The little beggar, oh, it should be Huang Rong said: "This kind of small hotel in a poor place, I'm sorry you can't get good things, so that's it, the four kinds of dried fruits are litchi, longan, steamed dates, and ginkgo. You can pick fresh fruits when you choose." New. Salty and sour to make fragrant cherry, peach and ginger plum, I wonder if you can buy it here? Candied fruit? It’s rose kumquat, fragrant medicine Putao, frosted peach sticks, and pear meat, good man.”

The waiter in the shop heard that he was very good at what he said, so he couldn't help but put away his underestimation.

Huang Rong said again: "There are no fresh fish and shrimp here for the appetizers, um, let's have eight so-so dishes!"

The shop waiter asked, "What do you guys like to eat?"

Huang Rong said: "Oh, I can't make it clear if I don't make it clear. The eight dishes for dinner are quail boiled with flowers, fried duck feet, chicken tongue soup, Jiangyao stuffed with deer belly, fried beef tendon with mandarin ducks, shredded chrysanthemum and rabbit, fried deer legs, Ginger vinegar, gold and silver hooves. I only choose what you can cook here, the more expensive dishes, so we will skip it."

The waiter in the shop opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it, and when he finished speaking, he said: "These eight dishes are not cheap, just for duck feet and chicken tongue soup, you have to use dozens of chickens and ducks."

Huang Rong pointed to Liu Xu: "This old man is the host, do you think he can't afford it?"

If Liu Xu heard that he was still not sure that the little beggar in front of him was Huang Rong, he could wipe his neck with a knife.

Seeing the waiter looking at him, as if he really couldn't afford it, Liu Xu hurriedly took out an ingot of gold and put it in front of the waiter, and said, "My, you can do whatever you want."

The waiter in the shop saw this Ding Jinzi's eyes straightened, and replied stupidly: "Of course, of course, the customer is our Bodhisattva!"

After answering, he looked at Liu Xu with a trace of awe, and looked at Huang Rong with more respect.

There was no other reason, but the large amount of gold that Liu Xu took out was enough to buy most of their restaurants.

Seeing her nervously running to prepare the food she mentioned, Huang Rong said to Liu Xu, "Didn't you think you would return the money?"

"Hehe, so-so, as long as you want to eat, girl, I'll buy as much as you want." Liu Xu said with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Huang Rong was taken aback. How do you know I'm a girl?

Of course Liu Xu couldn't say that he watched it from the inside of Shooting Condors, so he pointed to his throat and uttered two words: "Adam's Apple!"

As soon as Huang Rong heard it, she understood that she forgot to cover her neck, so she let herself out.

After she was exposed, apart from the panic at the beginning, she quickly acted like a normal person again, and said with a smile: "You saw it? You're smart! My name is Huang Rong, because you treat me to a big meal." Come on, I can let you call me Ronger like Daddy."

Seeing Huang Rong's innocence, Liu Xu imitated her words and said, "My name is Liu Xu, but because you asked me to call you Rong'er, I will let you call me Brother Liu, or Brother Xu also Yes you can!"

Hearing what he said, if it was a girl from another family, I'm afraid she would have slapped this apprentice with her slender hands, but who is Huang Rong? Evil aura, certain morals in the world's population are simply bullshit in the eyes of Yaoshi Dongxihuang.

The most important thing was that Huang Rong had just entered the arena and was an innocent girl, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with Liu Xu's words. Instead, she felt that his words were straightforward and interesting, and she unconsciously developed a little liking for Liu Xu.

If Liu Xu knew what Huang Rong was thinking, he would have patted himself on the cheek and praised himself: "Love Saint, Love Saint!"

As everyone knows, if it wasn't for Huang Rong, a girl from another family would definitely kick him hard, yell a hooligan, and then slap his ass and leave.

When Xiao Er served the food, the two also chatted in different ways.

