Liu Xu pulled the whip violently, and the savage lady couldn't hold it anymore in pain, and with a coquettish snort, the whip fell into his hands.

Miss Diaoman was furious, and drew out the long sword she was carrying with her backhand, aimed at Liu Xu's moon chest, and stabbed him fiercely with the sword.

Damn, this chick is really cruel!

The whip was not searched, but a sword appeared again.

The anger in Liu Xu's heart was completely aroused, he snatched the long sword from her hand, grabbed one of her small hands, and put more force on her hand, the unruly young lady let out a cry of pain, her wrist was already pinched by him It's red and swollen.

Still not reconciled, Miss Diaoman fiercely stretched out her other hand that was not caught by him, and punched him directly in the eye socket.

As soon as Liu Xu turned his head and missed her small fist, his body was short, but his hands were stretched out in front of her extremely quickly.

Miss Diao Man only felt her body lighten up, and she screamed in shock.

She actually flew into the air, and was held in the air by his hands, holding her in the air like a clay doll, and she couldn't even withdraw her fist.

"Let go of me, let go of me!"

Miss Diao Man yelled desperately.

In front of a large audience, a little girl was hanged by the waist like this in mid-air, the feeling of embarrassment, anger and anxiety can be imagined.

She let out a scream and kicked her legs, trying to kick Liu Xu in the stomach.

Little girl, is she still so barbaric after being caught?

Liu Xu pressed her waist hard with both hands, and Miss Diao Man's body could no longer exert any strength.

He turned her body upside down, held her calves with both hands, and turned into a head-to-foot posture. This posture was even more embarrassing than the overhead posture just now. Miss Diao Man only felt the blood rushing to her door.

"You villain, if I, Lu Xiuniang, don't kill you, then I won't be named Mei." Miss Diao Man burst into tears.

At this time, those big men barely stood up. Seeing that their young lady was being insulted, they wanted to come to rescue them, but they dared not come because of Liu Xu's superb skills.

"You, you beat Miss Zhifu, our lord will never let you go." A big man boldly said.

Liu Xu let out a cold snort, flew up, and slapped every big man again, making them continue to be dizzy and crawl back to the ground to be court corpses.

He hates people threatening him the most.

"Crack! Crack!"

After patting the ass of the naughty lady who called herself Lu Xiuniang a few times, Liu Xu said mischievously: "You call twice, I am a naughty girl, so I will let you go."

She, the magistrate, was spanked in front of so many people, and she was so ashamed and angry that she burst into tears and cursed at Liu Xu.

It wasn't until Xiaopi got hit on his butt a few more times that he finally realized that the situation was stronger than others, and cried out in a low voice, "I'm a savage girl, I'm a savage girl...".


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1191 Go forward find the smoke...

"For the sake of being so obedient, I will let you go this time." Seeing her subdued, Liu Xu also lost the mind to care about such a little girl.

As she said that, the hands holding her across her body suddenly loosened, and Lu Xiuniang's body lost its support, and she fell straight to the ground.

Lu Xiuniang yelled, her ass fell into petals, but she was ashamed and angry, unable to speak, she pointed at Liu Xu and said, "You, you, you..." You kept on talking for a long time, but still didn't dare to do anything.

Lu Xiuniang stood up, supported her waist with one hand, and her small buttocks that fell so badly with the other.

She ignored the servants on the ground and left in a hurry.

Today, I will be humiliated, Lu Xiuniang thought angrily in her heart: "You villain, don't let Miss Ben meet you again. Otherwise, I will ask Dad to find someone to teach you."

Seeing Lu Xiuniang leaving with teary eyes, Liu Xu seemed to have fallen hard.

"Uh... did I go too far?"

Liu Xu scratched his head, but thinking about Lu Xiuniang's domineering behavior just now, this kind of punishment is still for the court to relieve hatred. Didn't you see that everyone around worshiped him like a hero?

Not only punishing the unruly girl but also gaining the admiration of everyone, it really kills two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone.

Liu Xu never looked carefully, the people around him were not admiring, but they were all looking at him like a madman!

This guy is desperate to bully his precious daughter in such a way on the territory of the magistrate?

At this time, the shop waiter walked up to Liu Xu, and said flatteringly, "Master, you haven't eaten yet, I'll serve you a new table..."

The shop waiter changed a table for Liu Xu, and he sat next to the window again, enjoying the fine wine provided by the hotel comfortably.

Just when Liu Xu drank half of a pot of wine and was half full, the big men on the ground also had the strength to get up.

They all looked at Liu Xu as if they were watching a plague god, and ran out of the hotel in a hurry.

Liu Xu didn't care about the small characters until the time when the food was almost finished, there was a commotion on the street, and fifteen or six arresters in uniforms, with big knives tied around their waists, rushed into the lobby of the hotel aggressively .

