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Chapter 1202 The Second Beauty in The Legend of the Condor Heroes

As soon as the two of them walked in, the surrounding diners cheated and talked about it.

"Who is this woman?"

"There is such a beautiful woman in the world?"

"Damn boy!"


Only the waiter in the shop didn't say anything, he thought there was nothing wrong with a rich man like Liu Xu having such a beautiful woman by his side.

As soon as she entered the room, Huang Rong saw the little dragon girl who was full and fell asleep on the bed.

Liu Xu picked her up and said to Huang Rong, "How is it?"

Huang Rong saw Liu Xu carrying a baby, and originally wanted to accuse him of cheating, but when she saw the cute appearance of Xiaolongnv, regardless of male, female, old or young, from eight to eighty years old, she couldn't tell. up.

Maternity was rampant, Huang Rong shot Xiaolongnv with a single shot, and both eyes became heart-shaped. She looked even worse than when Liu Xu saw her in women's clothing, which made him feel that he had saved some face.


On the noisy street, a beautiful girl, holding an equally cute baby in her arms, said to the young man behind her, "Brother Xu, let's hurry up. I heard that it was a martial arts contest to recruit relatives. Rong'er looks so tall." I haven't seen it yet!"

The young man behind said: "Got it, Rong'er, please slow down and be careful of Long'er in your arms."

But I was thinking in my heart, wouldn't it be Mu Nianci's part of the martial arts competition to recruit relatives?

It turned out that this pair of people who turned heads on the street was far more than [-] percent, and they were Huang Rong and Liu Xu.

In the past two days, under the double pressure of Liu Xu's emotional attack and Xiao Longnu's cute attack, Huang Rong has already regarded the two of them as her true relatives.

Now Huang Rong has completely become Liu Xu's follower and Xiaolongnu's nanny, and finally let him get rid of the tragic fate of his father.

After a while, they arrived at the scene of the martial arts competition to recruit relatives. They walked into the crowd to look around, and saw a large open space in the middle, with a silk banner planted on the ground, with red flowers on a white background, embroidered with the four golden words "Contest for Marriage Recruitment".

The two people under the flag were fighting lively with fists and kicks, one was a girl in red and the other was a grown man.

Seeing the appearance of the girl in red, Liu Xu was sure that she was Mu Nianci.

Because the girl in red was only slightly inferior to Huang Rong in appearance, he really couldn't think of anyone other than Mu Nianci, the second most beautiful woman in Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Naturally, the big man in the field was not Mu Nianci's opponent, and it didn't take long for her to take down the ring.

The big man was ashamed, got up, and squeezed into the crowd with shame on his face.

The audience cheered and cheered.

Mu Nianci brushed his hair, retreated under the flagpole and whispered a few words to a middle-aged man beside him.

The man nodded, made a four-way bow to everyone, and said in a clear voice: "My surname is Mu Mingyi, from Shandong. Passing through expensive land, firstly, I don't want to get along, and secondly, I don't want to benefit, just because my little girl is old enough. She hasn't got her husband's family yet. She once made a wish that she doesn't want her husband to be rich, but she hopes to be a hero with outstanding martial arts skills, so she went to a martial arts competition to recruit relatives. Anyone who is under [-] years old and has not yet married can win a punch from a little girl I am about to betroth my little daughter to him. My father and daughter have gone through seven roads from south to north, because all the heroes in the section have been married, and the young heroes are rarely willing to look after me, so they have never been married. happy match."

Having said this, there was a pause, and Mu Yi clasped his fists and said, "Beijing is the land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, there must be many high-ranking warriors, and the actions of the subordinates are absurd. Please bear with me."

I saw that Mu Yi had a thick waist and broad shoulders, he was very burly, but his back was slightly hunchbacked, his temples were gray, his face was wrinkled, his expression was very sad, he was wearing a coarse cotton jacket with patches on his trousers.

After Mu Yi confessed, he waited for a while, only to hear some gangsters in the crowd making fun of him, and commenting on the girl, but no one dared to make a move.

He looked up at the sky, seeing the low pressure of the lead cloud, and the stronger north wind, he said to himself: "It seems that there will be a heavy snow in a blink of an eye, alas, the sky is also like this that day..."

Turning around and pulling up the flagpole, just as he was about to roll up the pennant of "Martial Arts Contest and Recruiting Marriage", suddenly someone shouted at the same time from the east and west sides of the crowd: "Wait a minute!"

The two rushed into the circle together.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

It turned out that the person who came in from the east was a fat old man with a thick beard and most of the beard was gray, and he was in his fifties at least.

The one from the west was even more ridiculous, it was a monk with a bald head.

The fat man shouted to the crowd: "What are you laughing at? He competes to recruit relatives, I haven't married yet, can't I compare?"

The monk said with a playful smile: "Old man, even if you win, such a flowery girl, do you want her to be a widow as soon as she passes through the door?"

The fat man said angrily, "Then what are you doing here?"

The monk said, "With such a beautiful wife, I will be a monk right away."

Everyone even laughed out loud.

Mu Nianci's face was angry, his brows were bristling, and he took off the cloak he had just put on, and was about to move forward.

Mu Yi gave his daughter a hand and told her to calm down, before inserting the flagpole into the ground.

Huang Rong beside Liu Xu thought it was funny when she saw this scene at first, she clapped her hands and laughed loudly, jumping up and down, but when she saw the anger on Mu Nianci's face, she seemed to be thinking of something, she turned to Liu Xu angrily and said: " Brother Xu, these two people are so shameless, and they don’t look at their own virtues, look at the big sister, if they win, wouldn’t they put flowers on the cow dung?”

