

Liu Xu was enjoying the scenery through the window while drinking, and suddenly felt that his ears were clean. He looked back in surprise, and saw a girl with a cold and arrogant complexion, snow-like skin, and an air of arrogance, followed by four tall men standing in the hotel middle.

This woman's appearance was not much different from the women Liu Xu had met, but her brows were tightly frowned, showing a look of impatience.

The girl looked around and saw that there was no room, so she set her sights on Liu Xu's table, because he was the only one occupying a table in the whole store.

Pointing at Liu Xu, she shouted at Xiao Er: "Xiao Er, go and let him sit at the same table as someone else, I want to sit at that table!"

The girl's expression was taken for granted and she was supercilious, and her crisp voice spread throughout the hall.

Of course Liu Xu heard it too, rolled his eyes, and said in his heart: "Damn, you're so savage, could it be that the 'Guo Fu' from The Sculpture of the Gods came here through the time-traveling. Uh, it looks like it's really possible."

The little second seemed to know this girl, and there was a little fear in his compliment, he hurried to Liu Xu, and said with a sad face: "Young master, you have heard it all the time, so it's convenient, that aunt can't afford to offend her." , she is the precious daughter of the magistrate!

Liu Xu rolled his eyes again, and thought to himself: "It's too late, is this the protagonist effect, and you will encounter trouble wherever you go?"

He waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Just let me go if you let me? Doesn't this young master look easy to bully?"

After hearing Liu Xu's words, the waiter in the shop was obedient and dared not speak.

Don't look at the waiter's status as small, but he has a unique eye for people. When he saw Liu Xu's expression of indifference when he heard the name of the magistrate's daughter, he knew that this master was not a good person, and he could only feel anxious.

This person doesn't even sell the prefect's face in this mansion's territory. I'm afraid he will cause trouble in the store later, and when the trouble is over, this man will leave with his ass. The hotel will be the one that suffers!

The shop clerk wiped the sweat off his face with his hands. He had no choice but to continue persuading him, but Liu Xu stared at him and said, "Go away, don't disturb the young master and let me drink. There are still three sides of this table empty. Who wants to sit?" Sit down, let me move, is my head flooded!"

This loud, domineering voice spread throughout the hall. Immediately, all the drinkers in the store stared blankly at Liu Xu, wondering if his head was flooded. Didn't they see that unruly girl followed by a few big men? ?

The girl's almond eyes widened, and she pulled out a whip that she carried with her, pointing at Liu Xujiao and shouting: "Where did you come from, dare to play wild with this girl, you are so impatient!"

Liu Xu despised him for being another spoiled "canary".

Liu Xu never liked to show good looks to such people.

Immediately, he waved his hands impatiently again, and said, "What are you doing! A girl from every family, who dances whips and swords, doesn't look like a lady at all, and she's not afraid that she won't be able to marry in the future? Even if she gets married, no Knowing that you are gentle and considerate, I am afraid that you will be divorced by your husband, so I said, you should put away the whip, and the lady will come over soon, okay? Eat and eat quietly, don't make noise in my ears, brother, can I hear you? Be patient. Believe it or not I'll spank your ass?"

If you don't make a sound, you will die, and it will be a blockbuster!

The girl was held in her mouth by her parents who were officials since she was a child, and she was afraid of falling in her hands. She had never been insulted by others before, and she was stunned for a while. It also turned red.


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Chapter 1190 Spanking, Lu Xiuniang

In ancient times, women paid attention to three obediences and four virtues, and paid great attention to fame and integrity. Now a man said this, as if she really couldn't get married, and what was even more disgusting was that he even said that he would spank her ass.

How could the girl be willing to let go? She pushed away the waiter in front of Liu Xu, and said angrily to Liu Xu: "You bastard, you have the ability to say it again! Now kneel down and kowtow to Auntie to apologize, or Auntie will interrupt your dog legs .”

Liu Xu glanced at her disdainfully and said, "I heard that your father was an official, right? Just based on your attitude, in my opinion! It's a waste of public food. The tax revenue of the court is as high as mine. Your share of the public grain you eat includes mine. To put it bluntly, we taxpayers and ordinary people are your parents. You public servants should serve us. I don’t know you How could you be so savage, to openly treat your parents so badly, so my tax was paid in vain?"

"You, you..." Miss Diaoman was so angry that she couldn't articulate when she saw his pretentious words, she turned around and told the big men behind her, "I suspect this brat is a prostitute, you go and catch him." Kowtow to me to admit my mistake."

"Pfft!" Liu Xu spit out all the wine in his mouth after hearing the unreasonable words of this savage lady.

"Fart, my young master just met you, why did I become a prostitute? Even if I really am a prostitute, I don't seem to kowtow to you, do I? Secretly, I got drunk one day and hugged you, a savage girl. Asleep in bed?"

After hearing Miss Diaoman's words, those public servants quickly moved into action, surrounded Liu Xutuan, and said loudly: "Smelly brat, did you hear what our lady said? Hurry up! Do you want us to Brother can't do it?"

Liu Xu laughed and said, "You savage girl, the state owns the country's laws, and the family has its own rules. It's a joke to want to arrest me based on your words. I just don't care about you, hahahaha..."

"Bold! Bring me here!"

A big man who was very close to Liu Xu cursed angrily, and wanted to come over to pull him, but how could he be able to pull Liu Xu, an innate martial arts master, with an ordinary person like him who can't even be considered a beginner?

Liu Xu kicked him to the ground and said: "Since you are not polite to me, I will not be polite to you either."

The bodyguards in the magistrate's mansion are usually the ones who show off their power. They have never been bullied like this. Now they rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards Liu Xu.

When Miss Diaoman saw that her companions were moving, she also let out a soft cry, and unexpectedly whipped out a whip, and slapped Liu Xu's face fiercely.

This savage girl was too ruthless, Liu Xu cursed secretly: "I must teach you a lesson today, let you know that the anger of the people is terrible, and why flowers are so popular."

With three successes, he slapped those big men flying away with a few slaps, causing them to fall to the ground and howl, unable to get up in a short time.

Liu Xu pulled back again, and just as he was holding the whip, Miss Diaoman pulled it hard a few times with her little hand, her face turned red, but the whip didn't move at all.

"Let go." Miss Diao Man said angrily.

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