"Your Excellency, stop!" A woman's voice came from the hotel entrance.

Liu Xu looked back and found a strange combination of seven men and women with unique looks and costumes, walking in from the door.

It was the woman on the right who made the sound, and asked Liu Xu why he knew, because there was only such a woman among the seven people, and she was the only one who seemed normal to him.

The leader was a blind man with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, dressed in rags, holding a black iron staff, looking fierce.

Next to him was a guy who looked like a scholar, his whole body was sloppy, and he was shaking a torn paper fan.

Among the others, one guy has a big distilled nose, the other looks stunned, the other looks like a profiteer, and the other is a honest and stupid boy.

"My mother, among these guys, only the beauty is normal. Such an obvious combination must be the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Guo Jing." Liu Xu nodded secretly.

"Who is your Excellency? You actually committed murder here in broad daylight." The blind man in the middle spoke.

As he said that, he also lowered the iron rod in his hand to the ground.

"I said which eye of yours saw me commit the crime? Don't talk nonsense if you didn't see it, or I will sue you for defamation."

Seeing that he blamed himself as soon as he came up, Liu Xu immediately felt upset. I didn't offend you.

When watching Shooting the Condors, although Liu Xu didn't like the Quanzhen Seven Sons, he didn't dislike them at all.

Although Qiu Chuji acted recklessly, he was worthy of the word "hero".

Ahem, those stinky old men who bullied Xiaolongnv in The Condor don't count.

But for the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, apart from Han Xiaoying (beauty advantage), I really can't find any reason not to dislike them, so they are not polite.

As soon as Ke Zhen'e heard Liu Xu's words, he immediately became angry.

As the saying goes, don’t tell anyone you are wrong. Ke Zhen’e is a blind person. Liu Xu’s sentence “Which eye of yours saw me commit the crime? If you didn’t see it, don’t talk nonsense…” and scolded him face to face. Blind man, there is not much difference anymore.

He pointed at Liu Xu angrily and tremblingly said, "You...you..."

Guo Jing jumped out suddenly at this time, and said angrily: "This big brother, how can you insult my master."


Liu Xu rolled his eyes, this guy is really a bit stupid, clamoring to avenge his master, and calling me big brother.

Looking at this stupid big-eyed, big-eyed and enviably lucky guy, Liu Xu felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, Liu Xu still likes this silly boy who has been thoroughly brainwashed by loyalty, filial piety and righteousness. Besides, he is also planning to rob his wife in the original book, and if he beats him up now, he will not become a villain.

Liu Xu is now the prince of the Great Song Dynasty, so he naturally intends to make friends with this stupid Guo Jing and let him lead troops to fight against the Great Jin and Mongolia as free fighters!

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, clasped his fists at Guo Jing and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, and said, "The boy was being unreasonable before. When I saw you come in just now, I thought I was with these people on the ground, so I offended you a lot." , but now, if you take a closer look at a few of them, all of them are full of righteousness, which is admirable, and it's just a brat who is reckless!"

Everyone likes to hear good words, especially the Jiangnan Seven Monsters who value their reputation very much. After hearing Liu Xu's words, they all straightened their backs.

"It turns out that we have such a heroic temperament!"

The hostility in Guo Jing's eyes also gradually faded away. He was an upright person in the first place. If people treated him badly, he had to treat them well. What's more, Liu Xu is now apologizing to them sincerely!

The monsters, including Ke Zhen'e, were still very unhappy, but their faces looked much better, and they didn't feel like they were about to pounce on Liu Xu just now.

They pride themselves on being chivalrous, and they are really embarrassed to rush over to fight Liu Xu now.

Only Han Xiaoying looked at him and snorted coldly, and said, "You insulted my elder brother, can you just rely on your words?"

Han Xiaoying's thirties are a woman's prime time, living in the desert for sixteen years, not only did not reduce her charm, but added a mature and charming Fengyun.

Although she is not as beautiful and tender as Lin Yu's daughters, but Han Xiaoying's maturity and calmness after a long period of time are beyond the reach of the girls at this time.