The guests of the hotel were all sticking to the wall, bypassing these people and running out as if fleeing, and the hotel staff also hid in fear.

Those police officers looked around and fixed their eyes on Liu Xu's direction. Now he is the only one left in the whole hall.

A leading arrester waved at a fat man in bright clothes behind him with one hand.

"Boss Zhu, the one who caused trouble in your hotel and boldly molested a good woman, the prefect's daughter, is he?"

As he spoke, he pointed to Liu Xu with his finger.

The fat Boss Zhu jumped out quickly, and said to the waiter on the ground, "Why don't you come over and point out that daring criminal to Butou Wu!"

The waiter in the shop was already in high spirits when he saw these people coming in, how could he still be as flattering as before!

He jumped up and rushed to Boss Zhu and Butou Wu, and he was no longer as respectful as he was to Liu Xu just now.

The shop waiter put one hand on his hip, pointed at Liu Xu with the other, and said to Wu Butou: "It's this thief who just treated the magistrate's daughter, Miss Lv, unreasonably. Delay this villain here, support the arrival of the great Wu Butou, and hand him over to the Butou lord."

While he was talking, he kept jumping up and down, as if Boss Zhu was showing how hard and brave he was just now with Boss Wu.

"That's right, Boss Zhu, I will report your contribution to the magistrate."

"Hehe, thank you so much for Catcher Wu, thank you Catcher Wu!" The fat boss kept making edits to the chief hunter, and then said to the waiter: "You did a good job this time, I plan to spend your salary doubled."

Liu Xu was taken aback. It turned out that the reason why the hotel kept him and treated him well was because they were afraid that after he left, the officials from the government would not be able to find him and would take revenge on them. This was to keep Liu Xu Waiting to hand it over to the government!

This not only relieved the crisis of his own hotel, but also got a little relationship with the magistrate.

It really kills two birds with one stone.

Liu Xu's face turned cold, and he said gloomily to the policeman and the waiter on the opposite side: "How dare you play tricks on me...

Seeing his gloomy expression, the store waiter and Boss Zhu were both startled, but they couldn't help but feel more courageous when they thought that there were more than a dozen big men with knives behind them.

Wu Butou raised his head to face Liu Xu, and shouted loudly: "The kid on the other side, hurry up and catch him!"

"Fuck you! Catch me if you have the ability, a bunch of trash, what else do you do besides flattering your boss and bullying the common people? You have wasted the honorable title of police uncle."

"Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?"

Although I didn't understand what Liu Xu meant by the police uncle, but I could tell from his expression that he was definitely not praising them.


A policeman who was very close to Liu Xu cursed angrily and wanted to come over and slap Liu Xu.


The waiter in the shop knew how powerful Liu Xu was, so he couldn't help reminding the policeman.

But the catcher wanted to teach Liu Xu a lesson so that he could show off in front of the big guy, so he wouldn't care what the waiter said.

Go forward bravely... to find a smoke.



The other policemen turned pale with shock, only to see the young man on the opposite side casually flicking his sleeves, and quickly touched the fussy policeman with his arm.

They saw the fugitive catcher vomit blood again and again, and flew back sideways towards them. He didn't stop after smashing a companion, and didn't fall from the air until he flew a few meters away.

Seeing the signs of bumps in his mouth, everyone knew that this guy, even if he didn't die, he only had half his life left.

Needless to say, the companion who was implicated by him fell into a coma completely.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1192 The seven eccentrics in the south of the Yangtze River are silly Guo Jing, charming and charming Han Xiaoying


It was so powerful to see Liu Xu's random strike.

The catchers, including the leader Wu Butou, all gasped.

The faces of the waiter and the fat boss turned blue.

"The idea is tricky, let's go together."

Butou Wu reacted first, shouted to boost morale, pulled out the knife on his waist, and rushed towards Liu Xu.

The arresters in Changde's mansion are usually the ones who show off their power, but they have never been bullied like this. When the boss came up, several other people also drew their steel knives and rushed over.

Luckily they thought, no matter how powerful Liu Xu is, he is still only one person, and he doesn't have a weapon in his hand. As long as everyone fights together, are they afraid that they won't be able to take him down?

"Are you a fast catcher, or a bandit!" Liu Xu laughed in his heart, and couldn't help but said, "Or is it a common language for officials and gangsters to be tricky?"

Seeing them attacking him recklessly, Liu Xu naturally wouldn't be polite, and beat down these guys who usually only know how to bully others.

When the difference in strength is too large, unless there is an absolute number, there is not much difference between one catcher and a dozen catchers.

Seeing Liu Xu walking towards the two of them step by step, the waiter and Boss Zhu fell to their knees on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "My lord, we were wrong, we..."

Before they finished speaking, they were slapped by Liu Xu alone, and when they were about to teach them a lesson...

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