Liu Xu knew that these two tricks were absolutely useless, so he patted his Yuexiong breast and said to his sister Rong'er: "Don't worry, Rong'er, even if they win, I will go up and beat them down, and I will never let the flowers win." Inserted on cow dung, because I know Rong'er doesn't like this kind of thing."

After hearing what he said, Huang Rong thought to herself: "Brother Xu is really kind to me, because of me, I will go on stage and fight."

Her heart is sweet and greasy, a girl's heart, because of someone's shamelessness, she keeps flying towards him.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1203 Save Mu Nianci

Here the monk and the fat man are vying to compete with the young girl first. You say something, and I say something. The idle man on the sidelines laughed and booed: "You two brothers, let's compete first. Who will win?" Who's on!"

The monk said: "Okay, old man, let's play!"

As he said that, he hit the ground with a punch.

The fat man turned his head away and punched back.

The monk uses Shaolin Arhat boxing, and the fat man uses Wuxing boxing, both of which are foreign martial arts.

The monk is tall and low, and his skills are convenient.

That fat man is Chen Xiong with fists and feet, don't look at him as he is old, but his moves are mighty and mighty.

At the end of the fight, the monk leaned forward and went straight.

"Bang bang bang..."

He punched the fat man's waist three times in a row, and the opponent hummed three times in a row, not avoiding the pain, his right fist was raised high, and it came down like a giant hammer, right on the monk's bald head.

The monk couldn't stand it anymore, and sat down on the ground, slightly stunned, suddenly took out the saber from the monk's robe, and swiped the saber at the fat man's calf.

Everyone shouted loudly.

The fat man jumped up to avoid it, stretched out his hand and pulled it from his waist, with the iron whip in his hand, it turned out that both of them had hidden weapons.

In a blink of an eye, the sword came and went, and the sword came and went. The killing was very lively.

Everyone applauded, but couldn't stop stepping back, fearing that the weapon had no eyes and accidentally injured themselves.

"You two, please stop..." After seeing the two fighting, Mu Yi quickly said to them.

I don't know if I didn't hear it or didn't want to hear it, anyway, no matter what Mu Yi said, these two people are still fighting together.

After yelling several times in a row, seeing that the two people still had no intention of stopping, Mu Yi finally made a move.

After Mu Yi came between the two, he first kicked their weapons away with one kick, and then punched each of them in the stomach.

Just like that, the two were defeated by Mu Yi's simple two moves.

After the two were kicked out of the ring, they also ran out in a hurry.

It seems that they also know that they are ashamed.

Seeing that Mu Yi knocked them off the ring so easily, Liu Xu couldn't help being taken aback, because in his memory, he only vaguely remembered that these two were knocked off the ring by Mu Yi.

But Mu Yi took these two people out of the ring with only two moves, which was obviously beyond Liu Xu's expectation.

You know, in Liu Xu's impression, Mu Yi is just a supporting role with extremely weak martial arts, so Liu Xu was a little surprised by Mu Yi's performance.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way..." I saw four people dressed as servants, separated the onlookers in front, and behind them, a handsome young man in a brocade robe came in.

Seeing this arrogant approach, Liu Xu knew that the boy was Yang Kang.

"Is this the girl who recruited relatives in the martial arts competition?" Yang Kang asked Mu Nianci after jumping onto the ring.

"Exactly. I wonder what advice you have?" After hearing Yang Kang's words, Mu Yi said to Yang Kang.

"Is there no one who has won against this girl?" Yang Kang asked Mu Yi.

"My father and daughter, from south to north, have experienced thirteen provinces, and none of them can beat the little girl." After hearing Yang Kang's question, Mu Yi replied: "It must be those high-ranking knights who disdain Let's compete, little girl!"

The young master said: "Then I will try."

Liu Xu saw that this young man was handsome, about eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed in brocade robes, and the clothes were extremely luxurious, and thought: "This boy should be the famous traitor Yang Kang, the father of the Condor Hero, the one who killed Mu The second half of Nian Ci's life was extremely miserable, and the chief culprit who died of illness in the end.

Looking up at the charming Mu Nianci again, Liu Xu thought to himself: "Don't worry, Ms. Mu, your brother Liu Xu will never let you fall into his clutches."

Mu Yi, no, it should be called Yang Tiexin now. He saw that Yang Kang looked like a nobleman among the Jin people. He hated the Jin people very much, so why would he want Yang Kang to marry his daughter, but he was afraid of offending him. He caused trouble with his daughter, so he said: "The villain father and daughter are people in the mountains and wild grass, and they dare not fight with the young master, so let's say goodbye."

Yang Kang said with a smile: "Learn martial arts, click to the end, don't worry, I will never hurt the girl who hurt you."

Turning to the girl, she said with a smile: "Girl, as long as you hit me with a punch, you've won, okay?

Yang Tiexin saw that he must compare with his faceless face, he had no choice but to think: "This young master is spoiled, how can he really have any martial arts? Get rid of him as soon as possible, and we will leave the city now, so as not to cause trouble."

He was about to say yes, but at this moment, a voice interrupted Yang Tiexin's words: "If you want to compete with this girl, you'd better win first and then I'll talk!"

Liu Xu clasped his fists at Yang Tiexin and said, "Can this junior compete with this young master first on stage?

Yang Tiexin and Yang Kang turned their heads and saw that it was a young man who was not very old.

Yang Tiexin originally didn't want his daughter to compare with Yang Kang, but when he saw another boy jumping out, he was very polite and the most important thing was that he was a child of the Han family. Naturally, he couldn't ask for it, and there was no reason to refuse, so he nodded hurriedly. He opened his mouth and said to Liu Xu: "The two gentlemen both think highly of the little girl, so please compare them first.

Yang Kang came to the martial arts competition mainly to show off his martial arts, and he did not refuse when he saw an opponent of his own age.

"Brother Xu, are you going to fight on stage too?"

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