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Chapter 1193 Jade bee jelly, brothers

When Zhang Asheng died, Han Xiaoying had already promised to marry into the Zhang family and stay with him all her life. Since then, she has never been tempted by any man.

For a young and beautiful woman who is so dedicated and dedicated, is there any man in the world who would disrespect her?Not tempted?

It's a pity that the woman who worked hard all her life didn't get the reward she deserved, and finally died at the hands of Yang Kang and Xi Du, it's really pitiful.

This woman didn't appear many times in the original book. Every time Liu Xu saw her description, she felt that her fate was too miserable.

If on Peach Blossom Island, the one who survived was not the ruthless blind Ke, but the beautiful Han Qixia, maybe the ending would be much better?

Liu Xu's dislike for the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River was mainly brought about by Ke Zhen'e, especially when he thought of his bullying of Yang Guo in the Condor of the Gods and Huang Rong in the original work of Shooting the Condors.

But now Huang Rong hasn't met Guo Jing yet, Yang Guo's mother is still a big girl, and besides, Mu Nianci has already been booked by him, so there will be no Yang Guo in the future, if there is one, it will be Liu Guo.

Ah bah, there is nothing wrong with it!

But yes, if he and Mu Nianci have a son in the future, what name should they choose?

Immediately ignoring Han Xiaoying's indifference, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Yes, yes, yes, girl, you are right, I was negligent, of course we can't just let it go."

As he spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket - jade bee jelly.

Passing it to Guo Jing who was standing there stupidly, Liu Xu said, "Here is a bottle of miracle medicine for healing. It is not easy for a few heroes to walk in the rivers and lakes, so let's take it as a companion for everyone!"

Ke Zhen'e, who had already recovered his breath and stood up, slapped his iron rod, and said in a somewhat aggressive tone: "Hmph! You don't have to be like this, no matter how bad the old blind man is, he still won't let a stranger deliver medicine, Your Excellency Kindness can only be appreciated!"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes in his heart, he was really self-indulgent, and the young master didn't say that it's for you, and it's none of the young master's business if you die.

If it wasn't for Guo Jing and Han Meiren, the devil would ignore you!

Since you don't want it, I don't want to give it to you!

Thinking about it, Liu Xu was about to put away the medicine.

But he didn't expect that Han Xiaoying walked towards him directly, and Shen Chuan snatched the medicine from his hand.

She stared at her beautiful eyes, and said to Liu Xu with a cold face: "If you give it, I will give it. If you don't want it, I will take it."

Then he returned to Ke Zhen'e's side and handed the medicine to him.

Liu Xu shouted in his heart: "Dizzy, why does this beauty look like she has taken gunpowder? Could it be that I owe you in my previous life?"

At this moment, Ke Zhen'e, Zhu Cong, Han Baoju and the others all had weird expressions on their faces, looking at Han Xiaoying who seemed different from usual.

"Little sister, you..."

"Ah..." Looking at the gazes around her, Han Xiaoying's face turned red, "What happened to me just now? Why did I somehow grab something from that guy? Why did I feel so angry when I saw that guy?" ?" Han Xiaoying quickly found the reason for her strange behavior just now, "By the way, it was the way that guy looked at me...Damn it, what kind of eyes are you? Poor, pitiful, loving and possessive, seeing you That look is disgusting, when will I, Han Xiaoying, be pitiful to you, an unknown brat."

"Hehehe...Young lady is really temperamental, I really admire her."

Liu Xu's words eased the embarrassment of Han Xiaoying and the others, and made the six monsters look more friendly to him.

"Looking at the extraordinary appearance of everyone, you are definitely not unknown people. I wonder if you can tell me your name so that I can make friends with you."

Hearing Liu Xu's question, the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River cheered up and reported their names one after another.

Although he knew their identities earlier, Liu Xu still pretended to be shocked, and said with admiration: "Oh! It turns out that you are the Jiangnan Seven Heroes who shocked the martial arts more than ten years ago. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Ke Zhen'e looked complacent, shook his head and said: "We are so powerful in martial arts, I really don't dare to be a master. I don't know who the master of Shaoxia is... Maybe I still know him."

