Miss Lu Xiuniang struggled hard, seeing that she couldn't get rid of Liu Xu, she glared at him with a blushing face and said, "You villain, how dare you grab Miss Ben."

Hearing what Lu Xiuniang said, Liu Xu thought of those two balls of soft buns, and then glanced at the unruly girl's plump body that had just taken shape, and understood why she did it with herself for no reason.

"You girl is really unreasonable. This hero worked so hard to save you from the thieves. I accidentally attacked you for a while. What's the big deal?" Liu Xu quickly touched Lu Xiuniang's acupuncture points , he didn't want this little wild cat to jump on him and act wildly, "I didn't mean it, at worst, I'll let you touch it back."

As he spoke, he courted Ting Yuexiong to Lu Xiuniang's little girl.

"You are shameless!" Lu Xiuniang immediately retorted after hearing Liu Xu's words: "You are talking nonsense, you are obviously a prostitute, and you are the one who arrested me."

"Damn, I'm the hero who saved you, when did I become a prostitute?"

"You are a prostitute, you are the one who caught me here while I was sleeping."

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not……"

The two became entangled in the question of whether Liu Xu was a hero or a prostitute.

After arguing for a long time, the two began to stare at each other again.

Suddenly, Liu Xu smiled strangely, and said, "Forget it! Why do I have nothing to argue with you, a little girl? Let's be a thief! You can say whatever you want."

Lu Xiuniang thought she had won, so she calmed down Liu Xu, her little face turned up and she became smug, she raised her chin, and snorted, "It's good that you know."

"Hey hey, since you think I'm a prostitute, then I'll show you a prostitute."

After all, Liu Xuxiong bent over and picked up Lu Xiuniang, walked a few steps to the side, lifted her shoulders, and threw her on the grass.

Lu Xiuniang was shocked, and her voice was full of fear: "You...what do you want to do?"

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "At this time, the moon is dark and the wind is high, you and I are alone in this remote place, and I am a prostitute, what else do you think I can do? Hahahaha!"

"Ah! Don't! Help! Ah!"

Obviously Lu Xiuniang thought of that possibility, her little face turned pale with fright.

Seeing Lu Xiuniang screaming in shock, Liu Xu felt amused, this girl is really nervous, and only now did she understand her situation.

At the moment, he continued to scare her and said: "Little beauty, you can just scream, even if you scream your throat, no one will pay attention to you, just obey me!"

"Wow, daddy, mother...wow..." Lu Xiuniang cried in fright at Liu Xu's obscene appearance, and kept calling her parents.

Liu Xu saw how pitiful she was crying, and she was no longer as savage as before, and felt that she had had enough fun, and said in a moment of boredom: "What are you thinking! Little girl, why are you full of such thoughts? I don’t have that kind of interest in you again. Your acupoints will be unlocked automatically after a cup of tea, you can enjoy the wonderful night here! Brother, I’m leaving, don’t miss me!”

After all, he was going to leave, but with Liu Xu's personality, he still couldn't take advantage of it, he had to take some of it.

Liu Xu quickly stamped on Lu Xiuniang's little mouth, and then really left.

"Bastard! Thief! Big bastard! Ghosts will miss you! I won't let you go!"

Knowing that she should not lose her chastity, Lu Xiuniang immediately returned to her original savage appearance, and stopped crying. The penetrating power of her voice was so strong that Liu Xu, who was [-] meters away from the earthquake, almost fell over.

Then, she remembered the moment just now, her face became hot, and her little heart put Liu Xu on the blacklist even more.

It has been three days since we left Ganshui City. Liu Xu is now leisurely walking in the woods beside the avenue. At this time, he thought in his heart: "I'm going to Shangjing soon, do you want to be the commander of Chu bandits again?" What? This is a country’s treasury, it shouldn’t be less than Duke Yang’s treasury! Originally in Lin’an, I was too embarrassed to do it because it was my own treasury, so it doesn’t matter if it’s from the Kingdom of Jin! Okay, that’s the decision.”

Thinking, he quickened his pace and continued on the road.

Three days later, at [-]:[-] p.m. in Shangjingzi (around [-]:[-] p.m.), in an inconspicuous place, I saw a man in black borrowing strength on the outer wall of the palace a few times, and then easily entered In the palace.

Needless to say, the one who was able to enter the palace so easily was of course Liu Xu.

"The Kingdom of Jin is too relaxed now!" Liu Xu thought while walking swaggeringly in the palace, "The defense of the palace is so lax, no wonder it will be killed by Mongolia in the end."

The reason why he thought so was not because he was nitpicking, but because, until now, Liu Xu hadn't even met a single patrolling person.

But it was true that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were coming. Just when Liu Xu lamented that the palace's defenses were weak, he heard footsteps from a distance.

After hearing footsteps, Liu Xu quickly hid in an inconspicuous place.

Not long after Liu Xu just hid, he saw two generals walking over with a pair of patrol soldiers from around the corner.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1197 Jin Kingdom Palace, met another accomplice?

"Third brother, have you heard?" One of the two generals said to the other: "A few days ago, Temujin seems to have presented another batch of rare treasures to the emperor."

"Second brother, you look down on me too much! This happened a few days ago, how could I not know." The third child said while rolling his eyes at the second child.

"Hehe, then you must not know the next one." As he said that, the second child looked around, and then whispered to the third child, "I guess, the emperor's treasure house must be in the study."

"Tch, everyone in the palace knows this news. Second brother, don't keep something that others know as a secret." Hearing what the second child said, the third child said with a dull face.

