To be a thief is to act like a thief. Liu Xu didn't rely on his martial arts prowess, so he wanted to go in directly through the main entrance, but came to the window.

He used his internal force to break the inner latch of the window, and seeing that everything was settled, he directly jumped in through the window.

Liu Xu knocked and tapped in every corner of the room, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and picked up and put down all the items on the closet one by one.

"The secret room! The secret room! There must be a secret room here."

The ground inside this house is obviously much smaller than the area occupied by the outside. Obviously, this house has a mezzanine. Liu Xu jumped up and down just now, and he discovered it earlier.

"Aha! Found it!"

Liu Xu touched a wall with an obvious bump.

He pressed hard, and then there was a creaking sound of the mechanism, and the sound of the closet being removed, revealing a hole for people to pass through.

"Haha, this secret room is really bad. If the secret room is underground, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for me to find it. It seems that the magistrate is as stupid as his daughter. I'm going to hunt for treasure!"

The entrance of the secret room is built like jade, and it is very neatly built.

Liu Xu bent over and walked in. There were all kinds of treasures and sharp weapons, gold, silver and jewelry, antiques and famous paintings.

"Uh, there's nothing too fun!"

Seeing that the things in the secret room were all these ordinary things, Liu Xu was a little disappointed, but based on the idea of ​​not taking it for nothing, he still took all the things he could see, and the Zhuxian sword did not have the ancient blue mountain sword It is similar to the function of a contract, but it has an extra storage space.

Suddenly, Liu Xu's heart moved, and he used the Zhuxian sword to carve "Weird Man Yizhimei" on the wall before he slapped his ass and left.

After leaving the government office, Liu Xu wanted to laugh just thinking about it. He didn't know what expression the magistrate would have when he saw it.

Liu Xu thought evilly in his heart: "If you see that your treasure house is now empty by thieves, I'm afraid you will immediately vomit three liters of blood, right?"

"There are thieves! Come here! There are thieves! Miss has been taken away."

Not long after Liu Xu walked out of the study, a terrified voice sounded.

You can tell from the sound that it must have come from a maid.

Liu Xu, who had just heard this shout, started running out in a panic without even thinking about it. Probably this is the so-called guilty conscience!

But not long after running, Liu Xu stopped again.

He patted his head and said to himself: "No, why am I running? She is calling a prostitute, not a thief. Even if it is a thief, am I still afraid? There are dozens of guards in this mansion. No?"

Only then did Liu Xu realize that he is a master of martial arts!

"Hey, besides me, is there anyone else who came to the magistrate's place like me today? Miss Huan was arrested, so it couldn't be that unruly girl in the morning, right? Go and have a look."

Thinking about it, Liu Xu ran towards the place where the sound came from. Sometimes, he was really curious.

After running for a while, I saw a group of people chasing after two young men in white clothes carrying a large cloth bag.

Those two white-clothed men obviously knew some lightness skills, even if they were carrying a big cloth bag, they still almost got rid of the guards who were chasing them very quickly.

Liu Xu used lightness kung fu and hung far behind them.

Soon, he left the magistrate's mansion.

Seeing that those guards were almost dumped, they should not catch up again.

Liu Xu accelerated suddenly, and immediately stood in front of the two young men in white clothes.

Seeing the two people looking at him warily, Liu Xu hurriedly coughed, and said, "In broad daylight... Cough, under the black light and the blind fire, do you still have the law in your eyes to do this thing of robbing the women of the people? I, Liu Xu Today, you and other unrighteous people must be severely punished."

After all, he went to court, ready to see the two men in white begging for mercy on their knees.

But from the corner of his eyes, he saw the two of them looking at him like an idiot, mixed with disdain, ridicule and other colors.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen a hero save the beauty? I gave you the nickname Bandit Commander Ye Liuxiang. For a hero like me, it's normal to do this!" Liu Xu saw the effect of his appearance It looks like it has achieved the expected goal, and said with a heart full of displeasure.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1195 Robbing the beautiful apprentice, the young master Ouyang Ke

"Where did you come from, wild boy, get out of here now, don't disturb the young masters' work, or don't blame me for being rude." One of the young men in white said with a crisp voice.

"Hey! Why is the voice so weird? You are not psychopaths, are you?" Liu Xu looked at them with surprise and contempt.


"Hmph, lifeless thing." A young man in white yelled, drew out the saber on his waist, and slashed at Liu Xu.

Although they didn't understand the meaning of psychopath and transvestite, they could tell from Liu Xu's expression that what he said was not good.

"Hey! Martial arts are not weak, but... hmph, I don't know who is reckless?"

As soon as Liu Xu saw these two people, he had already judged their strength, so he was so confident.

The innate skill was running, and when the opponent's sword was piercing in front of his eyes, Liu Xu clamped the sword of the young man in white with two fingers, and his internal force was transported to the two fingers for a twist.

With a sound of "Dang", the three-foot green front of the young man in white snapped off inch by inch.

"Pfft" spit out a mouthful of blood, and the hand holding the sword burst open and trembled.