"Fuck, I'll pretend to be a senior in front of my young master by complimenting you." Liu Xu slandered Ke Zhen'e in his heart.

He learned Wang Chongyang's innate skills, does this count as his disciple?

And the people in the Quanzhen sect are not very good, but the Quanzhen sect is the largest sect at this time, with countless disciples, if you use your innate skills to recognize those cheap seniors, you should be able to recruit them into the group and help everyone Song.

Moreover, Liu Xu told his cheap emperor brother Song Lizong before that he had a master, and this Wang Chongyang couldn't be more suitable. He has been trying to fight against gold, and he is the best in the world.

Then he "unintentionally" revealed that he admired Yang Jiajun, General Yang Zaixing, Liangshan heroes and Guo Sheng. Sure enough, when Guo Jing and prawn heard it, tears and snot came out of excitement. It is not allowed to sworn brothers.

Liu Xu also took advantage of the opportunity to recognize him as the second brother, and said happily in his heart: "Oh! Another shield, with Guo Jing's character, if he needs anything in the future, he will definitely be the first one.

Liu Xu kicked the shop waiter who was lying on the ground up, and ordered him to serve food and wine on the table, and entertained his second brother who had just met.


The black clothes in the dark night are not very conspicuous under the light of the arc moon.

Liu Xu, who walked around like a mouse, sneaked to the corner of the wall of the magistrate's mansion, and jumped into the courtyard wall.

Liu Xu, who had just separated from Guo Jing and the others, was so energetic that he couldn't sleep. He remembered that he had been made things difficult by this so-called magistrate in the morning, so he decided to take a little revenge.

"Hey hey hey, today I'm the hero Liu Xu, and I'm here to be the bandit commander of Chu, to rob the rich and help the poor." Liu Xu said to himself: "Anyway, judging by the arrogant appearance of your daughter and subordinates, you should be nothing Good officer..."


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1194 The strange man Yizhimei, the handsome thief Ye Liuxiang

At this time, the night was dark and there was no wind in the courtyard. The number of guards in the entire courtyard was not as small as Liu Xu imagined. Perhaps it was because he had done too many unscrupulous things as an official and was afraid of reprisals!

Liu Xu didn't have the time to guess so much right now, so he flipped through the pages and couldn't find a specific answer after wandering around for a long time.

He cursed inwardly: "Are all courtyards built so big in ancient times? I'm not afraid that I won't be able to hold back when I go to the toilet and I'll pull it in my trouser pocket in front of the latrine."

At that moment, Liu Xu grabbed a guard who was hanging behind, quickly hit his dumb acupoint, and dragged him to a corner.

Liu Xu said viciously: "You have the right to remain silent now, what you say will be regarded as... Ah bah! What am I talking about! Anyway, you don't have to speak now, just follow my instructions, and I will forgive you, young master." Your life!"

After all, he will grab the guard's neck with one hand and say to go to the prefect's dormitory and let him lead the way.

Maybe the guard was used to Liu Xu, who came to assassinate officials, and didn't care. Anyway, some of those who came to assassinate succeeded in the end.

Even if it succeeds, it has nothing to do with him, anyway, it is the prefect who died.

He didn't refuse at the moment, to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, just follow what Liu Xu said, and lead the way honestly.

There was no danger along the way, and the guard took Liu Xu outside a very gorgeous house. Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Liu Xu, without saying a word, used his hand as a knife, and slashed heavily on the guard's neck. The guard fell to the ground with a muffled grunt.

Leaving the guards behind the rockery beside the wall, Liu Xu didn't just hit the door and enter the house, but touched his chin, strolled around the outside of the house, and then jumped up to the roof to check.

After coming down, Liu Xu smiled slightly, as if he had gained something, but he was surprised that there was no one in the room.

Do you know that this hero is coming today, so you dare not stay in your own home?

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