"How do you say that?" Hearing what the third child said, the second child asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Who in the entire palace doesn't know that whenever someone pays tribute to something good, the emperor will definitely stay in the study until after Haishi (that is, after eleven o'clock in the evening), so anyone with a little brain knows that it is the emperor who is here. Appreciate the treasures in the study." The third child said to the second child angrily: "Don't you think that the emperor stayed in the study for so long, it would be a memorial? (It seems that the emperor of Jin Kingdom is not a good emperor)"

After the second child heard what he said, he didn't say anything, and walked forward with a face full of embarrassment.

He would never have thought that what he thought was a secret would turn out to be a well-known matter in the palace.

But the two generals and the pair of listless patrol soldiers who had already walked a long way did not notice that there were only [-] patrol soldiers, but now there were only [-] left.

When the two generals led the pair of patrol soldiers out of Liu Xu's sight, Liu Xu came out from his hiding place, and in his hand was a patrol soldier who was terrified but unable to move.

Liu Xu whispered to the patrolling soldier: "After I unlock your acupoints, you'd better keep quiet, or I'll kill you, you know?"

After seeing the patrolling soldier nodding, Liu Xu unlocked his acupoints.

"The strong man spares his life. The youngest one has an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old baby waiting to be fed. Please, strong man..."

After Liu Xu unlocked the patrolman's acupuncture points, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Why are people arrested doing this, can't they do something else?" Liu Xu rolled his eyes when he heard that, and impatiently Liu Xu interrupted the patrolman, "Okay! Don't talk nonsense to me. .Let me ask you, where is the study?"

The patrolman replied quickly: "As long as you go west, you will see a house in one place, and that is the study."

After finishing speaking, he lost consciousness and was thrown into an inconspicuous corner by Liu Xu.

After Liu Xu walked west for a while, he saw a house built alone in one place, presumably it was a study.

Liu Xu, who came near the study, took out a few small stones from his arms, which he had prepared before entering the palace, and planned to use them to acupoint acupuncture points.

After seeing only a few soldiers guarding the study, Liu Xu thought suspiciously: "Strange, since there is a treasure house here, why are there only these few people guarding it?"

Ahem, if you put a lot of soldiers here, wouldn't it be obvious to others that there are good things here?

This is the so-called virtual is real, real is virtual.

After easily leveling the soldiers outside with small stones, Liu Xu swaggered into the study.

The treasure was found in a secret room, and then it was taken away by Liu Xu.

After collecting the priceless treasures, Liu Xu started to carve words on the wall again, and it looked a bit like a door couplet.

I saw that the first couplet is "to grab your treasure today", the second couplet is "take your life someday", and the horizontal comment is "I want your old life".

It was signed by Bandit Commander Ye Liuxiang, and this nickname was obviously better than Weird Hero, so Liu Xu immediately liked the new and hated the old.

"There are assassins! Come on! There are assassins!"

As soon as Liu Xu left, he heard someone shouting loudly on his back.

And just by the sound, it must have come from the eunuch.

Liu Xu ran away, but the soldiers in the palace didn't chase him, but ran to another place.

Apparently, the so-called assassin was someone else.

"Hey, there are other people who broke into the palace at night, go and have a look." Liu Xu's curiosity was aroused again, but he also wondered, why did he meet his accomplices every time?

Ahead, Liu Xu heard the sound of weapons colliding. Obviously, the assassin and the soldier had already exchanged hands.

When Liu Xu came to the scene, he saw a man in black with a big knife fighting two middle-aged men, and the three men were surrounded by a group of soldiers.

But that group of soldiers didn't go up to attack, because the corpses of dozens of soldiers around them had already proved that they were obviously not the opponents of the man in black, and they just went up to die.

"The two people who besieged the man in black were first-rate in martial arts, and they should also be enshrined by Jin Guo. Well, they fought well. If there is a little bit, they can eat with food, and it will be more comfortable to watch." Liu Xu looked at the faces of the three people. Fighting, thought heartlessly.

This guy didn't understand the situation at all, and he directly regarded this place as a movie theater.

The man in black was wielding a big knife with a murderous look, and he could tell at a glance that he had gone through many battles.

And the two Jin Kingdoms worshiped with swords, but their martial arts were much worse than that of the man in black, and the two of them could only barely suppress the man in black together.


Liu Xu, who was watching the three fighting with relish, suddenly raised his head and looked to the west, because Liu Xu heard the sound of breaking through the air from that direction.

Sure enough, Liu Xu saw a few small black dots rushing towards this side, obviously other priests from the Kingdom of Jin were rushing here.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1198 Centennial Ginseng, Descendants of Yue Fei

After seeing those enshrined from the Kingdom of Jin who rushed over, Liu Xu decided to make a move.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Since the man in black is a friend, he must be saved.

After stepping on the heads of a few soldiers, Liu Xu came up behind a priest who was fighting the man in black, and kicked him without thinking.

"My lord, be careful, the assassin still has accomplices!" After seeing Liu Xu, a guy who looked like a leader shouted to the priest of the Jin Kingdom.

After the priest heard the sound of breaking through the air and the general's call from behind, he immediately dodged to the side, and finally let him narrowly escape Liu Xu's attack.

After seeing that the Jin country priest avoided his attack, Liu Xu didn't bother him, and directly attacked another Jin country priest.

"Let's go!" Liu Xu said to the man in black while attacking another enshrined from the Kingdom of Jin.

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