During this period, Huang Rong was even thrown out by Liu Xu to make a sharp turn of her brain, and she was played around. This hit Huang Rong who thought she was extremely smart. No matter how smart she was, she would never have thought that there would be so many strange problems in the Internet what!

"Sister Rong'er, where is your home? Why don't you go home? And why are you pretending to be a man?" Liu Xu asked knowingly.

Huang Rong's eyes turned red, and she said, "Daddy doesn't want me anymore!"

Liu Xu said, "Why?"

Huang Rong said: "Daddy locked up a person and never let him go. I saw that person was pitiful, and he was bored alone, so I gave him some good wine and food, and talked with him. Daddy got annoyed and scolded me. , I sneaked out at night."

Liu Xu said: "Your father is afraid to miss you right now! Where's your mother?"

Huang Rong said: "I'm dead, I have no mother since I was a child."

Liu Xu said: "After you have had enough fun, go home."

Huang Rong shed tears and said, "Daddy doesn't want me anymore!"

Liu Xu said: "No."

Huang Rong said, "Then why didn't he come to me?"

Liu Xu said, "Maybe he was looking for it, but he couldn't find it."

Huang Rong laughed through her tears and said, "It's true, then I'll go back after I've had enough fun, but before that, brother Liu, you have to play with me well!"

Liu Xu couldn't wish for it. He just pretended to be a big brother and let Huan go home, just to make her feel that he cared about her more, otherwise the ghost would let her go!

Huang Rong's father had better never find her, so that he could successfully abduct her forever, Liu Xu thought evilly in his heart.

Afterwards, he said to Huang Rong: "Sister Rong'er, don't worry, I'm your brother, so I naturally want to have fun with you, and now you have brother Liu besides your father, as long as I'm here, even if I'm hacked I have spent thousands of knives, shed all the blood on my body, and I will definitely not let you get hurt in the slightest, let alone let anyone bully you..."


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1201 Jin Yong's No. [-] Beauty

Sweet talk is free, Liu Xu's mouth spit out a lot like an AK47, and magnified it countless times, bombing his sister Rong'er.

Although Huang Rong is a ghost, smart and clever, but she is not deeply involved in the world, and she has a girlish heart and doesn't ask why Liu Xu is so kind to her.

She only felt that the brother she recognized today who was not much older than her was a very good person, the person who treated her best besides her father.

Huang Rong was moved by Xi Lihua's heart, and the eyes she looked at Liu Xu became more and more gentle.

Liu Xu looked at the way Sister Rong'er looked at him, and felt so proud!

He sighed in his heart, girls in ancient times were pure and easy to deceive.

"Brother Xu, you are so kind to Rong'er."

"That is, as long as Rong'er is willing, I will treat you well for the rest of my life. By the way, Rong'er, brother doesn't know what you really look like? But I think my sister Rong'er should be a little beauty?"

Huang Rong couldn't comprehend the meaning of Liu Xu's words, she just raised her head, her nose turned up to the sky, and said proudly: "Of course, Rong'er is a very good-looking girl."

Liu Xu nodded secretly, thinking in his heart: "You are the most beautiful woman in Jin Yong's writing, aren't you a good-looking girl and have a reason?"

When Huang Rong saw Liu Xu's appearance, she thought he couldn't believe that she was a good-looking girl, so she thought angrily, "When you see my real face, I will definitely slander you to death."

The two ate, drank and chatted freely. After a long time, only leftovers were left on the table.

They were all full and went downstairs together. When they reached the door of the shop, Liu Xu said to Huang Rong, "Where are you going? How about we go together?"

But Liu Xu knew that Huang Rong must have nowhere to go, so he invited him out.

"Okay!" Huang Rong thought for a while and said, "But I still have something to do. We will meet by the lake ten miles west of the city in two hours."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Liu Xu's consent, she turned and left.

After walking out of the inn, Liu Xu took a stroll around the city, guessing that the appointed time was approaching, so he rushed straight to the appointed place.

Liu Xu walked out of the west gate, let go of his pace, and ran out of the city.