Seeing that his companion was knocked down, another young man also put down the big cloth bag on his back and attacked Liu Xu, but he was also repelled by his blow, suffered internal injuries, and collapsed on the ground.

After knocking down the two of them, Liu Xu didn't open the big cloth bag immediately, but walked in front of a young man in white who was so painful that he couldn't speak.

Liu Xu squatted down, touched the opponent's left and right with his hands, and then squeezed his hands a few times, muttering in his mouth: "What a strong moon muscle, just now I I'm a little suspicious, could it be that you are...hehe..."

After laughing a few times, Liu Xu's face suddenly changed into righteousness, and he said, "I hate thieves the most in my life. Once I meet me, I will use it. I will use my seductive claws to punish him severely. Accept the move." !"

Liu Xu's hands were grasping, and he touched the crotch of the young man in white.

"Hey! Why didn't you? It really surprised me! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that you have been eunuched before."

With a "poof", the young man in white who was molested by Liu Xu, oh, no, it should be said to be a woman in white who disguised herself as a man, couldn't stand someone's shamelessness anymore, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

"It's boring, just tease it." Liu Xu said heartlessly when he saw the unconscious woman A.

Then, he smiled and walked towards another woman B.

Liu Xu squinted and said with a smile: "Hey hey...Little sister, why are you pretending to be a man? Now answer a few questions from me obediently, or I will force you to slap you."

However, this woman B is obviously a little different from the unconscious woman A. After hearing Liu Xu's words, her expression of a little panic turned into an incomparably lewd expression. She naturally moved her injured body and slowly stuck it up. Hee hee coquettishly said with a smile: "My lord, if you want me to take it, why use force? Seeing how powerful you are, this is what I wish for!"

Hey, why are you so cheap?

Not fun!

At first, he thought that he would be the same as the woman A who passed out, but Liu Xu found out that he was wasting his expression.

In an instant, his expression turned cold, and Liu Xu said in a serious voice: "The joke is over, now I will ask you a few questions, answer them well, and keep you safe, otherwise you will have to taste what it is like not being able to survive or not being able to die."

Woman B was knocked inexplicably, didn't I cater to you according to your needs?Why don't you want it again?

Although he thought so in his heart, seeing Liu Xu's eyes that seemed to kill someone, he nodded in fear.

"Who are you, why do you want to disguise yourself as a man and become a prostitute?"

Woman B hurriedly said: "We are collecting beautiful apprentices for the young master."


Liu Xu frowned and asked doubtfully, "Is your young master's name Ouyang Ke?"

Woman B was startled, and blurted out: "How do you know?"

Seeing that he guessed right, Liu Xu glared, and said again: "Don't worry about how I know, forget it, for the sake of you guys being women, this young master will spare you this time, and put That little girl stays, and if she comes to provoke this young master next time, I don't mind destroying her with her hands."

After the two flower pickers left, the big cloth bag not far from Liu Xu rolled around on the ground, and the voice of the prefect Lu Xiuniang came from inside.

"Wooooow, let me out, let me out... Which dog slave would dare to do this to Miss Ben?"

Lu Xiuniang was still savage as usual, as if she had no idea that if it wasn't for Liu Xu, she would have become a little lamb in others' mouths.

Liu Xu smiled, it really was that unruly girl, it seems that she has woken up, and I really have a destiny with her!

If you come to her house to be a chivalrous man who robs the rich and helps the poor, you can always come to a hero to save the beauty.

"Okay, stop arguing, I'll let you out now."

Hearing Liu Xu's voice, Lu Xiuniang in the big cloth bag was silent for a while, and then immediately screamed again and again.

She still remembers the voice of Liu Xu, the villain who bullied her during the day!

A few hours ago, Lu Xiuniang was still gnashing her teeth thinking about how to get revenge on him!

Is it better to cramp or peel?


"It's you scoundrel! are you doing to arrest me? You are indeed a prostitute. Help, help!"

Liu Xu was disturbed by her lion's roar that still exceeded [-] decibels in the bag, and couldn't help yelling at her in the bag: "Shut up, you girl, if you keep making noise, I will let you go forever!" You just stay inside."

Lu Xiuniang, who was suppressed by Liu Xu's power, was still very sensible, and immediately covered her mouth tightly in the big cloth bag, she didn't want to stay in it for a moment.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1196 Flower picker, kiss the little mouth

Liu Xu pressed the big cloth bag with both hands, and felt two soft bags, and he squeezed it involuntarily.

"Hey! What is this? Forget it, don't worry about it, let's let this girl out first."

Liu Xu spit out his internal energy, and the big cloth bag split into two halves with a hiss.

As soon as Lu Xiuniang took out the big cloth bag, she stared at Liu Xu desperately with her beautiful eyes, with an indescribable bitterness and deep hatred in her eyes.

Then she immediately became restless and punched and kicked Liu Xu, as if she wanted to fight him desperately.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Liu Xu grabbed two pink fists and said, "What's wrong with you?"

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