After walking out of the city for nearly ten miles, the water in front of him was glistening. It was a small lake, and there were rows of plum trees beside the lake.

Seeing that the appointed time was still a while away, Liu Xu sat by the lake and waited quietly.

After waiting for a long time, he suddenly heard someone behind him laughing lightly. When he turned his head away, there was a sound of water, and a small boat floated out from the bushes.

I saw a woman at the stern rowing a boat with an oar, with long hair shawl, and a white dress all over her body, with a gold belt tied around her hair.

Seeing that the girl was dressed like a fairy, Liu Xu couldn't help being stunned.

The boat slowly approached, and I saw that the woman was young, only fifteen or sixteen years old, her skin was as fine as snow, she was extremely beautiful, her complexion was gorgeous, dazzling and full of flowers, she couldn't look directly at her.

"Brother Xu, why are you in a daze? Get on the boat!" Huang Rong called out with a smile as she rolled the boat to the shore.

As if discovering her real gender for the first time, Liu Xu pointed at Huang Rong and said in disbelief, "You, who are you?!"

"Finally beat you once!" Huang Rong was overjoyed, and smiled at Liu Xu, "What? You don't know me?"

Said, but also a slight body.

In an instant, it was as if a fairy turned around, shining radiantly, making Liu Xu mesmerized by it.

"Rong'er, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful!" Liu Xu jumped into the boat and held Huang Rong's hand shamelessly.

His heart skipped a beat again, Huang Rong rubbed her hands softly and delicately like flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Brother Xu, you are the only one who treats me well in the whole world." Huang Rong didn't break free from her hands, but just looked at Liu Xu fixedly, with bright eyes, and whispered.

"Where can I treat you well?"

Huang Rong said seriously: "I dress like this, it's not uncommon for you to treat me well. When I was a little beggar, you treated me well, but that was really kind. I know you really treat me well, no matter if I am Male or female, good-looking or ugly! Even if Daddy doesn’t want me anymore, you still want me to follow you, don’t you?”

"That's natural."

Liu Xu smiled lightly, and embraced Huang Rong in his arms.

Huang Rong leaned in Liu Xu's arms, listening to his heartbeat, only felt that happiness was like air, enveloping herself tightly.

Very safe and very reliable.

The two stood on the lone boat, without speaking for a long time, letting the boat float on the lake.

After a long time, Huang Rong broke the silence and said with a smile, "Let me sing a song for you, okay?"

"Okay!" Liu Xu accompanied Huang Rong, sitting on the boat, watching the snow as white as jade and plums as red as rosy clouds.

Huang Rong was hugged by Liu Xu, she turned her head slightly, and a clear voice came out from the bottom of her tongue.

"The geese are frosty and cold. The moon is light and the ice is still thin. The creek is combed. If you want to make powder with fragrance, it is difficult to learn makeup. The jade muscles are thin and weak, and the dragon silk is more important. Lean on the east wind and smile. Yan Ran, look forward to the shame of thousands of flowers falling."

"This is "Rui He Xian" written by Xin Qiji!" Liu Xu's heart was shaking when he heard it, and his mind was intoxicated.

Huang Rong nodded, feeling a sense of confidant in her heart.

If it were the stupid Guo Jing, how would he know this?

"By the way, brother Xu, how are you doing?" Huang Rong suddenly turned her head to look at Liu Xu, she was very proud of her appearance, "Rong'er didn't lie to you! Rong'er is really pretty!"

Liu Xu saw her little nose turned up, and in order to save face, he said, "Sister Rong'er is indeed the prettiest girl my brother has ever seen, but she's not the cutest!"

"Then who is the cutest thing you've ever seen?" Huang Rong really took the bait.

"Come on, let me show you what is cute."

Liu Xuting held the preserved moon hunks and led the way. He brought Huang Rong back to the inn and walked to his room upstairs.

Seeing his mysterious appearance, Huang Rong also followed him.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

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